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Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 5:01 pm
by Siberys
Yeah, I've got a lot of stuff up in the air right now. I know I'm going to continue the game, where I will continue it is another matter.

I work tomorrow and tuesday so I don't know if I'll be up for posting anything then about this, the game is still on a stand still right now. The only reason I didn't continue immediately was basically due to a lack of some players posting. I had seen that Ur-Quan logged in and didn't post for at least two days in a row and then quit, and Orod still hasn't responded for anything in a while, so I wanted to see who was in and who was out.

The Journey from where you are now to Nisroch, the port town, was supposed to take you up to about 15th-16th level. And I wanted people to get familiar with pathfinder in that manner. I may still do it that way and just have you build up to 15th level on your own, instead of starting you off that way.

So...I will know for sure what we'll be doing by Wednesday.


I was more than willing to accept a paladin who was on a holy quest, needed powerful magic items like the ones in the tomb I'm sending you to, in order to combat something evil or prove his worth or something like that. Good and Evil are subjective words that can be manipulated. Some things are obviously evil, and some things only tow the line (keep in mind that the Crusaders, a type of Knight similar to a paladin in that they fought with divine justice on their side, would kill people of any other religion only because they were told that religion was evil, even if it really wasn't). The idea of a paladin that can destroy things that are evil, but killing is a sin never made sense, thus there is room for negotiation.

I once made a monk that was the absolute protector of life, but believed that resurrection is a sin and when people die, it is there time and disrupting that disrupts the natural order of things. He would do anything in his power to not kill someone but knew that this was sometimes unavoidable, as words alone may not reach the truly wicked.

And my other character in that game was an assassin but would only kill evil things, the morally corrupt politicians. He would never harm a truly innocent soul, but he knew he was evil for the way he butchered and slaughtered so many others.

So always remember, good and evil are not black and white terms, they can be manipulated if done right.

Oh and Ur-Quan, I didn't plot against you. Magrus was the one who initiated the encounter and despite it being a foolish move on his part I still gave him a chance to back off, you interjected and made things MUCH worse for little reason. Big difference.

Anyways, a note to players. The Mystic Theurge I mentioned will no longer be a part of the game, and regardless of where we start in the game it is assumed that you all fought and won against the Barbarian, and the sword is still in your possession.

I'm going to put it to a vote, if you think you can handle leveling your character up to 15th level with the new rules of pathfinder, you are welcome to vote that you want to start where the campaign -actually- starts. If not, we can continue from where we are now.

Currently, I know Blank, Malinzaro, Magrus and Kozeph still seem to be in the adventure so unless one of these four drop out for some reason, we are highly likely not going to move to another forum.

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 5:09 pm
by Magrus
I, for one, will vote for the other forum, and a level increase. Just the same, I'll support the game, as a 2nd level game to allow the newer players to finish their characters. However, as this being a very non-active forum, I see the game I started and closed in 2007 being still up on the board listing on the 1st of 2 pages in this forum. That's been nearly 4 years! Trouble players come and go, but, this an Action/RPG video gaming forum, not an RPG forum. Folks that truly want to do a long term gaming experience, especially for the first time, this isn't the place to do so, IMO. NWN isn't the tool to bridge the gap into DnD.

Yes, I did instigate the issue, hoping the Pally would learn a lesson of self control. My bad there, but, better than 3 weeks down the road when the campaign was underway. As a DM turned player, I spotted trouble right away, and pushed the situation to a head immediately. An intelligent player would have been able to consider the consequences of reacting in a bad manner, when in a town full of vaguely hostile critters at best.

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 5:18 pm
by Siberys
My bad there, but, better than 3 weeks down the road when the campaign was underway.
No no, not your bad. I gave you every reason to start that encounter because I mentioned the sword to begin with, you could have ignored it true, but I could have also never mentioned it if I didn't want even just one character to get the idea to do something with that situation, and I could have easily just never made the two characters to begin with for it to ever be an issue.

Even if the real adventure has yet to start, I put things in their for it to not just be a "Sit around and wait till everyone's ready" type of game. I wanted you to be able to do something while others were finishing up their characters.

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 1:11 am
by malinzaro
Siberys wrote:Yeah, I've got a lot of stuff up in the air right now. I know I'm going to continue the game, where I will continue it is another matter.
I'm going to put it to a vote, if you think you can handle leveling your character up to 15th level with the new rules of pathfinder, you are welcome to vote that you want to start where the campaign -actually- starts. If not, we can continue from where we are now.

Currently, I know Blank, Malinzaro, Magrus and Kozeph still seem to be in the adventure so unless one of these four drop out for some reason, we are highly likely not going to move to another forum.
I will vote to continue from where we are now and leveling through adventures. I feel that going straight to level 15 now will make everything feel artificial and without substance. I rather prefer we properly enter the shoes of our characters and get the feeling of the campaign itself. I also might have difficulties to handle a high level character out of the hat considering I never played Pathfinder before and have very little experience with pnp at all.

Forums related, I prefer gamebanshee since it's my site of choice for rpg related news, but if the DM wants to move the action on another site I will follow without question.

I can usually post a few times per day (not considering my sleep hours), but sometimes I refrain to post too much since I believe everyone should have their turn at posting and not one person posting several times one after another. I only log when I post but I lurk around almost all day long hoping for something new to happen.

So if everyone agrees, let's just move along the road and get the things rolling. We had enough of an introduction already.

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 3:33 am
by Orod
Personally I enjoy the low levels, but a change of forum would not be bad in my opinion, although not an important issue, as all that is important is that this thread is active.

And sorry for spurts of inactivity, seems like all the activity happens just after I think there is no need for me to answer, during the time I'm unable to check. But don't worry, I'll continue to be active in the game.

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 7:33 am
by blank
whatever you choose is fine with me

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 8:56 am
by kozeph
all is good with me.

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 11:03 am
by malinzaro
I will be away for a few days. I apologize for the short notice. I just got the news today.

Have fun!

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 4:18 pm
by Siberys
Ok, so I don't really see the need to move the campaign to a different forum.

We have 5 players who are all sticking around for the most part and I don't see the need to accept anymore (that'd be the only reason for the move is just because of needing new players).

I won't level you up automatically to 15th level, but keep in mind that since the first part of the adventure from where you are to Nisroch is supposed to just be an introductory guide to the pathfinder rules for both you guys and me, I may not always be creative with what I have you do or fight to level you up.

It's once you get to Nisroch that'll be the fun part. I would suggest you -don't- plan for a sea based character. You will spend a lot of time at sea but you will be on a ship, I don't generally do underwater battles, way too difficult (I will do underwater encounters though, different story all together there).

So We will start up the game again officially on Friday, and hopefully Malinzaro is back then or saturday. I'll have a big post for you all to read and get a lot of ideas to go through before then probably but that's when the adventure will officially start.

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 2:11 am
by malinzaro
I am back! Let's get things rolling.

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 6:12 pm
by Siberys
Well, shoulda done this a while ago. This thread is dead. Game = no more. Now that I'm in NY and looking for a job, I've no time to continue this campaign at all.