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Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 1:59 pm
by RBitG
[QUOTE=DesR85]Maybe if the end turns out like all three people, Revan, the Exile and the new character teamed up to deal with the threat, I think that will be more rewarding than someone going solo after what the other 2 have done to progress the story forward.[/QUOTE]
You mean; controlling all three at once? Or playing all three storylines?
Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 3:27 pm
by Kayos
controlling all three at different times but on the same soryline smart guy.
Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 10:26 pm
by DesR85
I actually meant all three at once in a team only at the end of the game but controlling them separately on the same storyline sounds good.
Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 1:55 am
by DesR85
Okay, I might have a certain idea as to how a sequel should turn out to be. What about that you travel alongside 3 companions and they stick with you throughout the game? And when at some point some new chap wants to join in, he/she can but will only be temporary and after completing his/her story, its back to your 3 companions again.
I've seen this idea implemented in some console RPGs like Kingdom Hearts 1&2 and the Grandia series. I don't know if this idea is good but at least you don't have to deal with excess characters wasting away, in my opinion.
Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 1:15 pm
by Reaver32
What about it being a sequel that starts you off right as kotor 2 is finishing (the jedi masters on dantooine said that others would be making there way to the temple soon), and maybe start off as either a student, kid, or a jedi that just found his way back to dantooine(maybe because of malak blowing it up and your char escaped).
Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 2:53 pm
by Darth Iassic
I agree, However i see a problem in your idea if you control all three chracters seprately how would you go about leveling up? I'd hate to get one of the characters to level 15 then, plop back to level one
Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 3:42 pm
by Reaver32
with the idea of the chars, i ment that you have the prolouge as you either returing(a jedi), joining(youngling), returning(teen). not all of them, i ment that the game could use one of them
Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 2:18 pm
by Leet
I think it shuld be a sequel, because we need to know more of wat happens next, too many un answerd questions, but if in #3 thers even more un answers quesiton we might be instore for a 4th. Id like to See 3rd a sequel and if wer lucky a 4th wich is the Mandalorian Wars so a prequel.
But for the 3rd i think they shuld make the Exile and all his Crew from Kotor 2 Meet up with
Revan and his crew from Kotor 1, and either have some big battle or work together?
Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 11:46 am
by Sadiki
I agree that there are many unanswered questions but not just about what happened to the Exile.
The first question that pops into anyones mind whilst playing Kotor 1 is What happened during the mandorlorian wars? Or something similar to Revans-and Malaks- background. And another question appears at the start of Kotor 2 when you meet Atton. What hapened to Revan? There are hordes of unanswered questions. After each game we still don't know what happened to your party. Surely they didnt just vanish into thin air.
The truth is Kotor 2 begs for a sequel and probably a prequel or as someone else sugested 'Flashbacks' Which for some of you, would really like as I have noticed from reading these Threads.
P.S Do you think Kotor 3 should be on the Xbox or 360? Or even both?
Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 1:14 pm
by Leet
Defiently has to be on PC most of the ppl that play Kotor id say play on PC but they shuld try and bring Kotor to all the next-gen consoles 360, ps3 umm maybe not would be kinda weird
Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 2:56 pm
by Reaver32
on the 360 and xbox since a lot of people dont have it for pc (i believe many would agree with me on that), kotor actually started for xbox then within a few weeks i think it came out for the pc. correct me if im wrong on that but i remember trying to get it for pc but could only get it for xbox on the release date.
Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 6:30 am
by DesR85
Even though I wish that the next KOTOR should be released for the PC, I doubt that the developers would do so. I mean both KOTORs were released first for the XBox and then the PC a few months later so most likely they'll go the same way as before that is release the game first for the XBox 360 and then the PC. Even if I wished for a simlutaneous release on both the XBox 360 and the PC, I doubt they'll do that.
Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 1:16 pm
by marten0305
Sequel to finish trilogy and then a prequel to complete story
KOTOR III would have to be a sequel to finish of the first trilogy. There's so much left unsaid they need to wrap the story up with the last of the trilogy. What happened with all the characters, Did the restoration project succeed(if yes did or are they doing to other planets like Taris), andwhat happened to the Sith and Jedi Order. Just to name a few things i would like to know.
And then they make a KOTOR trilogy that follows the mandelorian wars. (you know, what they done with the movies) Just like KOTOR, what happens to lead up to the mandelorian wars, whats happens during mandelorian wars, and what happens after mandelorian wars. (and before KOTOR I)
And then they'll need a new Star Wars project. but thats far in the future.
Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 2:36 am
by DesR85
And then they make a KOTOR trilogy that follows the mandelorian wars. (you know, what they done with the movies) Just like KOTOR, what happens to lead up to the mandelorian wars, whats happens during mandelorian wars, and what happens after mandelorian wars. (and before KOTOR I)
Assuming that the developers want to make a prequel to KOTOR 1, they'd better not name it KOTOR 4 (or any number for that matter). Just KOTOR: [add title here] and that's it.
Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 5:42 pm
by Reaver32
you could just call the prequel "KOTOR: The Mandalorian Wars"
Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 1:31 am
by Darth Chef
Neither a bad Choice
I would love to see a prequel, BUT There are to many Questins left unanswered to not have a sequel. If KOTOR 3 isn't a sequel it would be a huge mistake. Leave the prequel option for another KOTOR.
Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 7:29 pm
by zookman
id like a prequel...
but they wouldnt do that. i highly doubt they will end up making a kotor 4, even this now is just a rumor. i think they will leave it at 3, and they wouldnt let everything go unanswered
Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 8:59 am
by Drunkside
next kotor should be sequel that ties all up.however,i think that if there is going to be more kotors,they should be old sith time.
Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 10:31 am
by DesR85
Darth Chef wrote:I would love to see a prequel, BUT There are to many Questins left unanswered to not have a sequel. If KOTOR 3 isn't a sequel it would be a huge mistake. Leave the prequel option for another KOTOR.
Well, they could explain the parts between KOTOR 1 & 2 via flashbacks or cutscenes so that it won't be that much of a hassel. Then when it comes to the part where the main plot for KOTOR 3 begins, that would be the actual gameplay.
Drunkside wrote:next kotor should be sequel that ties all up.however,i think that if there is going to be more kotors,they should be old sith time.
Erm, how far back will that setting be?
Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 11:41 am
by triline beta
KoTOR 2 ended with so many unanswered questions, they really need to answer some of them.