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Posted: Mon May 27, 2002 2:48 am
by Beldin
Maybe you shoud learn HOW to hypnotise....then you could take Georgis anit*hug*ing attitude away from her.. :D ;)

No worries, now look deeply into my eyes....Image


Posted: Mon May 27, 2002 2:53 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
And I could make Sleep think he was a chicken whenever anyone said the word "spam"... :D Image

Posted: Mon May 27, 2002 8:36 pm
by Georgi
Originally posted by Ode to a Grasshopper
This is so typical of my life lately, the one time Georgi feels friendly, even giving out hugs and I'm not here to join in the spam.*sigh*
Oh, what a shame... :rolleyes:

Well since I just finished my degree and have been out celebrating, I am in a good mood... *hugs* for everyone in the next ten minutes :D :p

*makes note to take hypnosis resistance lessons* :p

Posted: Mon May 27, 2002 9:21 pm
by Bloodstalker
Damn, did I miss it? I swear I was here before ten minutes elapsed. ;)

Posted: Mon May 27, 2002 10:53 pm
by Ode to a Grasshopper
Originally posted by Georgi

Oh, what a shame... :rolleyes:

It seemed like a shame to me. :( ;)

And, wouldn't you know it, it seems to have happened again... :mad: :( :D

Posted: Mon May 27, 2002 11:13 pm
by dragon wench
Originally posted by Ode to a Grasshopper
And I could make Sleep think he was a chicken whenever anyone said the word "spam"... :D Image
I guess in that case Aegis would have a kindred soul to talk to ! :D :p

Posted: Mon May 27, 2002 11:23 pm
by Ode to a Grasshopper
Hiya DW. *hug*
What'll it be?

Posted: Mon May 27, 2002 11:43 pm
by dragon wench
Hi Ode ;)
*hug back*
whatever is on tap these days would be fine :D wouldn't have anything..ahem....more herbal...would you? :D

Posted: Mon May 27, 2002 11:48 pm
by Ode to a Grasshopper
Mais d'accord...Would you like to try one of our special "Herbal Teas"? :D ;)

Posted: Mon May 27, 2002 11:58 pm
by dragon wench
Originally posted by Ode to a Grasshopper
Mais d'accord...Would you like to try one of our special "Herbal Teas"? :D ;)
lol! I've never tried IT in a tea before but I'll attempt many things at least once ! :D

Posted: Tue May 28, 2002 12:07 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
Here you go then. *Hands DW a cup of herbal tea*.
The great thing about tea is that it's nice and inconspicuous. I remember once when someone made a cup of herbal tea at my high school and squeaked and giggled during all of their maths lessons for the day. :D
The problem is you have to leave it in for quite a while for it to be potent enough not to be a waste, but it's a small price to pay.

Posted: Tue May 28, 2002 10:47 am
by dragon wench
cheers, I needed that!
*feels much more relaxed* :D
Actually, there are probably other advantages to ingesting the stuff as a tea..... At least that way you aren't harming your lungs.... ;)

It's actually funny what you can sometimes get away with. I have found that much is related to image and expectations.....
For example, when our son was still stroller age, my partner and I were walking downtown one evening and decided we were quite thirsty for some cider.... We ended up getting some scrumpy, and the variety we bought comes in what appear to pop bottles.... So there we were, by all appearances a "respectable family," casually wandering by police as we chugged back on strong cider..... :D

It is quite odd what people expect when you have a child.... It was always amusing to walk around carrying a baby while wearing black leather...... The little, old ladies looked positively horrified! :D

okay...enough rambling....*sigh* back to work.... ;)

Posted: Tue May 28, 2002 11:45 am
by Dottie
Hmm, perhaps I should get a child just for the sake of my image. It would be somewhat cool... Were did you buy yours DW?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2002 11:49 am
by Yshania
Originally posted by dragon wench

So there we were, by all appearances a "respectable family," casually wandering by police as we chugged back on strong cider..... :D

It is quite odd what people expect when you have a child.... It was always amusing to walk around carrying a baby while wearing black leather...... The little, old ladies looked positively horrified! :D

LMAO! :D would you have been charged for drunk driving a push chair? :D

Yes, occasionally they do - especially when you unzip that leather holdall revealing the baby ;) :D

Posted: Tue May 28, 2002 11:50 am
by dragon wench
@Dottie, lol! :D
I think we might have found him at EBay.... :D The problem is though, such purchases tend to be non-refundable... :D ;)

Posted: Tue May 28, 2002 11:53 am
by Dottie
Originally posted by dragon wench
I think we might have found him at EBay.... :D The problem is though, such purchases tend to be non-refundable... :D ;)
But you are generarly satisfied with the product? Im worried the deal eventually going to include more things than walking around looking cool. Do they come with batteries for example?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2002 11:55 am
by Yshania
Originally posted by Dottie

But you are generarly satisfied with the product? Im worried the deal eventually going to include more things than walking around looking cool. Do they come with batteries for example?
Yes...everlasting ones :rolleyes: if only they were clockwork, they might wind down... ;)

Posted: Tue May 28, 2002 11:59 am
by Dottie
Originally posted by Yshania

Yes...everlasting ones :rolleyes: if only they were clockwork, they might wind down... ;)
Its good to hear, I was worried getting a baby would include work of some kind... I mean I really need my 10 hours uninterupted sleep every night.

Have to go now anyway. See you all. :)

Posted: Tue May 28, 2002 12:01 pm
by dragon wench
Originally posted by Yshania

LMAO! :D would you have been charged for drunk driving a push chair? :D

Yes, occasionally they do - especially when you unzip that leather holdall revealing the baby ;) :D
ROFL :D Well we manged not to knock down any little old ladies with it, so we successfully evaded arrest ! :D

Originally posted by Dottie:
But you are generarly satisfied with the product? Im worried the deal eventually going to include more things than walking around looking cool. Do they come with batteries for example?

Well ours seems to come with a self-charging battery....I'm not sure if this is a good or a bad thing.... :D

Posted: Tue May 28, 2002 12:03 pm
by Yshania
Originally posted by Dottie

Its good to hear, I was worried getting a baby would include work of some kind... I mean I really need my 10 hours uninterupted sleep every night.

Have to go now anyway. See you all. :)
Baby's are cheap to buy - it is the running and service costs that kill :rolleyes:

@DW - LMAO! :D

See you later Dottie :)