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Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2002 1:38 am
by Eerhardt
the actions of Eerhardt

CM, the idea is to in the hottub when we turn on the juice ** awaits Beldin's reply whether or not to fry the shine in the hope of creating a way to prepare mass quantities of Electric Shine Stinger **

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2002 1:40 am
by CM
2 guys in a hottub with shine. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Man shouldn't this be in the porn conversation they are having down in the evil twin disease thread? :D

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2002 1:45 am
by Eerhardt
the actions of Eerhardt

Hey, I resent that remark: I'm still wearing all my clothes! Sleep on the other hand :rolleyes: ... ** zaps CM right out of the Rolling Thunder TM with the 2 jumper cables **

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2002 1:47 am
by CM
err...whats rolling thunder?

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2002 2:22 am
by Beldin

**sits in the hottub with a stupid grin and gives Eerhardt a thumbs up**

Fry me ! :)

@CM: Rolling Thunder (tm) is our magically enhanced big black "Mack" truck (with a white rubber duck on the hood) in which we've loaded all our supplies and half of the interior of the tavern - just in case the tavern get's closed and we have to find greener pastures to graze...
It has been modified by installing a pocket plane (like in TOB) so we have enough room for everthing - including a hottub and a pool table in the basement ;) . The truck is -as you might have guessed - BIGGER on the inside than it's on the outside. - and there are more modifications to be revealed as need arises...

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2002 2:32 am
by CM
Beldin and guys better take this behind closed doors! :D
Oh yeah what does fried Beldin taste like? :p

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2002 2:33 am
by Eerhardt
the actions of Eerhardt

Right on! ** puts the jumper cables in the hottub and instantly gets another hairdo. The shine itself is boiling and whirling violently and electric flashes light up the room ** Woooohoooo, what a rush! ** grins stupidly, drops the jumper cables next to the hottub and falls headfirst into the shine - gurglegurglegrgl ** Hey, Beldin, this stuff tastes great: just as good as preparing the Stingers the traditional way - now we can prepare mass quantities of the stuff :D !
CM, you just got fried with 2 jumper cables, so you should know...

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2002 2:35 am
by CM
Hmm i did??
Give me another shot! :D

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2002 2:41 am
by Eerhardt
the actions of Eerhardt

Check the part where you got zapped earlier on and have the Dark Flames give you another shot. You know you want it :p ... Seriously, have some tea and relax ** offers Fas a cup of tea with a bit of Electric Shine Stinger in it **

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2002 2:41 am
by Beldin

@CM: Hey mate, jump into the tub, and I'll fry you. I can DEFINITELY promise that this hottub is a **hug**-free zone as long as there are no girls in the tub...and then it would be ME doing the hugging - but I'm definitely NOT a pervy skull lover :D

**slowly lowers himself into the tub until his face is on drinking level and starts SLURRing BIG WAY**


Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2002 2:45 am
by CM
Thanks for the tea, but not shine please, my stomach can't handle it.
I stay away from the stuff.
Yes i am a weak man oh well! :D

*jumps in the tub*

Fry me!

And there better be no DF in here! :D

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2002 2:49 am
by Beldin

**his fist punches the air**


I knew we could get him of that awful tea and into the shine !!

**snaps some quick photos of CM in the shine-tub and tucks the film into the safe**

Just for future use. :D

**relaxes in the electrically enhanced tub and lights up a pipe**

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2002 2:50 am
by Eerhardt
the actions of Eerhardt

** picks up the jumper cables and fries the hottub's supply of shine again. The electric flashes brighten the room up once again ** No worries, mate! copyright@Beldin

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2002 2:54 am
by CM
*shine tea goes flying out of his hand, without him taking a drink and his hair stands on end*

Weeeeeeee.....that was fun.
Can we do it again huh huh huh?

*fas has been fried back to age 5*

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2002 2:58 am
by Beldin

**still sitting in the tub**

Welcome to the dark side CM !Image

**grabs the cables out of Eerhardts hands and throws them into the tub. **

**starts to smile**

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2002 3:00 am
by CM
Ok who is in the tub me only right???

YIPPEEE i been quoted in a sig!
Copyright Beldin! :)

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2002 3:02 am
by Beldin
@CM : I'm in the tub, but no worries, I'm strictly into women - and besides I'm to busy being electrocuted just now.

**ears start to produce smoke**

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2002 3:03 am
by CM
ok me also being fried right?

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2002 3:07 am
by Beldin
Yep. You're fried. As am I.

We have about 30 more seconds until the reactor of Rolling Thunder (tm) gives out ...I still have to override the safety programming...

**drinks some more shine from the tub**

** :D :D :D :D :D **

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2002 3:11 am
by CM
*relaxes in the tub, and drinks his non-shine tea!*