Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 4:16 am
Oh, So You're A Canadian!
Treading carefully here as it was not my country that was attacked.
From Halifax, Nova Scotia! Odd how I just now noticed that. I keep forgetting that people from other countries can write here as well, unless they are British or Australian, as I've become used to them. Or even Holland, as I have e-mail pals from those three nations. Oh, Bernd is from Germany. Well, maybe I can drop Australia as she hasn't written in awhile. But after I left here last time, I was wondering if you might not be a U.S. Citizen.
One time my father and I were coming home from The Colony, Texas. We stopped in the Arbuckle Mountains just to rest and read the sign about the rock formations. We met a trucker from Canada who was arguing with the sign and presumed we were on his side of the issue. He declared the sign wrong because it stated the mountains to be millions or billions of years old, but that was wrong, because the whole planet was only 10,000 years old!
But rather than argue the point with him, the subject somehow changed to the names of Texas counties and cities. "Six Flags Over Texas" means that six different governments have ruled, not counting Native-Americans, since the Spanish founded it. So the names reflect that heritage. Anyway, what Dad and I found the most bemusing, was that he didn't know about the Alamo, and thus didn't realize that some of the names stem from being named in honor of the Alamo's fallen defenders, or of Republic of Texas leaders like Sam Houston. He was like, "Really?!" His behavior seemed to indicate that he didn't think it was right to name places after such people.
As your posts make more sense than his speech patterns and behavior, I'm guessing that you aren't him! So back to you now. Hello, Northern Neighbor!
But Canada is one of our allies. You're a sister nation to us, with the U.K. being our mother nation. Hm. What gender should I assign to Spain and France though? Oh! Native-Americans can be the father figure, while the European nations can be the mother figures! Wow! Mini-harem, or serial monogamy?! :laugh:
What you have said makes perfect sense, but the examples given have only reinforced my point. Actions taken by these people have caused your people to take actions that have harmed themselves (Patriot Act) lash out at the wrong target (Iraq) and for a time at least tarnish your reputation in the rest of the world.
No! You aren't going to make me the Elizabeth Hasslebeck of this!
I will claim to understand some motives of those folks (extreme poverty, brainwashing). The leaders are motivated by something else, and it is not the welfare of their people. I know those those folks do not know me, and hate me none the less, but hatred is a very strong word and emotion I reserve for VERY personal occasions.
I'm not bringing up "hatred" this time. To make it personal for me, all I have to do is think about Ellen almost being in one of the towers that day, if that's the kind of "personal" you mean. Otherwise, it was "personal enough" that they hit the building themselves, being a architecture admirer. (I used to draw imaginary cities quite often in the 1970's.) There are various levels of what "personal" can mean. The guy in the video who beat a cat against the wall and laughed. Sure it wasn't my cat, so it wasn't personal like that. But on general principle, it may as well have been. I want to take that guy and do to him what he did to the cat. I'd feel better if I did so. As for the bong and cat guy, I don't condone drugs. So I'd have to substitute the bong with a smoke house or something. It's more anger than hate, as I'm older now and don't think of them as synonyms.
As hatable as bin Ladin is, he does not meet that criteria...yet for me. However this only applies to me. Others are free to walk a different path.
Heh. I'm not Jewish, Homosexual, Russian, or the rest. So what Hitler had done to such people in the camps, wouldn't be "personal" in that sense, as I don't belong to those demographics. But I can relate and understand how they would feel about it. On their behalf I can be as angry about it as they are, because they and I are homo sapiens. Oh no, I'm about to become Joy Behar!
PS I'll debate this further only in a different thread.
What's to debate about? I know what I mean by "hate" and "anger"! It's what do you mean by it? That's the mystery here! A different thread? Whatever for?
Treading carefully here as it was not my country that was attacked.
From Halifax, Nova Scotia! Odd how I just now noticed that. I keep forgetting that people from other countries can write here as well, unless they are British or Australian, as I've become used to them. Or even Holland, as I have e-mail pals from those three nations. Oh, Bernd is from Germany. Well, maybe I can drop Australia as she hasn't written in awhile. But after I left here last time, I was wondering if you might not be a U.S. Citizen.
One time my father and I were coming home from The Colony, Texas. We stopped in the Arbuckle Mountains just to rest and read the sign about the rock formations. We met a trucker from Canada who was arguing with the sign and presumed we were on his side of the issue. He declared the sign wrong because it stated the mountains to be millions or billions of years old, but that was wrong, because the whole planet was only 10,000 years old!
But rather than argue the point with him, the subject somehow changed to the names of Texas counties and cities. "Six Flags Over Texas" means that six different governments have ruled, not counting Native-Americans, since the Spanish founded it. So the names reflect that heritage. Anyway, what Dad and I found the most bemusing, was that he didn't know about the Alamo, and thus didn't realize that some of the names stem from being named in honor of the Alamo's fallen defenders, or of Republic of Texas leaders like Sam Houston. He was like, "Really?!" His behavior seemed to indicate that he didn't think it was right to name places after such people.
As your posts make more sense than his speech patterns and behavior, I'm guessing that you aren't him! So back to you now. Hello, Northern Neighbor!
But Canada is one of our allies. You're a sister nation to us, with the U.K. being our mother nation. Hm. What gender should I assign to Spain and France though? Oh! Native-Americans can be the father figure, while the European nations can be the mother figures! Wow! Mini-harem, or serial monogamy?! :laugh:
What you have said makes perfect sense, but the examples given have only reinforced my point. Actions taken by these people have caused your people to take actions that have harmed themselves (Patriot Act) lash out at the wrong target (Iraq) and for a time at least tarnish your reputation in the rest of the world.
No! You aren't going to make me the Elizabeth Hasslebeck of this!
I will claim to understand some motives of those folks (extreme poverty, brainwashing). The leaders are motivated by something else, and it is not the welfare of their people. I know those those folks do not know me, and hate me none the less, but hatred is a very strong word and emotion I reserve for VERY personal occasions.
I'm not bringing up "hatred" this time. To make it personal for me, all I have to do is think about Ellen almost being in one of the towers that day, if that's the kind of "personal" you mean. Otherwise, it was "personal enough" that they hit the building themselves, being a architecture admirer. (I used to draw imaginary cities quite often in the 1970's.) There are various levels of what "personal" can mean. The guy in the video who beat a cat against the wall and laughed. Sure it wasn't my cat, so it wasn't personal like that. But on general principle, it may as well have been. I want to take that guy and do to him what he did to the cat. I'd feel better if I did so. As for the bong and cat guy, I don't condone drugs. So I'd have to substitute the bong with a smoke house or something. It's more anger than hate, as I'm older now and don't think of them as synonyms.
As hatable as bin Ladin is, he does not meet that criteria...yet for me. However this only applies to me. Others are free to walk a different path.
Heh. I'm not Jewish, Homosexual, Russian, or the rest. So what Hitler had done to such people in the camps, wouldn't be "personal" in that sense, as I don't belong to those demographics. But I can relate and understand how they would feel about it. On their behalf I can be as angry about it as they are, because they and I are homo sapiens. Oh no, I'm about to become Joy Behar!
PS I'll debate this further only in a different thread.
What's to debate about? I know what I mean by "hate" and "anger"! It's what do you mean by it? That's the mystery here! A different thread? Whatever for?