Athkathla II
{OOC tell me if this is going too far, i had an idea, a good one, and i want to use it
Getting up from the mages powerful attack, Thryn saw it getting ready to attack the young warrior, he got out of his bow and shot at the mage, it did nothing but enrage him, good.
Using the speed from his boots he ran round the mage, getting him to shot Thryn, then thryn jumped high near the ceiling and the mage shot another spell at him in mid air, the spell missed Thryn and made the ceiling cave in...
Getting up from the mages powerful attack, Thryn saw it getting ready to attack the young warrior, he got out of his bow and shot at the mage, it did nothing but enrage him, good.
Using the speed from his boots he ran round the mage, getting him to shot Thryn, then thryn jumped high near the ceiling and the mage shot another spell at him in mid air, the spell missed Thryn and made the ceiling cave in...
@All: This is a very ineteresing Bar Fight
. Kind've a shame I'm not around for it, would've been fun to take part in. (The Dwarf would've been the first to go).
Virdel blinked, clearing the soot from his eyes that the fire ball had created. As he did so, he caught the faint glimour of a person magicing himself away from the seen of the battle. It took very little convincing to relize that was the Magi the Theives had been sent to attack. It was also a clear sign he had made a powerful enemy by attack the Fiend. He gave his head a brief shake, clearing his thoughts slightly, and re-orientating himself to his surroundings. He pushed himself up from the ground, his legs somewhat shaky, but still usable. He made his way to the door, considering what to do next.
The Guild war had been escalating as of late, and pretty soon, it would erupt into the streets. Perhaps Virdel would take Ferchen up on her offer to join the Rangers. It would offer some support to himself, and he would be following a path he agreed with. The offer seemed more enticing then before, but chose to see what happend next. As he made his way down the street, another thought crossed his mind. What were the Rangers doing in Athkatla? Virdel rubbed his forehead in confusion, and continued walking. He wanted to get out of the streets before he ran into anyone, especially that Wizard.
Turning one final corner, he turned into a small building, just outside of the Bridge district. this was where he called home, for now at least. He made his way into the modest living space, and loosened his sword belt. Tossing it off to the side, and crawled himself into the hammock he had set up on the far wall. He closed his eyes, and let himself fall into a deep slumber, weary from the past days events. As he faded into sleep, one last thought crossed his mind. What were the Shadow Theives chasing a Wizard of such power for?
@All: I'm not going to do much more posting until your little bar fight has been resolved. Once that's done, I'll be posting more, and trying to advance the story more.
Virdel blinked, clearing the soot from his eyes that the fire ball had created. As he did so, he caught the faint glimour of a person magicing himself away from the seen of the battle. It took very little convincing to relize that was the Magi the Theives had been sent to attack. It was also a clear sign he had made a powerful enemy by attack the Fiend. He gave his head a brief shake, clearing his thoughts slightly, and re-orientating himself to his surroundings. He pushed himself up from the ground, his legs somewhat shaky, but still usable. He made his way to the door, considering what to do next.
The Guild war had been escalating as of late, and pretty soon, it would erupt into the streets. Perhaps Virdel would take Ferchen up on her offer to join the Rangers. It would offer some support to himself, and he would be following a path he agreed with. The offer seemed more enticing then before, but chose to see what happend next. As he made his way down the street, another thought crossed his mind. What were the Rangers doing in Athkatla? Virdel rubbed his forehead in confusion, and continued walking. He wanted to get out of the streets before he ran into anyone, especially that Wizard.
Turning one final corner, he turned into a small building, just outside of the Bridge district. this was where he called home, for now at least. He made his way into the modest living space, and loosened his sword belt. Tossing it off to the side, and crawled himself into the hammock he had set up on the far wall. He closed his eyes, and let himself fall into a deep slumber, weary from the past days events. As he faded into sleep, one last thought crossed his mind. What were the Shadow Theives chasing a Wizard of such power for?
@All: I'm not going to do much more posting until your little bar fight has been resolved. Once that's done, I'll be posting more, and trying to advance the story more.
OOC i am fine with it, just wait till magus comes.
For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? - Khalil Gibran
"We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields, and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender!" - Winston Churchill
"We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields, and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender!" - Winston Churchill
OOC {Don't worry.
All he will do is either kill you slowluy or quickly.
It ain't that bad!
All he will do is either kill you slowluy or quickly.
It ain't that bad!
For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? - Khalil Gibran
"We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields, and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender!" - Winston Churchill
"We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields, and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender!" - Winston Churchill
OOC {do your plans inculde a rubber chicken some bulbs and a bottle of valium??}
For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? - Khalil Gibran
"We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields, and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender!" - Winston Churchill
"We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields, and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender!" - Winston Churchill
OOC {hmmm can we spam up this thread??? oh well who cares, so are you adding tape or silver foil to that plan?
For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? - Khalil Gibran
"We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields, and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender!" - Winston Churchill
"We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields, and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender!" - Winston Churchill
{OOC: I think it is I that have been knocked unconscious, and since nothing "much" seems to be happening now - I've written a dream sequence - it is not plotcritical - so you don't have to read it. (it is somewhat inspired by the Bhaal dreams in BG
Xandax feeling his strength dwindling due the loos of a significant amount of blood falls down onto the floor. Unconscious.
Xandax starts to dream:
Xandax was flying through the air at tremendous speed. Over the land, forests, plains and great cities alike. He knew the land – he was backtracking his decade long journey. Finally he reach a familiar land, he reached home. The keep in Daggerdael he had lived in as a child with his mother and stepfather.
Suddenly a blot of dark energy hit him and he fell to the ground the impact blackened his vision.
When Xandax once again could open his eyes – he was tied to a pole in his fathers tower. A dark dark tower build on dark magic.
“So you thought you could defeat me, you of all people.”
Xandax saw his father – a hideous figure. Dark magic had deformed him and his face barely resembled that of a human. Even orcs would turn from such a face.
“You are my blood, nobody else – you are mine.”
Xandax tried to speak but it was impossible.
“Look at your arms – see your blood – look”
Xandax looked at his arms and saw a dark fluid dripping out of his veins. He wanted to scream but no sound was made.
The figure that was his father walk around Xandax.
“So you’ve enlisted the help of “Ferox” – how quaint.” He laughed. “I forged this sword – decades ago, it is a tool of evil”.
“But who cares really – now you are going to die, so I can return again, like times before you. I need essence – you should realise by now that fighting me is futile”
“It is time – I reclaimed my blood”
Suddenly a bright light appeared – Xandax saw his mother.
”You will not have him – we have trained him well, he will defeat you, as he did last time” she said.
“No – he is mine, he is mine”
Xandax saw the sword – the engraved “Ferox” started to shine with bright white light.
“Look” his mother said to his father “It is starting again”
Xandax saw the sword moving on it’s own – it stood hilt towards the ground while the blade pointed upwards – it started to rotate.
“The sword has chosen” his mother said.
The sword flew towards his father and went through him and landed next to Xandax”
Then all became white, bright white – it was impossible to see.
Next thing Xandax saw was a peaceful meadow. He was untied of his ropes. The sword was by his side.
The vision of his mother appeared again.
“Keep fighting – we will be together again when the time is right. It is not yet.”
“But what, where, why, who are you” Xandax stuttered.
“Trust your own mind – who am I”
“What is this, where am I”
“You are inside yourself – you are home”
“Why am I here”
“You almost died – it was the time for your father to take your essence so he could live again. He failed – your will is strong, but I knew that”
“What is this sword…this “Ferox””
“It is the tool, your father created long ago to help him in his quest for immortality. He imbued it with powerful magic, so powerful that it sometimes becomes sentient – the sword has chosen you now”
“But how…..”
“You will learn. You must also learn to use your amulet. It can be powerful. This is enough for now – you must return, we will talk again when it is time. Head my words though effingo statua
The words faded out as Xandax once again was flying through the air – this time the opposite way – back to Athkatla.
Xandax wakes up, gapsing, lying on the floor in the Coronet. He feels his open wound.
"Faisal - we got to get out of here - now - this mage is to powerfull, we must withdraw.
[ 07-14-2001: Message edited by: Xandax ]
Xandax feeling his strength dwindling due the loos of a significant amount of blood falls down onto the floor. Unconscious.
Xandax starts to dream:
Xandax was flying through the air at tremendous speed. Over the land, forests, plains and great cities alike. He knew the land – he was backtracking his decade long journey. Finally he reach a familiar land, he reached home. The keep in Daggerdael he had lived in as a child with his mother and stepfather.
Suddenly a blot of dark energy hit him and he fell to the ground the impact blackened his vision.
When Xandax once again could open his eyes – he was tied to a pole in his fathers tower. A dark dark tower build on dark magic.
“So you thought you could defeat me, you of all people.”
Xandax saw his father – a hideous figure. Dark magic had deformed him and his face barely resembled that of a human. Even orcs would turn from such a face.
“You are my blood, nobody else – you are mine.”
Xandax tried to speak but it was impossible.
“Look at your arms – see your blood – look”
Xandax looked at his arms and saw a dark fluid dripping out of his veins. He wanted to scream but no sound was made.
The figure that was his father walk around Xandax.
“So you’ve enlisted the help of “Ferox” – how quaint.” He laughed. “I forged this sword – decades ago, it is a tool of evil”.
“But who cares really – now you are going to die, so I can return again, like times before you. I need essence – you should realise by now that fighting me is futile”
“It is time – I reclaimed my blood”
Suddenly a bright light appeared – Xandax saw his mother.
”You will not have him – we have trained him well, he will defeat you, as he did last time” she said.
“No – he is mine, he is mine”
Xandax saw the sword – the engraved “Ferox” started to shine with bright white light.
“Look” his mother said to his father “It is starting again”
Xandax saw the sword moving on it’s own – it stood hilt towards the ground while the blade pointed upwards – it started to rotate.
“The sword has chosen” his mother said.
The sword flew towards his father and went through him and landed next to Xandax”
Then all became white, bright white – it was impossible to see.
Next thing Xandax saw was a peaceful meadow. He was untied of his ropes. The sword was by his side.
The vision of his mother appeared again.
“Keep fighting – we will be together again when the time is right. It is not yet.”
“But what, where, why, who are you” Xandax stuttered.
“Trust your own mind – who am I”
“What is this, where am I”
“You are inside yourself – you are home”
“Why am I here”
“You almost died – it was the time for your father to take your essence so he could live again. He failed – your will is strong, but I knew that”
“What is this sword…this “Ferox””
“It is the tool, your father created long ago to help him in his quest for immortality. He imbued it with powerful magic, so powerful that it sometimes becomes sentient – the sword has chosen you now”
“But how…..”
“You will learn. You must also learn to use your amulet. It can be powerful. This is enough for now – you must return, we will talk again when it is time. Head my words though effingo statua
The words faded out as Xandax once again was flying through the air – this time the opposite way – back to Athkatla.
Xandax wakes up, gapsing, lying on the floor in the Coronet. He feels his open wound.
"Faisal - we got to get out of here - now - this mage is to powerfull, we must withdraw.
[ 07-14-2001: Message edited by: Xandax ]
Insert signature here.
@All-Kierran is sleeping through the fight (he will only arrive after the fight
Proud SLURRite Assistant Scientist and Brewer of the Rolling Thunder (TM)- Visitors WELCOME !!!
[size=0](Feel free to join us for a drink, play some pool or even relax in a hottub - want to learn more? )[/size]
Progressing through life, one step at a time
[size=0](Feel free to join us for a drink, play some pool or even relax in a hottub - want to learn more? )[/size]
Progressing through life, one step at a time
@Xandax: I think craig is thinking that the mage you are facing in the bar is Xandax’s father, which he’s not. I don’t even know Xandax’s father
BTW, yes, you slipped into unconsciousness from blood loss.
@craig: This mage isn’t the type to miss, but I’ll go with it for now.
@Fas: I’d like to keep the thread as spam-free as possible.
Hey, I’M not the one that pissed off the mage. I just tell what happens when you piss him off.
The mage’s intent stare is broken by an incoming arrow. Annoyed by the interruption, he flings a shiny little ball at the irksome elf. It misses, and hits the wall to explode in a powerful blast. He launches a second one just as Thryn hurdles over his head, and it crashes into the ceiling with a resounding boom. Rickety to begin with, the ceiling gives away in a four feet radius, collapsing right over the mage. To no one’s surprise
, the huge chunks of rock merely bounce off the mage’s potent shield.
Just then, the swashbuckler, free of the mob, comes running down the stairs. He gapes at the destruction around him, and the bodies of his dead companions.
He turns toward the mage. “Derlaz! What the hell happened here?”
The mage speaks, his voice calm and powerful. “Obviously, your fellows got themselves killed.”
The swashbuckler is taken aback. “’re not even hurt.” He looks at Thryn, Faisal, and the unconscious Xandax. “If they were good enough to kill our companions, how do you still stand? Unless...YOU BETRAYED THEM!” The swashbuckler charges at the mage. Some instinct, some gut feeling, tells Faisal and Thryn not to follow suit.
The mage calmly, slowly, raises his hand, his index finger outstretched. Just as the swashbuckler swings his blade, the mage says but one word.
The swashbuckler collapses, life forever gone from his honorable eyes.
“Now for you fools...” the mage says, smiling as he turns to face his remaining foes.
"Faisal - we got to get out of here – now - this mage is too powerful, we must withdraw,” speaks Xandax, now awake, with great effort.
Suddenly, the mage’s attention is caught by a teleportation gate forming in their midst. Out steps a powerful-looking wizard clad in a translucent, multi-colored robe.
“Now’s our chance,” whispers Xandax. “Let’s get out of here while he’s distracted.”
I STRONGLY suggest you follow Xandax’s advice unless you have a death wish.
[ 07-14-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
[ 07-14-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
@craig: This mage isn’t the type to miss, but I’ll go with it for now.
@Fas: I’d like to keep the thread as spam-free as possible.
Am I that bad?DOriginally posted by craig <STRONG>{OOC Gulp}</STRONG>
The mage’s intent stare is broken by an incoming arrow. Annoyed by the interruption, he flings a shiny little ball at the irksome elf. It misses, and hits the wall to explode in a powerful blast. He launches a second one just as Thryn hurdles over his head, and it crashes into the ceiling with a resounding boom. Rickety to begin with, the ceiling gives away in a four feet radius, collapsing right over the mage. To no one’s surprise
Just then, the swashbuckler, free of the mob, comes running down the stairs. He gapes at the destruction around him, and the bodies of his dead companions.
He turns toward the mage. “Derlaz! What the hell happened here?”
The mage speaks, his voice calm and powerful. “Obviously, your fellows got themselves killed.”
The swashbuckler is taken aback. “’re not even hurt.” He looks at Thryn, Faisal, and the unconscious Xandax. “If they were good enough to kill our companions, how do you still stand? Unless...YOU BETRAYED THEM!” The swashbuckler charges at the mage. Some instinct, some gut feeling, tells Faisal and Thryn not to follow suit.
The mage calmly, slowly, raises his hand, his index finger outstretched. Just as the swashbuckler swings his blade, the mage says but one word.
The swashbuckler collapses, life forever gone from his honorable eyes.
“Now for you fools...” the mage says, smiling as he turns to face his remaining foes.
"Faisal - we got to get out of here – now - this mage is too powerful, we must withdraw,” speaks Xandax, now awake, with great effort.
Suddenly, the mage’s attention is caught by a teleportation gate forming in their midst. Out steps a powerful-looking wizard clad in a translucent, multi-colored robe.
“Now’s our chance,” whispers Xandax. “Let’s get out of here while he’s distracted.”
I STRONGLY suggest you follow Xandax’s advice unless you have a death wish.
[ 07-14-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
[ 07-14-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
Lost Souls: A bereft lover. A masterless familiar. Friends gone their separate ways. Time marches on, and destiny heralds the meeting of comrades old and new. Can they find what they're seeking? Or will the search bring them only more pain?
@Aegis+Brink: Such step-by-step fights are rather lengthy, I know. But the results are sure spectacular, don't you think? Sorry that you two can't do anything while we fight. But the fight wasn't one that could handled in one or two posts.
[ 07-14-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
[ 07-14-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
Lost Souls: A bereft lover. A masterless familiar. Friends gone their separate ways. Time marches on, and destiny heralds the meeting of comrades old and new. Can they find what they're seeking? Or will the search bring them only more pain?