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Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 12:44 am
by Nightmare
Nippy wrote:
WTF was I writing!? If I wrote like that now I think I was high on crack or something. It scares the living Hell out of me that I was 16-17 or younger writing some of that stuff...
As a general rule, I tend to ignore anything I wrote back then...

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 6:24 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
fable wrote:If you find something short of out-and-out strangulation that works, please let me know. :)
My suggestion is copious amounts of beer, followed by numerous alternate tequila and vodka sure laid me out for a while. :o

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 9:09 am
by dragon wench
Maharlika wrote: I know what could even be worsER...

... sheep. :speech:

Nasty that. :mischief:
Or...worse, degenerate and downright terrifying...
Weasels... :eek:

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 9:49 am
by Nippy
Don't question the Master COMMunicator! :(

Weasels rock! :D ;)

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 10:54 pm
by Bloodstalker
Nippy wrote:
Weasels rock! :D ;)
Change the word order, and you could be onto something :D

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 6:01 am
by Tamerlane
Maharlika wrote: I know what could even be worsER...

... sheep. :speech:

Nasty that. :mischief:
LOL, I have got to start reading these threads in chronological order.

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 8:04 am
by Maharlika
The return of the comeback!
Tamerlane wrote:LOL, I have got to start reading these threads in chronological order.
You must be dyslexic, Tammy. :p

Glad to see you oldtimers back. :D ;)

Edit: I just checked the other threads. Congrats on your newborn. Belated as well on your marriage. :cool:

Wow. Time flies so fast... a hubby and dad. Welcome to the club! :D

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 7:58 am
by Nippy
How are your kids by the way Mah? And you? Keeping busy? :)

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 10:05 pm
by Maharlika
Hey there, COMMrade.
Nippy wrote:How are your kids by the way Mah? And you? Keeping busy? :)
I got one biological son and at the moment 326 Upper School students whom I consider as my kids too :D (I'm presently the Prefect of Discipline for Upper School of an International School here in Manila).

Being the Prefect is a full time job. I'm glad I had in-house training here at SYM. Being a SYMian mod prepared me for the real world. :laugh: Hopefully, if our headmaster can wing it, we might have an educational tour there in London. If that happens we can clang some Guinnessian mugs if I do get there.

My son Trey is doing fine. At 7 years, he is a striker/winger of his school's varsity team. :cool: I love watching him play. He keeps bugging me on teaching him how to do the bicycle kick. :eek: Damn, my back hurtsesss. :o

And you, Nipster? Still COMMunicating with the ladies @ Reading? :cool:

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 3:00 am
by Nippy
Maharlika wrote:I got one biological son and at the moment 326 Upper School students whom I consider as my kids too :D (I'm presently the Prefect of Discipline for Upper School of an International School here in Manila).

Being the Prefect is a full time job. I'm glad I had in-house training here at SYM. Being a SYMian mod prepared me for the real world. :laugh: Hopefully, if our headmaster can wing it, we might have an educational tour there in London. If that happens we can clang some Guinnessian mugs if I do get there.

My son Trey is doing fine. At 7 years, he is a striker/winger of his school's varsity team. :cool: I love watching him play. He keeps bugging me on teaching him how to do the bicycle kick. :eek: Damn, my back hurtsesss. :o

And you, Nipster? Still COMMunicating with the ladies @ Reading? :cool:
LOL - that's a lot of kids to look after mate. :)

Definitely - if you're in London it'd be rude not to join you for some Guinness! ;)

Well, football is never really my thing to be honest, I'm good at watching not playing, I'll stick with my Rugby hehe.

Trying to! Got a few different things going at the moment so we'll see what happens with them. :)

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 11:55 am
by Brink
Hey Nippy, how's it going? Glad to see that you've gathered so many familiar faces with your thread...:laugh:.

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 12:14 pm
by dragon wench
Brink wrote:Hey Nippy, how's it going? Glad to see that you've gathered so many familiar faces with your thread...:laugh:.
I've always figured it's a lemming thing, or there's something in the water. Because, invariably, when one "undead member" returns a bunch more seem to hatch out from under the woodwork.. :p ;)

btw, the way, hello! :D

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 12:31 pm
by Brink
Hey DW, I'm having my holidays at the moment (although I'm not really gaming, and I'll invariably pass out sooner or later... I blame the age thing).

As it is, I was randomly looking for the link to Galuf's Dungeon Crawl Inc. comic, and happened to stumble upon Nippy's thread, which was coincidentally filled with postings from familiar faces...:angel:

Anyway, how are things with you?

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 7:26 pm
by C Elegans
Hello Nippy, Tammy, Ode and Brink! :) Nice to see you, it was a very long time ago.

Tammy a father and husband? OMG, I feel like a thousand years old :D Many congratulations!

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 7:45 pm
by Loki[D.d.G]
dragon wench wrote:btw, the way, hello! :D
Sorry for butting in, but doesn't btw mean by the way? :laugh:

My apologies DW, I couldn't help myself. :p :D

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 11:22 am
by Nippy
Wow! Hey Brink! :) Good to see you - how are things?!

Wait one second - when did Tammy marry and get a sprog!? I don't remember seeing that!! Congratulations mate, well done! :)

Yep Loki - BTW means By The Way.

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 2:48 pm
by Tamerlane
Don't mean to hijack Nippy's thread, but thanks for the congrats. I've gotten my life into perspective now and it also means I get to post at strange hours like 3AM weekdays after feeding bub. No more posting half a day late for me anymore. :D
Brink wrote:As it is, I was randomly looking for the link to Galuf's Dungeon Crawl Inc. comic, and happened to stumble upon Nippy's thread, which was coincidentally filled with postings from familiar faces...:angel:
Your kidding me, I did the exactly same thing. I'm a mad Penny Arcade fan. Its been almost five years I think since I first stumbled across it. Read others from time to time and I was trying to find Kayless' comic and next you know I'm back in SYM. :cool:

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 6:23 pm
by Bloodstalker
Too many people to greet one by one, so a big nice to see everyone. :D

And congrats Tam. Although it's weird to think about you having a kid. Or married. Or anything that doesn;t involve monkeys or booze:speech: :p

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 4:32 am
by Tamerlane
Bloodstalker wrote:And congrats Tam. Although it's weird to think about you having a kid. Or married. Or anything that doesn;t involve monkeys or booze:speech: :p
Those two were a vicious combination, yet another thing to hide from my wife.

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 4:15 am
by Maharlika
Tamerlane wrote:Those two were a vicious combination, yet another thing to hide from my wife.
So, Tammy, what are the other things then? :mischief: :p :D