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Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 3:31 pm
by Scottg
Jaheira wrote:Ok, and SoZ? Roughly speaking?

I wouldn't compare it at all to either the OC or MOTB.. SOZ is a very different game. Time-wise, could be done in half the time of MOTB, though usually 75% of MOTB's length.

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 3:36 pm
by Scottg
Jaheira wrote:Hellu,

I need to know how this works, it is common with chaotic and evil among the enemy? Does it have to be both chaotic and evil together, or does the dmg-bonus work separately? Could it even be 2D6 + 2D6 at the same time maybe?
It's pretty good bonus damage..

[SIZE=13px]Special Properties: [/size]
[SIZE=13px]+2d6 vs. chaotic creatures[/size]
[SIZE=13px]+2d6 vs. evil creatures[/size] ... flails.php


That's an SOZ item. You can do your own crafting in SOZ with those properties as well. ('s more a matter of finding the recipes for the crafting.) See the SOZ crafting guide for more information.

..and Gawain is correct - IF the opponent is both Evil and Chaotic then you'll do 4d6 extra bonus damage on hit.