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Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 9:40 pm
by Cyrinn
Dace wrote:I believe that katana was the weapon you recieved if you where a shifter and took the shapechange undead feat in NWN1. You didn't really recieve it as much as it was equipped on you when you changed to the mummy lord. It was probably inlcuded as an easter egg or when the scrapped the Shifter prestige class they forgot to remove it and it got into a merchants sell list. It can be equiped if you have a high UMD skill and exotic weapon proficiency.
I agree with this post on the weapon.
My second guess would be that it's a dev's joke.
I doubt any future class will be added where you can become wholly undead, but I will never say never....
(again :laugh: )
Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 6:21 am
by MrDeodorant
I apologise for the comment about moderators. I didn't fully understand your role on the forums, and I was out of line. I thought you had to be knowledgeable about whatever game the thread is about, but I guess you have a broader, forum-oriented outlook, which I hadn't considered. Sorry.
As for "raking up old material" and trying to "provoke reactions", well, yes and no. Admittedly, it's an old thread, but given that someone has already posted that he agrees (incorrectly) with the other interpretation, clearly it's still a relevant topic. Furthermore, if a thread hasn't been mothballed, it's still up for grabs. I saw a topic I knew about, got irritated that people kept interpreting something the complicated way, and kind of lashed out. It won't happen again.
To reiterate, though, for the new guy, they may have used the katana in that instance, but it isn't an Easter Egg that it's in the game. There have been plenty of examples through NWN 1 and, I hope, in NWN 2, where an item has a racial restriction. This one just happens to be undead, which are unavailable, making it only usable by people with Use Magic Device, which has a function to emulate a race. It's a very old D&D mechanic with lots of precedent.
I think it would be awesome to include a way to become undead, either by becoming a vampire (awesome) or by transforming yourself into a lich (more awesome). It's just a template addition, so it wouldn't be hard to add in, and I hope that someone in the modding community is working on it. This item, however, is not a tell-tale that anything like that is happening.
Sorry for the rudeness, and I hope I cleared up the confusion.