Page 21 of 37
Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2001 2:51 am
by CM
Several more enemy spells failed as Faisal completed his silence spell. They immediately cast vocalize, losing valuable time in the process. Faisal was similarly affected, though unfortunately without any counter of his own. He shrugged and charged into melee, relieved to notice that Magus and the strange elfwoman were unaffected.
Faisal watched Xandax take care of 1 of the wizards and then get hit by half a dozen arrows, Faisal was well aware of the fact the person responsible must be taken care of immediately.
As Faisal had seen that the group was protected by someones sheilding spell, he scaned the room looking for the archer or archers. Finally Faisal spotted the 2 hiding in the corner underneat the stairs that went up. Faisal moved away from the fight and headed for straight for them.
But they had seen his movement and were ready for him. When he got close enough for hand to hand combat, one of them shot an arrow into his left shoulder, while the other arrow deflected off his shield.
"Posion" he thought, as he felt his shoulder grow numb and sag. He felt helpless for a moment but then decided that if he was going to die, he better pay back the one who did this to him. He slashed wildly at one of the archers, who placed his bow as a blocking instrument which was destroyed by the slashing sword.
The other archer brought out a short sword and attacked Faisal where the arrow was still lodged in hsi shoulder.
Post later i got to run to meet me friends.
Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2001 6:37 am
by Aegis
@Fas: Umm... I think he was hit with Melf's Acid Arrows...
Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2001 10:07 am
by Xandax
Originally posted by Aegis:
<STRONG>@Fas: Umm... I think he was hit with Melf's Acid Arrows...</STRONG>
Well eehmm, that is correct - should have been more specific

, Good ole Melf

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2001 12:42 pm
by Craig
Sneaking away from the undead Demon Thryn creped into the CC to find a battle waging, siding with the underdog he headed to Fas to help him with the archer
Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2001 1:27 pm
by Rail
That darn Melf. I sure hated to kill him, but he just couldn't see the error of his ways.
@Fas- no problem with having the archers there. Who's to say there wouldn't be several opportunistic thugs around hoping to gain the favor of the Cowls and a reward for aiding them.
* * *
Rail saw the fireball spell as the mage first began chanting, but he knew he was to far away to disrupt it. Using Magus would have no problem with such a simple spell, Rail silently leapt toward the back of the pack where two of the mages hadn't bothered with stoneskins. They probably figured they were far enough away from Xandax they didn't need the protection. The assassin arrived at their side just as Fas' silence spell enveloped them in it's sweet embrace, blanketing the area with the next best thing to shadows for the assassin.
Quickly sliding his sword from it's scabbard, he plunged blade deep into the back of the first. The mage looked on in astonishment and confusion as the blade erupted from his chest. The poor initiate still hadn't figured it out as he fell to his knees and pitched headfirst to the floor.
Though the silence kept the sound from reaching the other mages, the splatter of blood from the backstab reached the two closes to the assassin. Spinning around in alarm, the first mage reflexively cast the protective stoneskins, but a moment too late. Before jerking his blade free of the falling mage, Rail flung his venemous dagger at the spinning mage, sinking it home in the mages abdomen just before the newly conjured stoneskins appeared. The surprised spellcaster began to cast a counter spell, Olituke's Sphere, if Rail recognized the hand gestures, but the mage crumpled in agony as the burning venon began to take it's toll. The magic fizzled on the mage's fingertips, but those fingers would soon be clammy, then cold. But his convulsions would draw little attention, thanks to Fas.
Rail turned toward the other mage, even as he saw the magic missiles from the corner of his eye. The glowing darts stung as they hammered home into the assassin's shoulder, but they did little more than sting. The assassin's belt once again absorbed the brunt of the spell's magic.
The assassin smiled. Two down, several more to go. But this was his kind of battle, against opponents he knew well. They were doomed from the monemt they intruded in the Coronet.
The smiled faded quickly, however, as Rail caught sight of the hand gestures from Magus' latest spell. Surprised that the sorceror would cast such a spell here, Rail hastily flung himself to the side, even as the lone Cowl facing him began the incantation for Mordenkainen's Sword, back toward Magus and the oncoming spell.
* * *
Okay, Magus, make it a good one.

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2001 11:10 pm
by CM
OCC folks my bad, i would have figured out that they were melf's, it the phrase posion would not have been used. If it would have been burning acid that would have been a dead give away. To my limited knowledge there are no posion arrow spells and stuff. But anyway. We can just delete that whole thing. And i will figure something out to do.
Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2001 11:19 pm
by Xandax
Originally posted by Fas:
<STRONG><snip>it the phrase posion would not have been used. If it would have been burning acid that would have been a dead give away. <snip></STRONG>
Well I changed it to acid yesteday, but it must haven been during/after you wrote your post
But nevermind, Magus has archers in his also now, so it's no problem - I'll just be more specific next time
Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2001 11:46 pm
by Magus
Magus observed in dismay that the wizards weren’t backing down. He had hoped the fools would flee after they realized just how outmatched they were.
-This is getting out of hand- he thought as he spotted Xandax get pummeled by a swarm of Melf’s Acid Arrows. A barrage of flame arrows fizzled a few feet in front of his face.
They left him no choice. No more holding back.
He began the long mystic chant, feeling the power surge through his body like it hadn’t in so many moons. An unnatural wind swirled around him, snapping his cloak to and fro.
Recognizing the spell, Rail dove out of the way. Xandax hastily followed suit. Even Void thought better of staying in the line of fire of this one.
With the final words he raised his arm, and writhing tendrils of flame shot from his outstretched fingertips, even as several lightning bolts discharged uselessly in front of him. They began to spin, faster and faster, within the space of a second forming a raging vortex of flame. It roared across the room, incinerating everything in its path, so completely that nothing was even left to burn. It punched through the opposite wall before dissipating as suddenly as it appeared.
Magus lowered his hand and looked around. A couple of wizards had escaped relatively unscathed. Three more were horribly maimed, one missing an arm, another half a leg, and the last fully half his torso. Such was the precision of the blast that the other half was barely pink. Of the rest of the former initiates, there wasn’t even ashes.
As Faisal and Thryn stood, stunned, the two archers scrambled out amidst a crowd of fleeing patrons. The two wizards disappeared through dimensional doors before anyone could stop them. That left two wounded mages, another on his last breaths...and one unhappy barkeep.
“You better have a Hell of a lot of gold handy...” he muttered as he got back up from behind the bar, not fazed in the slightest.
As the shock of the situation slowly faded, Magus stood there, his face a mask, lost in a tide of resurfaced memories.
* * * * *
[ 10-28-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2001 5:44 am
by Craig
{OOC whatb was that spell? dragons breath
Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2001 8:27 am
by CM
OCC No problem,

so the archers are in.
Good more experience for me!
Craig it was melfs acid arrows.
Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2001 8:39 am
by Craig
{OOC the one magus cast

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2001 9:58 am
by CM
Actually no craig, the ones xandax got hit with in the last post on the other page.

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2001 10:14 am
by Xandax
Originally posted by Fas:
<STRONG>Actually no craig, the ones xandax got hit with in the last post on the other page.

{ooc: Craig wanted to know if the spell Magus casted was "Dragons Breath"

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2001 10:19 am
by Aegis
Virdel heard the sounds of battle, and the chanting of magic. He didn't yet want to make his move. He heard Magus sound off the words to a powerful spell, one he hadn't heard before. He realized that this was going to be a big one. He propped himself up on one arm, and quickly rolled off the table, tilting it to it's side as he did so. Using it as a shield, he heard the powerful spell erupt, then nothing. He wasn't sure if the spell injured his companions, but he wanted to make sure he would be prepared for anything. He loosened his scimitars, and peaked his head above the side of the table. Before him, he saw the bodies of a few Cowled Wizards, or what was left of them. He stood upright, and looked to Magus, whether seaking an explanation, or just sending his approvel, Magus didn't know.
Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2001 10:21 am
by CM
Originally posted by Xandax:
<STRONG>{ooc: Craig wanted to know if the spell Magus casted was "Dragons Breath"

This has been one bad weekend!
Esp. since i spent most of the night out this weekend!

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2001 4:52 am
by Magus
@craig: Custom spell. I do that a lot

I figure there’s a lot more spells out there than the Baldur’s Gate II manual covers. Plus many wizards invent their own spells.
@Fas: No problem. I’m flexible

If you want archers that badly, by golly you should have some
@all: Anyone notice how the post timing is screwed up? Like how it says Fas posted 30 minutes before me, yet my post came first?
* * * * *
Virdel stood upright, and looked to Magus, whether seeking an explanation, or just sending his approval, Magus didn't know.
Magus took no notice. At once he was in another time and place, Raistlin and Aegis locked in mortal combat before him.
“Die, Raistlin. Die!” came Aegis’s whisper.
“Fool! Burn in hell!” Raistlin shrieked.
Magus watched helplessly as a barrier of black flames rose around Raistlin, eating through flesh and armor of his friend. He saw his blade descend, tearing deeply into the deranged archmage’s chest
”Hahaha,” Raistlin laughed, coughing up blood. “ ends...fool...”
He collapsed, his body disappearing without a trace.
What did he mean? Was the fool he was speaking of none other than himself?
Magus looked down at his hands. They seemed to twist and turn before his eyes, becoming long and frail, burned a sick golden brown. Was this his destiny? To become what he despised? To be devoured mind and soul by his own magic?
Suddenly the vision was gone, and he was back in the Copper Coronet, staring at the devastation he had wrought. He remembered the power, the ecstasy, as the magic surged through his being. Shuddering, he surveyed his friends. All in all, they looked all right, though Xandax had a little itching and burning to deal with. Virdel stood staring at him, as if in accusation. Magus looked away.
Aerie rushed over to him. “A horde of undead is pouring into the city! That’s why I took the risk of teleporting here.”
Magus nodded, though she noticed his troubled eyes. “Is everyone okay?” he asked.
His guys settled on Virdel, and he eyed him questioningly. “How do you feel?”
* * * * *
@all: You guys have some options here. A couple liner giving your response would be fine. You can even start off the imminent conflict, if you want. I’ll be back tonight, regardless.
[ 10-29-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
[ 10-29-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
[ 10-29-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
[ 10-29-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2001 1:01 pm
by Magus
@all: Just so you guys know, I revised the last part of my post a little, including the last snippet of the story section (I was a little rushed this morning).
Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2001 2:29 pm
by Craig
Im fine in less you try that blasted spell again, those undead might like it though
Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2001 9:56 pm
by Magus
* * * * *
Thryn’s words bit deep, though his face didn’t show it. Magus gave no reply.
Xandax nodded that he was fine, and Rail gave one of his dark smirks. Virdel haughtily waved him off, taking a potion from his belt and gulping it down. He stood a little surer after that, and the color returned to his face. Over by Thryn, Faisal winced as he pulled an arrow out of his shoulder, but he signaled that he was ok.
One last thing. Magus walked over to the counter and pulled a hefty bag of coins from the depths of his robe. The bartender’s eyes opened wide as he heard the solid clink of thousands of gold coins hitting the counter.
“That should cover damages, and a favor I need ask of you.” He motioned to the two crippled initiates. The third already lay still. “Send for healers to fix them up, and keep an eye on them until we get back.”
The bartender nodded. Walking over next to Aerie, Magus beckoned everybody there. “Let’s go,” he said, nodding to her. She cast the teleport spell without hesitation, and doors of light closed around them.
* * * * *
Screams and inhuman shrieks greeted their ears as they emerged. Fire blazed in several nearby houses, the smoke blanketing the area in an ominous haze.
“We’ll have to split up,” Magus told them. “Don’t get yourselves into anything you can’t finish. Call for help if you get overwhelmed.”
That said, he turned and vanished. Aerie let him go, knowing he had a lot on his mind. She too headed out alone, somehow feeling the need to prove that she could fend for herself. To who, she didn’t quite know.
Somewhat annoyed at being left behind, Void drifted over to Rail.
What are waiting for, human? Surely mere undead don’t frighten you...
Rail smiled and shook his head. Looked like he had a partner, whether he liked it not.
* * * * *
Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2001 7:01 am
by Xandax
{ooc: sorry peeps, but I've had no internet for 2 days, so I've not be able to post, I'll get something launched today (hopefully
