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Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2001 8:15 pm
by Aegis
Just a thought, if we have a persistent server, that would mean items left or dropped in our Guild would remain there. If thats the case, then maybe what we could do is set up things like an armory to equip specifically for certain mission. Also we could have a "coffer" for Guild money, in case we need to purchase things. Also, a library would be kind've cool. Not only could it be used for holding spells, but we could have the history of Faerun in there as well. Just some thoughts..
Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2001 9:45 pm
by Georgi
I'd like to join (@Nippy - are you happy now?
), I was thinking of a fighter-mage, what say?
Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2001 9:47 pm
by Aegis
Sweet! Female fighter!
(Would you like to be my Warrior Princess?
Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2001 10:28 pm
by Rail
@Xyx- glad you liked the description. I don't like playing the normal stereotypes.
I can't believe how this guild has taken off! Very cool!
What are the chances of playing in a wing other than the norm. If other paladins don't like occasional recklessness and borderline disrespectful but always righteous behavior, I'm sure Aegis can find a place in the Warrior Wing for a good sword. Not that I'm deserting, Nippy. I'm still a solid member among the Divine. Well..., maybe a shaky member, but a member nonetheless.
Until you give me the boot.
Can a cleric of Tempus join the Warrior Wing? They'd probably be more comfortable there. Just a thought. I guess that's really what I'm asking. How strict are we to be on classes and wings?
[ 08-07-2001: Message edited by: Rail ]
Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2001 10:41 pm
by Aegis
Hey Xandax, incoming stat line...
Str. 15
Dex. 15
Con. 14
Int. 10
wis. 10
Cha. 10
For some reason, Elves have a natural 10 on Dex, and that was using the program, so.. These are all legal stats.
Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2001 12:39 am
by Tamerlane
Where can I get my hands on that character generator. Just to get an idea, of how 3 ed. rules work.
Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2001 12:46 am
by Xandax
There is one one you BG2 disk # 1 somewhere.
The file is called: CGsetup12.exe (I think)
But it is only usefull(but very, at that) to figure out how the pointbuy system works - there are many skills in the generator that will not be in NwN.
@Aegis: it is updated
[ 08-07-2001: Message edited by: Xandax ]
Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2001 1:15 am
by Garcia
Originally posted by Xandax:
@Aegis: it is updated
[ 08-07-2001: Message edited by: Xandax ]</STRONG>
wow that is what I call fast service Xandax.
I wrote my membership for the BOTB later on the day yesterday and this morning it was fully updated
Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2001 1:23 am
by Nippy
Yes the guild is pretty big now. I have brought over people from BG2. Maybe we should try other forums for a 'turning'?
Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2001 1:33 am
by Xandax
Originally posted by Garcia:
wow that is what I call fast service Xandax.
I wrote my membership for the BOTB later on the day yesterday and this morning it was fully updated
Have you seen my mail to you??
Well the reason I can update so fast these days is that I've nothing else to do
(vacation at home with my comptuer)
From thursday and 10 days forward I'll however be away from my computer and the internet
Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2001 1:56 am
by Garcia
well it also showes on your number of posts
just read your mail. I didn't know that about the spells. what rules are we following BG rules, D&D/AD&D? if it is the old AD&D rules or BG rules I know what counts I have played both.....too much
if not can i read about it somewere??
Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2001 2:04 am
by Xandax
Originally posted by Garcia:
<STRONG>well it also showes on your number of posts
just read your mail. I didn't know that about the spells. what rules are we following BG rules, D&D/AD&D? if it is the old AD&D rules or BG rules I know what counts I have played both.....too much
if not can i read about it somewere??</STRONG>
It is 3.ed (A)D&D rules - there is a character editor demo on you BG2 disk # 1 - you could try it out to get a feel of this character buisness
Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2001 2:29 am
by Garcia
okey I will look in to that as soon as possible (I am at work now
) and send it to you.
Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2001 2:36 am
by Xandax
Originally posted by Garcia:
<STRONG>okey I will look in to that as soon as possible (I am at work now
) and send it to you.
NP - that's what I'm here for - well actually not, but it sounded good
Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2001 2:39 am
by Garcia
he he indeed it does
Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2001 4:46 am
by Weasel
Congrats Xandax I just noticed you have hit 3000 post
Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2001 4:51 am
by Xandax
Originally posted by Weasel:
<STRONG>Congrats Xandax I just noticed you have hit 3000 post
, I guess it helps to participating in the starting of a guild like this
Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2001 5:00 am
by Rail
You're halfway to the master. Well..., almost!
Well done!
Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2001 5:33 am
by Nippy
Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2001 6:28 am
by NeKr0mAnCeR
@XAN: just made my new character (im gona try not to PG)
name: Regdar
class: fighter
alignment: neutral good
diety: put the god of fighters if you know who he is, if you dont know put the same Aegis did.
str 15
dex 12
con 14
int 10
wis 8
cha 13
Regdar is a champion of good, pledging his mighty sword to the cause of justice. He adventures to put down evil and to gain skill and experience that he can use in his crusade. Of all the weapons he has been trained to use, Regdar prefers a greatsword (3rd Ed's two handed sword), even though it prevents him from using a shield to protect himself.
if you need anything else just ask