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Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 3:45 pm
by dudovec
hm.. i think there are a few builds what maybe can be good as the ternion, but more intresting for sure. ternion is the best because, it's a ranged attacker , not a spellcaster , and you don't need good stuff for it , only a staff with much attack speed.
But! if ya already got the best items for all classes, you can build characters, what based on 100% recharge..- this usually needs fix equipment, a high archmange glove is like default, and a tracker hood or a helisons golden veil for magestyle chars. If ya got a perfect Hood, and Arch glove.. u can get like ~83% recharge from this 2 stuff so if ya add an Eye of horus , or a 17% Odysseus armor u can reach the instant skills from 3 stuffs... but the helm needs dex , the gloves needs int , and the armor needs str.. but u can do the 100% to a mage class char also, who don't have dex or str, but u will need like 4-5 items for it.

I've builded a few characters based on this. The one of the best of them is my Warlock.. it's a pure warrior who got 2 pets... honestly, warriors are kinda weak in this game, maybe the champion can be good, but most of 'warfare' class characters are weak, if they haven't got nature or maybe spirit 'helping' mastery. but this way i could build a warlock , who can cast dark covenant or ether lord or anything every time, causing of the none cooldown.. and it have +600% dmg lethel strike on left mouseclick.. and i can hit all of the time with that.. my greatest damage is smth like 23000 on lvl 49. On right click i am using maxed throwing knifes for fun , cuz it's cool to throw 20-25 of them per a second... my pets reducate maximum life, so all bosses die in short time, the avarage monsters and heros mostly die by 1 hit from me.. my only problem is, energy get low many times.. yea.. THE ENERGY IS A BIG PROBLEM AT THIS KIND CHARACTERS. my dark covenant helps me much in this.. so if ya build a "recharge" char , the 'spirit' is the best choice for 'helping' mastery , but nature can be also good , just like usual... i can imagine a defense+rogue too with this stuff, but it won't be that effective at main bosses on legendary.

I playing with a 'sage' too (storm-hunt) who throwing thunderballs ****ing fast, stun and light damage everyone , and kill them with bow.
now just started a druid who will chainlight everyone with 300% castrate +5 skill with squall or plague.. just didn't decide but it gonna roxx i think. ofc evry skills instant here too..

yea and i got some ideas for some chars like this , but i thik i won't test them , cuz i don't play tq so much anymore, single player get kinda bored after 8-10 ~40lvl chars.
but here are some more:
-u can try to make a char what using war cry instant + ancestral warriors + battle standard what u can combinate with anything what u want.. for example encruption from earth or dunno.
-also u can try to make a hunting skiller spear char , who got instant take down what get combinated with something crazy attack, like shield charge from defense , with an all time colossus form..
etc etc etc...

all what can i say , when i already bored the gamem, i developed this 100% recharge stuff , what gave much new ideas , and proofed that , not only the ternioners own in this game.. (1 page downer i wrote about my ternioner).

But after this too, i can say the 'soothsayer' ternioner is the best char in the game.

-sorry for bad english

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 10:02 pm
by Yellowdog3
i was cruising along with my soothsayer and installed patch 1.20 when i logged onto a multi party game. Now my soothsayer is lucky to survive in epic mode (level 61) when doing some typhon farming runz. ternion has been modified and refresh takes ages now to actually get the Outsider up. before i could have a constant outsider running amuck. the game is more challenging this way but i sure do miss the drops.
i found that an avenger using a bow attack is a good combo. the earth dweller is a great tank.

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 2:41 am
by Chris2k
At this point, what build would you suggest ?
Still trying out the oracle... but find the warr/archer more entertaining :)

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 2:54 pm
by Dreez
I just bought a new computer, so with next salery ill buy Titanquest and make to characters. First one will ofc be my alltime favorite.. Necromancer.
Then ill make a warrior based on defense since it appears to be fun gameplay.
I will get back to this thread once i have completed the game on atleast "easy".

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 4:16 pm
by KingCon
sorry about making a new thread, i searched and this topic didnt come up....

my favorite combo is the battlemage (warfare/earth)

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 2:40 am
by Chris2k
Still waiting for some updates here :)

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 1:08 am
by Planet_Guardian
Warfare/Earth = Battlemage, is fun for killing speed. It's too bad mine goes down quickly in the Orient (Legendary Mode). *Best Build for Killing Speed*
-Currently Lv 58
-Dual Wielding---> "The Furies" and "Silence"
- 2 to 1 of Strength to points added to Intelligence cept from equipment
-Putting Ardor on right mouse button means I never really have to left my finger all that much. Just place the sword-pointer over enemy character. So there was really no need to use shift button to hold my character in place. Nor was there a reason to lift my finger to re-click on each different enemy.

Defense/Hunter = Warden is my favorite build for staying alive easily...(probably because I spent most of my time with Mr. Death with my first character, which is now my level 58 Battlemage). *Best Build for Staying Alive and Decent Damage*
-Currently, Lv 47
-Only died a few times. Most times was due to the DayNightCycle lag (at Night time)...or if in a multi-pixelated an enemy encampment.
-I do hate waiting for Adrenaline to kick in, but when it does...its lights out for the enemies.
-I'm not sure whether to go with maxed out Rally Tree or to max out the Call of the Hunt Tree line. I don't have any -XX%Recharge items, so either one kind of sucks as I can't keep them running continously.
-Shield passives skill attacks with Volley and Gouge rival the Dual Wield Tree of the Warfare Tree. Disable is great for slowing down bosses, such as Typhon.
-I farmed a Rare spear (190-205dmg) with +37IAS and added the relic with +15IAS from Legendary mode using TQVault. Increased Attack Speed is a boon to activate those passive shield skills, volley, and gouge. So get a fast spear.
-This is only my second fully built character build, so I maybe a little biased at the moment. I'll try more character builds as soon as I can get a character that can survive in Legendary with ease. I'm hoping I can do it with my Warden...because my Battlemage even with my wimpy Coredweller summoned gets eaten up by poor defense and poor defense abilities.


Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 3:13 pm
by timmycueball
Well ive been playing the game for a few months now and heres my opinion.
My 1st character was Battlemage, i die so quickly on legendary thats its so annoying, its too hard to get ur resistances up. and theres no good purple items for the this class, plus only 2 fire weapons in the game makes it a rubbish build in my opinion.
My 2nd character was an Oracle and i found it quite a good build, have to be careful not to get surrounded buts its an easy charcter to play.
My 3rd character was a Corsair, and ive got to say im loving it, im really hard and can take so much damage, with some luck i hope to find some good equipment for himlater on in the game, plus i switch between swords or spears if i need an extra kick.
Well this is only my opinion!

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 12:31 am
by vaporware
new Immortal Throne class

I'm currently a level 62 spellbreaker, farming the boss at the Shrine of Zhong Kui, and am looking forward to starting a new char. when the expansion pack is released next month.

question: what combination do you think will work better and be more fun:
Dream Mastery + Storm Mastery: Prophet, or
Dream Mastery + Rogue Mastery: Dreamkiller

I'm purposely avoiding any combos with Warfare, Spirit, Defense, Earth, or Nature because i want to try something completely new, but reuse some of the cool items i picked up in my current game.


Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 1:25 am
by Siberys
Rogue, easily. Storm is nice, but elemental damage isn't as potent as some of the piercing abilities rogue gets.

Though, this is all depending on your playing style, depending on whether you're a caster or fighter type player.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 5:38 am
by Shadowshire
After playing this game for some time i became tired of having too many identical masteries, weaponchoices and skills among my builds. I've tried to create 4 builds that i've found best in fun, survivability and variety and still would have all masteries represented. I made this thread, so IF theres is anyone like me who wants to differ thier characters as much as possible, maybe could get some inspiration to do the same thing...Schellen made 4 guides for this post aswell, and you can find the link for them here: The Conjurer, The Druid, The Slayer and The Corsair

The classes, skill descriptions, pros and cons and ratings...

The Champion

Masteries: Warfare and Nature
Weapon: Dual Sword, Axes or Clubs
Pet: Wolves
Attribute points go: Strength

The end build: TitanCalc by stonedonkey - A Titan Quest Calculator - Champion

Skills: (Nature)

Heart Of The Oak and Performance Of Stone:
Gives you 10% in total speed, 65% extra health and 18% of elemental resistance. Tranquelity is not worth any points.

Summon Wolves is maxed, so with +skill gear or mastery shrines you'll then get 3 wolves instead of 2. Survival instinct maxed makes them nearly impossible to kill and Call Of The Wild gives bonus armor and damage which is just what a melee guy wants. The Wolves are meatsheild because even with maxed Maul their damage is fading already in Epic difficulty. So just 1 point for synergies.

Refresh: Cheap -recharge skill that just needs 1 points to help you with keeping your summonings available all the time. Sweet...

Skills: (Warfare)

Weapon Training, Dodge Attack, Full Dual line, Onslaugth line:
All these are for attack speed, more attack damage and defence. No need to explain futher. I left out Hamstring since i believe that output do not match the price in skillpoints.

These ability is maxed since it's a 3 target attack, and works great with mobs. Lacerate do not deal in % damage, and bleeding is anyway not a damage type that i dig. Undead are immune/resistant so...0 points in that.

War horn and Doom Horn:
Great skills and a true lifesaver. You need this for stun, and even 1 point in each is enough.

Ancestral Horn:
Leftover points go here. 1 point it early (around lvl 30-35) just for the cheap secondary meatsheild, and later with more points it will gives some damage aswell.

Dual wielders are open to attacks and tend to suffer death more than pet handlers, ranged characters and sheild wearers, but combined with nature you get a boost to your defences. Heart of the Oak and your buffering meatsheild wolves makes this build survivable above average and still doing heavy damage.

The only problem with this build is that you cross caster/fighter class and spread your attribute points abit out, but really a small disadvantages.

Survivability: Above Average
Fun: Above Average
Damage Dealing: High (With Call Of The Wild: Very High)
Difficulty to play: Very Easy

The Spellbinder

Masteries: Defence and Spirit
Weapon: Clubs, Axes and Sheilds
Pet: Lich King
Attribute points go: Strength

The end build: TitanCalc by stonedonkey - A Titan Quest Calculator - Spellbinder

Skills: (Defence)

Adrenaline line:
Though only a 5% chance to activate per hit landed on you, this line is to good to miss. The adrenaline skill itself i only give 1 point since health generation isn't worth more skillpoints. Resilience is different as you can nearly go through the game with Rally and Collosus on permanent due to the -recharge skill. That why it should be maxed. Defensive Reaction gives great bonuses to defence aswell so therefore maxed too.

Rally Line:
Gives bonuses to Health in a big scale, and Defiance gives you retaliation 60% and resistances at 50%. So Rally should be on as much as possible. Inspiration gives regeneration to energy, but IMO this is to expensive in skillpoints awswell.

Battle Awareness Line:
Battle Awareness itself dosen't give any significant bonus to armor, so just 1 point for it's synergies. Focus helps sheild blocking by 18% and Iron Will gives 80% resistances to stun, entrapment, freeze and skill disruption. These should be maxed, but Iron Will is first needed around lvl 35.

Sheild Passives:
Sheild Smash, Disable and Pulverize gives more shield damage and disruptions to enemies. Should all be maxed.

Just 1 point for the 50% damage and the 32% strength. This is your bosskiller skill.

Sheild Charge and Disruption:
Just 1 point in each for the 300% movement, stun effect and skill disruption.

Skills: (Spirit)

Deathchill Aura Line:
Deathchill Aura and Ravages of time slows and weakens your enemies. A must have for the melee binder. Since your damage is based on psysical damage Necrosis do not give any advantages, if not using weapons with life leech, vitality damage or bleeding. So 0 points in that, or some if you want to be more item based carrying certain Theurgist related melee weapons.

Visions Of Death:
This is your lifesaver skill (If you ever need one). Makes enemies flee and fail their attacks. Just 1 point and it still does the trick.

Dark Covenant Line:
Here you get what damage Defence might miss. For the prices of health you do great damage, and regenerate energy. See that why inspiration is useless to this build. Combined with Rally you regenerate health same rate as you here loose it. Perfect combination of skills.

Lich King Line:
Max all but Arcane Blast and your pet is perfect. The reason AB is left out is that you don't need him to have 2 spell types, as he only uses one at a time. He also uses Soulblight more which means more regeneration for himself.

Summon Outsider:
Brings forth a weird looking Outsider, that may serve as meatsheild with some damage, even just with 1 point in it. All leftover points would not be wasted here.

The advanteges of the class is overwhelming. Sheild skills from defence includes defence, damage and disruptions and combined with Deathchill Aura your pretty much impossible to kill (Offcourse not, but they will have to make an effort in doing so). The damage part of the build is not as weak as you should think. Think of Adrenaline+Rally+Collosus combined with Dark Covenant. You're then dealing insane damage while having perfect defence from Deathchill Aura and Focus. This class is great in survivability, fun and still gives high damage. Then another bonus is the Lich King, that makes a perfect pet for melee because it's attacks are ranged. Anyway every build with defence will work well in this game.

The only problem with this build is that you cross caster/fighter class and spread your attribute points abit out, but really a small disadvantages.

Survivability: Very High
Fun: Very Fun
Damage Dealing: Above Average (With Dark Covenant: Very High)
Difficulty to play: Easy

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 5:42 am
by Shadowshire
The Elementalist:

Masteries: Storm and Earth
Weapon: Fire Staff and Lightning Staff
Pet: Coredweller and Wisp
Attribute points go: Intelligence

The end build: TitanCalc by stonedonkey - A Titan Quest Calculator - Elementalist

Skills: (Earth)

Earth Enchant:
Gives you damage and % damage to your fire attacks. Should be maxed. Leave Brimstone and Stone Skin. Brimstone is for melee figthers as it gives % to psysical damage and Stone Skin only offers very little armor bonus and pathetic 25% fire resistance.

33% chance for 178% extra fire damage. Meaning every third attack is a critical. Max it.

Heat Sheild:
Just 1 point and you get 15% damage resistance to all damage types. Both to you and your pets. Cheap and a must have.

Lifesaver, 100% immunity to all damage for 6 seconds. Also good combined with Eruption on attacking mobs. Just need 1 point.

Coredweller Line:
The migthy Coredweller is a brute tank in every way. Summon Coredweller gives very high HP, actually 1617 in normal difficulty, and he deals good damage. This one you max. Inner Fire offers 50% dexterity, 80% health generation and 17% total speed. This one is a max too. Wild fire though do not deal extra fire damage in %, thats why it's not that great a skill. Only Max it if you got points leftover, else just 1 point to get Metamorphosis. Metamorphosis is the best boost you get for your Coredweller. +45% health, +45% armor protection, +33% armor absorbation and 17% to elemental resistances. Max It.

Bosskiller. Gives great fire damage to a small area of effect. Look above to see combination with Stoneform.

Skills: (Storm)

Though some may argue for choosing chain lightning or Volcanic Orb, here's why i say Thunderball. Your staff, pet and occasional Eruption is already doing very high damage, so you need something other than that, in this case stun. Offers better surviverbility and you can take out the stunned enemies with the staff. So max it for the stun and the damage.

Wisp Line:
Just 1 point in wisp since it's attack dosen't do much difference. What you want is Eye Of The Storm. Max it. Here you get 100% to elemental damage and 33% resistance to cold and lightning. Great for an elemental build.

Squall Line:
My favorite skill in the game. Disabling archers abilities, dealing damage and weakens at the same time. Your secondary attack on the mouse. Get it, love it and max it.

Storm Nimbus and Static Charge:
Storm Nimbus itself is useless. It dosen't deal damage in %, so just 1 point for Static Charge synergi. Being dealing lightning damage max this. Heart Of Frost is for cold damage and freeze up nearby enemies, but your not cold based, nor will enemies get close enough. Trust me. 0 points in that.

As a caster facing elemental resistance creatures your having both fire and lightning to choose from. Furthermore you have the best skill in the game IMO Squall, while have an awesome tank in the Coredweller. You get really many diverse and fun skills, making this build my favorite. Some say this is a hard build to play, but i find it easy enough for slightly experienced players. I rarely touch healing potions and im in beginning of Epic Egypt. You can choose as you like between Volcanic Orb, Chain Lightning or Thunderball after you favorite style. I choose Thunderball since staff attacks, Squall and Eruption gives me all the damage skills i need to makes the build work. You could also skip all but 1 point in Coredwellers Wildfire, if you would like to free some skillpoints.

All caster have low HP and not much defence, but beside that i really can't see any.

Survivability: High
Fun: Very Fun
Damage Dealing: Very High
Difficulty to play: Average

The Brigand:

Masteries: Hunting and Rogue
Weapon: Bow and Spear
Pet: None (Though Monster Lure and Traps are kind of pets)
Attribute points go: Strength and Dexterity

The end build: TitanCalc by stonedonkey - A Titan Quest Calculator - Brigand

Skills: (Hunting)

Wood Lore:
Gives attack speed and defensive ability. Both needed for a Brigand, so max it.

Herbal Remedy:
Regenerate health and gives poison resistance 72%. Output in health ain't that big, but the resistance to poison is very high. You could/should max this and benefit from it, but 1 point will also be benefitial, depends on your base poison resist.

Monster Lure:
Average survival skill, with a provoke ability. In v.1.20 and later version this skill is reduced much, and not that great anymore. Monster attack the lure, while you put them out of their misery from a safe distance. Just 1 point in it and +skills gear will give you a little more range on it. You don't need detonate since it deal fire damage and is not in %.

Art Of Hunt and Find Cover:
Superb skills. Art Of Hunt Gives you bonus to you and your traps in 75% piercing damage and +30 in damage to beasts and animals. Find Cover gives you 25% to avoid projectiles, and is one of the only defences you will get as a brigand. Max both. Trail Blazing gives you resistance to entrapment and extra speed. Not worth much, but you could choose to spend 1 point and get a fair output for that.

16% chance for a triple attack with both bow and spear. Every 6.5 shot will deal triple damage or hit several targets. With Puncture shot and Scatter Shot this will claim great many victims. Good against stronger opponents, so max it. I left out Gouge since this brigand dosn't deal in bleeding.

Markmanship Line:
A must have for a brigand using bow. Markmanship itself only gives significant projectile speed (Not attack speed), so it's easier to hit moving targets. 12 points is expensive IMO, and just 1 point will do for unlocking synergies. I suggest that you put leftover points in it instead. Puncture Shot is very good since you can do more killing per shot and it adds to piercing damage aswell. Max it. Scatter Shot is perfect for mobs. Sending fragments into the flesh of nearby enemies, makes this a perfect mob-skill. Max this one aswell.

Call For Hunt Line:
Much alike the Art Of Hunt, this gives you piercing damage (and bleeding damage, not that it matters), and is a great skill. It has a duration of 31 seconds just with 1 point in Call For Hunt skill. The Call For Hunt skill itself dosen't get much better with more points than 1, so what you want is the extra piercing damage from Exploit Weakness synergy. Max that.

Study Prey Line:
Your first bosskiller skill as a brigand (second is rogues Lethal Strike). Adds Pierce damage and damage overall damage with giving -50% resistance to enemy in both. Max it. Flush Out is a pretty good skill aswell as it lowers their resistances to elemental damage and defensive ability. But since your not using elemental damage, as a piercer you dont need it. Just 1 point for the lowered defensive skill.

Skills: (Rogue)

Flash Powder:
Lifesaver. Instantly confuses and makes your enemies fumble. Great for being surrounded and making your escape. Max it.

Envenom Weapon Line:
I'm no fan of poison damage since alot of creatures are highly resistant to it, and undead just don't notice their lacking blood being poisoned aswell. But Mandrake and Nightshade effects Undead aswell. Dealing no damgage, they still slows, makes enemies fumble and spreads confusion. So they're more like a defensive skill, but very important to your survivability. Max them, but skip Envenom Weapon skill (Just 1 point for Synergies) and Toxic Distillation.

Throwing Knive Line:
Just one point in this as you don't want this for damage but defence. What you want to max is the synergy Flurry Of Knives. This gives you 4 projectiles carrying Mandrake and Nightshade, slowing down attackers, making them sitting ducks for your arrows.

Lethal Strike:
Gives 500% damage and 390% pierce damage when maxed. Need i say bosskiller. Max it. Just 1 point in Mortal Wound synergy for the 3 seconds of stun, since we're not into Bleeding.

Gives you the nearest thing you will get as a pet playing Brigand. I use them basicly as lures, more than damage, and put all leftover points in them. Max Improved Firing Mechanism, 0 in Rapid construction (or split between Lay Trap), rest goes into Lay Trap.

Here you have the highest damage dealer in the game. These two classes really combine their damage skills. Piercing bonuses from both masteries and perfect switching between melee and ranged. Lethal strike makes a perfect bosskiller, and traps gains bonuses from your active auras. I leftout bleeding and poison damage for 2 reasons. First undeads are immune or highly resistant to them, and because you anyway deal enough damage. No point in poisoning a creature already slain.

2 figther classes gives low energy so you need +energy gear. Lacking defence is maybe the biggest downside to this build, but being ranged helps abit, and Avoid Projectiles from hunting really hits a dry spot. Survive by moving around, and get disabling and slowing attacks from Flash Powder, Traps and poisons Mandrak and Nightshade.

Survivability: Average
Fun: Very Fun
Damage Dealing: Very High (With Auras and Lethal Strike: Ridiculously high)
Difficulty to play: High

Hope you can use it, or else !!!!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 5:43 am
by Shadowshire
Important for piercers: Remeber that pierced damage is how much of your psysical damage that bypasses enemy armor. That's why low strength piercers do low pierce damage. So dex is for percentage of strength based damage that bypasses armor, so strength also determines how much pierce damage you do.

And a tip for building up all classes. Normal difficulty is way easy to play as long as you have a minimum of defence and damage (Normal: Your way overpowered, Epic: It's a fair fight, Legendary: You're a lamb let to the slaugther). You don't even need pets before Epic. So what i do is to max masteries so that i have all skills open when i hit Epic. That way you can easily apply any skill, when you find you miss it. Remember the attribute and health bonus from leveling up the masteries will give a huge benefit, that serves just aswell as having maxed out a few skills.

When you hit Epic be sure that the Champion has 2 wolves with Call Of The Wild and Heart Of The Oak with least 8 points in it. Spellbreaker should have nearly maxed skills from Deathchill Aura and be starting on Lich King. The Elementalist should have Squall and Coredweller with a few points in all skills, except just 1 Wildfire for the Metamorphosis synergy to be open. Brigand should have some points in Mandrake, Nightshade, Flurry Of Knives, Flash Powder and Monster Lure. Besides that just defence and damage skills for every build.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 5:44 am
by Shadowshire
The Paladin build

Masteries: Storm and Defence
Weapon: Clubs
Pet: Wisp
Attribute points go: Strength & Intelligence (See also Cons and Leveling)

The end build: TitanCalc by stonedonkey - A Titan Quest Calculator - Paladin

Why play a Paladin:
First i would like to state the following: This build is focusing on the Paladin beign a caster, and not just a conqueror with Squall, lightning weapons buffs and without Onslaugth. My idea was that Defence beign one of the best mastery choices in the game, you soon workout a standard skillset for all your defence mixed masteries. This can make many of your characters much identical, and second i believe that defence is lacking more clerical based skills, beign more of an offensive mastery. Because of this i think that the paladin build makes up for this and gives the perfect chance to play a "Real" divine defender.

The main focus of the Paladin:
The Paladin is a divine defender, drawing his powers from his devoution to the god of thunder and lightning and his skilled trainning with the club and sheild. Dealing both in psycical, elemental and stun damage, the Paladin is using a wide variation of damagetypes and buffs. Defences Concussive Blow adds to Storms Thunderball and Storm Surge making these spells very powerfull as you'll have a great boosts to both stun length and damage. Squall is great against staffs and bows, since the 100% impaired aim, leaves these ranged attackers sitting ducks for your divine wrath. Beside this you'll get a wisp to boost elemental damage to +100% and your excellent standard Defence mastery skills. Basicly a paladin disables and damages enemies (Squall), Stuns and damages attacking groups (Thunderball and Concussive blows stun boost) and deal psycical and elemental weapon damage (Sheild passives, static charge and Storm Surge).

Skills: (Defence)

Concussive Blow:
This skill is essential for the Paladin. Many of your spells are dealing stun damage and this adds 40% to all stun damage and it's length. Max this skill. The only downside is that it only works when weilding a club, anyway this makes your build very much like the original rpg clerical builds.

Adrenaline line:
Normally this skill line is very essential to any defence build and in this case you need it aswell. Mostly for the -recharge that gives you the opportunity to cast spells without long coll down time. You will get a boost to damage from Defensive Reaction, but building a Paladin leaves you with a big problem: Skillpoints. On this matter i would say that if you want all great skill in the defence mastery, build a Conquror, Warden or Brigand. A meleecaster with just one spell is not a cool build IMO. Spend all leftover points in Defensive Reaction though.

Rally Line:
Gives bonuses to Health in a big scale, and Defiance gives you retaliation 60% and resistances at 50%. Again as explained above, your main problem with this build is all the great skills you want. You can't get'em all. So you have to make a choice if you want more figther or more caster. Since defence is for most players a mastery you almost include in every build, i say that trying something new will make this build more refreshing and exiting. That's why Rally it self only get 1 point, Inspiration also 1 point and Defiance gets maxed for the resistance and retalition bonus. You can survive without healing effect and energy regeneration from Rally and Inspiration by popping potions, but you can't pop a Squall or Thunderball potion.

Battle Awareness Line:
Battle Awareness itself dosen't give any significant bonus to armor, so just 1 point for it's synergies. Focus helps sheild blocking by 18% and Iron Will gives 80% resistances to stun, entrapment, freeze and skill disruption. These should be maxed, but Iron Will is first needed around lvl 35.

Sheild Passives:
Sheild Smash, Disable and Pulverize gives more shield damage and disruptions to enemies. Should all be maxed.

Just 1 point for the 50% damage and the 32% strength. This is your bosskiller skill.

Skills: (Storm)

Along with Squall this is your primary offensive/defensive spell in the game. Dealing both lightning and stun damage, it will make your Paladin survive in the late game. Max it. When enemies enter the screen Squall'em and if they survive fire Thunderball which will stun them, and you simply take'em out with your club.

Squall Line:
My favorite skill in the game. Disabling archers abilities, dealing damage and weakens at the same time. Your secondary attack on the mouse. Get it, love it and max both Squall and Obscured Visibility.

Wisp Line:
Just 1 point in wisp since it's attack dosen't do much difference. What you want is Eye Of The Storm. Max it. Here you get 100% to elemental damage and 33% resistance to cold and lightning. Essential for the Paladin Build.

Storm Nimbus Line:
Storm Nimbus itself is useless. It dosen't deal damage in %, so just 1 point for Heart Of Frost and Static Charge synergi. Being dealing lightning damage max this. Heart Of Frost is for cold damage and freeze up nearby enemies, so though you don't mainly focus your elemental damage on cold, you should max it for close encounters and for the cold damage attched to Storm Surge and eventual cold damage from equipment.

Storm Surge:
Storm Surge delivers both Stun, Lightning and Cold damage. It only has a 15% chance of activation when hit, but when beign attacked by mobs it always triggers beign a powerful lifesaver and damage dealer.

Beign a Paladin means that you deal both in Psycical (Strength) and in elemental (Intelligence) damage. Furthermore you're a caster that means you should be aware of recharge time for your spells. All this means that your gear is important. Luckely there is a good portion of % to elemental damage and good -recharge equipment out there, and this is what you will need making this build very powerful. Usually i draw -reachrge, +damage and skills from armor, sheild and weapons and go for resistances on rings and necklaces. Highest concentration of Lightning and cold resistaned creatures are in Orient, so you might wanna swicth to some psycical +gear once in a while there. The perfect set for the Paladin is the Tempest set, that bolsters you Storm skills perfectly for this build. When completet it gives good elemental resistances, % to lightning and cold damage, +3 to storm skills, +2 to Thunderball, +2 to Squall and Obscured Visibility. Furthermore it looks awesome making your apperance much of a storm god himself. I've been farming alot and found the pieces in The Great Sphinx (Egypt) and at the Gargantuan Yeti in the Tsongmo ice caverns (Orient). Try to get this set, and your chances are biggest at the 2 locations above. Highest in the Great Sphinx. If you believe that the droprates make it impossible, you could use the Hades Mod to make +5 chance to unique drops from all chests. Some call it cheating, you decide.

As how to spend your points, here's a few ideas. I always go for maxing masteries first. You get attibute points, health and meet requirement on gear and this is as important as skills. Usualy i only spend points in masteries in Greece (Normal), but you have to have some good equipment though. Spend only 1 point in each Sheild Passive in defence mastery. In Egypt (Normal) start placing 1 points in all skills except Thunderball and Squall. These skills are not essential before Epic difficulty. In Orient (Normal) start spending points in Spells and putting some more points in your other skills. Remeber to have your 1 point in colossus before killing Typhon. In normal difficulty all attributy points should go to strength. In Epic focus on all skills and start splitting atribute points between Strength and Intelligence. Continue this to end of game. You'll end up around 530 in strength and 280 in Intelligence without gear bonuses.

Pros: Well, the way i see it Storm and Defence are some of the best masteries in the game. Furthermore these work great together, as both have stunskills that are perfectly combined. Squall is IMO the best skill in the game and Defences Sheild passive are every melee characters dream. The Paladin have a wide variety of skills making it one of the most fun builds i ever played i TQ. There is lots of Melee equipment adding to Stormskills aswell, so you don't have a problem in having to find unique equipment for this class.

Cons: The major problem with this build is skillpoints and the Caster/melee attribute problem. Having too many good skills to choose from is a luxuryproblem, and really dosen't make this a bad classchoice. It makes it an obvious choice instead. Your main problem is the Attribute points. Dealing both psycical and elemental damage makes dependant on both strength and intelligence. Strength is important not only to psycical damage, but also for gear requirements. You need to land your Strength at about 500 to meet all possible requirements for melee armor. The way i do it is that until level 35 i only put points in strength, the after lvl 35 i put 1 point in both strength and intelligence per level. That way when maxing masteries in normal difficulty, i end up on about 400 in strength meaning that i unlock all requirements for blue armor and weapons needed by a Paladin.

Survivability: Very High
Fun: Very Fun
Damage Dealing: High (With Wisps Eye Of The Storm: Very High)
Difficulty to play: Easy

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 6:20 am
by Soontir Fel
Hey guys, first post here. The whole site and forums are really good and useful. I was reading the builds by Shadowshire and they inspired me to combine the ranged power of the hunting class and the powerful melee pet of the earth class. I've just started playing with this build but i think when core dweller line is maxed it will be a really good build.
I'm level 15 now and the general look of my skills is like this :
TitanCalc by stonedonkey - A Titan Quest Calculator - Avenger
I'm not sure about the Art of the Hunt line but the end build will be pretty much like this:
TitanCalc by stonedonkey - A Titan Quest Calculator - Avenger
The strength is a little bit low so you should spend some attribute points to strength, like start with giving one to strength and one to dexterity and when you think its enough for the requirements you can spend both to dexterity.

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 1:43 pm
by Naxalite
I have a question about the oracle.

Static charge and heart of frost both give % for lightning and cold dmg. Does this % apply for spells (lightning/ice shard) or not?

I use ice shard as my primary damage dealing ability together with a ring with 117% casting speed. It is absolutely devastating. I want to know if i can further increase my damage with heart of frost or not. The same goes for lightning.

I see many ppl use ternion attack line. It does not compare with ice shard line (with the help of some casting speed). Better spend points in death chill aura line instead. Ice shard with death chill aura both slow and weaken the enemy and it makes handling mobs much easier.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 5:35 am
by Shadowshire
Static Charge and Heart of Frost do apply both to staffs and elemental type spells. So Heart of Frost will help cold based spells only. Same way around with Static Charge. If you use Ice Shards you should max Heart of Frost as soon as possible.

Well, if you don't want ternion attack, you could skip it for Ice Shards, but Ternion will give far more damage. When line is maxed you get 3 projectiles with -20% damage. Say that you have 500 dps on your staff, it will be 80% of that meaning 400x3. That's still very powerful. Also your staff might have many useful bonus feats and skills, where your ice shards are simply just ice shards.

Once you hit Legendary your Ice Shards will become way to weak, and you want to switch your skillpoints from ice to lightning. Lightning gives higher % to damage and has the best spell in the game IMO. Squall, is a very powerful spell as it helps you against the very deadly archers in Epic/Legendary, making them miss every shot and still deals Above Average in damage. It also lowers enemies resistances to elemental damage greatly (Staffs and Spells). After using Squall, Ternion Attack will cause very high damage.

About the defensive auras (Deathchill and Heart of Frost) they only affect enemies very close to you. Later in the game you will be dead as soon as attackers get within melee range of you. You should put all your skillpoints in ranged attacks as spells (Especially Squall) and Ternion Attack, and make sure that only few or none get within attack range. So, auras are good when enemies come close, but you should focus on not letting them.

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 4:55 pm
by Soontir Fel
I've started to build a dual wielding thane, i think thane is like "ridiculous damage with no heed to defence" character. So if you have any tips for a thane character please post them here. I am waiting for some advice before working on my game. Thanks for your help already. Peace.

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 8:27 am
by Shadowshire
Caster/Melee dosen't give best damage in the game. Highest damage you get from a Brigand, Assassin or a Conqueror. But Thane offers some defence, and that's the reason why it's a good build.
The advantage from taking Storm mastery with Warfare is that you get very good defensive skills from Storm. Squall is the major beneficial skill for a thane, and is your ranged attack spell. It covers a great area, weakens and damages mobs. Best part is the 100% impaired aim for archers. Archers are the major hazard to any warfare build, except the Thane. For close combat defences you get Heart of Frost the slows and weakens, and Storm Surge that delivers powerfull damage and stun to attacking mobs. Great skill for a melee character. Also Static Charge delivers good chance of a powerful retaliation attack. Your pet (The Wisp) gives 100% to elemental damage plus good resistance from it's spell Eye of the storm. Only max EOTS as the wisp dosen't deliver any good damage itself. So just 1 point to get EOTS. Storm Nimbus itself gives to low damage so only spend a single point in it to unlock Heart of Frost and Static Charge.

Your build should look like this:

[url=""]Level 65 build of a migthy Thane[/url]

Leveling the Thane:
You should start on warfare. Get your defensive skills first (Dodge Attack and Ignore Pain). You should have least 1 point i Dual Wield to unlock 2 weapon figthing. Put lots of points into leveling the masteries. You get just as much power from the bonus to Health, Str, Int and Dex. All attribute points should go to Strength. Best weapons are Lightning enchanted Axes or Clubs.
Entering Epic (Lvl 35) you should have Squall least half maxed.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 4:36 am
by IcePrince
Hi guys

i got a question

im lvl 33 ATM just started the game like a week ago i took Warfar and Earth builds. can some of the fundies that play this game help me on a nice Build with what i have chosen.