Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2002 3:28 pm
Nah, your just old...Originally posted by ThorinOakensfield
I'm an antique! I think its time to go the Old Spammers Retierment Home, that we spammed up .
The Internet's authoritative role-playing game forum.
Nah, your just old...Originally posted by ThorinOakensfield
I'm an antique! I think its time to go the Old Spammers Retierment Home, that we spammed up .
Originally posted by Aegis
Nah, your just old...
Originally posted by Aegis
Oh well, I least I aged well
Originally posted by VoodooDali
I remember when Georgi and I both had Groin Grabbers (tm).
I always prefered the Anti-Lurker Cannon...Originally posted by Maharlika
...those Groin Grabbers (tm) were my creation. Actually it was a Xmas gift for Georgi from me. Thought she could use it when she visits the Men's Room.
@KidD00769: Hey neighbor, would my socks be considered antique? Probably not. Stale and stinky but not yet vintage old I suppose.
Originally posted by The Z
How're you supposed to aim it at a can't see them can you?
I'm still in the toga business... Though SS was my biggest client...Originally posted by Maharlika
@Cruiser: I do remember you being the Toga Master. Those toga fitting sure made you closer to the ladies, I assume.
...but the greater challenge was having to convince Georgi to have you do your business and make her a willing client.Originally posted by Aegis
I'm still in the toga business... Though SS was my biggest client...
Originally posted by Maharlika
...those Groin Grabbers (tm) were my creation. Actually it was a Xmas gift for Georgi from me. Thought she could use it when she visits the Men's Room.
And she wears the toga to this day (whether she knows it or not )Originally posted by Maharlika
...but the greater challenge was having to convince Georgi to have you do your business and make her a willing client.
...I do remember giving one to you too...Originally posted by VoodooDali
Ya - you gave one to me too, Mah.
Remember when Georgi and I re-decorated the Men's Room?