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Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 5:04 am
by Darkness
Hey!!! dwarves aint the only in life, theres also trolls, undead and orcs, maybe also humans("maybe")!!! :D

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 12:28 am
by Bloodthroe
[QUOTE=Darkness]Hey!!! dwarves aint the only in life, theres also trolls, undead and orcs, maybe also humans("maybe")!!! :D [/QUOTE]No, there's just Orcs. =P

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 6:14 am
by Darkness
Hey!!! Trolls are cool too there aint just orcs!!! :mad: Racist!!!

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 3:43 pm
by Jerodan
For Pandaria!

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 5:54 am
by Darkness
Hey shut up, Trolls are way better than those freaking drunken pandas!!!

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 6:28 pm
by Gromph
Night elf all the way

I would be ne, well for one i play always as them in wc3 and i love sneaky little fast types or warriors rather than charging in sowrd drawn and just cutting them down with pure brute violence, sneakiness takes skill, patience and style, you if your all sneaky you just gotta make a kool looking kill

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 11:46 pm
by asurademon
I'm really torn between undead and night elf. As for non-player races though, demons all the way.

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 8:25 am
by DeathLich
My vote is for the UD!

IMO I think that just about any Allience races might be kind dumb to play as. Well, other than dwarf maybe. I think that I would least like playing as humans though because they are in just about every game I can think of. I don't like playing NE because, well i just don't like them. They don't look very threatening and look kinda sissyish. I generally hate gnomes bacause they just look so dumb with their oversized heads and teeny, tiny limbs. I expecially hate ones that wear little straw hats on their gigantic heads. Also it seems that the Allience is the good guys, which-to me at least- is kind of boring because you always have to do the "right thing" and never get to have alot of fun, although I'm not sure if they are going to have it with good and bad sides in WoW. Although I think I might dedicate one character slot of mine to a dwarf because I just like them.
I think that any race from the Horde is good for me. The orc, though quite common in fantasy games, have a shamanistic feel to them instead of the usual warrior feel, like in most games/stories. Trolls are Kinda wierd from my point of view, but they look pretty treatening with the tusks coming out of their mouths. Tauren are probably one of my favorite races because I've always been fond of Minotaurs and Tauren are as close as they get in WoW. Now my favorite is the undead. They are jsut so dark, secretive, and (if it was real life) it would be very, very terifying to see an enemy fall, then rise again in the afterlife as the UD. They are, from my point of view, the coolest looking of all races.
My list of favorites in order: Undead (1), Tauren (2), Orc (3), Dwarf (4), Troll (5), Human (6), Night Elf (7), and Gnome (8).
Although, if you like one of the races I don't, then just keep your insults to yourself because this post is just my opinion on the races of WoW.

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 9:46 am
by Bloodthroe
Clean... okay what is your opinion on the character classes, Deathlich?

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 3:37 pm
by Cowled Kensai
Orc shammy all the way here. I was also thinking about an orc rogue with duel wield KATANAS cause I like the way KATANA sounds I could say it all day KATANA KATANA KATANA a conna ma KATANA. I like orcs becuase they strike me as the race that would cheer and rush headlong into a battle where the enmey is going for a full-frontal assault which is my favorite battle scenario. I might have a dwarf alt cause Gimli was my favorite charecter in LOTR.

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 5:55 pm
by Bloodthroe
Well you might want to look at more of the races for your classes. You might find one that applies more to your personality. You don't have to be orc just because they strike you as the race that would rush headlong into a battle where the enemy is going for a full-frontal assault. It's not like every races, even the humans, aren't like that.

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 8:40 pm
by DeathLich
My opinion on the classes, eh Bloodthroe?

Well... Lets see... I'm not sure if I remember them all... I'll list 'em out and tell me if I'm missing any classes, then I'll answer. Warlock, Sorcerer (Wizard or Mage or whatever), Hunter, Shaman, Druid, Warrior, Rogue, Paladin, and Priest...that's all I think, although I don't know if the major spellcastor is call the sorceror, wizard, or mage. Once you correct me I will answer ASAP.

Off Topic:
If you have seen my old Avatar, can you tell me if you like this or that one better?

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 7:32 am
by Bloodthroe
It's called Mage. Also deathlich if you have any questions like that, just go to the Official WoW Site. Also, this site here called WoW Vault has more info then what you might find at the Official site as far as things like a full spell list and starting stats go.

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 9:18 am
by Cowled Kensai
I want to be an orc, it best suits me. I took the Stratics Personality quiz and got orc, I took one of my friend's own class quiz and got shammy. Orcs in a way are advanced than the humans. To me I think humans are the real monsters, I mean god they hold a grudge for every thing an enemy does, the orcs leave Azeroth to live in Kalimdor and bam Admiral Proudmoore comes to wipe the orcs and trolls of the face of the earth. In my opinion the Alliance needs some anger managment classes :p .

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 10:30 am
by Bloodthroe
*cough*opposed to grom hellscream in reign of chaos*cough* lol

The reason proudmoore and hellscream are like that is because of that's what war does to a person. Both proudmoore and hellscream were in ther previous warcraft games and both didn't let the past go.

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 6:41 pm
by DeathLich
My opinion on the classes eh?

Well, I have many opinions on the classes. Ill go in alphabetical order...
Druid: It seems like this is an alright class. Despite what you think though it is nothing like the Shaman class i believe. You can change in to different animals including Bears, Cats, etc. Personally I would choose to shapeshift into a cat though. Stealth, etc is where i'm at as a druid. I'm at a complete loss to their other skills though, but i think they can do some minor healing.
Hunter: Now, this seems like an exciting class. You can specialize in ranged, dual wield, or single wield weapons (i think). I hear you can also summon/control pets. It seems to me like a good version of a warrior/warlock mix.
Mage: I don't think I would want to be a mage...they seem to be the stand-alone do-it-my-myself kind of guy as how i hear they play. Sure I love the traditional spellcaster, but I'm a team player.
Paladin: Now this is a class you wont see me as. Expecially seeing as only the dwarves and humans can be it. Plus the rightiousness of the paladin jsut aint my style. To me this sounds like a do-gooder who is a mix between a priest (healing) and a warrior (fighting prowess).
Priest: Now I know nothing about the priest other than that its the traditional healer of the game, it has shadow spells, and it can be used by the undead (which to me is a little wierd). So I won't say anything about the priest.
Rogue: This is a MUST for me! I love the rogue of any game. I like the stealth, cunning, backstabbing, spying, etc of the traditional rogue. I also hear they can dual wield which would be cool. This is high on my list of priorities.
Shaman: Oh ya! This is Orc only...a M-U-S-T for me as well. I read that this seems to be the only "balanced" class that isn't bad or extremely good at anything. You can heal, fight, summon, spellcast, etc. It's the jack-of-all-trades in the game...sounds like fun! This is also high on my priorities.
Warlock: This is a REAL MUST for me. It seems like the darkest of all the classes and the most mysterious. It can cast, summon, and scare the living sh*t out of the opponent. An undead warlock is on the top of my list of priorities in this game. They seem like a necromancer, but darker. And I love the necromancer in any game (except for Diablo 2).
Warrior: I'm not much into dull classes, which this seems to be. Just a fighter. That's all it is...can you spell n-o-t o-r-g-i-n-a-l or d-u-l-l? I sure can...

This is my list of favorites:
(9)Paladin-Dwarf (if I even had to have a Paladin)

Remember this is all just my opinion, so save your insults for someone else...
BTW can anyone tell me how to make a poll in your post??

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 7:01 am
by Darkness
Ahh someone else than me that dont like those freaking "holy paladins".
Oh by the way i checked out for an answer on your question about the polls
and when you make a thread you should check the bottom of the site where
you can put an "x" and write how many uhm poll thingies you want :D
Hope you it helps!!!

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 1:59 pm
by Bloodthroe
Yeah the paladins and deathknights are definately unbalanced. The only thing the deathknight has going for him is that he can get around fast on his horse.

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 7:39 pm
by DeathLich
First of all, I did try the check, but I either has to close explorer or just freezes, and I don't know where to put the options for the pulls do u have to put like <poll>_______</poll> or something?
Second of all, what's a deathknight? I mean I didn't see that as a playable class in WoW or are you talking about some other game, Bloodthroe?
Finally, I forgot to mention the two headed (sorry typo) ogre in the last post. I'd say it's my second to last favorite and doesn't sound too fun to share your body and playing abilities with a random person...that person may be just a real jack*ss...

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 7:33 am
by Darkness
[QUOTE=DeathLich]First of all, I did try the check, but I either has to close explorer or just freezes, and I don't know where to put the options for the pulls do u have to put like <poll>_______</poll> or something?
Second of all, what's a deathknight? I mean I didn't see that as a playable class in WoW or are you talking about some other game, Bloodthroe?
Finally, I forgot to mention the three headed ogre in the last post. I'd say it's my second to last favorite and doesn't sound too fun to share your body and playing abilities with a random person...that person may be just a real jack*ss...[/QUOTE]

1.Weird, you got a hell of a problem!!!
2.I think Bloodthroe's referring to the warlock class since he can summon an hellish steed thingie.
3.Uhm wasnt that a joke, i mean it sounds crazy, even though they did make alot out of it, oh and by the way, its a two-headed ogre not a three-headed.