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Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 3:09 pm
by Greywulf
More than meets the eye....


9th level NG human cleric
AC 12 HP 67
Finished with 75 HP for me

STR 13 INT 12 WIS 17
DEX 15 CON 16 CHA 13

Equipped with a +1 mace, ring of fire resistance (minor), scrolls: raise dead, silence, neutralize poison; potions: heal, hiding; some cash, jewels, and clothes

Feats: cleric profs, alertness, combat casting, improved counterspell, spell penetration, toughness - doesn't take any others; has domain power listed, but did not have any domain spells!

Skills: concentration and spellcraft 12; move silently, search, and spot 2
Will end up with an additional 4 in heal

To get Screng (and Hruda) to join your party:
1. get Otis to join your group
2. take O to the temple
3. return to Nulb, O leaves group
4. return to temple/read Gromag's diary
5. talk to O again (you must be good-aligned) and have him rejoin
6. go to Screng, talk to her with a NG character in a low-level party (I have had confusing results re: how low, so try to keep individual levels under 5)
7. Screng joins and you go upstairs to get her daughter

If you want her to leave (with O in party), you have to talk to O first
If you return to Nulb with Screng/Hruda/Otis after having been in the Temple, they leave party

Massive and major thanks to Patchel for invaluable information!!!!

:D :D :D

Thank you!!!

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 3:15 pm
by Greywulf
One ugly elf...


2/2 level NG elven fighter/rogue
AC 17 HP 16
Levels up to 3rd level rogue/7th level fighter
Ended up with 55 HP for me

STR 15 INT 9 WIS 11
DEX 18 CON 15 CHA 14

Equipped with leather armor, longbow, longsword, dagger

Feats: fighters profs, rogue profs, elf profs; point blank and precise shot, evasion, sneak attack, and trapfinding
Also takes: dodge, combat reflexes

Skills: disable device, hide, listen, move silently, open lock, search, spot, and tumble at 5
Finishes with the above plus/but: listen 6.5, bluff 4, intimidate 2, use device 2

Levels up very slowly because she is penalized for uneven leveling...

Again, huge thanks to Patchel for finally helping me get Screng and Hruda in the party!


Screng/Hruda mystique:

Dialogue with the girls reveals the following secrets:

* They are not related at all
* Hruda is really Murfles, an elven warrior-footpad
* Screng is really Canoness Y'Dey
* The woman killed, thought to be Y'Dey, is Screng's twin sister, Y'doo, to whom Screng loaned her favorite brooch
* Both Murfles and Y'Dey are working undercover with Otis to investigate evil

Shhhhh! It's a secret!


Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2004 12:40 pm
by Mulligan
Thanks for all the great input from you all :)

Not many Npc's left now except for enchanted ones.

I just thought it's funny that a human (Screng) has an elven daughter (Hruda). Another glitch from Troika ?

Keep up the good work :)

Onwards, For Glory! :) :) :)

P.S. A nice Easter vacation to you all..

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2004 5:00 pm
by patchel
It's not a glitch. Talk to them when they're in your party.

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2004 7:48 pm
by Mulligan
I really dont want to go throgh the trouble to have them join just to see their dialoge options, but i'm really curious.

What do they say, and how do they explain that a human has an elven child ?

This is normally not possible in D&D, but i would love to know if they have an answer for it. Is she adopted ?

I'll try some other time to include them in my groups.

Have fun :)

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2004 12:58 am
by Mulligan

Additional info about Raimol

If he's in the party and you attack the traders in Homlet he'll turn on you.


Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2004 1:30 am
by Greywulf
Fear not:

I'll have Screng and Hruda in-party soon, and I'll post their interesting dialogue items.

Weird stuff:

When I had Raimol in my party and we attacked the Traders, he didn't turn on my party. The traders cried out, "Hey, Raimol - help us with these guys" or something, but he didn't turn. He even got in a few shots (all misses though...).

Similarly, when I had Lareth in my party, and we entered the Broken Tower, Lareth calls out that we "fell into his trap," and I expected him to turn on us, but he didn't - he helped kill the baddies in the tower and never left the group or attacked us.

Am I living a charmed life?


More weird stuff:
Recently (trying to work the screng angles), I have killed Otis about three times - in-party and out-of-party - and he never appears in my killed creatures log.


Mostly I was wondering about his alignment, and it'd show up there if he did.

Oh, well. I'll try and kill him again after Hruda and Screng.


Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2004 2:01 am
by Mulligan
Hi Grey :)

I guess it's a bug or random then, cause Raimol turned on me just now, with a lowlevel(3) party.

But the same happened for me as for regarding Lareth, he didn't turn inthe fight, but i had to "force" attack, i.e. the "sword" icon didn't show over the baddies and i used Single/Full attacks instead of auto attacks.

Otis bugged me too, i didn't get his alignmend either. I guess he's LG since he's a secret knight placed in Nulb to investigate Evil. One way to find out would be to equipp him with various Holy/Axio/Chaos/Unholy weapons. If i find out i'll post more and edit the OTIS/LARETH posts.

BTW, ever noticed the Corellon LARETH-ion symbolizm ? After i saw this i ALWAYS kill him, the blasphemer!!!

Have Fun :) :) :)

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2004 2:51 am
by Greywulf
Hey, Mull -

Just before, I happened to be ready to kill the traders - figured, lemme recruit Raimol first just to test it - and you were right - he did turn on the party this time.
But last time, I had leveled him up a good deal before fighting them (does he become loyal over time? :p ), so maybe that made a difference, or, as you suggested, maybe it's a bug.


Later, man!

P.S. Updated Hruda post to include dialogue secrets

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 3:05 pm
by Greywulf
Editing update

Mother Screng and Hruda are finished
Ted, Ed, and Ed are posted but not with final stats
Otis' alignment is still a mystery

Pending NPCs:
all the nodes people
Kella, Paida

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 6:42 pm
by Greywulf
A civil hill giant? Nope, it's...


TN 9th level elven druid
AC 13 HP 44
Ended up with 47 HP for me

Disguised as a hill giant in SW section of temple dungeon level 4
You need to have a druid talk to her twice to have her join, or a TN party may be sufficient

STR 12 INT 11 WIS 16
DEX 16 CON 13 CHA 15

Euipped with cloth armor, padded boots, dagger, and a ring of change (allows shapechange into a hill giant)

Hill Giant form:
AC 21 HP 77
STR 24-25 CON 18-19

Feats: druid profs, alertness, comb casting, impr initiative, spell pen, toughness, nature sense, resist nature's lure, wild shape, venom immunity, animal companion

Skills: concentration and spellcraft 11, heal and listen 5, search 2.5, spot 3, survival 8
Ends with: the above but heal and listen at 7

A much better druid than Meleny because of her high wisdom, access to 5th level spells, and better ability scores



Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 7:19 pm
by Mulligan
Hi Greywulf :D

Please tell me that you have fun doing all this. This is just amazing how fast you level them up.

I have greatly enjoyed this, and maybe you and i can name ourselves "Master's of the Npc's" soon. :) :)

Excelent work, man!

See you :) :) :)

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 8:28 pm
by Greywulf
Sure, Valden wants her, but first...


1st level LG human fighter
AC 10 HP 7
Finished with 50 HP for me as a 9/1 fighter/cleric

"Dazed concubine" found in 4th level of Temple dungeon
Return her to Valden (wheel and wainwright in Hommlet) for XP
You must cast dispel magic on her and she will join your party

Levels up as cleric, but never gets domain spells, and never gets any cleric spells other than the 0 level stuff!

No starting equipment

STR 10 INT 10 WIS 10
DEX 10 CON 10 CHA 18

Feats: standard fighter profs, impr initiative, combat reflexes
Later feats: domain power (nothing)

Skills: listen and search 1.5, spot 1
Finishes with: concentration, heal, and spellcraft 7; diplomacy 4, and gather info 1

Bug alert: Read post below - it seems (it happened to me twice now) that if Paida is in your party when Thrommel's emissaries encounter you, she will be rendered (dead? undead? non-corporeal?) and you may experience what I described below.

Bug alert #2: After leveling her up to 10 (she never died or left the party), we returned to Hommlet to give Valden his wife back - he does not acknowledge her presence and the quest cannot close. I talked to her and she expressed that we left her behind and she had to find her own way home (this is an in-party dialogue). I suspect this bug arises because I left the Temple with her but returned with her as opposed to taking her to Valden.

Guess she's just not meant to be a party member...

:mad: ? :( ?


Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 12:05 am
by Greywulf
Ghost in the machine?

Very spooky:

I'm sure this is a bug of some sort, but...

With Paida in my party, when Thrommel's emissaries encountered us to give us our rewards, I noticed that she became invisible. Permanently.

There was still a blue circle where she stood, but she was otherwise invisible, and furthermore, she did not take part in combat. I mean, she appeared in the party line-up at the bottom of the screen, but during combat, she did not appear in the combat que on top of the screen. She gained XP, but could neither attack nor be attacked.

So I tried to talk with her, but whenever a party member was selected, her blue circle vanished - she could not be dialogued with, and therefore could not be asked to leave. She also could not be attacked by the party for purposes of eliminating her from the group.

Then I figured I'd go to Valden, and see if I could just get rid of her and close out the quest. When I reported to Valden, my only dialogue options were to tell him she died and I couldn't save her or that she died by my own hand., she was dead, but still with the party... a ghost - watching us, staying with us, gaining experience through us - but out of our reach, unable to hear our words, and unable to return to her husband.

Sad, yes, but also a little eerie, eh?


Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 1:30 am
by Arachnol
to Greywulf - About Lareth

Hey Greywulf,

I had this Lareth thing happened to me once. It's not a bug, just because the game gets sticky sometimes.... actually, in the Broken Tower, Lareth turns against the group, after he says something. But usually, the dialogue box somehow closes with your first attack.

Look for the dialogue box before any action from your PCs. Follow the usual dialogue, then the box will close and Lareth will leave from the character roster.


Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 1:36 am
by Greywulf
Thanks, man - I figured it was a glitchy kinda thing - just like Raimol not turning on my group when I killed the traders (I'd hired him as a man-at-arms).

I was glad about the Lareth thing, since I was working on leveling him up to 10. I kept quick-saving before things that I thought would trigger him turning on us.

I had also read about Zert, Turuko, and Kobort turning on groups at inopportune times, but my luck held with them as well - and I was able to level them all up to 10 before I executed them myself.

Evil people just trust me, I guess.

*evil laugh follows*


Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 8:14 am
by Kalendraf
Re: Who's afraid of the big, bad ochre jelly?
Originally posted by Greywulf

* Important BTW coutesy of Mulligan: Meleny cannot cast 5th level spells in the post-patch versions we play. Just so you know.

I just ran into this last night. Meleny reached 9th level, and has an open slot for 5th level spell, but no spells are listed to choose from. Bummer.

Who the heck is Roddy?

I believe this is the hired hand. If you talk to her father and/or Meleny using the proper dialogue choice, you can get the info that should come before this.

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 2:03 pm
by Greywulf
Thanks for the reply - I'll check out the roddy stuff a little more deeply.
Right now I'm finishing leveling up the Ted/Ed/Ed trio, then I'll check out dialogues with Fillken once Meleny's in the group (I know I get no dialogue options when talking to her once she's in the group).
If it's something that I have to dialogue before marrying her into the group, then I'll check it out in my next game (as soon as I'm done with the triplets).

Thanks, Kal.

Meanwhile, Paida got finished, and with the triplets pending, that leaves only the Node NPCs remaining, and it'll probably be quite some time before I get to them (if ever) (my Easter vacation's ending... :( )

And, Mull...

Yeah, doing this is kinda fun, but it takes on more of a "I'm on a mission" kinda feel after a while. It is very tiring - you can't even begin to imagine the kill stats I've generated - this game alone (I've done leveling over the span of ~3 games) I've killed:
black puddings - 83
ettins - 108
gargoyles - 356 (in one game I killed 722)
hill giants - 168
ogres - 412
trolls - 161 (this number usually breaks 200)

...and this has been my shortest leveling campaign yet - I only did Screng (9th level already), Hruda (medium level to start), Kella (also 9th level to begin with), and Paida (other than the triplets, my only NPC I''ll have taken from 1st to 10th level).

After all this sitting at the computer, it'll almost feel good to go back to work (I can't believe I just said that).


Peace out.

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 6:31 pm
by Greywulf
A long road...

Well, ladies and germs, it's official - with the Ted/Ed/Ed trio leveled to 10, I am taking a hiatus from NPC-work.

The only NPCs not covered by Mulligan and I are the Node NPCs, and while I may get to them at a later date, it won't be until, uh... a later date...

Hey -

Mad props to Mulligan for starting this great great thread!
Thanks to all who've contributed information and replies!
Best of luck to all using this thread for NPC information!
And happy gaming to all!

See y'all on the boards!

Hasta luega (I think it means, "fast potatoes," but I'm not sure...)!


Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2004 12:07 am
by Mulligan

Edited in the alignments for

Wonnilon - TN

Oohlgrist - CE

Thanks to Greywulf for getting it right :D

Have Fun :) :) :)