Page 26 of 37
Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2001 12:20 pm
by Craig
When he fell a sleep
Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2001 11:16 pm
by Magus
@all: I’m having a busy week, as usual. Sorry about taking so long.
@Xandax: You’re all wrong. He’s a char, and you can’t argue that
@craig: Oh, I didn’t think the dream was real (eyes hurt in dream, eyes hurt in reality).
@Fas: Since you said Calahan was smashed on the back AND dodged the blow

, I’m going to assume he just dodged the blow.
* * * * *
Calahan finally noticed Faisal and Thyrn. Seeing that he was outmatched and that squeezing Xandax neck was a liability, he threw Xandax against a bookshelf and launched himself at Faisal and Thyrn.
“Stop.” The power word rang out over the din, but seemed to have no effect on the Helm leader. A look of surprise flashed across Magus’s face. Must be the armor, he surmised. Meanwhile Calahan tackled Faisal, bringing him to the ground. He followed with a blow to the chin that sent his vision reeling.
Then the magical creature materialized behind Calahan, reaching for his back. He quickly rolled out of the way, knowing he couldn’t let the thing touch him. A blade suddenly slipped through the back of his left knee joint, causing a painful gash. He kicked out, but missed the nimble little elf.
The thunderbolt got him before he could recover. It smashed into his back, sending him hurtling into a bookshelf. It fell over, pinning him to the ground.
On the other side of the room, Xandax slowly got up, tenderly feeling his bruised windpipe. A few more seconds and that iron grip would have finished the job.
Magus walked over to where Calahan lie, prone but still defiant. His voice was cold. “Attack us ever again and you’ll get no mercy from me. Perhaps a stay in the dungeon will teach you some manners.” Several nishruu immediately appeared. They cast a spell, then vanished with Calahan.
Magus turned to the rest, the weariness showing on his face. “I must retire. I have yet to recover from last night’s brush with death. In the meantime, do as you wish.” He disappeared without a word. Taking a quick look around, Thryn noticed a mirror like the one in his room, standing by a bookshelf a few rows down. Hmm...must have missed it before, he thought.
* * * * *
Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2001 3:07 am
by CM
ooc who punched who magus??
Did he punch me?
I guess that is what happened, but a clarification would be nice.
Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2001 11:45 am
by Magus
@Fas: Meanwhile Calahan tackled Faisal, bringing him to the ground. He (Calahan)followed with a blow to the chin that sent his (Faisal's) vision reeling.
Sorry for being unclear

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2001 12:10 pm
by Craig
@Magus uh the way i ment it was so Thryn charged at Calahan my bad
Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2001 1:02 pm
by Aegis
Virrilis held no knowledge of Calahan becoming a prisonner of the Rift. After Magus and Void left, he and Aerie had spent time discussing the reattachment of his original hand, and the length of the healing process. Although it would never be as nimble as before, Virrilis preferred to keep his original limb. It would take only an hour or so, but would remain useless for a few hours afterwards. The two decided to begin the process immediatly.
When he finally did learn of Calahan's capture, he asked the elf maiden to escort him to the dungeon, in order to question him. He figured if Magus would care to join in the interogation, he would.
When reaching the dungeon entrance. Virrilis kind;y smiled to Aerie, telling her that her help was apprecieated, and that he would take it from here. She nodded, and left virrilis there. He turned, and opened the magical door leading to the dungeon. He looked around, noticing how, for a magically lavish domain, the dungeon looked much like a regular dank prison. He made his way down the rows of cells, his footsteps ring out in the emptiness of the area. He made his way to the only cell with an occupent, Calahan's cell.
"I see you finally got yourself into a bind" Virrilis remained calm, and collected. He stood infront of the cell, his arms crossed behind his back. Calahan merely looked up in disgust from his crouched form.
"And who the hell are you?" Calahan spat. Leaning against the bars of the cell, he pushed himself to his feet, holding them for support. Virrilis looked to his knee, and then back to his face.
"I'm insulted." Virrilis started, stepping closer to the bars, and to Calahan. "I thought a man who sparred you in battle would earn some rememberance." Calahan's eyes widened, and his face grew red.
"Your that bloody Drow, aren't you!" He stumbled towards the bars, leaning heavily on them. If it weren't for his injury, he would've torn through them, and strangeled Virrilis right there.
Virrilis smiled. "So you do remember me. That is of noconsequence though." He looked down to his pouch, reaching in, and retreiving a vial of murky blue liquid. He examined it for a moment, then handed through the bars. "Apply this to your wound. It'll be fine in a few minutes." Calahan reluctantly did so, not liking being at someone's mercy, but thinking he could kill the elf once the healing took effect. "I want to ask you a few things." Calahan looked up. "What were you doing breaking your truce with Xandax and his friends?"
Calahan laughed, slowly feeling his knee healing. "I never made any truce. I only did because that damned fool thought he would able to manipulate me. I should've killed him there."
virrilis nodded. "I see. Alright, then you told you to attack the Rift, and further more, where it was?" Virrilis took another step closer to the cell.
Calahan chuckled again. "A higher up. Whats it matter to you?"
"It means a great deal. Tell me, or I won't be held accountable. Not even Magus will protect you from me."
"It doesn't matter anyway. The second Lazal finds you, and your little friends, you'll all be dead." He smiled, and stood up straight, his knee healed.
"So Lazal did have something to do with it." Virrilis remained silent for a moment. But just who is controlling Lazal? he thought. He turned back to Calahan. "Is there anything else you would like to tell me?" He was know standing right next the bars.
Calahan saw this, and sadistic grin came to his face. "Just that I'm about to rip your heart out..." He smiled again. Virrilis nodded. Then, as fast cat, Calahan launched himself towards the magical bars, wrapping his arms between them, and grabbing for Virrilis. The elf merely stepped back, grinning.
"I see your still full of rage. Perhaps it will save you at some point. Would you like your chance?" an odd grin appeared on Virrilis's face. Calahan perked an eyebrow, confused. Virrilis then waved his hand, and the shimmering bars began to slowly vanish, a dispelling enchantment of great power removing them. Calahan stood dumbfounded for a moment, but not for long. He charged for Virrilis again. the nimble elf side stepped, dodging the charge completly. Calahan spun quickly, and swung a back hand around, attempting to crush Virrilis's cheek. Virrlis raises his right hand, letting the powerful blow his his thin metal bracers, which merely rattled a bit. The obvious magic was enough to stop the attack.
Virrilis then reprised, quickly striking his hand out, acroos Calahan's face. The big man was too slow to block the attack, and he felt the slender fist connect. It hrut him more then he would ever think, or admit. Calahan charged again, about to dig his elbows into the elf's chest. Virrilis sprang to the side, and dug his own elbow into the back of the warriors neck, bringing him to the ground. As the big man hit the floor, he felt the soft leather of a Virrilis's boot press down on his neck, cutting off most of Calahan's air.
Virrilis looked down. "Now, tell me again. Is there anything else?" He grinned.
Calahan spat on the floor, his face turning red. "Cro... Crown of Thrones.." He was arely able to speak, but Virrilis had gotten what he wanted, for the most part.
Before the blade Singer was about to continue, and bright flash engulfed the room, and a loud voice from behind shouted "STOP!" Virrilis didn't look up, he knew exactly what was happening. Calahan, on the other hand, turned his head, rather slowly, towards Magus who had entered the dungeon...
@Magus: All yours.
[ 12-16-2001: Message edited by: Aegis ]
Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2001 1:48 pm
by Nippy
Are you going to do another one of these guys? I'd like to join the next one.....

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2001 2:00 pm
by Aegis
Well, I think this one is nearing completion. If you just keep watching this one, and wait until it ends (Probably around the new year) I'm sure Magus and I will start up another.
Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2001 5:59 pm
by CM
And if you guys don't mind, i would like to join for another one as well.
This is fun!

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2001 7:05 am
by Nippy
Originally posted by Aegis:
<STRONG>Well, I think this one is nearing completion. If you just keep watching this one, and wait until it ends (Probably around the new year) I'm sure Magus and I will start up another.</STRONG>
And Fas, I agree!

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2001 11:06 pm
by Magus
@Nippy: Hi there. New Year’s would be a hopeful estimate. I doubt it will be done by then, but we’ll see. Anyway, you’re more than welcome to join the next story
@craig: Yeah, I know. Thryn was the one who slashed up Calahan’s knee (the nimble little elf).
@Aegis: That’s Crown of Horns
BTW, Calahan didn’t know he was breaking any “truce.” Xandax never mentioned the name of his employer, you see. Calahan thought to pry the
Rift from Magus’s dead grasp and use it as a base of operations, then contact these friends of Xandax’s.
Also, the Rift’s whereabouts are no secret. It’s pretty tall, and you can see it from fairly far off. Not to mention it’s only a few miles from Athkatla’s walls. The reputation of its unfriendly guardians is what really keeps unwanted visitors away
* * * * *
Calahan turned his neck, then suddenly found himself unable to move. Damn mage had taken his pendant.
Magus turned to Virrilis, his robe ruffled and hair unkempt, and not looking happy at all. “What is the meaning of this?”
* * * * *
@all: Got to ru- hey wait a minute...that’s all I can write right now

I’ll check back tomorrow morning to see how things have progressed
@Fas+Xandax+craig: Your characters need to decide what to do next.
Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2001 2:13 am
by Xandax
Originally posted by Magus:
<STRONG><snip>@Fas+Xandax+craig: Your characters
need to decide what to do next.</STRONG>
Well as to what I can see in the story - we are still in the libary and a bit away from Magus and Aegis' character - so what options do we have?
Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2001 6:48 am
by Aegis
@Magus: Actualy, there was a bit of a truce going on, as Xandax and Calahan had seemed to make peace. Truce, althoguhed used in it's loosest terms, was technically true... Also, leave my typo alone...

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2001 10:59 am
by CM
OOC We could hold a party in the library.
But seriously, what can we do?
We can walk around the rift and do something, or do you want us to do something specific Magus?
Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2001 12:26 pm
by Magus
@Library boys: I want you to read my mind

Actually, I hoped you guys could walk around the
Rift while I tie up this thing with Virrilis. You explore and I tell you what you see. That’s why I mentioned the mirror.
* * * * *
Thryn walked over to the mirror. The image inside shimmered, then changed to show what looked like a laboratory. He extended his hand to touch the glass, but it went right through. Shrugging, he stepped through.
He found himself in a large room furnished by large shelves on all sides. On one side sat a number of books. He walked over and picked one up. It didn’t even have any dust on it. The title read, “Summoning Made Easy.” Interesting, he thought before putting it back. On the two other sides were stacked the greatest stockpile of ingredients he had ever seen. Vials of liquid, jars of creature eyes, and other magical reagents lined the shelves. He recognized a few rare ones he had seen in the shops. Even one of them was worth a hefty sized bag of gold.
On the last side lay what looked like the finished products, neatly ordered into their respective shelves. One shelf had nothing but wearable items, from rings and amulets to bracelets and ioun stones. Another was set aside for potions, clear and murky, white and black, thin and thick. The last was for broken items. One in particular caught his eye. It was a small buckler, holes in its face indicating missing gems. He picked it up and examined it. It was smooth and silvery, and incredibly light; undoubtedly made of some rare material. He tapped it, and a hollow noise echoed back. Without another thought he smashed it on the ground as hard as he could. Not even a dent.
He was about to put it back when he noticed a small button. Curious, he pressed it. He jumped back as the shelf began to turn. When it finished, the other side of the shelf was facing him. Set in glass boxes were five small fragments of an item, one fragment per box. In all was an obsidian circlet and four bleach white horns, though one box was empty. An overwhelming aura of evil radiated from the disassembled crown.
* * * * *
@craig: Your move... (smiles mischievously)
@Xandax+Fas: You can follow Thryn or go somewhere else. There’s plenty of interesting things to see in the
Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2001 1:24 pm
by Aegis
@Magus: Sly devil...

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2001 1:54 pm
by Craig
He sensed the evil but from what he could not tell "Damn my blindness" he threw down the buckler, picked it up and felt its still smooth surface, and put it in his pack.
He fumbled with the table and found a button, pressed it and relised that the evil had grown stronger, he walked away wish not to use a cursed item
@Magus Thryns is not thick just blind

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2001 2:57 pm
by Magus
@craig: Hey, Thryn's expressed inclinations towards evil before. He once killed a few Helms for no other reason than he felt like it
BTW, totally forgot he's supposed to be blinded. Oh well

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2001 3:07 pm
by Craig
{OOC One he was insane because of the mess his parents were in and now they are free Two he even if he was still sane would still not want to get cursed
Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2001 11:41 am
by Magus
@craig: Ok, I understand now
* * * * *
He fumbled with the shelf and found a button, pressed it and realized that the evil had grown stronger. He walked away, not wishing to use a cursed item.
Though he didn’t know it, he was very lucky to be able to walk away. If not for Magus’s foresight, things would have happened much differently. As it was, Thryn found it increasingly difficult to put one foot in front of the other. Suddenly he remembered the shelf was still turned, revealing that someone had been snooping. But he didn’t dare turn back. He stumbled into a mirror, and with a burst of will leapt through it, not knowing where it would take him.
He emerged, the stifling smell of the laboratory greeting him. Ahead of him the broken crown glowed mockingly, though he couldn’t see it. A book flew off a shelf and thwacked him in the side of the head, knocking him to the floor.
He was really beginning to regret coming here.
* * * * *