Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2002 4:01 pm
@Ty, speak for yourself, I got a date with CE ut of the deal Now, just one more thing to make it a perfect result
The Internet's authoritative role-playing game forum.
Sweet! Gives me the chance to say some stuff.Originally posted by Aqua-chan
(Lurk mode = ON )
(Lurk Mode = OFF)Originally posted by Tybaltus
Sweet! Gives me the chance to say some stuff.
I think AC and Weasel will become a quick couple, aslong as Minerva allows it.
@BS and what would that be?
Ow! Thats no fair!Originally posted by Aqua-chan
(Lurk Mode = OFF)
Whacks Tibby in the head
(Lurk Mode = ON)
...Originally posted by Bloodstalker
@AC, yes, lurk, put yourself in my power.
Jst not too crazy about the idea of me being under your "power".Originally posted by Bloodstalker
Don't worry T, I'll rig the results so Weasel gets hooked up with someone.
*looks evilly @ Ty*
@AC, what, getting shy all of a sudden?
Nah....Im not terribly afraid at the moment. Between Buzzy, Rachel and Weasel I just dont know how it can get worse with this "dating service" thing.Originally posted by T'lainya
Well as long as it's not me Err Ty..I'd be worried about now, if I was you
I don't want you to use the terms "power" or "under"-anything-of-yours. Try something else...Originally posted by Bloodstalker
Would you prefer the term under my influence?
I know. It seems like since I went to the prom, its all been downhill as far as dating. And now Im at the lowest common denominator: BS trying to rig results so that Im matched up with Weasel.Originally posted by T'lainya
LOL You really have been abused
I know it.Originally posted by T'lainya
Oh well, everyone gets some abuse here
I'll have to modify BS attempt to fix you up with Weasel though, even I have limits on my cruelty