Any thing he can touch, he has the potential of doing that. Yes.Originally posted by Gaxx_Firkraag
Forgive me, but I can't quite remember what Gambit's exact power is. He can "charge" objects with destructive energy, right?
“Caw, Caw!” The call of the wild calls you. Are you listening? Do you dare challenge their power? Do you dare invade? Nature will always triumph in the end.
[color=sky blue]I know that I die gracefully in vain. I know inside detiorates in pain.[/color]-Razed in Black
[color=sky blue]I know that I die gracefully in vain. I know inside detiorates in pain.[/color]-Razed in Black
- Gwalchmai
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Re: Re: I've been dreaming
Wasn't that The Wizard, the leader of the Frightful Four (an evil counterpart to the Fantastic Four)?Originally posted by /-\lastor
Wasn't there some old Spiderman villain who could do that, in the really old strips (think 8-10 years back). Some small guy in a pink suit with a huge head (no I'm serious, he really looked like this), he could control gravity to a limit by some sort of small discs which he attached to things. I even think he was a major villain for a while.
That there; exactly the kinda diversion we coulda used.
Re: Re: Re: I've been dreaming
THAT was the guy, thank you very much, you've kept me from a frustating day of pondering and beating my own head.
Originally posted by Gwalchmai
Wasn't that The Wizard, the leader of the Frightful Four (an evil counterpart to the Fantastic Four)?
THAT was the guy, thank you very much, you've kept me from a frustating day of pondering and beating my own head.
I'm not evil I'm morally challenged
- RandomThug
- Posts: 2795
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Gambit kicks arse
Powers: Gambit is a mutant: one whose genetic structure has been mutated since conception. Gambit's most obvious and visually spectacular mutant power takes the potential energy in any object and excites the molecules (i.e. electrons, quarks, etc., physics people take your pick) in it into kinetic energy which is usually explosive. He generally prefers smaller objects as larger objects take more time to "charge" and are harder to throw with accuracy. Plus this is usually more than enough power to take out most foes and if he wants, Gambit can partially charge an object to reduce the amount of energy released. This makes Gambit exceptionally powerful if need be with the only limitations being time, Gambit's will, and moving the object to the target. A larger object, like the anchor he and Storm used on the Phalanx in Uncanny X-Men #313, would be devastating against any foe.
For the most part, Gambit has been shown to have excellent control over this power and has used it in many different ways. For instance, in an issue of X-Men Unlimited, he charged up a container until it just disappeared... his own form of "recycling". In one of the Wolverine appearances, he shot Wolverine 50 feet in the air by cupping his hands and "charging away", which would seem to imply he charged the immediate air molecules, so when Wolverine put his foot in Gambit's hands... up he went. During the X-Men's Shi'ar adventure against the Phalanx, he charged a door and hit it to make the door explode to get it out of the way. Recently, he has developed his powers to the extent that he can create time-delay charges - charge an item so that it explodes entire minutes later.
However, his control over his powers has not always been as perfect or as complete. The level at which he uses them is a bare fraction of their actual potential - for example, he can charge organic matter as Mystique discovered in Gambit #21 and charge objects by simply looking at them as he did in Gambit #17-19. However, he can barely control them at their full power, and they rage unchecked unless he exerts self-control, remains calm and concentrates. For this reason, he went to Sinister for a cure, and ended up leading the Marauders to the Morlock Massacre. It appears that Sinister took out something from Gambit to reduce or dampen his powers; something that Gambit needed to reimplant to return to the present from his sojourn in Victorian England in Gambit #14. More mature, Gambit can control it better now, but still battles to do so when he was emotionally upset or uptight.
Gambit usually charges objects by touching them with his hands (sometimes through gloves, i.e. ones with all the fingers intact). But he can use other parts of his body to charge objects. He uses his tongue to charge gum in Gambit #1. He uses his "tush" to charge the console in Gambit #2. As noted above, he does not strictly need to touch objects to charge them. Line-of-sight charging is a possibility, and, indeed, in his early appearances, he seemed to charge his throwing spikes with his eyes.
It is also generally accepted that Gambit's inhuman speed and agility are part of his mutant power, although Gambit loves games of all kinds and is an excellent athlete as well. This point is most prominently implied in X-Men #4, where a no-powers basketball game went awry because Rogue used her power of flight, arguing that it was fair because Gambit could well be using his mutant agility and they wouldn't know for sure.
Gambit has dodged or deflected bullets and other objects thrown at him. While Rogue had his power after their first kiss, it was also implied that his speed, reflexes, and his need to be on the move and doing things continuously was related to a high energy metabolism associated with his mutation.
It has long been hinted that Gambit also has some type of "psionic" abilities and this has been called his "charm" power on occasion. There have been implications that it could be empathic in nature and the exact strength of it is unknown. When Gambit was first introduced, it was hinted that Gambit could possibly hypnotize people with words or body language. In Uncanny X-Men #266, the story suggests that Gambit's ability to smooth talk people went beyond sex appeal or the gift of gab. After Dr. Shen nearly succumbs to Gambit's charm, she angrily says, "So many pretty words you spoke. But far worse, the hints dropped, the promises made without words. That wasn't nice. I enjoy temptation. But I won't be trifled with." In a previous panel, the Shadow King says, "Very snappy patter, my young friend. I dare say, given a decent opportunity... you might seduce even me." This would seem to imply that there was some influence involved since the Shadow King is a powerful psion. Of course, there is also nothing to say Gambit isn't just good at seduction because of what his power and experiences have allowed him to know about people as well. Gambit's understanding Wolverine's personality allowed him to win their game, for instance, but there definitely is some power there.
Similarly, in issue #3 of the first Gambit Limited Series, on Page 16, Candra tells him, "Do not try your Cajun charm, mutant! It does nothing for me...." Again, on page 29, we are treated to Remy, up close to Candra, giving her one of his grins. She just has a dopy, glazed over look in her eyes. He then kisses her, to which she replies: "Get out of my sight, thief... before I come to my senses and have you killed." While kissing her, he manages to extricate a vial from the cleavage of her very tight bodice, which that either something was going on mentally, the man is downright magnificent with his hands, or that was one heck of a kiss! Or all of the above; take your pick.
There is no indication how strong this power is but Gambit obviously has at least decent control over it. If he does have the ability to "charm" people, he obviously has respected and cared about the X-Men enough to not use his power to influence them. Otherwise, he'd never have had to endure the distrust they have frequently thrown at him.
Another side-effect of this "charm" power seems to be a primitive form of shielding or psionic static, before we first see Gambit in that issue, the Shadow King attempts to telepathically look for Storm and makes the following statement: "Interesting. My telepathy seems unable to lock onto her psyche. Some form of mental interference." This comment is followed by a scene showing Storm and Gambit together. In Gambit #8, Gambit is again able to hide from such powerful telepaths as Xavier and Jean Grey by merely charging a card. This suggests that his charm power is tied into his biokinetic powers, although the connection has not yet been fully explained other than by vague references to a biokinetic aura in Gambit #16.
There have been other indications of this psionic/empathic type power. When Psylocke rudely scanned Gambit's mind right after he awakened from a coma, he was able to psychically sneak up on her in the astral plane and cut her off from further invasion of his privacy, something Psylocke asserts shouldn't have been possible. Gambit also knew someone (his adopted brother) had snuck into the mansion when the security systems had not detected him and no one else knew. Possibly an emotional signature or some type of awareness.
Gambit also seems to be very sympathetic and understanding to other people's emotions when he wants to be and cool and aloof when he doesn't, leaning even more toward implying an empathic type power.
Powers: Gambit is a mutant: one whose genetic structure has been mutated since conception. Gambit's most obvious and visually spectacular mutant power takes the potential energy in any object and excites the molecules (i.e. electrons, quarks, etc., physics people take your pick) in it into kinetic energy which is usually explosive. He generally prefers smaller objects as larger objects take more time to "charge" and are harder to throw with accuracy. Plus this is usually more than enough power to take out most foes and if he wants, Gambit can partially charge an object to reduce the amount of energy released. This makes Gambit exceptionally powerful if need be with the only limitations being time, Gambit's will, and moving the object to the target. A larger object, like the anchor he and Storm used on the Phalanx in Uncanny X-Men #313, would be devastating against any foe.
For the most part, Gambit has been shown to have excellent control over this power and has used it in many different ways. For instance, in an issue of X-Men Unlimited, he charged up a container until it just disappeared... his own form of "recycling". In one of the Wolverine appearances, he shot Wolverine 50 feet in the air by cupping his hands and "charging away", which would seem to imply he charged the immediate air molecules, so when Wolverine put his foot in Gambit's hands... up he went. During the X-Men's Shi'ar adventure against the Phalanx, he charged a door and hit it to make the door explode to get it out of the way. Recently, he has developed his powers to the extent that he can create time-delay charges - charge an item so that it explodes entire minutes later.
However, his control over his powers has not always been as perfect or as complete. The level at which he uses them is a bare fraction of their actual potential - for example, he can charge organic matter as Mystique discovered in Gambit #21 and charge objects by simply looking at them as he did in Gambit #17-19. However, he can barely control them at their full power, and they rage unchecked unless he exerts self-control, remains calm and concentrates. For this reason, he went to Sinister for a cure, and ended up leading the Marauders to the Morlock Massacre. It appears that Sinister took out something from Gambit to reduce or dampen his powers; something that Gambit needed to reimplant to return to the present from his sojourn in Victorian England in Gambit #14. More mature, Gambit can control it better now, but still battles to do so when he was emotionally upset or uptight.
Gambit usually charges objects by touching them with his hands (sometimes through gloves, i.e. ones with all the fingers intact). But he can use other parts of his body to charge objects. He uses his tongue to charge gum in Gambit #1. He uses his "tush" to charge the console in Gambit #2. As noted above, he does not strictly need to touch objects to charge them. Line-of-sight charging is a possibility, and, indeed, in his early appearances, he seemed to charge his throwing spikes with his eyes.
It is also generally accepted that Gambit's inhuman speed and agility are part of his mutant power, although Gambit loves games of all kinds and is an excellent athlete as well. This point is most prominently implied in X-Men #4, where a no-powers basketball game went awry because Rogue used her power of flight, arguing that it was fair because Gambit could well be using his mutant agility and they wouldn't know for sure.
Gambit has dodged or deflected bullets and other objects thrown at him. While Rogue had his power after their first kiss, it was also implied that his speed, reflexes, and his need to be on the move and doing things continuously was related to a high energy metabolism associated with his mutation.
It has long been hinted that Gambit also has some type of "psionic" abilities and this has been called his "charm" power on occasion. There have been implications that it could be empathic in nature and the exact strength of it is unknown. When Gambit was first introduced, it was hinted that Gambit could possibly hypnotize people with words or body language. In Uncanny X-Men #266, the story suggests that Gambit's ability to smooth talk people went beyond sex appeal or the gift of gab. After Dr. Shen nearly succumbs to Gambit's charm, she angrily says, "So many pretty words you spoke. But far worse, the hints dropped, the promises made without words. That wasn't nice. I enjoy temptation. But I won't be trifled with." In a previous panel, the Shadow King says, "Very snappy patter, my young friend. I dare say, given a decent opportunity... you might seduce even me." This would seem to imply that there was some influence involved since the Shadow King is a powerful psion. Of course, there is also nothing to say Gambit isn't just good at seduction because of what his power and experiences have allowed him to know about people as well. Gambit's understanding Wolverine's personality allowed him to win their game, for instance, but there definitely is some power there.
Similarly, in issue #3 of the first Gambit Limited Series, on Page 16, Candra tells him, "Do not try your Cajun charm, mutant! It does nothing for me...." Again, on page 29, we are treated to Remy, up close to Candra, giving her one of his grins. She just has a dopy, glazed over look in her eyes. He then kisses her, to which she replies: "Get out of my sight, thief... before I come to my senses and have you killed." While kissing her, he manages to extricate a vial from the cleavage of her very tight bodice, which that either something was going on mentally, the man is downright magnificent with his hands, or that was one heck of a kiss! Or all of the above; take your pick.
There is no indication how strong this power is but Gambit obviously has at least decent control over it. If he does have the ability to "charm" people, he obviously has respected and cared about the X-Men enough to not use his power to influence them. Otherwise, he'd never have had to endure the distrust they have frequently thrown at him.
Another side-effect of this "charm" power seems to be a primitive form of shielding or psionic static, before we first see Gambit in that issue, the Shadow King attempts to telepathically look for Storm and makes the following statement: "Interesting. My telepathy seems unable to lock onto her psyche. Some form of mental interference." This comment is followed by a scene showing Storm and Gambit together. In Gambit #8, Gambit is again able to hide from such powerful telepaths as Xavier and Jean Grey by merely charging a card. This suggests that his charm power is tied into his biokinetic powers, although the connection has not yet been fully explained other than by vague references to a biokinetic aura in Gambit #16.
There have been other indications of this psionic/empathic type power. When Psylocke rudely scanned Gambit's mind right after he awakened from a coma, he was able to psychically sneak up on her in the astral plane and cut her off from further invasion of his privacy, something Psylocke asserts shouldn't have been possible. Gambit also knew someone (his adopted brother) had snuck into the mansion when the security systems had not detected him and no one else knew. Possibly an emotional signature or some type of awareness.
Gambit also seems to be very sympathetic and understanding to other people's emotions when he wants to be and cool and aloof when he doesn't, leaning even more toward implying an empathic type power.
Jackie Treehorn: People forget the brain is the biggest sex organ.
The Dude: On you maybe.
The Dude: On you maybe.
- Gwalchmai
- Posts: 6252
- Joined: Wed May 09, 2001 11:00 am
- Location: This Quintessence of Dust
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Re: Re: Re: Re: I've been dreaming

Now help me out: Who were the founding members of the Frightful Four? I remember the Wizard, Sandman, Paste Pot Pete, but I can't think of the fourth? So much of that great Kirby artwork stands out in my head, but I can't even picture the fourth....Originally posted by /-\lastor
THAT was the guy, thank you very much, you've kept me from a frustating day of pondering and beating my own head.![]()
That there; exactly the kinda diversion we coulda used.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I've been dreaming

Are you thinking of Medusa...?Originally posted by Gwalchmai
Now help me out: Who were the founding members of the Frightful Four? I remember the Wizard, Sandman, Paste Pot Pete, but I can't think of the fourth? So much of that great Kirby artwork stands out in my head, but I can't even picture the fourth....![]()

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Sleep is for n00bs, and people with too much blood in their caffeine.
Have YOU voted for Kayless' Dungeon Crawl Inc. yet today???
Reality is an illusion created by alcohol deficiency
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I've been dreaming
Wasn't that Dr.Doom the FF all-time enemy?
Oh, and Pasty Pete later became known as the Trapster after one Spidey-style joke too much.
Random, so you're implying he could energize anything? People we've found our world destruction power!! You simply energize the earth itself, okaayyy it make take a year or 2 but hey! you get al hell uvva blast.
Originally posted by Gwalchmai
Now help me out: Who were the founding members of the Frightful Four? I remember the Wizard, Sandman, Paste Pot Pete, but I can't think of the fourth? So much of that great Kirby artwork stands out in my head, but I can't even picture the fourth....![]()
Wasn't that Dr.Doom the FF all-time enemy?
Oh, and Pasty Pete later became known as the Trapster after one Spidey-style joke too much.
Random, so you're implying he could energize anything? People we've found our world destruction power!! You simply energize the earth itself, okaayyy it make take a year or 2 but hey! you get al hell uvva blast.
I'm not evil I'm morally challenged
- RandomThug
- Posts: 2795
- Joined: Thu Jun 20, 2002 11:00 am
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Yes. In theory he could excite every molecule in the world. and BOOM. thats the beauty of Gambit. I mean he has the ability to set charges as well now... I mean he go incognito using his charming/psycic mutant powers to invade an enemy base... sit on a pc (on thier network) make it look as if to work, but secretly charging up the entire network of computers (all connected by some wire some point) then leave an hour charge... walk outa there and BOOM.
Im going to start a new thread, a battle me and my pals have been having for years, gambit vs. wolvie.
Yes. In theory he could excite every molecule in the world. and BOOM. thats the beauty of Gambit. I mean he has the ability to set charges as well now... I mean he go incognito using his charming/psycic mutant powers to invade an enemy base... sit on a pc (on thier network) make it look as if to work, but secretly charging up the entire network of computers (all connected by some wire some point) then leave an hour charge... walk outa there and BOOM.
Im going to start a new thread, a battle me and my pals have been having for years, gambit vs. wolvie.
Jackie Treehorn: People forget the brain is the biggest sex organ.
The Dude: On you maybe.
The Dude: On you maybe.