Originally posted by C Elegans
I didn't think postmodernism played a role in acedemic philosophy other than tangetial. So, what does postmodernism in philosophy deal with?
Its a bit messy. The people that talk about post-modernism very rarely come from philosophy but rather intellectuals from other fields such as litterature and sociology.
Basically I think post-modernism in its philosophical context is derived from a number of intuitions concerning anti-realism. Recently some intellectuals have taken their que from Rorty others from Wittgenstein.
The problem with what Rorty is argueing is that it seem to be self-refuting. Because he is making a global relativity claim his own statement comes under this relativity claim. But Rorty must want his claim to be more than relative - hence self-refuting.
The Wittgenstein claims are a lot harder to evaluate. Wittgenstein discovered a problem in the philosophy of language that we today call the rule-following paradox. This problem is complex and difficult to understand and the proposed solutions more so. The rule-following paradox seem to deny the possibility of any expression having a meaning. Now, it is clear that this is self-refuting - but that of course doesn’t solve the paradox it just makes it more urgent.
Some philosophers have argued that it might be possible to salvage the notion of meaning by making it radically anti-realist (note that if you make the notion of meaning anti-realist you necessarily make the notion of truth anti-realist too).
Two of the anti-realist solutions that have been put forward are radical conventionalism and global expresivism. But most philosophers find that these solutions have irrefutable logical problems and are not adequate to solve the problem anyway. The problem is still hotly debated and there is no consensus what-so-ever on a solution.
I realise that it is unlikely that any one will understand the above - since the problem is usually only taught in any detail to 3rd years and postgrads. But it is just to give an idea of the nature of the problem.
Recently I have heard certain intellectuals try to bolster up their claims by referring to the above discussion - this I think is based on misunderstandings.
I take a rather dim view of existentialism but the fact is I don't know nearly enough about it to say that nothing fruitful can be taken from it.Originally posted by C Elegans
Existentialism: Can anything fruitful for philosophy be drawn out of existentialism, do you think? It seems to me that it has played a larger role in literature and psychology than in philosophy.
Maybe you need some philosophical presuppositions but you don't need the subject of philosophy to have those.Originally posted by C Elegans
I can't really see how we would be totally independant of all philosophy.
Certainly the problem I mentioned above is very important but Wittgenstein was a great philosopher and active in a number fields.Originally posted by C Elegans
Wittgenstein: @Curdis: LOL @Tom: What would you say is the most important problem Wittgenstein pointed out?
Very brave of you - and if you got from cover to cover you must have quite a stamina. But if you have an interest in the subject there are better places to start.Originally posted by C Elegans
Having volontarily read Tractatus and Philosophical investigations yes, must have been mad, they weren't compulsory reading for my course, but I used to be very interested in language theories I'm certainly not sure if I understood him right.
As I am sure you know there is great philosophical interest in consciousness and there have been a number of attempts to understand how such a thing as consciousness can occur - I didn't know Feynman had opinion on consciousness. Did you see by the way that Roger Penrose put out a theory on the subject?Originally posted by C Elegans
Feynman once said that he believed the quantum theory would eventually explain cognition, the above idea might be related to that line of thinking. Consciousness research and technology has a looong way to go before it's feasible to test any such hypothesis - I can't view it as anything other than unfounded speculation either.
I am sorry that you take exception to what I said but I can assure you I did not mean any form of ridicule.Originally posted by Curdis
I really must take exception with this. 'I am simply wrong again' is just poking out your toungue and going naugh naugh naugh. BTW where was I wrong the first time? This is not discourse, this is ridicule.
You said that "If pressed it would be my position that there has been too much fragmentation and specialisation in philosophy in the last 102 years for any of the individual advances to be considered relatively significant."
I replied that" The same specialisation has taken place in science and has contributed greatly to progress in both fields".
I think that what progress there have been in philosophy could not have taken place to the same degree if there had not been specialisation.
Therefore I must respectfully maintain that you are wrong.
I got the impression that there have been a bit of gentle teasing from both sides in this discussion - I regret if you took offence to anything I have said.