@craig: I don’t quite understand what’s going on with Thryn, but ok
* * * * *
Bursts of lightning shot at Aerie as she tried to touch him. She barely managed to raise a shield, deflecting the damage but not the sting. What was happening? She had just gotten to sleep when poor Thryn came stumbling in, bruised and blinded. Now this...
She suddenly sensed a dark presence within the
Rift. Never had she felt such hunger, such malignance. She quickly glanced at Thryn, writhing on the floor, his eyes rolled back. No, it wasn’t him, though she did sense something else vying for control inside the young elf. Her brow marred by worry, she kneeled down to help Thryn. Readying herself for another magical backlash, she reached for him again, chanting the words of a divine exorcism.
* * * * *
“I must retire. I have yet to recover from last night’s brush with death. In the meantime, do as you wish.” So Magus had said before he disappeared.
Not knowing what else to do, and not feeling particularly tired, or adventurous, Xandax and Faisal sat and stared at the ceiling. It was a nice ceiling, as far as such things go. Very smooth, not a nick to be found anywhere. Time passed, until finally they were broken from their reverie by the haunting voice of the specter.
“Thee oone knoown aass Laazal haass eentered thee Riifft. Faareweell, moortals.” It disappeared without a trace.
They rose from their seats at once. Xandax picked up his gear and walked over to the mirror Thryn had gone through. “We have to find Magus. Come on,” he said, nodding to Faisal. He recalled an image of Magus, staring at him with those ice blue eyes. He waited intently for Magus to appear in the mirror. Instead, it began to cloud over, like shadows across the moon. Slowly the darkness formed itself into the vague likeness of a face.
“You will not interfere, mortals. You will watch, and know what it is to despair, to have your destiny decided for you as you look on, helpless and ineffectual. Such was my fate, and so will it be yours.”
The darkness dispersed, revealing Magus, who stood beside a tower talking to a hakeashar. They could hear his voice, and amazingly, even the hakeashar’s telepathy. Faisal touched the glass, but it was as hard as ever.
* * * * *
“You will not interfere, mortals. You will watch, and know what it is to despair, to have your destiny decided for you as you look on, helpless and ineffectual. Such was my fate, and so will it be yours.”
Virillis slammed his fist into the mirror. Not even a mark. He heard a faint laughing, alien and inhuman, as the scene played out uninterrupted.
“Hey, I’m not even with the mage! Damn it, how in the Hells did I get mixed up in this?!” Calahan shouted, as if expecting an answer. He got none.
* * * * *
“Gather the guards and servants. We don’t have much time.”
As you will- The hakeashar commandant vanished.
Magus stood at the base of his tower, the center of the
Rift and the fountain of magic which fed the rest of the mana-rich pocket dimension. He remembered a time when a different evil was afoot, and the tower was rent by another mage’s energies. The
Rift, and Athkatla for that matter, nearly perished that day. Why was Lazal there? What was he after? And what was that other presence he sensed?
Lazal stood fifty feet away, considering his opponent, looking for signs of weakness. He found none.
Magus stared back grimly, his eyes cold and unyielding . “So good of you to come.”
“I’ve come for you, Magus. With you gone, no one will dare stand in our way.”
“Our?” Magus replied, gazing at him intently.
Lazal parried the mental probe. “Not this time, my friend.” He smiled. “I would explain, but why waste breath on a dead man?”
The half elf’s eyes narrowed. “Your conduct reeks of overconfidence. Do you really think killing me will be that easy?”
“Not at all.” The smile vanished. A chill wind blew around him, rippling along his robes. “I’m no fool. It’s been ages since I’ve faced a worthy adversary. I intend to savor it before I send you shrieking to the Abyss.” His eyes flashed fiery red.
“So you really aren’t human...” Magus mused.
“Observant as always. Prepare to die, half elf.”
* * * * *
@Aegis: My post just assumes you found out about Lazal’s arrival. You’re welcome to clarify that in your next post, but I didn’t feel like repeating myself after I did the whole thing with Xandax and Faisal
@all: You wouldn't believe how long this took me. So don't expect another post until I make some headway on the projects I was supposed to be doing
[ 12-16-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]