Page 22 of 37

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2001 10:59 am
by Xandax
EDIT: deleted :)

[ 10-31-2001: Message edited by: Xandax ]

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2001 11:53 am
by Craig
Thryn wandered done to the docks to cromwell and showed him the orange stone, and asked him "What is this?"
"It's, it can't be! This is stone from the plane of fire!If i had the right sword it could be fitted, yes, yes! Ill need 9000 gold pieces it will be done tomorrow"

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2001 12:22 pm
by Magus
@Xandax+craig: Umm...Aerie teleported the party back to the city gates, where she first saw the undead. I don't think she would have bothered teleporting them just outside the tavern door :eek: Sorry for the confusion :(

[ 10-30-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2001 12:30 pm
by Magus
Oh, I see now.

The bartender nodded. Walking over next to Aerie, Magus beckoned everybody there. “Let’s go,” he said, nodding to her. She cast the teleport spell without hesitation, and doors of light closed around them.

"Closed around them," meaning the entire party, not just Magus and Aerie. My bad :o

[ 10-30-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2001 1:42 pm
by Xandax
Okay - I can edit my post out to return to the story continuity? :)

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2001 1:06 pm
by Magus
@Xandax: Sorry about that :(

@all: I'll post later today, but it'll probably just deal with what happens to Magus and Aerie. So you don't need to wait for me ;)
Just in case you don't know what's going on, Aerie teleported the party to the City Gates to deal with the undead. Magus and Aerie each went off to fight on their own, and Void is tagging along with Rail. Whether any of the others pair up or not is you guys' choice.

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2001 1:42 pm
by CM
Well right now i am debating either to continue posting here or not ie the whole site.
Due to my political posts.
So i will give you guys a post if i stay on Saturday.

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2001 8:05 pm
by Aegis
@All: Sorry I haven't done any major posting for a while. I'll try and do a good one now...


As the magical energy dissipated, Virdel watched the group seperate, and dissappear into seperate sections of the city section, hastily moving to counter the undead threat. He was still sore after his bout with the wizards, and how he survived, he chose not to comtemplate at the current time. If it wasn't for the Drow's natural resistence to magical energies, he would more then likely be dead now. He paid no heed to it, and dropped his hands to the two scimitars on his waste. In a deft movement, the twin blades sprung from their scabberds, and to his waiting hands, and were poised for action. He then turned sharply, and darted off into the shadows of a nearby building, and moved forward, hoping to intercept the invading undead forces.

Moving easily in the small district, it didn't take him long to locate the horde of putrid death shambiling onwards into the city. What struck him odd, though, was their complete disregarde for the living people who scurried out of the hordes way. The walking dead didn't pursue. Obviously something powerful was controling these cadavers, and Virdel desired to find out what. He figured it logical that whoever summond, or conjured these creatures would institute an undead "general", just for a sense of control. He resolved to find this one creature, and hopefully incapcitate the thing, or at least slow it down.

Virdel ran even further towards the gates, passing many roving bands of undead, all moving to an unknown destination. In some areas, brave adventurers, and scared peasantry alike would put up resistence, but would be cut down by the shear numbers. Virdel only shook his head at the futility of their battle. Finally reaching the gates, he crept to a small crevice, out of sight of the dead, but open to the field outside of the city. He peared out across the field, but instead of seeing the usual dry, brown grass of autumn, he only saw the shambling horde press on. One creatures stuck out though. This creature stood a full two feet above the rest of the undead. It's body was adorned with rusted platemail, and a large doube edged axe was griped tightly in one hand, and an enlongated sword in the other. It's eyes, from what Virdel could see, burned with an unholy light. It stood as if commanding the undead. Virdel knew he found their "leader"...


Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2001 2:09 am
by CM
Faisal looks around, as people disappear having no clue as what he is to do.

*sorry people short as i am busy with stuff*

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2001 12:37 pm
by Xandax
long one this time, to make up for the delay.
Also some/much of it is character bevelopment from my characters background, so you don't have to read it :D }
Xandax still felt the acid in his body, but it was decreasing.
The wizard and his elf-woman companion teleported the group out to the city gate and then away.
The stench of dead grew in intensity and the screams and inhuman shrieks greeted their ears as they emerged. Fire blazed in several nearby houses, the smoke blanketing the area in an ominous haze.
Xandax noticed Rail and the wizard’s pet slipping into some streets and disappearing in the shadows, the same did Virdel.
Oh well – Xandax thought, he might as well also search out some foes and meet their mettle.
As Xandax took the first couple of steps down one of the streets of Athkatla his mind for once started drifting.
Xandax purged his mind of the feelings, yet they managed to creep back in – undead reminded him of his legacy, that which he kept locked deep in the back of his mind, although he knew that the inevitable crawled closer.
He shook his head – “concentrate on the task at hand, the future will happen regardless of my feelings” Xandax fixated his eyes on his sword.
He had made the conscious choice of becoming the man he currently was – and had accepted the fact that dead was a mere blade away. Although dead was seldom the final ending, much could happen after.

He made sure to strap his shield firmly on his left arm, the leather straps were tied around his wrist and lower arm 3 times each. Xandax stopped for a moment and tested the spikes on his shield by leaning into a large wooden crate; they went into the crate like it was butter. Xandax continued.
2 skeleton that must have been separated from a larger group closed in on Xandax – these critters knew no fear. Xandax lashed out with Ferox, which cut through them without difficulty. The engraved letters glowed brightly – Xandax looked as his amulet, it glowed also – he was not alone.

All around him, Xandax saw skeletons, zombies, gouls and other undead vermin close in on him, and they seemed to crawl out of the sewers like rats. The surrounded Xandax but kept just without striking range.

Xandax cleared his mind, preparing for the onslaught from the group of undead. He felt his mind blank and awereness increase – he heard every sound the undead group made, he felt every gust of wind blowing around him, through him.
One of the skeleton shrieked and the group assaulted Xandax.
Hopelessly outnumbered Xandax fought to the best of his abilities and cut as many down as he was able to – finally a zombie got a clear blow in, stricking Xandax in the head. His helmet took much of the blow, but Xandax vision still blackend and he fell down.

Then a bright light appeared and it was as time itself froze – Xandax was floating in the air, looking down upon his own body with the hordes of undead standing above it, frozen in time as they were about to make the coup de grace on his body.

Xandax felt draw and the world of Faerun drifted away below him at enormous speed, Xandax knew where he was flying to, and as expected he ended up at his fathers keep – and entered the great hall therein.
Xandax stood in the hall oppoersite his fathers spirit or whatever.
“So we meet again, and this time – it will end, I want what is mine” the spirit said ghastly
“Then you must take it with force” Xandax replied – preparing his mind for the battle. “Seeing as I’m already dead, I have nothing to loose” Xandax raised his sword – Ferox.
“Nothing but an eternity of emptiness” the spirit almost laughed back.
”Lets get on with it” Xandax blocked emotions out like his mother had thought him.
The spirit started chanting – a long chant – Xandax brazed for the impact.
A vicious magical surge flew out of the body or what was left of the spirit and towards Xandax, instinctly Xandax cover his torso with his shield – to little avail. The surge struck Xandax but strangely it didn’t hurt much, albeit he could feel it in his mind. The energy tried to penetrate his mental barrier, Xandax fought back, blocking all paths the energy tried to open. It started to hurt, and Xandax could feel small streams of blood running from his eyes and nose, even in his mouth.
Suddenly the pain was over – Xandax opened his eyes.
NOOOOooooo -It can not be the spirit cried out, it started to crumble.

Instantly Xandax was back in the streeth of Atkathla, the undead horde still stood frozen, Xandax got up, the blood from his nose still ran.
Then just as time started moving again – it seemed like a fireball detonated directly on Xandax. The firery damage wiped out a large part of the undead – the magical energy that had entered his body while fighting his father had been released with a devastating force. Buildings around Xandax were set a fire. There were still a great part of undead alive around Xandax, but now they were severely weakened and some other groups of people had joined the fight.
Xandax collapsed.
A bright light appeared in front of Xandax.
“You are free now – you were to powerful for him, he could not penetrate your mind, I thought you well, but now I must go………. Just remember your amulet, it will help you once more.” The voice disappeared with the light, as Xandax opened his eyes and saw a cleric casting some spells on him, and healing him.

”Are you all right, you’re lucky we showed up when we did” he said “we have to move on, beware there are still many undead in the streets” he said without waiting for Xandax to answer.
The cleric and his party moved on out followed by some commoners.

Xandax sat up – he felt free, as much of his burdens were lifted from him. He stood up, and started moving down the streets again.

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2001 9:35 pm
by Magus
@all: Sorry. I’ve been really backed up the last few days. Hopefully the worst is past :)

@Fas: ?

@craig: So, Thryn’s going to take it easy at Cromwell’s while undead rampage through the city? ;)

* * * * *

The darkness reflecting his mood, Magus walked carefully down the alley, shuffles and groans hinting at what lied beyond. He stepped into the street, and sure enough, a motley pack of undead awaited. Strangely, they didn’t charge at him mindlessly, instead surrounding him before closing for the kill.

But he was in no mood to contemplate subtleties. A burning need tingled throughout his body. The magic calling, demanding release. He let it flow through him, and fire jetted from his body in all directions, engulfing all in its path. Smoldering corpses dropped all around. The rest scattered. Normally this would have astonished him. Lower undead did not flee, did not retreat; they hadn’t a mind to make such decisions.

As it was, he took no heed. Continuing forward, he stepped over writhing and lifeless bodies alike. A skeletal arm reached out to grasp his ankle. It disintegrated on contact. Up ahead, several adventurers fought a losing battle against a pack of ghouls, led by a demon ghast. Already the bodies of several comrades lied on the ground, never to rise again. Magus raised his hand high in the air, raw magic surging into the mortal limb. Great thunderbolts descended from the night as the astonished combatants looked on, striking all enemies in sight. The ghouls dropped like flies. The demon ghast shook the blast off and charged the offending sorcerer.

It didn’t even make it within ten feet. A ball of light gathered in his hand, then a pure beam of energy shot from his outstretched fingertips. It punched through the demon’s deformed body like paper, hitting an unfortunate swordswoman that happened to be in the way. But it passed right through her, leaving her dazed but unharmed. Magus walked onward without a word, his form seeming to pulsate as they watched in awe, transfixed. It was as if he was possessed. His eyes glowed with an unnatural icy light, and his blonde hair billowed behind him with a life of its own.

For the second time in his life, he was one with the magic.

* * * * *

One of the creatures stuck out, though. This creature stood a full two feet above the rest of the undead. It's body was adorned with rusted plate mail, and a large double edged axe was griped tightly in one hand, and an elongated sword in the other. It's eyes, from what Virdel could see, burned with an unholy light. It stood as if commanding the undead. Virdel knew he had found their "leader"...

Suddenly the skeleton knight’s eyes flared, the bright ruby light burning painfully into his own.
-Theee beeaarreerrr...- The whisper was like the rattle of the wind. All around the flow of undead began to pick up in pace, now heading in a single direction.

-Deeeeathhhh toooo theeee beeeaaarrreeerrrr...-

The skeleton knight didn’t seem to notice the concealed dark elf.

* * * * *

@all: This is an idea I decided to run with. It wasn’t my original plan, but I had to adapt a little to what Aegis and Xandax wrote. The result is something that makes sense, but may come off a little self-centered...
So I’m apologizing in advance :)

[ 11-03-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2001 9:59 pm
by Aegis
anything to make yourself the protagonist, eh Magus... :D

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2001 1:13 pm
by Craig
Thryn walked thorough the streets back to the gates and at once found an unholy turmoil he speed over to some peasents throwing his fist at it ripping through the rotting flesh, it fell.
He'd got the attention of a skeltal warrior, his punch blocked and stuck in the Cadavas arm bone, hastly he kicked and smashed the skeletons leg it fell.

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2001 2:51 pm
by Magus
@Aegis: Well you're the one that had to give the horde a purpose (who needs that :D )
Well, it was either spawn another random battle, or actually tie it into the greater plot. This was the best way I could think of to do that :)

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2001 6:47 pm
by Magus
@all: Ugh. Left home at 5 in the morning and got home at 8 at's been the story of my life this week. Can't post tonight, and it looks like tomorrow's going to be more of the same. I know I've been failing miserably lately in keeping the story moving. Sorry guys :(

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2001 9:42 pm
by Rail
Originally posted by Magus:
<STRONG>I know I've been failing miserably lately in keeping the story moving. Sorry guys :( </STRONG>
I don't think you're the only one in this category. I have only had time to drop by and leave short messages on the forum, not the detailed posts that this story deserves. Sorry. I feel like a slacker! :rolleyes: :D

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2001 4:33 am
by CM
Originally posted by Rail:
<STRONG>I don't think you're the only one in this category. I have only had time to drop by and leave short messages on the forum, not the detailed posts that this story deserves. Sorry. I feel like a slacker! :rolleyes: :D </STRONG>
Same here, sorry i haven't posted for like 2 weeks now.
I have this one class that is just killing me, spend most of my time reading up and just trying to understand what is going on in class.

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2001 9:10 am
by Aegis
@All: I've just finished my football season, so I'll be around a lot more to think of story progression. for the moment, though, I'm stuck doing housework. I'll try to get in here later tonight.

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2001 5:13 am
by Magus
@all: Ok, finally got a little time inbetween doing homework and being sick :)

* * * * *

As Xandax moved forward, still a little groggy and tired from the zombie’s blow to the head, he saw thunderbolts descend from the sky in the distance. A thunderclap, then silence. Looking around, he noticed the undead had stopped fighting. Instead, they turned, all heading in the same direction. Right towards where he saw the thunderbolts.

“What’s going on?” Xandax mumbled to himself as he followed them. Magus’s doing, perhaps?

Xandax felt himself lagging behind the tide of undead. The damn things were sure moving fast for animated corpses. He broke into a run, wondering who or what was behind the horde’s unusual singularity of purpose.

* * * * *

A flash smote his eyes, followed by a tremendous thunderclap that nearly blew out Thryn’s ears. Someone was flinging some high-powered magic, and not far away either.

Thryn dashed off in the direction of the light, whacking undead as he went. It wasn’t long before he found the magic’s source. Ahead, Magus looked like he had some undead troubles. More than troubles, in fact. Hell, he could hardly see him through the mass of zombies and ghouls surrounding him, and more were appearing from all around every moment.

Sword raised, Thryn charged in. In the corner of his eye, he saw Magus’s arms dart out, palm first. Suddenly a wave of flame erupted from his body, incinerating his attackers. Thryn barely rolled out of the way, escaping the brunt of it. His whole body felt a bit overcooked, and he had some nasty-looking burns on his arms.

Magus walked forward, not even seeming to notice his injured comrade, more undead close behind. For the first time, Thryn got a good look at him. He definitely didn’t look like the calm and kindly half-elf he had come to know. Long blonde hair, normally covered by his hood, billowed behind him, and his eyes glowed an unearthly icy blue. Lightning crackled around him in nervous anticipation. By the Gods, this was a demon in human form, if there was such a thing.

* * * * *

@all: Hopefully that gives you guys some ideas. I’ll try to be back tonight.

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2001 1:06 pm
by Aegis
Virdel's attention was ripped away from the large warrior he was watching from a safe distence by the loud clap of thunder, and the burst of magic. He knew instantly it was Magus's doing. He quickly darted out of his hiding place, landing on the cobblestone street with ease. It took only a moment before he was back up, and sprinting towards the sound of the magical battle. As he turned the final corner, his scimitars drawn, he saw the form of Magus, his golden hair whipping violently with the surgence of magic, and his usual placid demeanour somehow changed, becomeing somewhat unstable. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Thrynn and Xandax, also watching in amazement.

Virdel didn't hesitate long. He knew that Magus would want to know of his discovery, and any help he could offer would get that information out faster. He crossed his blades, and charged into the thick of the melee. If the oppenants would anything either than mindless zombies, they would've ran in terror. Being assaulted by a powerful Arch-mage on one flank, and a Drow combat master on the other. The zombies though took it all in stride. Though they lost many, the undead continued to surge forward, always being hacked down from the magical bolts, and the twin blades of the Drow...