Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 11:34 pm
No problem,RPGguy wrote:[out of game]
Ok, a few questions for the DM as a learner...
1. I am the type of player that doesn't want to just walk past a magic sword without noticing it. Should I be specifying that my character does a search (and provide a d20 roll) each time my character enters a new area? How is ths aspect of the game typically handled.
2. I am a rogue with Trapfinding sense. How is that implemented by you as DM. Again, I'd like to think that Rahg'nuul won't bumble onto obvious traps. So how am I (as a player) supposed to address this kind of game mechanic.
3. Knowledge checks. I have dungeoneering knowledge and obviously, I'm always interested in learned as much about my environment as I can. But at the same time, I can't be doing d20 checks every 20 feet I walk. So how do you prefer to handle Knowledge checks.
Just looking for guidance so that I am not bogging down, slowing down the game the same time...not operating my character as a dolt by failing to make certain checks when they are in order. What is the protocol here?
Thanks in advance
The key to alot of this is that there is alot of rolling going on "Under the hood", every time you enter a room I immediately make spot checks, engineering checks, dwarven stonework checks, trapchecks (if there is a trap), ect. If there is no such thing as a trap or the what not, then I'll not roll or mention it.
Let's say there is a trap though, I'll roll, it it's low I'll completely gloss over it, since if I mentioned that you failed a trap sense then you as a player know your character missed something and will even doing "Take 20", rolling until you get a 20 to change the fact.
If there's a trap and you get a moderate roll I'll mention the object and that it looks suspicious, but keep in mind I'll also mention other features as "Red Herrings".
If you roll fantastically, then I'll show that you've done a trap sense roll, where the trap is, what it is, ect.
Everything in the middle of the 3 ranges gets various degrees of success.
Only exception to this currently is the spot checks for looking in the other room. You'll know whether or not you are seeing anything in the next room or not.
Without further ado your questions:
1.Spot checks when entering a room are what your character does naturally when entering a room, you notice debris, a chest set off in the corner, ect.
You basically never have to actively roll a spot check.
A Search check however is something you would have to specify, generally only one search check on a room unless you do a take 20, but beware this takes up a huge chunk of time in your day 20-25 minutes. This is a thorough search of a room from end to end.
If you want to only search a specific item such as the weapon rack you get a +2 circumstance bonus, which I have been doing behind the scenes as reduce the challenge DC by 2. It's the same effect.
2. I kind of explained this, but behind the scenes for the acid trap you failed to notice the trap for several reason.
You are in an dangling position from a rope upside down, penality.
You are trying to avoid sunlight , really minor penality since you are in the shade of the vault.
Add in your roll of an 8 (I believe) and your character pretty much missed out on the acid trap.
3.Dungeoneering knowledge is knowledge your character would know when in a dungeon, this can range from small things such as knowing not to drink water in a dungeon unless it's in a magic fountain meant to be drunken from, even then might be dangerous, but generally the fountain has a purpose and here's what you think it is... to there's a puddle of water on the ceiling? It's probably a Grey ooze, you can kill those with fire, but you should do so while keeping a safe distance.
An example of your architecture knowledge can be seen when you investigated the first room, you noticed that the central disc tile was different and was separate from the rest of the tiling, it wasn't a trap door but you know that it's meant to move.
I sometimes update really slow because I'm busy, but other times it's because I make these hidden rolls and draw out these crazy maps.
Final note, now that you are aware that the entire dungeon feels like it can shift you can now actively make balance checks to maintain footing, had you tried running towards the room I'd probably would have done it for you.
Update: Syb has a +10 in typing really fast. lol.
You collect the papers, one of them is coated in blood and you go in the corner to read them... The script is borderline illegible but you try your best with the first 2...
Decipher Script (untrained):18+1=19 possible + success
Decipher Script (untrained):9+1=10 impossible without skill
You manage to make out the first paper fairly easily.
"Day 14, Month of the Dragon 42 CA
Just when you think you can no longer be marvelled by the magic of old Mandrake wows us again. Amongst the many things that Mandrake the mad has set up in this vault are the statues. Most of them are harmless, but some of them turn from flesh to stone before our very eyes! The creatures we've encountered tend to not be of the friendly variety so we've made it our duty to destroy any of them that we come across our way before they get nasty.
But there are other statues such as statues that don't transform but take on a more exotic trap variety. The only statue that we've taken great care to avoid is the minotaur golem. It is far beyond our capabilities, thankfully the stupid construct simply lumbers around one room, and tends to be very slow. Didn't stop one of my drow enslavers from getting an stone axe through his skull. Fairly nasty business.
Well, Off to figure out a way to the next floor. Once I've recovered the artifact, I'll be rich, and I can join my sweet sweet Katarina for the festival.
All my love,
Randall Fleetfingers"
The third one is coated with blood making it even harder to read, you could try cleaning it off, but you might risk washing the ink off depending on how you go about it...
While you ponder this you look around the room again. In the south there now a metal wall made of a flat steel. So now it looks like the blood just leads up to the metal wall.
To your east you examine the wall where the passage way once lay...
Search (Stone):18+2+1=21
You find that the stone is only about 5 ft thick, and on the other side there is a room! Perhaps you can get back to Rhag'nuul. The brick looks fairly sturdy though, you may want to find some sort of way of getting rid of the wall aside from using your fists. They've suffered enough abuse from the marble wall outside that to use them to break down a door might just ruin them for good.
After recollecting yourself you look at your new surroundings. To your right there is a metal Wall, flat steel you go to inspect it... and notice a small jolt of electricity jump from the metal wall for a split second. It might be a trap.
Next you look at the stair to see if you can still retreat. Your heart sinks when you see the top of the stairs that should lead up to the marble room is now been replaced with a flat stone dead-end. You're trapped!
The path to the west seems like it hasn't changed at all.
You and Frederick try to sneak up closer to the battle but only you know that. Everyone else seeing you just sees two armoured warriors strolling in gallantly into the thick of a battle, it is glorious. So Glorious that the orcs and even the Ogre stop for a split second to try and figure out what the two of you are doing... Before going back to clobbering at eachother.
Roll for initiative if you wish to fight regularly,
You can wait after a certain person has made there attack to interject in the battle,
Make preparations.