The looping
The romance script was written by someone that should be fired immediately from Bioware. Sometimes Jaheira starts talking to protagonist in random places. She repeats last (or in some cases next) dialogue - and that means only the worst - your romance is looped. Generally the problem is with two timers in game - one is real timer (5 min is 5 min) and game world timer (where 5 min real time it is 1 hour game time). That is the reason why we shouldn't sleep many days in game in aim to receive the next dialogue (DON'T DO IT). From technical point of view the Romance scripts are governed by lovetalk variable assigned for all possibly romance interests (Jaheira, Aerie, Viconia, Anomen). It shows how far you are along in the script. (Jaheira's max lovetalk=70, Aerie's =49, Viconia's=53). In normal case Jaheira's (or other romance interest) dialogues appear after every one hour of real time. But sometimes there other conditions that should be performed to trigger the next dialogue. Sometimes it is enough to leave the current area and in the place of destination she starts talking to you but in some cases everything is different - the prerequisites for next dialogues are connected with Harper quests that operate in game-time. This means as Kordeth said that if Dermin's appear is scheduled to appear X number of days after Y event, it'll happen in 5 real-time minutes if you sit and rest. However, if you aren't already at the lovetalk rating of 53 (which is indicated by "Aach, the dawning our day..." dialogue), you will surely be looped and romance can't be concluded without using CLUAConsole or ShadowKeeper. The looping is usually caused in following moments of romance :
Lovetalk 27
- one cannot encounter bandits to save Jaheira - solution : try to go to Graveyard, Slums, Gates district or outside city, you should encounter some bandits, close to them is poisoned Renfeld that will ask you to bring him to Harper HQ. Do it and not very far from Sea's Bounty Tavern Xzar will appear and ask you to find Montaron, his missing companion who tried to steal in Harper HQ. You will be able to enter to HQ after you kill some weak mages and creatures in one of houses in docks district (guy named Rylock will tell you where is it). Finally Xzar is killed by Harper's assassin. Then you should go outside the city (windspear hills for example) and rest. Next day Bandits group should appear. If not then there is problem. So you could :
-reload earlier savegame and try to follow steps shown above.
-install official patch and Kevin Dorner's patch.
-if it doesn't help you could try to add the following statements to your save game using shadowkeeper :
DerminSpawn=1, RevianeAppear=0, DerminAppear=0 and the local for Jaheira RevianeSpawn=1 (probably not necessary, but also the globals could be added TerminselSpawn=0 and TerminselAppear=0).
Lovetalk=40 -
one should meet with Dermin first time. I haven't the problem with this encounter but I think that it is possible place where something goes wrong and finally we won't get "dawning our day" dialogue (maybe incorrect change of lovetalk value).
Lovetalk= 49,51,52,53,54
- famous third meeting with Dermin and "Dawning our day" dialogue problem.
First thing is that Dermin simply doesn't want to appear with his weak party - possible solution (I don't if it works because I haven't any problems with Dermin):
-Download [url=""][/url] file. It's the Jaheira romance script, edited to remove the requirement of Dermin from the 53+ Love Talk rating advancements. I don't know if it fixes any other similar wire-crossings earlier in the script.
Second thing is with "Dawning our day" dialogue - there the situation is much more complicated because nobody has a really permanent solution of this problem. The similar situation is with repeated " did that last battle make you feel" (in my games this moment is looped sometimes but usually there is no problem) , possible solutions :
-install official & Kevin's patch
-try to spend some time out of doors.
-reload earlier (e.g. before " did that last battle make you feel") savegame and try to play normally.
-if all these things failed you would use CLUAConsole to change your lovetalk to 55 :
CLUAConsole:SetGlobal("LoveTalk","LOCALS",55) with pointer indicating Jaheira's picture when you press enter.
How it works ?
[Quith quotation] For some reason, you sometimes only have 53 as your lovetalk rating just before the final Dermin encounter, when you should in fact have 55. What then happens is you meet Dermin, gain 2 lovetalk points, which takes you to 55. DotD takes you to 57 where nothing happens. Simply slap it up to 55, rest outside (at least 9 hours before the final Dermin meet) and you'll get Dawn of the Day, and a lovetalk of 57 (knocked up to about 59 by Dermin).
But there is one danger in this method that would be described later.
I thing that there are no 100 % solution for this problem, but there are some things that could help.
Lovetalk= 70 - if we changed lovetalk using shadowkeeper we could expect that in case of some Jaheira's dialogues with other NPCs she could be looped again (and we can "sleep" with her every second - she repeats "Good Morning" dialogue, thanks this bug we could obtain infinite number of Terminsels on the screen with Harper pins and 100000 XP.).There are no solution for this bug. I've heard that there is another problem with not appearing Terminsel - solution :
-install Kevin Dorner's path
-if it doesn't work then you could try :