Every time you strike MR from Carsomyr is resetted, I tested for Xyx,
with a PC paladin.
The matter is complicated, 'cause some effects *do* stack always with
Carsomyr: AFAIK, those are all the additive effects placed
directly upon the character (as MR from hell).
While those granted by items, need re-equip and are soon lost again.
Lower Resistance is a (
timed) effect placed directly on the character,
so you can't avoid it by simply re-equipping.
I hope this is not too criptic...
Unless you solo, 15 is very high... I go for level 12, but that's because
I use the Grand Mastery patch, and level 13 would add even more attacks...
So, dual-wielding I reach "only" 4 attacks/round, while at level 13th
I'd reach 9/2... Without the patch is different? Nah, 12 is enough
Are you mostly a buffed fighter or a beefed up mage?
Actually, none and both
The whole point of the character, imho, is to decide on the fly!
You go normally with nothing but your swords (now, that's stylish!),
no armors, helmets.. so NO spells, either!
But you can quick-cast at need the right one.
You cast more when something allows you to: scouting, or well
placed defensive contingencies that give you a safe time-window to cast, say,
a time stop: then go for buffs, or tactical, or damaging spells.
I remember a glorious, long mage-mage battle against the last Irenicus added
in Ascension.. the smartest of all!!
I tried to build up a char who could be a credible, always surviving
Bhaalspawn, and
not thanx to the above_quest_level_spell "Reload"!
I explained in details in an old thread, I can search for it if you want...
Anyway I'm no more completely satisfied by that spell-chart:
my next kensimage (for RtW
) will be even more defensive!
Then some spells are used too rarely, while Teleport Field has to enter
somehow (probably in the Sequencer
) Maze too...
Hope I've been helpful or inspiring!