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Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2002 5:17 am
by Mysteria
*WARNING: random Mysty dropping in!*

Hey, how are you today?
I've just finished clearing out a whole cave sytem in NWN, I got my nice, black leather armour and now I've too much cash. About 35000GP ... :D

So, what drink can you recommend me?

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2002 5:18 am
by Kameleon
*SLURRs his GIGGLE while watching Flammie chase Dusty around the RT*

So, Beldin, how's your day going? Are the users being particularly problematic? Have you killed any yet? :p

EDIT - Hello, fair Mysty :) You could have a GIGGLE if you want, or perhaps just a FHS...Flammie! Stop that now and let Dusty get the drinks!

I find that there just isn't enough to buy in NWN to soak up the huge amounts of cash you build up - it's the same in almost all games, unfortunately.

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2002 5:23 am
by Beldin
@Mysty: I could recommend the False Dawn Tequila Sunrise - but be sure to wear some +3 Ray Ban SUnblocking glasses while drinking....

**orders Dusty to prepare a F.D.T.S. and hands out sunglasses to all present**

@Kam: Today it's quite nice at work - just 2 or 3 really annoying people who think that the wellbeing of the western civilisation depends on THEIR cashdispenser working ...**sigh**

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2002 5:23 am
by Mysteria
*takes a FHS eyeing it just a little bit suspisciously*

So, what sort of drink is this?
Remember, I've not read much, being lost in NWN ;)

Well, I managed to stay pretty low on cash until now, but now I don't know what to buy from it. :( Oh well, I can always buy healing potions in the dozen ;)

edit: *takes a F.D.T.S. in her other hand*

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2002 5:25 am
by Beldin

**takes the F.D.T.S: for himself and starts to explain the FHS to Mysty**

@Mysty - read here. You're mostly safe if you drink what Kam recommends - he's our testing subject for new concotions ;) :D ...

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2002 5:30 am
by Kameleon
*gets a sextuple vodka*

OK...maybe you shouldn't drink everything that I drink... :D

Beldin - I know what those people can be like - at least three people per day come through my Mum's library expecting her to drop everything just to requisition some book from some other college when they could easily do it themselves. And they aren't prepared to wait. *hands Beldin CM's Desert Eagle* Try this, but don't blame me if you get fired :D Blame Fas, of course!

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2002 5:36 am
by Mysteria
*eyes FHS even more suspiciously*

So, are you telling me that I will be belching flames if I drink one of these ... :eek:

*looks at Kam's sextuple vodka*

Hey there's still some empty room in that glass! Look, it does not yet flow over.

*tops off glass so only superficial tension (is that the right word?) keeps it from overflowing* :D

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2002 5:36 am
by Beldin
Originally posted by Kameleon
Try this, but don't blame me if you get fired :D Blame Fas, of course!
Of course I'll blame Fas ! :D ;)

But I have my weapon of choice already available - look here.

**leans back, relights Ole and starts to toke again**

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2002 5:43 am
by CM
blame me fine.
Just dont tell them where i am :D

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2002 5:43 am
by Eerhardt
the actions of Eerhardt

Happy 2k, Beldin!
Image Image Image Image

Sorry I couldn't be here to celebrate :( . I don't want to spoil the fun, so people can always PM me if they really want to know what was up. I'm feeling a bit better now, but I'm still calling it quits for today. C U all tomorrow :) and continue partying Rolling Thunder-style ;) - E. ** heads for the lab **

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2002 5:43 am
by Kameleon
Thanks, Mysty - so what is this now, a sextuple-and-a-half vodka? Doesn't quite have the same ring... :D (And it's surface tension, but I know what you mean ;) )

@Beldin - Ooh :D

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2002 5:49 am
by Mysteria
@Kam: ah, that's what it's called :)

*tries out FHS doubtfull of the outcome*

I'm still not sure what the effect is ... so, how do I look like now? :D

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2002 5:51 am
by Beldin

I'll have to leave , too I'm afraid. :(

Bye @all, and keep the Party going ! **takes a nother quick draw from Ole and heads for his cabin**

C U around, Mates and "Sheilas" ! ;) :D

**closes the door behind himself**

EIDT - @Mysty - you're lookin' great, me you always do ! ;) **bows and leaves again**

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2002 5:54 am
by Kameleon
Cya, Beldin!

Mysty, I couldn't really say - I think my judgement may be slightly impaired *passes out*

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2002 6:03 am
by Mysteria
Ish it? You forshgot to makesh a nick in tshe counter.

*manges to cut a nick in the counter for Kam*

I'd b-better make one fo-fo-fo ... *passes out*

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2002 6:06 am
by Kameleon
*wakes up and makes a nick for Mysty*

*notices Mysty passed out next to him* :D :D :D :eek:

*carries her limp body to Ode's gunners cabin and tucks her in before collapsing in one of those pink fluffy chairs that Ode hates so much*

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2002 6:19 am
by Bloodstalker
Happy 2k Beldin. I would give you my customary "get wasted" speech, but, I think you already know that. :D

@Eerhardt. Sorry to hear about your car, I know how you feel. have ad drink on me, hell, have several :cool:

Hello Mysty, nice to see that you still live. :p ;)

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2002 3:11 pm
by Georgi
Happy 2K, Beldin! *hug* Image

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2002 9:17 pm
by Eerhardt
the actions of Eerhardt

** wakes up refreshed on the bottom of his sleeping pint, returns upstairs and prepares himself a mug of Irish C.C.B. ** Morning, all! A new day and another view on things :) - I have some catching up to do ** finishes his mug and, following BS's advice, starts SLURRing away a horse-sized pint of purple beer ** @Kam&Mysty: LOL :D !

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2002 10:05 pm
by Tamerlane
*Makes sure this is the correct thread*

Yep, the Rolling Thunder are here.

Afternoon all.

I have a banana for Dusty just like I promised. Now hopefully we can all put the bad events of yesterday behind us. ;)