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Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2002 6:12 pm
by Minerva
Originally posted by Aegis
Then wouldn't he finish off with Ned? :D
You know, there're double meanings to your statement... :o

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2002 6:20 pm
by Aegis
Originally posted by Minerva

You know, there're double meanings to your statement... :o
Nah, really? :D

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2002 9:35 am
by Bloodstalker
BS felt his frustration mounting. But, he also felt more at ease, how many more mistakes could there be? And even if there were, what could be worse than what he had already seen so far? HE dicided he was ready for anything as he made his way to the next tunnel.

Peering through the floor, this room looked.....different. Tomatoe launchers, the walls done in camoflauge, and several nude posters hanging on the walls. but none of this registered as he took in the figure sitting in the middle of the room.

A man was sitting, eyes ablaze with a crazed light, hunched over some evidently important work on the table before him. Looking closer, BS realized that little plastic army men lined the table, and the figure was seemingly hard at work drawing on man was not drawing, he was using an eraser! Looking at the army men that were already complete, the mans intentions became apparent.....he was erasing the pants off of the army men. Plastic pantsless marines....Oh the humanity.

As he finished the last one, the man....Gruntboy it would seem, nearly jumped out of his seat as the door crashed open and in walked a marine.....pantsless to BS's distress. Evedently enraged at the disturbance, Grunt dived behind a bunker constructed and started fire his toy machine gun, the type with the little lights that flashed. This one had been modified so that it actually fired kidney beans, thus pelting the man while Grunt laughed maniacally. grabbing a grenade from his belt, Grunt pulled the pin and threw the grenade at the man, diving under the cover of his barricade....only it wasn't the grenade but the pin he had thrown. A loud explosion rocked the room, BS was startled to find Grunt relatively unscathed as he came out of his bunker. Sure, his eyes were rolling in little circles in their sockets, his face was covered in smoke, and here and there bits of his hair were on fire, but overall, not much difference in his appearance at all.

BS decided tha perhaps he had stayed long enough when he heard Grunt utter something about the man having earned a "sack beating. Not sure he wanted to find out what a sack beating was......the man WAS pantsless after all, BS strarted to lower himeself back into the tunnel. But not before he heard the man scream as Grunt spoke.

"c'mon boy, let's you just squeal like a pig"

Dropping in the tunnel, BS started to walk away, only to hear more words.

"You got a pretty mouth boy"

BS shuddered, and considered his map. He wasn't sure how he could be reading this thing so wrong. He had to be close, and yet he kept missing. He wondered for a moment, hoping for some Deliverence, but that only brought Grunts word back to him.....

Taking the map and stuffing it back into his pocket, he wandered down the next tunnel.

:D :D :D

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2002 9:56 am
by frogus
you're going on The List, BS, mark my words...

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2002 10:07 am
by T'lainya
Better and better BS :D

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2002 10:21 am
by Ned Flanders
So that's what happened to Ned Beatty. :D

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2002 4:51 pm
by Aragorn Returns
that may have been just a little graphic for me. :D

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2002 6:01 pm
by Minerva
Great work, BS. :) It's getting more and more like... err, the reality SYM (maybe in Buck's mind). :D

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2002 12:49 am
by CM
I read through all of them in one go!!!
It was hilarious, very good job BS.

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2002 9:35 am
by Aegis
I think I'm going to put these together as the "Collected Works of BS"... :D

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2002 3:11 am
by Gruntboy
Fantastic. Its like he actually saw into my life. :D

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2002 3:14 am
by KidD01
Originally posted by Gruntboy
Fantastic. Its like he actually saw into my life. :D
It's called "Live on Location with BS" to be exact :o :D :D

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2002 3:14 am
by Minerva
Originally posted by Gruntboy
Fantastic. Its like he actually saw into my life. :D
:eek: :eek: :eek:

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2002 3:18 am
by KidD01
Hiya, Mein Goddess ;) Nice timing for those smilies :D :D

BTW congrats on your 6K :)

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2002 7:31 am
by Aegis
Originally posted by Gruntboy
Fantastic. Its like he actually saw into my life. :D
That would explain BS's sudden lack of posting... :D

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2002 8:28 am
by Gruntboy

One "grenade" coming your way. Bang! Bang!

:D :D :D

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2002 9:00 am
by Aegis
Originally posted by Gruntboy

One "grenade" coming your way. Bang! Bang!

:D :D :D
I don't know if I should be laughing or frightened! :D :p

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2002 3:56 pm
by McBane
Originally posted by Gruntboy

One "grenade" coming your way. Bang! Bang!

:D :D :D
OMG!! :eek: :eek: Grunty is banging Aegis. Oh the horror! :eek:

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2002 4:54 pm
by Ned Flanders
by McBane
OMG!! Grunty is banging Aegis. Oh the horror!

So, who have you chosen to represent you for this libelous banter? :D :p Oh, the hell with it. Just duck and cover.

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2002 6:53 pm
by Weasel
@McBane , LMAO :D :D

Originally posted by Ned Flanders

So, who have you chosen to represent you for this libelous banter? :D :p Oh, the hell with it. Just duck and cover.
With this banging going on, the last thing to do is duck and cover, run man run!!!