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Post by Craig »

[OOc uh thryns sword being upgraded by cromwell so he is bunching
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Post by Magus »

@craig: Punching? Thieves *don’t* punch :D Wouldn’t he have a spare dagger or something? ;)

@Aegis: Thanks for taking the initiative and posting :)

* * * * *

-Deeeeathhhh toooo theeee beeeaaarrreeerrrr...

The ancient skeleton lord began to move, its lurching movements sure and powerful. Its target was near. Though it wanted nothing more than rest, it was summoned, and it obeyed. Moving steadily forward, the ebb and flow of life taunted its senses, stewing long dormant emotions of jealousy and hate.

There the mortal wizard stood. Rotting corpses of its minions surrounded him, but it cared not. Mere parlor tricks would not keep it from its task. It felt the sting of an enchanted blade. Its head turned to see an elf wielding a small dagger. But it continued forward. The mortal could do it no real damage with such a pathetic weapon.

It saw a dual bladed fighter hacking a path through his minions toward the wizard. With a thought he directed his forces at the warrior. None must interfere.


Its target was within reach. It swung its sword, aiming to cleave the mortal in two. It struck a field of lightning, sending an unpleasant shock rippling through its frame as its sword dispelled the shield. No matter. Mortal magic could not lastingly harm it.

The mage turned, and a stream of flame shot from his hand. The blow knocked it back a little, but did not hurt it. Another swing, and a shield of force went down. This time a summoned fist smashed the skeleton lord to the ground, crushing bone and armor alike. Its eyes dimmed. could it be?

Several zombies leaped at the wizard’s back, and he turned to smite another wave of undead.

But duty would not let it rest. It stumbled up and thrust its sword at the mortal’s back. The blade caught tight in solid skins of stone, but it mattered not. All the ancient blade needed was contact to work its cursed magic. Life energy began to flow into it like a rushing river, and within seconds its target would be but a lifeless husk. It felt its grip slipping as sweet oblivion beckoned it, but it held fast with a patience that could only come from beyond the grave.


* * * * *

Aerie ran around the corner just in time to see the sword connect.

“Noooo!” she screamed, realizing what was happening, while wildly gesturing the motions for a hammer of force.

But she knew it wouldn’t be in time...

* * * * *

@all: your cue ;)

[ 11-13-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]

[ 11-13-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
Lost Souls: A bereft lover. A masterless familiar. Friends gone their separate ways. Time marches on, and destiny heralds the meeting of comrades old and new. Can they find what they're seeking? Or will the search bring them only more pain?
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Post by Craig »

[OOC shall i intervine or not? your call Magus
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Post by Aegis »

The mass of undead swelled around Virdel, as if on command. He felt his blades cut through the rotting flesh easily, but that did little to quell the wave of death. He risked a glance towards Magus, wondering if he were alright. His eyes widened abruptly when he saw the massive undead 'general' swing it's massive sword in a vicious arc, and rebound of the magical shielding. Seeing a comrade in potential danger, Virdel began to fight with renewed fury. He redoubled his efforts to cut a bloody swath through the tide.

As he finally broke out of the twisting, and writhing mass of undead, he saw the skeleton's massive blade penetrate through the sheild, and into Magus's body. Virdel charged forth, hoping Magus had at least one trick left in him. His hopes were answered when he saw shards of stone fall from his back, but the blade held firm. Over the midst of the battle, he heard Aerie scream. Virdel ignored the scream, and cold hands grapsing at his cloak. He lunged forward, intending to attack the skeleton, and free the Arch-Mage. He swong his two scimitars ferociously, attacking the weapon first. The metal met, and a spalsh of sparks ignited into the air. He continued his attack before any reprisel from the skeleton's axe. Virdel brought his left, magical, scimitar low, and hacked towards the knee of the massive creature. He felt the blade dig into the chitnous bone, he also heard an ungodly moan come from the beast. His weapon could hurt it.

With his non-magical scimitar, he deftly parried the attacks made with axe, not meaning to thrust them away, but merely keep it from hitting his body. He felt both his arms tiring, but could not give first. the skeleton kept it's one hand locked on the hilt of the sword that was dug into Magus, the magical energies being sapped from the Mage. Virdel raised his magical scimitar again, and attacked the blade, again. This time, he saw a dent form in the powerful weapon, and he felt a few shards of the magical blade fly of from the contact.

Behind him, the horde of undead were slwoly making their way in to grab the powerful Drow. The slow moving death, if they reach Virdel, would surly spell the end of both the Drow and Arch Mage...


@Magus: does that work for you?

@Craig and Xandax: Maybe you guys could atack the horde?
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Post by Craig »

[OOC sorry i missed a word in that Dagger and i did not know it was a skeleton

[ 11-15-2001: Message edited by: craig ]
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Post by Aegis »

Originally posted by craig:
<STRONG>Thryn kicked off a minor skeleton and made his way to the lager one Virdel was fitting he sliped into the skin, his dagger worming it way into the rotting skin of It.
Memories of his parrents flash across his mind...</STRONG>
Lemme see if I got this straight. Your now attacking the larger skeleton, and your now inside him, all the while thining of your parents? ... Okay...
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Post by Xandax »

Originally posted by Aegis:
@Craig and Xandax: Maybe you guys could atack the horde?</STRONG>
Sorry I've not been able to post, but school has been killing me right now, I'll try to post later today :)
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Post by Xandax »

I'll be away for the entire weekend, and haven't got the time to write something.

Just continue my character - start hacking at undead or something :D
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Post by Magus »

@Aegis: Sure :)

@craig: You didn’t know the skeleton lord was a skeleton?

* * * * *

Blur, blurry, all a blur. Sense had returned to him, but he was so tired...

Magus’s legs buckled, and he fell.

* * * * *

Magus collapsed to the ground, dislodging the cursed sword. A glowing crimson gem rolled from an unseen pocket.

The fading eyes of the skeleton lord flared at the sight. With the last of its strength it stooped down to pick it up. Suddenly it was smote from above by a giant hammer of force, crushing it to the ground. Still not dead, it reached a shaking bony arm for the shining jewel.

* * * * *

@all: Had to keep it short this time. I should have plenty of time this afternoon since it’s Friday though.

[ 11-16-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
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Post by Magus »

@all: Before I go on, is anybody going to do something? ;)
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Post by Aegis »

Virdel saw the decaying arm reach for the gem that Magus had dropped. Something inside of him told him not to let this creature grab a hold of it. With one strong swing, he knocked away the creatures ax, and lunged for the gem. As he did so, he struck with his magical blade towards the skeletons finger bones, connecting solidly on the joint, and cutting cleanly through the bone. He hit the ground, rolling over top the gem. As he skidded to a halt, he quickly palmed it, awkwardly juggling his regualr scimitar, and the gem in one hand. He sprung himself to his feet, and stood ready to meet the next attack from the creature. As he stood, he risked dropping his one hand with the gem to his pouch, and placed it inside. that was more than enough time for the skeleton to make a move.

the old skeleton raised the butt of it's ax into the air, and slammed it hard onto Virdel's collar bone. The Drow grimaced at the pain, dropping his plain scimitar to the ground, and almost the gem along with it. He dropped to one knee, his left arm dangling limply. He looked towards his attacker, and quickly raised his other weapon, just in time to block another attack. He wouldn't be able to fight a creature of this magnitude with his injured collar bone, and he couldn't summon his elemental for another few hours. He parried another attack, his own movements growing slowed with the pain in his shoulder and collar. He slowly managed to stagger back to his feet, and sprang back as far as he could, too far. He felt his bacl hit a wall. He also saw that the skeleton now left Magus's prone body alone, and was slowly stalking towards the hurt Drow.

In the mass of undead, he wasn't able to find either Thryn, or Xandax. Whether they had even joined the battle, he wasn't sure. He heard the moans and shuffles of the undead as they moved about. Virdel raised his blade to parry the inevitable attack that would be made against him, his mind racing wildly for an escape route.


Xandax swatted at the corpses violently, pieces of decayed flesh and bone being flung into the air. The smell was overwhelming, but still he faught on. He had already been the recipient of a few minor bruises caused from the powerful fists of the undead. He felt his powerful blade dig into another victim, and saw it collapse to the ground. He spun his body just in time to have another zombie smash it's fist into Xandax's shield. He reprised with another deft attack, dismembering the corpses head. His only goal in mind was to reach Magus's comatose form, and possible get the man out of this melee alive. As for the Drow, he could care less as to what happend to him...


@All: A bit of initiative I guess, is that good for all?
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Post by Magus »

@Aegis: Sorry. I really did intend to post sooner :)

* * * * *

The skeleton lord slowly hobbled towards the drow. It was obviously hurt, and for a moment Virdel thought he might have a chance. A moan behind him was the only warning. He felt a thud on the back of his head, and he barely managed to keep his feet. Spinning around, he realized the horde had a new target...him.

He felt the gem warm against side, almost beckoning. He had a vision of reaching into his pocket and grasping the gem, of a divine light springing forth that turned all the undead to dust...

Behind him, the skeleton lord swung its sword, aiming for his exposed neck.

* * * * *

Xandax’s path to the fallen archmage cleared as the undead suddenly lurched toward Virdel. He saw one land a blow on the drow, sending him stumbling. He felt a small twinge of guilt for leaving him, but he had to get Magus out of the open. Besides, the drow always boasted that he didn’t need others’ help. Now he had his chance to prove it.

Xandax reached Magus and felt for a pulse. It was weak, but there.

“Leave it to me.”

Turning, he saw Aerie, pale and disheveled. He nodded and stepped back. Aerie kneeled down, touching Magus’s shoulders. They disappeared, to where Xandax couldn’t say. He looked over to where the drow had been, his view blocked by a mass of undead. He might as well try to help the conceited dark elf...

He rushed forward, sword leading as he hacked a path to his destination once again.

* * * * *

@all: It’s Thanksgiving Break over here now, so I should have a lot more time for the story, at least for the rest of this week. I’d like to get the story going again, so I’ll try to check back a couple of times a day.
Lost Souls: A bereft lover. A masterless familiar. Friends gone their separate ways. Time marches on, and destiny heralds the meeting of comrades old and new. Can they find what they're seeking? Or will the search bring them only more pain?
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Post by Aegis »

Virdel looked back up, not a moment too soon. He tucked his arms, and head, and rolled off to the right of the large skeleton. Unfortuneatly, the horde of zombies had completly surrounded him. He sprung back to his feet, sheathing his one scimitar. He wielded 'Lash-bearer' valiantly in his right hand, and with his left he grasped the gem, and thrust it out of the pouch, and into the open. Suddenly, a bright flash of searing light exploded forth, blinding the most direct of the undead, and turning them into dust. Virdel stared, dumbfounded, as he watched the spektical. The larger skeleton on the other hand, didn't seem to care. It took another swing at Virdel, catching the awestruck Drow off gaurd. Virdel felt intense pain in his right arm, and felt the warm blood wash over him. He gasped for air, nearly tripping over a small object on the ground.

He recovered slowly, but ignored the pain, he turned and viciously struck the skeleton arm. He felt the blade knick into the chitonous framework, and he heard the skeleton issue forth a horrid moan of pain. Virdel then charged forth, ducking and rolling between the legs of the creature, leaing a trail of blood behind him. As he got back on his feet, he met with more of the undead horde. He was dreadfully tired now, but continued to fight on. He closed his eyes, took a breath, and then charged forth into the mass, his blade swing wildly, cutting swaths of death through the air, and cutting a bloody path through the horde.


Xandax didn't wait around for very long. Even though he didn't trust the Drow very much, he decided it best he help. He raised his sword and shield, and charged forth towards the mass. As he was about to reach the perimetre of the swarm, he noticed a flash of movement, and the glint of steel. He raised his shield, preparing to take on what he thought was the skeleton leader. His eyes went wide as he saw what came out of the swarm. From between to undead Orc zombies, the lilth Drow sprang forth, dismembering them as he went. Virdel took a few steps forward, then collapsed. Xandax rushed to him, and gathered his fatigued form, and dragged him away from the battle. He looked in horror when he saw what the fight between Virdel and the skeleton had caused. He quickly staunched the flow of blood, and continued to drag him to safety. The horde seemed uninterested in them now, obviously haven gotten what they wanted. They slowly shuffled away, a tide of slow moving death. all that remained at the seen of the battle was a small, ebony hand, it's fingers forced open....


@All: Thats all for me right now... Try to be back later.
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Post by CM »

As he watched all the members of this rag tag group disappear on their own, Faisal could not help feeling lost and wondering what he should do. He was the youngest with relatively no experience in any forum of fighting. He was novice cleric that couldn't really cast spells that were worth anything. He needed help and guidance at this moment and it would be best to ask someone if he could tag along.

Once he came out of his thoughts, everybody had disappeared to do their part in aiding the city at this moment. Faisal with no idea what to do or any confidence in myself decided it would be best if he just stayed where he was and memorized some more spells that could be helpful later on.

Sitting down on a near by rock, Faisal started to memorize various spells. The first he got was "draw on holy might" which he decided was best as he would need the help of his goddess very badly. Faisal then went through the various healing spells in quick succession, as he was used to memorizing them. After memorizing various spells, Faisal decided it was about time he tried a higher-level spell like "defensive harmony". After a grueling 25 minutes Faisal finally memorizes the spell and decided it is best to rest for a while he was tax to his limit. But he had memorized far more spells than before.

5 healing spells, defensive harmony, 2 draw on holy might, 2 cure disease and 1 holy smite was not a bad job. Faisal's musing is disturbed by a scream from near by. Faisal grabs for his sword and shield and places his spell book in his bag.

Another scream rips through the silent air and Faisal quickly decided he couldn’t stand around, so he runs in the direction of the scream.

Upon arriving at the scene, Faisal witnesses a small group of undead attacking a family. There were 5 zombies and 2 skeletons. The father was busy attacking the undead with a short sword while the mother tried to cover the children and protect them. Faisal quickly sent a silent prayer to his goddess to aid him in this indaver to protect the innocent.

Then he ran with all his might and viciously chopped into one of the skeletons, dismembering his torso from its legs. The father seeing the arrival of help, just one man but help nonetheless, attacked more swiftly and with greater vigor.

With one skeleton down, Faisal quickly attacks the nearest undead which was a zombie. Faisal had not fought undead before and thought it would be easy to defeat these abominations. He found out how wrong he was in the next few minutes. Faisal started with a simple cut at the arm of the zombie and cut of its arm, but it felt no pain and smashed Faisal across the face with its other arm.

Faisal felt a spark sting and lost his focus of the world for a moment. His eyes blurred and his face throbbed with pain. This isn't going to be easy. he thought. Stumbling back from the zombie Faisal finally regained his focus and saw that one zombie was down with the father of the family viciously chopping at the remains of the body so that nothing was left.

Faisal scanned the scene and saw that the last skeleton and 2 of the zombies were advancing on him. Faisal knew he was not enough of a fighter to defeat these 3 undead creatures and could not formulate a plan.

Divine guidance was never more needed then at this moment, and Faisal sent out an urgent plea for assistance, which was answered just as swiftly. Faisal felt warmth encompass and over flow his body, he felt calm, confident and safe. Then the voice of his lovely goddess spoke: "A good cleric has one defense against the undead that no other person has. That is the power to repel and destroy them, with their inner faith and love for their deity. You have my favor and you have your faith in me. Use it to protect these people."

With that the warmth of the goddess of luck disappeared and Faisal was faced with the grim reality of having to deal with 6 undead creatures and to protect the family. Faisal had no clue how to turn the undead creatures but his faith in his goddess had increased over this very short time and he believed her completely. As the undead advanced, Faisal pictured in his mind his faith radiating goodness and his faith in his goddess. He increased the light to encompass the undead creatures and imagined them stopping and then slowly walking backwards away from him.

Faisal concentrated even harder and imagined that the creatures were moving faster and faster. Faisal kept on concentrating and opened his eyes to see if there had been any affect on the undead creatures. To his great amazement, what he had imagined was occurring. The 6 undead had retreated away from him and were moving away faster and faster.

Seeing this his confidence grew and he pushed them even further and at the same time aimed to destroy them. He pushed the light he saw in his min harder and faster at the undead, aiming to destroy them once and for all so that they didn't hurt anybody else. But his body and mind were taxed to their limits, and Faisal saw that the undead were slowing their run from him and then all of a sudden they just stopped running.

Faisal was fatigued and weary; he could not keep up turning the undead for long. Then he had an idea; he kept turning undead but started to concentrate on casting a spell. His idea was to cast the spell draw on holy might and use some of his goddess's power to destroy these creatures.

Once he finished the spell, Faisal felt a wave of energy flow through his body and he aimed all the energy that he had received at the undead. The creatures stopped and started to tremble, Faisal did not let up and pushed even further and finally after a couple of seconds all of the zombies exploded and the skeleton crumbled to dust. The site was disgusting yet Faisal felt extremely happy and excited. He was thrilled that he had saved some lives, but also that he had achieved another ability as a cleric.

The father thanked Faisal and so did the family. Faisal saw the family to their home and then turned back to the empty and eerie city. There were more undead in the area and they needed to be dealt with. Faisal ran through the area looking for anybody who needed help or if there were any roaming groups of zombies that needed to be dealt with. He found nothing.

Guys I am very tired.
I will cover the rest tomorrow; class has been cancelled so I will have more time to post then.
Very sorry for the delay!
For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? - Khalil Gibran

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Post by Craig »

A rain of arrows flew from Thryns bow, and the skeleton did not finish his swing only hiting the neck and slicing the skin not snaping the bone as it had hoped(sp) it quick spun round to find the elf throw the unbalanced dagger at its face, still the aim was true...
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Post by Magus »

@Aegis: Not what I had planned...but that’s really my fault :D But this will work all right :)

* * * * *

The skeleton lord stood, gem in hand. Its duty was done, yet the bringer wanted more. But it was weary. The mage and drow had severely harmed it. It wanted rest.

The bringer demanded again, sending a painful ripple through its conscience.

No more. It dropped the gem, then collapsed to the ground. The light faded permanently from its eyes.

A zombie stooped down and picked it up, then shambled on.

* * * * *

The place was deserted, littered with corpses of the undead. Charred cement and scores of blackened husks indicated the presence of a powerful mage. Magus, no doubt.

“Looks like we arrived a bit late, Misty.”

-Do be quiet-

“Sorry.” Void must be hurting. Rail knew there was a strong bond between master and familiar, but Void had always seemed more detached, more independent. Guess that didn’t lessen the pain.

He saw a movement in a nearby building. Xandax walked out.

“The drow’s hurt. I pulled him inside.”

“Where’s Magus? And Aerie?”

Xandax shrugged. “No clue. Magus was hurt, drained or something by a huge skeleton. Aerie teleported off with him somewhere.”

“Hey guys.” Faisal appeared from a nearby alley.

Rail nodded in greeting. “Where did all the undead go to?” he asked, turning back to Xandax.

“They just left. Maybe that’s a clue why.” He pointed to Virdel’s disembodied hand.

Rail grimaced at the sight.

“It was the jewel...they were after Magus’s jewel.” Virdel stood leaning on the doorway, breathing heavily.

“Well if you’re getting up, let me out.” Thryn squeezed through the doorway.

“Maybe I can help,” Faisal offered hesitantly, nodding to the drow.

Before he could respond, Aerie appeared in their midst. She looked weary, but a small smile was on her lips. “He’ll be fine, Void.” Void’s eyes flared in acknowledgement.

“Come now. We all could use some much needed rest. Your rooms are ready at The Rift.”

Everyone walked over, thankful for a safe place to rest. Virdel just glared, not moving from the doorway.

Aerie stared in surprise, then quickly looked away when she saw his hand, or rather a lack of it. Her gaze was drawn to the one undecayed body part on the ground, a small ebony hand with fingers outstretched. She shivered, then walked over and gingerly picked it up.

She turned to Virdel, her face pale. “I think I can reattach it.” Virdel nodded grimly. She looked at him, wondering how to get him into the teleportation spell.

Faisal stepped forward. “I’ll get him, milady.” He gave the others a disappointed look. Xandax sighed and went to help.

Together they picked the drow up under the arms and carried him over. Aerie chanted her spell and their surroundings melted, soon replaced by a richly decorated library, extending lengthwise farther than the eye could see.

“Welcome to The Rift. The nishruu will show each of you to your rooms. I’ll tend to you in a little bit,” she said, nodding to Virdel.

She disappeared, followed by Void. There was a crackle of magic, and abruptly several shadowy forms appeared next to each of them. They looked like Void, only smaller, and their eyes didn’t shine quite as bright.

-We shall take you to your rooms whispered a thought in their minds. Another snap of energy and the library disappeared. Each found himself alone in a bedroom, a large ornate mirror the size of a person standing off to the side. It seemed to shimmer with stored magics. The rooms had no lights or windows, yet they could somehow see. There was no door.

* * * * *

As the horde retreated they were hounded by contingents of the Black Helm, which had finally mustered the men to respond. Strangely, the undead put up little resistance, and many were destroyed with minimal losses. Most of them escaped, however, disappearing behind the horizon as the sun rose over Athkatla.

* * * * *

@all: Longest post for me in a while! I’ll try to check back regularly today, so you guys can try and get out of the rooms if you want. Just don’t assume you do get out...
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Post by CM »

Faisal looked around the room. It was furnished elegantly in rich textures but with veyr little furniture. The first thing Faisal noticed was that there were no windows or doors, so he was stuck here until the magus was ok or some one came to get him.

With little else to do, Faisal took out his spell book and started to memorize his spells once again. It would be best to practice how many spells he could store at once he thought. Sitting down on the bed cross-legged, Faisal flipped through the spell book looking for spells he would need the future.

OCC Magus that ok?
For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? - Khalil Gibran

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Post by Xandax »

Xandax found himself in a smal but luxerious decoreate room. There was no visible exit.
Annoyed with his involuntary confinement he started to examine the room. There was something about the mirror – maybe that were the key to exiting the room. Xandax shook the idea – he was a “guest” in Magus’ stronghold, and would respond as such. No need to cause any commotion.

Xandax sad down on the bed placed in the room as one of the few furniture. No doubt it all was created by magic – it did properly not exist at all, Xandax thought.
Sitting on the bed, almost wary of it disappearing Xandax started to relax.
It was a strange feeling that overwhelmed Xandax – it was the feeling of freedom and serenity. With his fathers shadow seemingly out of his life, he was able to put focus on other things – and it made him free.
He then remembered his mother’s words – the amulet could only be used once more, then the magic was exhausted. He still didn’t know its full power, but Xandax was sure he would find out when it was time.
He drew his sword and looked at it – still untarnished – yet Xandax, out of habit started polishing it. Xandax took especially care to polish the engraved letters.
He did this when relaxing or reflecting on matters – it helped focus his mind.
He wondered what came next – how the undead hordes fitted with all the other things.
They were guided by a purpose by somebody above them – Xandax mind drifted back at the mage in the Coronet the first day. Atkathla would be doomed if they didn’t figure out what, who and why soon – it had already seen combat between the guilds and now hordes of undead.
The guilds – Xandaxs mind stopped for a while, wondering about the thieves and the helms, and especially the wizards – they were all pawns.
Xandax placed his sword in its sheet, and placed it leaning at the wall together with his shield and armour.
He was tired – his mental abilities were still taxed from the days event – he quickly fell asleep.

{ooc: had some time to write today :) }

[ 11-22-2001: Message edited by: Xandax ]
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Post by Magus »

@Fas+Xandax: Oh, you guys are no fun :D

@all: I'll wait for one more person before going on.

[ 11-22-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
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Post by Aegis »

Virdel nodded to Aerie before she left, as if accepting her gesture. He had no intention of replacing his hand, at least his original one. He looked down to his bandaged stump, the white linen stained red with his blood. He had been careless. Why did he save the blasted mage. He wanted to find out what drove him to do it. As he thought about this unseemly act of kindness he exressed, he found his thoughts wander to Ferchen. The two hadn't spoken for a few days now. He looked up, and about the lavish room, shaking his head clear of these thoughts.

He stood in the middle of a small, circular room. Along the wall tapestries and and pictures were hung, most of which were depicting battles of famous people of Faerun. One picture caught his eye, one of the famous Drow Ranger, Drizzt do'Urden, battle some theif, probably the fabled Atremis Entreri. As he watched it, something seemed out of place, and he raised his hand to touch the image. As his finger was about to make contact, he saw a flash of movement on the picture. He jumped back, and blinked, not sure what it was that happened. He scrutinized the picture again, but it ad changed. both combatents were in different positions. something about this picture was very magical. He raised his hand again, and placed it onto the picture. what came next was enough to surprise even the steadfast Drow. His hand slipped through the painting, and his body was pulled with it.

He found himself standing a dark cavern. It took his eyes only a moment to just to the infra-red spectrum. Around him, he heard the clash of steel, and the heavy breathing of two exhausted fighters. As his eyes adjusted, the image of the two invincible men came clearly. Each one of them was as fast and as skilled as the other. He watched the Drow Ranger make complicated jabs, and attacks, and the Human Assasin deftly parry each one. It was as if a mirror had been placed in front of them. He watched this go on for a few scant minutes, when suddenly he felt something tugging on him, while nothing was near him. He found his body being dragged back into reality but some unseen force.The cavern dissappeared, and he found himself back in the small room. He wasn't sure what to make of it. He merely sat down on a nearby chair, and stared towards the image, curious of it's powers....
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