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Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2001 1:11 pm
by Chrissy
Congratulations Drakron. You've succeeded in making me very uncomfortable as a first on this forum.
Weasel, I'm not Mrs. Sleep. But I can be your editor if you can't find another one.
Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2001 1:26 pm
by Waverly
Can't you damn kids play nice while I get some work done???
Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2001 1:31 pm
by Drakron Du´Dark
If you are, well I could (and I can, after some real self-control) say that I am sorry.
Besides I dont think that you are going to stop from sleeping at night because of me.
You really dont have a clue do you Chrissy, If I would tell you, I would not only losse my self respect but also make a fool of myself in here, that is why I cannot tell you. some, like weasel are correct in what they are gessting about why I am doing and behaving like this now. I can say that my normal responce to any pain is always agressesion, so dont take it to personaly, I have no right in what I am doing, since you have not given me that right , but I cannot, for my sake, stop doing it.
"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not became a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss gazes into you..."
Friedrich Nietzsche
Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2001 1:32 pm
by Ubik
Oh, kids, all the fun in here is going on when poor old Ubik is occupied and cannot read/post...
anyway, I think someone is taking things too serious in here... or someone is tooooo fishy
Ubik the Spam Artist
Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2001 1:38 pm
by Carrot
Yo drakron why are you acting so strange I mean you are all having fun and stuff and then suddenly you get something like i don't want any more chrissy stuff. If you mean that there are just a lot of chrissy stuff flowing around I got to agree cause Chrissy is taking a lot of my precious gaming time on the Internet
. But i mean waverly is right why fight or irritate each other,( This could lead to very interesting topics tho
)more people will just get irritated. So please STOP THE MADNESS WHAAAAAAAAAAA!
Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2001 1:45 pm
by Waverly
Help Ubik! lighten things up while I finish my story.
@Drak: You are a strange old duck, but seem to be a good enough sort. Please snap out of it.
"Prophet!" said I, "thing of evil!- prophet still, if bird or devil!-
Whether Tempter sent, or whether tempest tossed thee here ashore,
Desolate yet all undaunted, on this desert land enchanted-
On this home by horror haunted- tell me truly, I implore-
Is there- is there balm in Gilead?- tell me- tell me, I implore!"
Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore."
Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2001 1:46 pm
by Chrissy
Drakron, It's a little hard for me not to take it personal when this is about me. I hope you can understand that too. But if I got on your nerves I'm sorry. If I offended you I'm sorry too. I may not have lost sleep over it but it did make me feel a bit unwelcome so I guess you do have some influence on me. I'd be sorry if you ignored me the rest of the time cause you're fun to talk with, but I've said that before. It's your call...
Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2001 1:50 pm
by Ubik
errr..... well....
Nice weather today, huh?
(no, doesn't work...)
hhmm... Have you seen what happened to Melosh-Tar in the Adventure thread? Read it and understand what happens to people who are trying to do things their way... Remember, the big brother is watching you
Ubik the Spam Artist
Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2001 1:56 pm
by Waverly
Ok, here's the story:
This happened well after the last one, but the same girl is involved (remember I said things sparked back up after a long cool period.) This one falls into the category of Murphy's law, and I assume there is a moral to it; but I am at a loss to find it. [Names and places changed to protect everyone but Waverly himself]
Another apartment, but still the same type of roommates at this point in my life. I am living in Carlsbad, and pretty much loving it. My roommates are more recent acquaintances, so they know only a little about me. The girl from the last story [let's call her Imoen, shall we? She did have an unusual and characteristic name, this becomes apparent later on] has moved to La Jolla and although we are on friendly terms, we don't talk often. Truth be told, I was still nuts about her…but she pretty much need to 'be just friends' I guess.
So my roommates go to visit an old friend of one of theirs up in the La Jolla area, but I am not about to subject Imoen to their company, so I tell them to have a good time and set about doing my own thing. When they return, we all sit around the living room, have a beer, and I listen to stories of the trip. Seems they had quite a time, visited every bar and pub in the area…and one of them even hooks up. Great! I congratulate the old dog, and bid him tell us more. More telling he does…gory details of the kinky sex he managed to talk her into. This goes on for time, everyone joking and drinking, when the grenade goes off: "Wait! Stop right there and back up! Her name is what?! "Imoen, I think," Is the reply.
I get a sick feeling in my stomach. I just kind of sit thinking while they continue to banter about other subjects [here's where the moral would be, if I could think of one]. Poor, seemingly sweet, Imoen whom I had cared so much for….the butt of some sick locker-room discussion- in which I had even participated.
[This message has been edited by Waverly (edited 02-01-2001).]
Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2001 2:03 pm
by Ubik
err... are you sure it was her? Could have been a coincidence... maybe
I have a similar one, but your old friend Ubik is involved in it. I will share it with you when I have time, it is quite long
Ubik the Spam Artist
Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2001 2:08 pm
by Carrot
Please tell us a story Uncle Ubik
Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2001 2:15 pm
by Waverly
Yes, it was her. I removed some parts that would have made it more obvious, but I didn't want anyone to be identifiable.
So let's hear your story..
Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2001 2:17 pm
by Chrissy
Waverly: Yes there should be a morale to your story... I guess it is... All men are destined to destroy themselves... Oh no wait, that doesn't belong here.
The just friends thing can be killer can't it... I know what you're talking about...
Did you ever tell your friends you liked her that much? (can't say I blame you if you didn't...)
everybody: Sorry if I've ruined the general good mood of this topic for a while.
Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2001 2:24 pm
by Waverly
Originally posted by Chrissy:
Waverly: Yes there should be a morale to your story... I guess it is... All men are destined to destroy themselves... Oh no wait, that doesn't belong here.
The just friends thing can be killer can't it... I know what you're talking about...
Did you ever tell your friends you liked her that much? (can't say I blame you if you didn't...)
No, I really couldn't bring myself to tell them. I was feeling guilty for participating in the discussion and just wanted it to end. It's not a funny story, but has a high degree of irony.
Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2001 2:50 pm
by Chrissy
Double post, sorry
[This message has been edited by Chrissy (edited 02-01-2001).]
Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2001 2:51 pm
by Chrissy
Waverly: Your sad tale reminds me of one of my own. Tough not demented or even extremely interesting 'cause it took place some time ago when I was about 16 I Guess...
I have told people here numberous times that I have the annoying tendency to fall madly in love with my best friends. My best friend at that time and I went further back than any of the other friends in our 'group' at that time. He told me on more than one occasion that there wasn't anybody he could talk to as good as me etc. This was actually a period that my crush on him wasn't as big as it had once been and at some point I realised that I began to feel more for his best friend (another guy, male,yes) than for him. I told him, he smiled over it. This guy was bit shy and he made me smile.
Imagine the amount of sexual banter and flirting that goes over this board, triple it and place it in real life without anybody ever saying they're not serious. That was about what was going on between me and a few of my friends,including him. He played along untill we came to a point where I didn't know wether he was serious anymore and his best friend, also mine, knew I was. So at one of our deep conversations my best friends tells me he is absolutely convinced that my newfound crush is mutual and calls upon my formentioned inability to turn down dares to let me take the first step.
In the following week I find my crush slowly lessening but still bound by the dare I kis the guy at some point. (after a long night with friends at his house, beer and a boring movie we didn't follow) I am absolutely sure he enjoyed the kiss cause his hands were all over me. On my way home I wondered why the hell I did this and what to do next.
As it turned out, the choise had been taken from me because the crush wasn't mutual and at a party the next night the guy told me that himself. (we were dancing) I really didn't give it too much thought until later I hear from my best friend that it was the guy's first kiss and he made me take this step to get him over his nerves around women.
I was surprised to say the least and actually quite offended. Didn't that idiot, my best friend, mind what I felt at all? It turned out that he did care cause he was actually jealous after finding out I liked his best friend. (not that he was after me, but he'd been my crush for more than a year and he knew it. I guess it stung that I'd lost interest.) So I ask my best friend why he lied to me about the guy's feelings. He said he didn't, that things were jsut going to fast for him.
Two weeks later, yes two weeks... The guy has a girlfriend with which to the surprise of almost all of his friends he immidiately had sex in very various ways. Too fast my ass...
Sad story too... not really looking back on it. I lost my best friend this way. But I guess he wasn't really such a good friend to begin with.
Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2001 3:01 pm
by Waverly
Poor Chrissy
. Those don't sound like very good friends.
I bet they are also filthy spammers- I can tell these things
You should have told him the quality of his kiss extinguished the flame... that would have put him in his place.
Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2001 3:07 pm
by Ubik
Talking about irony... here is one:
Your old (now) friend/uncle Ubik was not that old (actually, I was around 25) not so wise too (definitely) and in love! Yes, he is actually capable of falling in love. And here is what happened to him.
He had a relationship with this girl. She was 20 and not really outgoing or the "social" type. She was (and still is) very pretty, tall, with all the curves in the right place, long curly red hair, big blue eyes - well, a poem she was. And very, very sweet. When you first look at her she seems to be very innocent - you know the type. When you got to know her, she wasn't THAT shy but still she was one of the "good girls". Well, we had an affair for a summer (actually about two months) but she had to go back to her studies (in another city, not too far away from where I was). Well, we didn't split up, kept some contact (once or twice a month) and things where running pretty smoothly... untill...
I went to city "B" (lets call it that way, the city with her university) from city "A" (my city) for a two-day trip, with a congresmen delegation. It was quite unexpected (I was filling in for another collegue who couldn't do the trip) but I saw it as a good chance to see my "sweetheart", since I had some time free from my other duties (reporting of some sort - the details ain't essential).
I was surprised to hear that she had done some arrangments for the evening and there was no way we could meet. We have had sex (a quick session, I fear) and then I went back to bussines.
At evening - I had nothing to do - I went out with some the congresmen. We ended up in a big fancy hotel, and someone had an idea: Getting some whores (actually, call-girls or escort, you know the kind, the fancy and expensive ones) and throw a party.
We all went to the royal suite of that hotel to have some fun.
Imagine what my face looked like when I saw among the "escort"-chicks (yes, you guessed right) my "sweetheart"!
She was a real pro, didn't even blink an eye seing me. She tried to talk to me, but I departed moments later, when I came back from shock-land.
Don't have to tell ya that I spend the night along with my good buddie J.D.'s in a no-name bar...
Ubik the Spam Artist
Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2001 3:11 pm
by Chrissy
I'm not THAT mean in real life Waverly. I did like the kid and it wasn't really his fault. More my best friends'...
They were weird friends to begin with. It may be normal among guys to have conversations like this... Lets try... This didn't happen too long ago. the guys I'm now talking about weren't the same guys but from the same group. I kind of disliked them and especially the guy that was telling me this. (he told me because he was after my best friend, a female indeed) He comes up to me, we have this conversation about nothing in particular in which I wonder howcome I'm stuck talking to him while my friends are way over there laughing and all.. generally having more fun than me. Then a certain sentence calls for my immiate attention: "Yes, we were discussing the other night which girl from around here we wouldn't mind having sex with for just one night" (I remember thinking, doesn't every girl fit that description? But he goes on) "Yeah, you know X told me he had you in mind..."
Do you always rat out your friends like that? Is it a guy think or something... I mean, the next time we were going out and he was drunk and he hung all over me like usual I got the hell out of there before he got any ideas... X's chances were absolutely ruined...
Ubik: Ouch... women aren't to be trusted either I guess...
[This message has been edited by Chrissy (edited 02-01-2001).]
Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2001 3:16 pm
by Waverly
@Ubik: Tell me the truth...this really happened? You understand that it is so outrageous that it is difficult to believe...
"a quick session"
don't worry buddy, all you need is practice