Athkathla II
As the Hakeashar stopped Virrilis, The two mages continued their onslaught upon each other. Magus, hearing Void's psionic warning risked a glance towards the Blade Singer, one that costed him. A chromatic orb shot forth from his palms, hurtling towards Magus, what it's effect would be was unknown. Magus turned back towards Lazal, and saw the orb coming towards him. void and virrilis also saw this. Void responded by vanishing quickly, while Virrilis charged forward towards Lazal. Magus uttered the words to to dispel this incoming orb, but wasn't sure if it would take effect in time. As the orb closed in, a a dark mist formed in front of Magus, with two glowing red eyes. Void had placed himself in front of the orb. The ball hit Void, causing no damage to the Hakeashars incorporeal form. Magus's protections sprang to life once again.
Lazal, while Magus was distracted for those few seconds, saw Virrilis charge towards him. He flashed his palm out towards the Blade, and yelling a single word. "Difaotia!". Virrilis felt his body get knocked backwards from some unseen force. He skidded along the ground, stopping several yards back. He quickly kipped himself to his feet, and looked to where he saw Lazal. To his surprise, the image of the mage was now blocked by a black mass forming in front of him. He watched it take form, slowly developing features of it's own. Virrilis' eyes widened in shock when he saw his own face look back at him. Behind the Simulcrum of the blade, Lazal and Magus had resumed their conflict. Virrilis saw the clone of himself grin maliciously, and then charge towards him, both scimitars raised. Virrilis raised his own blades, parrying the skilled attack, the metal resounding loudly. virrilis was forced back another step as his clone made another attack, striking low with one blade, and to his mid-section with the other. Virrilis, again, countered both attacks. As he felt his blades meet with his counter-parts, and raised his knee, attempting to wind the clone. The clone did nothing to block the attack. Instead, it allowed the attack to go through, and connect to his gut. As virrilis' knee did so, the clone did nothign but grin again. The clone raised the but of his one scimitar upwards, slamming it into Virrilis' chin. This sent the elf reeling backwards. He leveled his head, and looked to the clone. This was more then just a mere simulcrum, and he knew it. He tilted his head to side, and spit out some blood, and a tooth from. A slight trickle ran down his chin. The clone rushed in again, it's weapons a deadly wave of metal and death. Within the melee sparks flew, and the sound of metal resounded. each making their own attacks, and parries with such deadly efficiency that none could penetrate the other.
Virrilis ducked an incoming blade, kicking out with his foot as he did so. He felt it connect with the clones legs, and successfully send it to the ground. The clone landed on it's back, unphased. Virrilis was on top of him in a flash. He swiped one of his scimitars down, attempting to decapitate the creature. His blade met the clones. The clone made a reprise by kicking his knee up, slamming it into Virrilis' inner thigh, just below his groin. Virrilis rolled off to the side, his leg seizing up. The clone then stood, and lunged at the prone Blade Singer. It unleashed a barrage of attacks, each one emt with the steel of Virrilis' own blades. The elf rolled more to the side when the attacks slowed somewhat, and staggered to his feet. He hadn't scored one crippling hit upon this clone.
He charged aggressivly towards the clone. It responed by crossing his scimitars in an X-formation. Virrilis commited one blade to breaking the defense up, and the other to slash at it's mid-section. The clone was faster. It brought one of it's weapons down, slamming the butt of it's sword into the elf's left hand, and the other parried the attack. Virrilis dropped his left scimitar to the ground, a sharp pain running up his arm. The clone wrapped it's arm around his wrist, and locked Virrilis' weaponless hand in place. The clone then brought it's body close into Virrilis', making the swords useless on the right side. Virrilis looked about, desperatly wanting a method to fight this supierior clone of himself. he looked back to the clone, the smug grin on it's face. He grimaced at the sight. He then thrust his forehead into the grinning image. He felt the grip weaken, and the clone stumble back. He drew blood. Virrilis, lunged to the side, rolling on his shoulder on the ground as he did so. As he passed his scimitar, he grabbed the hilt with his left hand. Completing the roll, he kicked himself to his feet to meet the clone again. It was waiting for him. The two charged at each other, each brandishing their weapons. they met in a whir of metal. At one point, the two came face to face, with nothing but two crossed blades keeping them from touching. the clone slid it's scimitar down, knicking Virrilis across the face. The Blade Singer leapt back, his vision on his right side turning red as his blood seaped down his face.
The two combatants continued to press towards each other, the whirring of blades filled the air, each blade protesting to each hit. Supierior, the clone continued it's relentless attacks, constantly pushing forth. the warriors attacks were moving to fast for a spectator, if any were even there, to see. Each attack was made with skill and precision, but was was blocked by the others weapon. The clone dropped to one knee, lashing out with his other leg, attempting to trip Virrilis. The Blade, seeing the attack, leapt backwards. This gave the clone a few seconds of advantage as it sprung back to it's feet, and lunged towards the elf, it's two scimitars held out, attempting to plunge them through virrilis' heart. The blade countered by crossing his own blades. He felt the metal connect. He thrust the locked weapons away from him, pushing the attack, and the clone a few feet back. He then reprised with his own attack, sprinting in tight to the clone, again locking their weapons together. As the two came close, Virrilis raised his foot, and slammed it onto his clones' instep. Feeling the clones foot beneathe his own, and seeing the clone pull his own foot back, Virrilis continued the attack. He raised his left scimitar, and made a downward swipe with his blade. the attack was stopped by the clone, having recovered quite quickly.
The two became locked in this deadly dance, neither gaining an advantage. Each combatant parried the others attacks, and pressed on the offensive, only to be stopped by the others defence, neither gaining the upper hand. In the corner of his eye, the skilled Blade Singer saw that the others had arrived, and while Thryn was about to be engaged by a simulcrun similar to the one he was facing now, he wasn't sure if the young Theif would be able to defeat it. He also saw Rail, Xandax, Fasial and Calahan appear, each rushing into the battle, though Rail showed signs of hesitation. Lazal seemed not to care about the others, but continued to focus his power onto Magus. Thryn focused his concentration back to the clone in front of him. The two locked their weapons together again, keeping them pinned for another few seconds. The clone, when breaking free, slammed the hilt of his one weapon into Virrilis' face, hitting the blades nose viciously.
@Magus: I editted this, it will continue in my next post down the board.
[ 12-23-2001: Message edited by: Aegis ]
Lazal, while Magus was distracted for those few seconds, saw Virrilis charge towards him. He flashed his palm out towards the Blade, and yelling a single word. "Difaotia!". Virrilis felt his body get knocked backwards from some unseen force. He skidded along the ground, stopping several yards back. He quickly kipped himself to his feet, and looked to where he saw Lazal. To his surprise, the image of the mage was now blocked by a black mass forming in front of him. He watched it take form, slowly developing features of it's own. Virrilis' eyes widened in shock when he saw his own face look back at him. Behind the Simulcrum of the blade, Lazal and Magus had resumed their conflict. Virrilis saw the clone of himself grin maliciously, and then charge towards him, both scimitars raised. Virrilis raised his own blades, parrying the skilled attack, the metal resounding loudly. virrilis was forced back another step as his clone made another attack, striking low with one blade, and to his mid-section with the other. Virrilis, again, countered both attacks. As he felt his blades meet with his counter-parts, and raised his knee, attempting to wind the clone. The clone did nothing to block the attack. Instead, it allowed the attack to go through, and connect to his gut. As virrilis' knee did so, the clone did nothign but grin again. The clone raised the but of his one scimitar upwards, slamming it into Virrilis' chin. This sent the elf reeling backwards. He leveled his head, and looked to the clone. This was more then just a mere simulcrum, and he knew it. He tilted his head to side, and spit out some blood, and a tooth from. A slight trickle ran down his chin. The clone rushed in again, it's weapons a deadly wave of metal and death. Within the melee sparks flew, and the sound of metal resounded. each making their own attacks, and parries with such deadly efficiency that none could penetrate the other.
Virrilis ducked an incoming blade, kicking out with his foot as he did so. He felt it connect with the clones legs, and successfully send it to the ground. The clone landed on it's back, unphased. Virrilis was on top of him in a flash. He swiped one of his scimitars down, attempting to decapitate the creature. His blade met the clones. The clone made a reprise by kicking his knee up, slamming it into Virrilis' inner thigh, just below his groin. Virrilis rolled off to the side, his leg seizing up. The clone then stood, and lunged at the prone Blade Singer. It unleashed a barrage of attacks, each one emt with the steel of Virrilis' own blades. The elf rolled more to the side when the attacks slowed somewhat, and staggered to his feet. He hadn't scored one crippling hit upon this clone.
He charged aggressivly towards the clone. It responed by crossing his scimitars in an X-formation. Virrilis commited one blade to breaking the defense up, and the other to slash at it's mid-section. The clone was faster. It brought one of it's weapons down, slamming the butt of it's sword into the elf's left hand, and the other parried the attack. Virrilis dropped his left scimitar to the ground, a sharp pain running up his arm. The clone wrapped it's arm around his wrist, and locked Virrilis' weaponless hand in place. The clone then brought it's body close into Virrilis', making the swords useless on the right side. Virrilis looked about, desperatly wanting a method to fight this supierior clone of himself. he looked back to the clone, the smug grin on it's face. He grimaced at the sight. He then thrust his forehead into the grinning image. He felt the grip weaken, and the clone stumble back. He drew blood. Virrilis, lunged to the side, rolling on his shoulder on the ground as he did so. As he passed his scimitar, he grabbed the hilt with his left hand. Completing the roll, he kicked himself to his feet to meet the clone again. It was waiting for him. The two charged at each other, each brandishing their weapons. they met in a whir of metal. At one point, the two came face to face, with nothing but two crossed blades keeping them from touching. the clone slid it's scimitar down, knicking Virrilis across the face. The Blade Singer leapt back, his vision on his right side turning red as his blood seaped down his face.
The two combatants continued to press towards each other, the whirring of blades filled the air, each blade protesting to each hit. Supierior, the clone continued it's relentless attacks, constantly pushing forth. the warriors attacks were moving to fast for a spectator, if any were even there, to see. Each attack was made with skill and precision, but was was blocked by the others weapon. The clone dropped to one knee, lashing out with his other leg, attempting to trip Virrilis. The Blade, seeing the attack, leapt backwards. This gave the clone a few seconds of advantage as it sprung back to it's feet, and lunged towards the elf, it's two scimitars held out, attempting to plunge them through virrilis' heart. The blade countered by crossing his own blades. He felt the metal connect. He thrust the locked weapons away from him, pushing the attack, and the clone a few feet back. He then reprised with his own attack, sprinting in tight to the clone, again locking their weapons together. As the two came close, Virrilis raised his foot, and slammed it onto his clones' instep. Feeling the clones foot beneathe his own, and seeing the clone pull his own foot back, Virrilis continued the attack. He raised his left scimitar, and made a downward swipe with his blade. the attack was stopped by the clone, having recovered quite quickly.
The two became locked in this deadly dance, neither gaining an advantage. Each combatant parried the others attacks, and pressed on the offensive, only to be stopped by the others defence, neither gaining the upper hand. In the corner of his eye, the skilled Blade Singer saw that the others had arrived, and while Thryn was about to be engaged by a simulcrun similar to the one he was facing now, he wasn't sure if the young Theif would be able to defeat it. He also saw Rail, Xandax, Fasial and Calahan appear, each rushing into the battle, though Rail showed signs of hesitation. Lazal seemed not to care about the others, but continued to focus his power onto Magus. Thryn focused his concentration back to the clone in front of him. The two locked their weapons together again, keeping them pinned for another few seconds. The clone, when breaking free, slammed the hilt of his one weapon into Virrilis' face, hitting the blades nose viciously.
@Magus: I editted this, it will continue in my next post down the board.
[ 12-23-2001: Message edited by: Aegis ]
Thryn relised something, the evil spirite-mage had stoped to glow so hard its shimmer had lessened, it couldn't go on much longer.He glanced to the side and knew the drow, or so he thought, was battling but he could not tell what.Now he was concentrating the anger he felt, blow by blow he struck the mages magical shield, he was diverting Lazal, the mages pride would not let him do this, even a slight laps and magus could get an attack in, this was his plan.
@Aegis i wanted a piece of that simiclarian(sp)
@Aegis i wanted a piece of that simiclarian(sp)
Zha?Originally posted by craig:
<STRONG>Thryn relised something, the evil spirite-mage had stoped to glow so hard its shimmer had lessened, it couldn't go on much longer.He glanced to the side and knew the drow, or so he thought, was battling but he could not tell what.Now he was concentrating the anger he felt, blow by blow he struck the mages magical shield, he was diverting Lazal, the mages pride would not let him do this, even a slight laps and magus could get an attack in, this was his plan.
@Aegis i wanted a piece of that simiclarian(sp)</STRONG>
College is over FINALLY!!!!
So i will post properly a huge post tomorrow.
So i will post properly a huge post tomorrow.
For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? - Khalil Gibran
"We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields, and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender!" - Winston Churchill
"We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields, and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender!" - Winston Churchill
@Aegis: You know, this isn’t turning out like I planned
But that’s my fault for being gone for so long
BTW, craig is wrongly assuming that Thryn got out of the tower, who is now attacking Lazal.
@craig: Thryn was still inside the tower with Aerie. How did he get outside?
I’ll accommodate you this once, but you can’t skip over important things like that.
@Xandax: I hear you. My last week was no fun at all.
* * * * *
The exorcism complete, the necromantic spirit leaped to Aerie, and then again in a further arc through the wall.
"No you don't!" screamed Thryn, blood pumping through his withered (??) veins. Anger flooded his mind, clouding his thoughts as it took control.
Eyes widening as she saw the elf charging headlong for the wall, she quickly mouthed the words of a gating spell. A shining portal appeared in front of the wall, Thryn disappearing through it.
As flashes of magic sped between the two mages, the spirit did also, streaking towards Lazal with Thryn close behind.
The evil spirit-mage had stopped glowing so hard, its shimmer lessening by the moment. Suddenly it vanished, its life at an end. Now Thryn was concentrating the anger he felt; blow by blow he struck the mage’s magical shield. He was diverting Lazal, but the mage’s pride wouldn’t let him get away with this. Even a slight lapse and Magus could get an attack in. That was Thryn’s plan.
* * * * *
Rail stepped out of the tower, followed by the three warriors. What he saw was beyond even his considerable experience. Magic flashed back and forth like lightning, ripping the landscape apart. One mage would get blasted with seemingly deadly force, only to counter with an equally powerful burst of pure energy, not a scratch to be seen. Not even Raistlin had mustered such apocalyptic power. He had limits; limits imposed by a finite draw of magical energy. But these two had no such handicap. Magus tapped the inexhaustible reservoir of the Rift, while Lazal drew energy from his master, no doubt a being of incredible power. The only question was who would crumple first under the strain of channeling such immense amounts of raw magick.
-Don't be foolish!- he heard Void exclaim. He spotted Virrilis dashing at Lazal. The moron would get himself killed! They were like flies, watching two lions battle to the death for supremacy. Nothing they could do would scratch either one of them. At best, they’d distract Lazal briefly while he snuffed out their lives one by one.
Xandax took a step forward, then another. He pulled his sword from its sheathe and readied his shield. No matter the odds against him, he wouldn’t stand by idly and let his destiny rest on a man he hardly knew. If death awaited him, so be it. It was every mortal’s fate, sooner or later.
Calahan grunted his agreement, accompanying him without a second thought.
Faisal hesitated a moment, then followed. He glanced back at the assassin. “You coming?”
Rail shook his head, wondering what fools they were, what fools all humans and their ilk were. They struggled with all their might against the currents of Fate, losing ground every moment. Yet they kept struggling. Was it egoism that made people continue their thrashing, thinking it made a difference? Or was it delusion, denial clouding the lines between reality and the imaginary?
-Both, and yet neither, assassin. For if their thrashing makes a ripple, and the ripple spreads through the pond, does it not make a difference, if but a slight one?-
Rail nodded, smiling as he considered the windbag’s logic. Seeing Xandax and Faisal yet a short distance ahead, he started off after them. Time to make his ripple felt.
* * * * *
Lazal seethed with fury. At this rate they’d be flinging spells for all eternity. And now Magus’s lackeys were pestering him too. He blocked another magical blast from Magus, gritting his teeth. Maybe he could use those incoming goons to his advantage...
Magus momentarily distracted, he flashed his palm out, yelling a single word. "Difaotia!” A wall of force shot out, knocking Virrilis and Thryn away. They each gained their footing, only to find a formidable shadow self materializing in front of him. Stronger and faster than the originals, they grinned maliciously before setting upon their prey.
The red wizard smirked. When they finished off their targets he could turn them on Magus. Focusing his magic, he decided against hurling another energy attack, instead gating in a score of greater demons around his half-elven opponent.
* * * * *
@all: Funny how I wrote so much, but accomplished so little
Anyway, I had to toy with the timing to get everything set chronologically. I changed as little as possible from the various original posts.
[ 12-23-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
[ 12-23-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
BTW, craig is wrongly assuming that Thryn got out of the tower, who is now attacking Lazal.
@craig: Thryn was still inside the tower with Aerie. How did he get outside?
I’ll accommodate you this once, but you can’t skip over important things like that.
@Xandax: I hear you. My last week was no fun at all.
* * * * *
The exorcism complete, the necromantic spirit leaped to Aerie, and then again in a further arc through the wall.
"No you don't!" screamed Thryn, blood pumping through his withered (??) veins. Anger flooded his mind, clouding his thoughts as it took control.
Eyes widening as she saw the elf charging headlong for the wall, she quickly mouthed the words of a gating spell. A shining portal appeared in front of the wall, Thryn disappearing through it.
As flashes of magic sped between the two mages, the spirit did also, streaking towards Lazal with Thryn close behind.
The evil spirit-mage had stopped glowing so hard, its shimmer lessening by the moment. Suddenly it vanished, its life at an end. Now Thryn was concentrating the anger he felt; blow by blow he struck the mage’s magical shield. He was diverting Lazal, but the mage’s pride wouldn’t let him get away with this. Even a slight lapse and Magus could get an attack in. That was Thryn’s plan.
* * * * *
Rail stepped out of the tower, followed by the three warriors. What he saw was beyond even his considerable experience. Magic flashed back and forth like lightning, ripping the landscape apart. One mage would get blasted with seemingly deadly force, only to counter with an equally powerful burst of pure energy, not a scratch to be seen. Not even Raistlin had mustered such apocalyptic power. He had limits; limits imposed by a finite draw of magical energy. But these two had no such handicap. Magus tapped the inexhaustible reservoir of the Rift, while Lazal drew energy from his master, no doubt a being of incredible power. The only question was who would crumple first under the strain of channeling such immense amounts of raw magick.
-Don't be foolish!- he heard Void exclaim. He spotted Virrilis dashing at Lazal. The moron would get himself killed! They were like flies, watching two lions battle to the death for supremacy. Nothing they could do would scratch either one of them. At best, they’d distract Lazal briefly while he snuffed out their lives one by one.
Xandax took a step forward, then another. He pulled his sword from its sheathe and readied his shield. No matter the odds against him, he wouldn’t stand by idly and let his destiny rest on a man he hardly knew. If death awaited him, so be it. It was every mortal’s fate, sooner or later.
Calahan grunted his agreement, accompanying him without a second thought.
Faisal hesitated a moment, then followed. He glanced back at the assassin. “You coming?”
Rail shook his head, wondering what fools they were, what fools all humans and their ilk were. They struggled with all their might against the currents of Fate, losing ground every moment. Yet they kept struggling. Was it egoism that made people continue their thrashing, thinking it made a difference? Or was it delusion, denial clouding the lines between reality and the imaginary?
-Both, and yet neither, assassin. For if their thrashing makes a ripple, and the ripple spreads through the pond, does it not make a difference, if but a slight one?-
Rail nodded, smiling as he considered the windbag’s logic. Seeing Xandax and Faisal yet a short distance ahead, he started off after them. Time to make his ripple felt.
* * * * *
Lazal seethed with fury. At this rate they’d be flinging spells for all eternity. And now Magus’s lackeys were pestering him too. He blocked another magical blast from Magus, gritting his teeth. Maybe he could use those incoming goons to his advantage...
Magus momentarily distracted, he flashed his palm out, yelling a single word. "Difaotia!” A wall of force shot out, knocking Virrilis and Thryn away. They each gained their footing, only to find a formidable shadow self materializing in front of him. Stronger and faster than the originals, they grinned maliciously before setting upon their prey.
The red wizard smirked. When they finished off their targets he could turn them on Magus. Focusing his magic, he decided against hurling another energy attack, instead gating in a score of greater demons around his half-elven opponent.
* * * * *
@all: Funny how I wrote so much, but accomplished so little
[ 12-23-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
[ 12-23-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
Lost Souls: A bereft lover. A masterless familiar. Friends gone their separate ways. Time marches on, and destiny heralds the meeting of comrades old and new. Can they find what they're seeking? Or will the search bring them only more pain?
@craig: Weren't you complaining before because you didn't get a piece of Virrilis's clone? I just gave you your own and you went off and attacked a demon instead!
Edit: Err..wait. By demon did you mean your clone?
[ 12-23-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
Edit: Err..wait. By demon did you mean your clone?
[ 12-23-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
Lost Souls: A bereft lover. A masterless familiar. Friends gone their separate ways. Time marches on, and destiny heralds the meeting of comrades old and new. Can they find what they're seeking? Or will the search bring them only more pain?
(continued from my previous (editted) post)
virrilis realed back, feeling his senses spin about him. He felt blood run down his face, and he tried to clear his head from the cobwebs that now filled it. He looked back, dazed, to the clone, which was smiling maliciously. The clone approached again, it's blades raised. It attacked Virrilis, who could barely coordinate a defence. Staving off the first few attacks,, the clone finally wore through. with the flat of it's blade, he struck virrilis in the side of the head, sending the Blade staggering back even further, until falling to the ground. It was now that virrilis was truly shocked. It stood over him, glaring down at the Blade, it's two blue orbs shone with something that a regular simulcrum spell didn't posses. Intelligence, and understanding. The clone spat at the fallen Blade, and spat at him.
"You are weak..." it hissed, still glaring at Virrilis. "Not even worthy of dying in combat." virrilis was stunned! Never had he heard of a simulcrum showing any form of intelligence, or even emotion! but this one did. this was more then a mere simulcrum. It was a living recreation Virrilis himself! He found his thoguhts wandering to Thryn, realizing the inheirant danger the young thief was in. The clone raised his booted foot, and kicked Virrilis in the gut, hard, winding him. Virrilis curled up in the fetal position. "Perhaps," smiled the clone, "you will have your chance to defeat me. But not today..." the clone turned, and charged off to the aid of either the other clone, or to Lazal. Virrilis didn't know, nor could he have. He was to preoccupied with filling his lungs with air.
He rolled onto his back. He could still hear the sounds of the battle, but they seemed distant, far off. He was trying to fathom the clone, and it's seemingly living self. In his mind, he kept hearing a name repeated. For some reason, he knew it to be of importance. "Sethin". He didn't know how, or why, but he knew it was the clones name.
Thryn turned to face the simulcrum. He looked to it, seeing it as a demon of himself. It appeared identical to him in everyway, but what he didn't know was that it was supierior in almost every sense. It held it's weapon in his hand, it's other hand open, as if about to grab something. The theif's clone was grinning widely. It lunged towards Thryn, weilding it's weapon in a deadly arc towards the Theifs head...
Sethin sprinted from Virrilis, not caring about the Blade Singer one bit. He could defeat him easily, and both knew that, but that was not what he wanted. He watched Lazal battle against Magus, Thryn against his own clone, and the others charge into battle. He had no desire to combat any of them, or even help Lazal. He may've been created by the Wizard, but he held no loyalty to him. He knew who was truly his creator. The one who gave Lazal his own power. He was the one he would join and serve. Lazal was merely a pawn, and one who's usefulness was coming to an end. Sethin knew this. He made his way to the Rift's exit, leaving Lazal to his own fate...
@All: I have plans for Sethin. I don't care what happens with Thryn's clone, kill him, or don't. But, and this is too help Magus stick to his battle with Lazal, Thryn's clone will prove a challenge for Thryn alone, so maybe if the rest go to help him. Don't consider him a pushover though, even if it's five on one.
@Magus: If you want to know my plans, just send me a PM, and I'll explain it.
virrilis realed back, feeling his senses spin about him. He felt blood run down his face, and he tried to clear his head from the cobwebs that now filled it. He looked back, dazed, to the clone, which was smiling maliciously. The clone approached again, it's blades raised. It attacked Virrilis, who could barely coordinate a defence. Staving off the first few attacks,, the clone finally wore through. with the flat of it's blade, he struck virrilis in the side of the head, sending the Blade staggering back even further, until falling to the ground. It was now that virrilis was truly shocked. It stood over him, glaring down at the Blade, it's two blue orbs shone with something that a regular simulcrum spell didn't posses. Intelligence, and understanding. The clone spat at the fallen Blade, and spat at him.
"You are weak..." it hissed, still glaring at Virrilis. "Not even worthy of dying in combat." virrilis was stunned! Never had he heard of a simulcrum showing any form of intelligence, or even emotion! but this one did. this was more then a mere simulcrum. It was a living recreation Virrilis himself! He found his thoguhts wandering to Thryn, realizing the inheirant danger the young thief was in. The clone raised his booted foot, and kicked Virrilis in the gut, hard, winding him. Virrilis curled up in the fetal position. "Perhaps," smiled the clone, "you will have your chance to defeat me. But not today..." the clone turned, and charged off to the aid of either the other clone, or to Lazal. Virrilis didn't know, nor could he have. He was to preoccupied with filling his lungs with air.
He rolled onto his back. He could still hear the sounds of the battle, but they seemed distant, far off. He was trying to fathom the clone, and it's seemingly living self. In his mind, he kept hearing a name repeated. For some reason, he knew it to be of importance. "Sethin". He didn't know how, or why, but he knew it was the clones name.
Thryn turned to face the simulcrum. He looked to it, seeing it as a demon of himself. It appeared identical to him in everyway, but what he didn't know was that it was supierior in almost every sense. It held it's weapon in his hand, it's other hand open, as if about to grab something. The theif's clone was grinning widely. It lunged towards Thryn, weilding it's weapon in a deadly arc towards the Theifs head...
Sethin sprinted from Virrilis, not caring about the Blade Singer one bit. He could defeat him easily, and both knew that, but that was not what he wanted. He watched Lazal battle against Magus, Thryn against his own clone, and the others charge into battle. He had no desire to combat any of them, or even help Lazal. He may've been created by the Wizard, but he held no loyalty to him. He knew who was truly his creator. The one who gave Lazal his own power. He was the one he would join and serve. Lazal was merely a pawn, and one who's usefulness was coming to an end. Sethin knew this. He made his way to the Rift's exit, leaving Lazal to his own fate...
@All: I have plans for Sethin. I don't care what happens with Thryn's clone, kill him, or don't. But, and this is too help Magus stick to his battle with Lazal, Thryn's clone will prove a challenge for Thryn alone, so maybe if the rest go to help him. Don't consider him a pushover though, even if it's five on one.
@Magus: If you want to know my plans, just send me a PM, and I'll explain it.
No i didn't, i thought it was a hakashar that magus summon (Mental note:read carefull)Originally posted by Magus:
<STRONG>@craig: Weren't you complaining before because you didn't get a piece of Virrilis's clone? I just gave you your own and you went off and attacked a demon instead!![]()
Edit: Err..wait. By demon did you mean your clone?
[ 12-23-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]</STRONG>
He sped to wards the demon, a feint, with fas' spell in place the demon was no problem, he turned sharp noticed it tumble and spin round with its foot as it aserted itself on the floor, he jumped but got caught on the clones foot, this was no use!It was like the clone shared his thoughts, he ran , thinking of runing but he spun with his sword, only a glimpse of understanding in the clone it jumped back, no longer reliing on Thryns thoughts
Thryn watched as the confident clone lepat back, an odd smirk on his face. Thryn cautiously held his ground, not wanting to make the first move. He heard Xandax and Faisal coming to aid the theif. He would've turned to look, but even though he was confident with his abilities, he wasn't sure if should risk it. His instincts were right, as the clone sprang forward, it's sword poised ina d eadly thrust towards Thryn's heart. the theif casual parried the attack,, moving in close to punch the clone in the kidney, and possibly slow it down. The clone was faster though. It grabbed Thryn's wrist, and twisted it violently, pulling in as it did so. The move sent Thryn spinning. He landed on his back, but kipped himself back to his feet before the clones sword connected with his neck. Thryn spun swiftly, his sword held defensivly, knocking the incoming attack out of the way, and reprising with his own thrust. The clone countered it with a parry, then a kick to Thryn's knee. the theif stepped back, elbowing the clone in the gut. The clone merely backed up, not appearing winded.
By now, Xandax and Faisal had reached the fight. Xandax lead off with an overhead attack, his sword leading into the fight with a deadly arc from behind the clone. The shadow of Thryn merely raised his sword up, and threw Xandax' attack off course. It then kicked back, catching Xandax unaware, and in the thigh. Xandax stumbled back, as Faisal made his way in, his warhammer ready to slam into the clones chest. The clone was faster though. After retrieving his foot, he ducked the warhammer, and lunged to Thryn, grappling the unsuspecting theif to the ground. The clone held his sword, about to drive it through his heart. Thryn didn't think that though, as he raised his knee, unbalancing the clone, sending it rolling to the side, where Xandax was ready with another attack. the fighter slammed his sword down, but the clone dodged the seemingly flawless attack, and the sword caught nothign but a bit of cloth. the clone spun to his feet, turning to face the three warriors, now coordinated and about to put up a strong fight.
the three charged in, Thryn leaping to the side, attempting to round about, and attack from behind, while Faisal and Xandax attacked from the front, weapons raised. As Xandax swong his sword, the clone parried it with his drawn weapon, deftly slipping a dagger out of it's left sleeve, and throwing it in Faisals direction, throwing the inexperianced cleric off balance, and forcing him to feign away from the attack. As Thryn moved in from behind, the clone spun, his left hand curled into a fist, backhanding the surprised theif across the jaw. Thryn realed back momentarly, but the clone ignored him, instead moving back to the prime threat of Xandax and Faisal, who was now regrouping. Again, the two charged in, only move caustious this time. Xandax lead with his shield, intending to slam into the clone, while faisal swung in a wide arc, as if to cut off the clones escape movement. thryn, catching on quickly, moved to Faisal's opposite side, cutting off the clones route of escape.
As the clone turned, to what he thought was open, escape, he was caught off by Thryn. It turned quickly to his opposite side, and ran into Faisal's waiting hammer. It tstaggered back as it received the blunt end of an attack in the gut. As it looked back up, it met with the full force of Xandax and his shield, as he and Xandax toppeled to the ground, the clone pinned by the weight of Xandax. Thryn quickly finished the job, embedding his sword deep through the clones neck. He watched the clone's body twitch until death set in. He stood back, sighing with relief. He looked to Xandax and Faisal, nodding in appreciation. It was then he noticed Virdel, or rather, Virrilis. He wasn't sure if it was the ****y Drow, but something shone of resemeblance.
Virrilis was walking over, more of a limp then anything else. His green tunic was stained with his own blood, and his chainmail was twisted, and bent, having taken many blows from 'Sethin's' attacks. His face was covered in blood, and his jaw was swelling up badly. His hair was matted down with blood, and he had several bruises and cuts along his hands and face. He stopped in front of the others. As he stopped, still well aware of the magical battle ensuing, he didn't bother to explain anything. He just kept his scimitars drawn, and looked to Magus' direction, and the semi-sircle of demons. the others nodded in understanding, and rushed off, Thryn Xandax and Faisal going to one of the mighty demons, while Virrilis ran towards another demon, a powerful Balor. He ran his thumb over the black gem embedded on his hilt, and brown mist began to form beside the running elf. the towering earth elemental finished, and the two continued to charge forth.
By now, Xandax and Faisal had reached the fight. Xandax lead off with an overhead attack, his sword leading into the fight with a deadly arc from behind the clone. The shadow of Thryn merely raised his sword up, and threw Xandax' attack off course. It then kicked back, catching Xandax unaware, and in the thigh. Xandax stumbled back, as Faisal made his way in, his warhammer ready to slam into the clones chest. The clone was faster though. After retrieving his foot, he ducked the warhammer, and lunged to Thryn, grappling the unsuspecting theif to the ground. The clone held his sword, about to drive it through his heart. Thryn didn't think that though, as he raised his knee, unbalancing the clone, sending it rolling to the side, where Xandax was ready with another attack. the fighter slammed his sword down, but the clone dodged the seemingly flawless attack, and the sword caught nothign but a bit of cloth. the clone spun to his feet, turning to face the three warriors, now coordinated and about to put up a strong fight.
the three charged in, Thryn leaping to the side, attempting to round about, and attack from behind, while Faisal and Xandax attacked from the front, weapons raised. As Xandax swong his sword, the clone parried it with his drawn weapon, deftly slipping a dagger out of it's left sleeve, and throwing it in Faisals direction, throwing the inexperianced cleric off balance, and forcing him to feign away from the attack. As Thryn moved in from behind, the clone spun, his left hand curled into a fist, backhanding the surprised theif across the jaw. Thryn realed back momentarly, but the clone ignored him, instead moving back to the prime threat of Xandax and Faisal, who was now regrouping. Again, the two charged in, only move caustious this time. Xandax lead with his shield, intending to slam into the clone, while faisal swung in a wide arc, as if to cut off the clones escape movement. thryn, catching on quickly, moved to Faisal's opposite side, cutting off the clones route of escape.
As the clone turned, to what he thought was open, escape, he was caught off by Thryn. It turned quickly to his opposite side, and ran into Faisal's waiting hammer. It tstaggered back as it received the blunt end of an attack in the gut. As it looked back up, it met with the full force of Xandax and his shield, as he and Xandax toppeled to the ground, the clone pinned by the weight of Xandax. Thryn quickly finished the job, embedding his sword deep through the clones neck. He watched the clone's body twitch until death set in. He stood back, sighing with relief. He looked to Xandax and Faisal, nodding in appreciation. It was then he noticed Virdel, or rather, Virrilis. He wasn't sure if it was the ****y Drow, but something shone of resemeblance.
Virrilis was walking over, more of a limp then anything else. His green tunic was stained with his own blood, and his chainmail was twisted, and bent, having taken many blows from 'Sethin's' attacks. His face was covered in blood, and his jaw was swelling up badly. His hair was matted down with blood, and he had several bruises and cuts along his hands and face. He stopped in front of the others. As he stopped, still well aware of the magical battle ensuing, he didn't bother to explain anything. He just kept his scimitars drawn, and looked to Magus' direction, and the semi-sircle of demons. the others nodded in understanding, and rushed off, Thryn Xandax and Faisal going to one of the mighty demons, while Virrilis ran towards another demon, a powerful Balor. He ran his thumb over the black gem embedded on his hilt, and brown mist began to form beside the running elf. the towering earth elemental finished, and the two continued to charge forth.
I'll fit in the battle as best as I can without interruption any of the other posts.
* * *
Rail paused, torn between following Virrilis' clone or aiding his companions against Thryn's clone. He was disturbed by the similacrum spall, a variation ha'd never seen cast before, if Lazal's gesture and thought could be called casting. He was clearly no mage, but he certainly wielded the Corrupt Art well enough. Foul creature, Rail thought. Here was a mage representing all the assassin despised and fought against. Here was the reason he believed as he did. Here was purpose. Rail's grip tightened on the hilt of his blade.
Lazal ignored all but Magus, knowing his spells and protections would keep the insects busy for quite a while.
Rail glanced back at Thryn and saw that Xandax, Calahan, and Fas had joined to help. Turning with grim determination, the assassin saw the ring or demons step out of their portals and onto the Prime, quickly adjusting themselves to the feel and weight of the familiar plane.
From somewhere, as if from a great distance, Rail could hear the intruding voice of divine origin he had grown to dread. Or perhaps 'overhear' would be a better term, for the voice no longer addressed him, but another. Virrilis' clone responded obediently to the commands of his maker. Rail could see clearly where the clone was headed, but he would require help in stopping the creation, let alone it's true master. Slowly, he approached the demons and raging battle between the two mages. Time to be the fly.
Clenching his withered fist as best he could, the runes on his hand and forearm began to pulse and glow faintly with an irridescant blue light. He was confident in his abilities, but didn't know how long he could last within such raw power as was being thrown around here. He could see the protections both mages had set up, the mystical barriers designed to both protect the caster and hinder opponents and intruders.
As the assassin approached the battle, two monsterous pit fiends moved to intercept him. Claws eagerly swayed side-to-side as their mouths dripped their acidic saliva in anticipation of the warm mortal flesh they craved so powerfully. It had been so very long...
Rail sighed and he faded from sight. The sound of his blade returning to it's sheath was barely heard over the din of the other battles and the crackle of magical energies being vollied back and forth. The demons, however, could see through mortal invisibility and excitedly lumbered forward toward the not-so-hidden Rail.
The first of the mighty spells from the battle swept over the assassin. Red flame and shards of necromantic magic tore across the ground, ripping through one of the demons' innate magic resistance, flaying it's body and casting it aside as if it were a child's plaything, mundane and discarded. The other creature glanced at it's companion's fate, but was too consumed with the lust for blood to care. More mortal meat for him.
Rail felt a twinge in the runed arm, but it seemed to hold. Magus' craft was true. He stepped through the barrier of protections and before the salivating fiend. Lazal felt the disturbance, as did Magus, though both gave little pause to their magic to observe the assassin. His invisible form was as clear to them as it was to the eagerly twitching demon, thrilled at the sight of a weaponless mortal standing within arm's reach of the creature.
Rail sighed and concentrated on his own true master. And he vanished.
Vanished from the sight of Demons.
Vanished before the being Lazal. The foul mage paused. The assassin had disappeared from all the mages senses, magical, divine, or otherwise.
Vanished before the psionic, as Void no longer felt Rail near.
Vanished from the sight of a god. Lazal's master gasped insurprise and outrage.
Magus saw the opportunity.
* * *
@Magus- I've sent you an email (edit: 2 actually) to explain a bit. Left everything WIDE open! Run with it as you see fit.
[ 12-24-2001: Message edited by: Rail ]
* * *
Rail paused, torn between following Virrilis' clone or aiding his companions against Thryn's clone. He was disturbed by the similacrum spall, a variation ha'd never seen cast before, if Lazal's gesture and thought could be called casting. He was clearly no mage, but he certainly wielded the Corrupt Art well enough. Foul creature, Rail thought. Here was a mage representing all the assassin despised and fought against. Here was the reason he believed as he did. Here was purpose. Rail's grip tightened on the hilt of his blade.
Lazal ignored all but Magus, knowing his spells and protections would keep the insects busy for quite a while.
Rail glanced back at Thryn and saw that Xandax, Calahan, and Fas had joined to help. Turning with grim determination, the assassin saw the ring or demons step out of their portals and onto the Prime, quickly adjusting themselves to the feel and weight of the familiar plane.
From somewhere, as if from a great distance, Rail could hear the intruding voice of divine origin he had grown to dread. Or perhaps 'overhear' would be a better term, for the voice no longer addressed him, but another. Virrilis' clone responded obediently to the commands of his maker. Rail could see clearly where the clone was headed, but he would require help in stopping the creation, let alone it's true master. Slowly, he approached the demons and raging battle between the two mages. Time to be the fly.
Clenching his withered fist as best he could, the runes on his hand and forearm began to pulse and glow faintly with an irridescant blue light. He was confident in his abilities, but didn't know how long he could last within such raw power as was being thrown around here. He could see the protections both mages had set up, the mystical barriers designed to both protect the caster and hinder opponents and intruders.
As the assassin approached the battle, two monsterous pit fiends moved to intercept him. Claws eagerly swayed side-to-side as their mouths dripped their acidic saliva in anticipation of the warm mortal flesh they craved so powerfully. It had been so very long...
Rail sighed and he faded from sight. The sound of his blade returning to it's sheath was barely heard over the din of the other battles and the crackle of magical energies being vollied back and forth. The demons, however, could see through mortal invisibility and excitedly lumbered forward toward the not-so-hidden Rail.
The first of the mighty spells from the battle swept over the assassin. Red flame and shards of necromantic magic tore across the ground, ripping through one of the demons' innate magic resistance, flaying it's body and casting it aside as if it were a child's plaything, mundane and discarded. The other creature glanced at it's companion's fate, but was too consumed with the lust for blood to care. More mortal meat for him.
Rail felt a twinge in the runed arm, but it seemed to hold. Magus' craft was true. He stepped through the barrier of protections and before the salivating fiend. Lazal felt the disturbance, as did Magus, though both gave little pause to their magic to observe the assassin. His invisible form was as clear to them as it was to the eagerly twitching demon, thrilled at the sight of a weaponless mortal standing within arm's reach of the creature.
Rail sighed and concentrated on his own true master. And he vanished.
Vanished from the sight of Demons.
Vanished before the being Lazal. The foul mage paused. The assassin had disappeared from all the mages senses, magical, divine, or otherwise.
Vanished before the psionic, as Void no longer felt Rail near.
Vanished from the sight of a god. Lazal's master gasped insurprise and outrage.
Magus saw the opportunity.
* * *
@Magus- I've sent you an email (edit: 2 actually) to explain a bit. Left everything WIDE open! Run with it as you see fit.
[ 12-24-2001: Message edited by: Rail ]
Matti Il-Amin, Paladin, comedian, and expert adventurer. Proudly bearing the colors of the [url=""]Blades of the Banshee[/url]
@Aegis: I’m going to change around the last little bit of what you did with Sethin. It makes a lot of sense according to the motivations you gave him, and makes the climax a little more interesting.
BTW, finally replied to your e-mail
@Rail: Also replied to yours.
* * * * *
Sethin sprinted from Virrilis, not caring about the Blade Singer one bit. He could defeat him easily, and both knew that, but that was not what he wanted. He watched Lazal battle against Magus, Thryn against his own clone, and the others charge into battle. He had no desire to combat any of them, or even help Lazal. He may've been created by the Wizard, but he held no loyalty to him. He knew who was truly his creator. The one who gave Lazal his own power. He was the one he would join and serve. Lazal was merely a pawn, and one who's usefulness was coming to an end. Sethin knew this. He made his way to the Rift's central tower, leaving Lazal to his own fate.
He touched the tower, using his magic coupled with the master’s aid to create a small gap in its protections. He leapt through it, appearing in Magus’s home within a home. His laboratory.
His sight guided, he looked immediately to the jars holding the pieces of the Crown. They glowed, sensing his presence. One was missing, as expected. No matter. They’d have the other soon enough. He stepped towards the shelf.
Slowly turning, he found himself face to face with Aerie, Magus’s formidable wife.
* * * * *
Magus saw the opportunity. Already he was weakening. He couldn’t match Lazal’s inhuman power for much longer. No mortal alive could. This was his last chance.
Ignoring the demons swarming toward him, he gathered his home’s energy around him. He felt its pulsing, his own life energy intertwined in raw magicka. It surged through his being, swirling within and without, filling his robes with magic’s sweet breath. He closed his eyes, marshalling his will, shaping the power into a terrific force the likes of which had once been common in the age of the Netherese. He let if forth, the continuous stream of pure magical essence tearing a path through demons like celestial fire. Virillis and the others only barely managed to roll clear.
Lazal’s eyes widened when he saw it heading for him. Quickly he tried to teleport. Failed. He tried to shift the attack to another dimension. Nothing. With it almost upon him, he focused all his power into a great barrier.
The beam struck, the energy exploding in a tremendous blast which threatened to rend the dimension’s very fabric. But it held, and gradually the light faded. When sight returned, and the ringing in their ears subsided, the companions spotted Lazal lying on the ground, his robes in shreds about him. Magus was nowhere to be seen. All was silent, with even the remaining demons pausing for a moment.
* * * * *
Happy X-mas to all! Maybe, just maybe, I'll post later tonight if there's enough new posts.
[ 12-24-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
[ 12-24-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
BTW, finally replied to your e-mail
@Rail: Also replied to yours.
* * * * *
Sethin sprinted from Virrilis, not caring about the Blade Singer one bit. He could defeat him easily, and both knew that, but that was not what he wanted. He watched Lazal battle against Magus, Thryn against his own clone, and the others charge into battle. He had no desire to combat any of them, or even help Lazal. He may've been created by the Wizard, but he held no loyalty to him. He knew who was truly his creator. The one who gave Lazal his own power. He was the one he would join and serve. Lazal was merely a pawn, and one who's usefulness was coming to an end. Sethin knew this. He made his way to the Rift's central tower, leaving Lazal to his own fate.
He touched the tower, using his magic coupled with the master’s aid to create a small gap in its protections. He leapt through it, appearing in Magus’s home within a home. His laboratory.
His sight guided, he looked immediately to the jars holding the pieces of the Crown. They glowed, sensing his presence. One was missing, as expected. No matter. They’d have the other soon enough. He stepped towards the shelf.
Slowly turning, he found himself face to face with Aerie, Magus’s formidable wife.
* * * * *
Magus saw the opportunity. Already he was weakening. He couldn’t match Lazal’s inhuman power for much longer. No mortal alive could. This was his last chance.
Ignoring the demons swarming toward him, he gathered his home’s energy around him. He felt its pulsing, his own life energy intertwined in raw magicka. It surged through his being, swirling within and without, filling his robes with magic’s sweet breath. He closed his eyes, marshalling his will, shaping the power into a terrific force the likes of which had once been common in the age of the Netherese. He let if forth, the continuous stream of pure magical essence tearing a path through demons like celestial fire. Virillis and the others only barely managed to roll clear.
Lazal’s eyes widened when he saw it heading for him. Quickly he tried to teleport. Failed. He tried to shift the attack to another dimension. Nothing. With it almost upon him, he focused all his power into a great barrier.
The beam struck, the energy exploding in a tremendous blast which threatened to rend the dimension’s very fabric. But it held, and gradually the light faded. When sight returned, and the ringing in their ears subsided, the companions spotted Lazal lying on the ground, his robes in shreds about him. Magus was nowhere to be seen. All was silent, with even the remaining demons pausing for a moment.
* * * * *
Happy X-mas to all! Maybe, just maybe, I'll post later tonight if there's enough new posts.
[ 12-24-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
[ 12-24-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
Lost Souls: A bereft lover. A masterless familiar. Friends gone their separate ways. Time marches on, and destiny heralds the meeting of comrades old and new. Can they find what they're seeking? Or will the search bring them only more pain?