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Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 11:01 am
by Chanak
Re: I think i can claim the armor
Originally posted by Ned Flanders
Alright gang, give me a little more time, perhaps until tomorrow. chanak PM'ed with some ideas that I had already thought of. Since our lines of thinking ran parallel, it seems like a good idea to write it in. The time to write it in is now though, and I'm only on page 62. All of the stuff has been real good and a nice chemistry is really showing. I'm just asking for a little time to get caught up so I can write in.

Also: question? Everyone seems to be hearing voices, obviously attached to people's past. Haunting memories, lost loved ones, etc, yet they all seem to do with individual pain and loss. Are such things being manifested by the abomination, the place itself, or something else. I figure it must be something the group discussed and if so, I have some voices that can play into my own character...for continuities sake, if you will.

Note: DOUBLE POST!!!! :eek: :eek: :o I didn't know if this belonged in the DF discussion or DF community so I chose both. I know, I know, whaddya expect out some green horn rookie.
Since this is plot related, I don't see why it shouldn't end up here.

Hmmm....introspection seemed to be the flow of things when I joined, at least amongst certain authors. If it was planned, I wasn't aware of it. This has more to do with my style of writing, I suppose, than anything else. I brood quite frequently, and that this tendency shows up in my own writing doesn't surprise me in the least.

It may also have something to do with the energies building up before the battle. Many were anxious, and needed an outlet for the intense feelings of their characters. Those periods also seem to present the perfect opportunity for a bit of character development, more so than cleaving carrion crawlers does. Not much room for anything else in that, except for some very gory scenes. :D

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 11:03 am
by Ned Flanders
I've got some ideas for Uther. The last time anyone wrote about the 'skeleton' adoring flanders was BS somewhere in the fifties pages. He had the skeleton have a little showdown with another. I'm on page 62 right now and don't know if anyone else had the skeleton in. If not, there are some things I could continue on that I started before I left concerning the skeleton and Uther. This would include visions and voices.

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 11:06 am
by Yshania
I am not sure where page 62 is, since my pages go up to 35 :) I think my settings are 30 posts a page? I will check. Anyway, the last place we wrote in the skeleton (and Flanders) was when DW and Ysh found themselves in a cavern after battling the trolls. They were subsequently joined by Simbul, Vivien (arguing with the skeleton :D ) and the presence of Ned. The way behind them was blocked by a rock fall so they were cut off from the other DF, who went on to fight a shambling mound in one of Gwally's humourous masterpieces :D

oops, gotta dash to take kids to their swim classes - I will be back later ;)

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 11:20 am
by Ned Flanders
Odd, I remember reading about the troll battle and the shambling mound, the two separated groups. However, I don't remember a rock fall. Perhaps this is where farscape is trapped? Where exactly is the rock fall?

Flanders will wake on a ledge above the battle with the drow and cattle (where his disappeared after biting his victim, a drow warriror). Will he be impeded from reaching the group.

I realize now that telling you all page numbers means nothing.

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 11:43 am
by Bloodstalker know, I didn't even notice everyone was flipping out with voices. seems people have been dipping into my flask behind my back.

Actually, as far as BS is concerned, the present cavern system is reminecent of his captivity, so I just took the chance to let him work through some issues :)

But, since Ned brought it up, I wonder if there could be anyway to tie this coincidence into the plot? I am not sure, maybe the Abomination can play on individual fears or loss of the DF members? I don't know, maybe I'm just being drunk and morbid. Anyone have any thoughts about it?

BTW, I noticed several people tried to PM me and got bounced, so I just wanted to let'em know my box is clear now. you all may adore me once more ;) :D

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 1:17 pm
by Yshania
@Ned, I don't recall who wrote in about a rockslide, I think it might have been Mysteria. It wasn't a big issue anyway, just a mention. The rock fall was behind and between the two groups, it is not where we are now :) Your plans sound fine ;)

@BS, way back (I don't know if you recall) but Ysh was possessed by the Shadow Master in the glade. Her mortal body almost died, but with the help of Viv and Thantor her soul was recovered, only to accidentally reside within Thantor for a while (that was fun to write :D ). The other DF did a fantastic job fighting the summons, especially the banshee. This is where Mysteria joined us, and later Aegis, Aleldar and GTTV (for a while), BS, Farscape and Der-draigen. T'lainya also returned to aid the DF. Simbul and T'lainya succeeded in reuniting her (Ysh's) body and soul in a ritual back at the keep, at the same time that Der-draigen descended into the bowels of the keep to challenge the SM. As a result of her experience with the psionic cleric/ranger Ysh became more sensitive - but not psionic ;) I would say that it is more likely to be the Shadow Master that's causing the sensitivities of the DF, well at least this has been my tack, since I have suggested all along that the SM intended to play on the individual fears of each DF to try to isolate them and therefore weaken them. These have only been my own thoughts and direction, though :)

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 1:23 pm
by Ned Flanders
I am coming for the armor. I just read the union of thalimon and tashara as brother and sister, very nice stuff.

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 1:38 pm
by Bloodstalker remember? :rolleyes: actually, I do recall you running around souless and emptying the cupboards...I was kind of amazed Gwally didn't take advantage of you bodies *cough* vacancy *cough* :D

so, basically, I just suggested what you suggested before I suggested it? I don't know how I missed it, but I like the way you think ;)

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 1:46 pm
by Yshania
Originally posted by Bloodstalker remember? :rolleyes: actually, I do recall you running around souless and emptying the cupboards...I was kind of amazed Gwally didn't take advantage of you bodies *cough* vacancy *cough* :D

so, basically, I just suggested what you suggested before I suggested it? I don't know how I missed it, but I like the way you think ;)

LMAO! :D Because Gwally is a noble druid, at least that is what he leads us to believe ;)

Thank you - though I am not quite sure that is a compliment coming from you :p

@Nippy, re your post, I know you meant well *hug*but it was my thinking, at least, that the cages would not be so close to where the current battle is taking place. North of the cavern where we are, are tunnels...though it may be feasible the cages are set in tunnel walls, I would not have thought so close. Logically the two parties may have become aware of each other much sooner...and my thinking was that a drow priestess would not be conversing with her victim in the line of a planned assault. The next encounter should be the drow suicide squad, I would assume that there were no clerics here, though admittedly you did not refer to her as a priestess, being female I might assume that she is ;)

McB will get his entrance soon enough, and there is nothing to stop him posting any exchanges between his character and the drow in the meantime, IMO, just as Ned did with Flanders and Uther. How about the priestess becomes distracted by the onset of the drow offense, giving McB an opportunity to escape, rather than be rescued? This would do his dwarven ego a great deal of good :D How about, she enters his cage after stunning him, raises her whip, only for her to become suddenly distracted and in a rage McB charges her down and escapes? :D Just my own thoughts, no offence intended :)

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 1:56 pm
by Chanak
An idea...

@Ysh: Interesting suggestion...

I see how it might work. The priestess, distracted by an approaching Drow warrior, finds it necessary to put him in his place...(that kind of thing is always fun to do... :D )

McB, noticing the cage door ajar, decides to score one for the Gutbuster Brigade. He rushes out, headlong into one very surprised Drow priestess, bowling her over, and knocking the male warrior for a loop as well.

It goes from there..."Hey, gimme that longsword." :D :cool:

Man, there ain't nothing like a dwarf with an attitude. :eek:

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 3:16 pm
by McBane
@ Ysh and Chanek - thanks for the suggestions. I admit I am itching to get rolling, and Nips and I were trying to figure out a quick (and somewhat plausible) escape. Go figure, a dwarf wanting to be bashing some heads...I would still prefer to be rescued, as I have a few interesting ideas for later that fit well with a rescue.....

I shall strive to be more patient..... :cool:

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 3:23 pm
by Yshania
@McB ;) I understand, especially when it is such a busy thread at the moment. I really felt for Ned's character, since he had no interaction - directly - with the other DF. It must have been really tough to write sometimes. I still believe that there is little stopping your character interracting with his captors, though, or indeed brooding, and posting some background :) Just a thought :)

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 3:41 pm
by McBane
Well, I think I can brood with the best of them. I shall attempt to post something in the near future. Perhaps I am just waiting for a certain half elf druid to save me from this cold damp cell....*sigh* ;) Just picture it, a beautiful half elf, skipping hand in hand with a bearded, unkempt, scarred dwarf through a field of daisies........ :p

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 3:41 pm
by Ned Flanders
It wasn't tough, quite the contrary. All I had to do was follow the story and not step on anyone's toes when including details of my own, i.e. make sure my posts flowed with the story not cater the story to my posts.

Fast soon is approaching when I will have to write in dialogue of other members. That will be tough but with all I've read in the past week, I feel I know people's characters quite well.

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 3:43 pm
by Ned Flanders
I almost spammed the thread. this doesn't count, i removed my inane comments.

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 3:57 pm
by Nippy
Ok dokey all, in that case, I can remove the post, no biggie, it's McB's fault! :D

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2002 1:03 pm
by Chanak
I'm really glad this thread was fired up; it's done a tremendous amount of good already. :cool:

I have updated my last post on the story thread to reflect recent developments concerning the return of Ned's character. At the heart of those artifacts left behind by Lyrkuul is an intelligence which is seeking a new master/host...looking first to Thalimon as a matter of course, who is himself half tanar'ri. Thalimon instinctively rejected the evil of the eventually it finds Flanders...

The helm and armor will instantly adjust to fit Flanders upon his acceptance of the entity, and can only be worn by him. No matter the timing, Ned, those artifacts will be there, waiting for your character to put them on. :)

I also would like to test the waters, so to speak, and see how everyone feels about the DF Character thread. I have been seeing it as the place to engage in character building apart from the story. Previously, I had been posting the Hill of the Skull in the story thread. Perhaps that might have been okay at the time, but I no longer feel that it is an appropriate place to put it. I've continued to work on it (there's a part 7 :rolleyes: ), and I'd like to slap it up in the Character thread. In fact, I'd like to move the whole shindig out of the story thread and into the Character thread...

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2002 1:29 pm
by Ned Flanders
sounds good. didn't get to read much last night and none so far today but by the end of the weekend i should have a post in the thread. sounds good about the armor.

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2002 4:06 pm
by Scayde

I love the "Hill of the Skull" is a part of Thalimon's story, and as such, is part of the DF's story...IMHO...

Perhaps you could leave abreviated or annotated parts in there, sort of like "flash backs"..I kinda hate to see it all go.......

OTOH..I would like to see the "Hill..." as a thread of its own also. Where the story can really unfold......It is so captivating to read it..I love the way you bring the reader into the experience, and not just relate it to them.....I can't wait to read each new unfolding of the action as it plays out......... :cool:

LOL....Oh Hell......
Just right a book....and sign me up for the first copy, :D

Oh...and send it autographed...... ;)

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2002 4:09 pm
by Aegis
Originally posted by Chanak
I also would like to test the waters, so to speak, and see how everyone feels about the DF Character thread. I have been seeing it as the place to engage in character building apart from the story. Previously, I had been posting the Hill of the Skull in the story thread. Perhaps that might have been okay at the time, but I no longer feel that it is an appropriate place to put it. I've continued to work on it (there's a part 7 :rolleyes: ), and I'd like to slap it up in the Character thread. In fact, I'd like to move the whole shindig out of the story thread and into the Character thread...
To be honest, I've never found the time to read the "Hill of the Skull," but would very much like to. Why not start up a new thread, with said title, and just have it as a story thread? If thats done, I can add it to the Literary Crossroads (which still haven't become a sticky yet :( )