@fable: well, I do agree with you on the matter of Freud's psychoanalysis being affected by his social upbringing. I see that whatever argument I've come up with you could very apppropriately refute by alluding to it not being universal or all-encompassing, but rather having limited social boundaries. It's the old debate of nature vs. nurture.
Society does, indeed, play an enormous part in the development of the individual. It fills the initially animal-like human nature with a ton of artificial facts and customs, without which it would be impossible for us to boast of our great accomplishments. But I think (dare I?
) that there is something much more instinctive, intrinsic in human nature, some primordial difference between men and women. Society augments that difference, but society, too, was built upon it from the start. The males, as in all animal species, had to hunt and bring food home, while the females (may have) gathered and took care of the children. Hence even as the social nature of man went through its first stages of development, an awareness was already present that males and females have separate spheres of influence. This separation was treated differently:
In patriarchies, males saw the "lack of female activity at home" (I am not actually saying that such activity was lacking) and made passivity the first generalization of the female.
In matriarchies, emphasis was placed upon the miracle of the female giving birth, for which the female has (as you mentioned, this view has been disputed) from the earliest stages been associated with strange magical powers.
Society transformed the "male" and the "female", BIOLOGICAL terms with biological differences, into the "masculine" and the "feminine", social, physchological, and philosophical terms. Here different societies played different parts. I am not that familiar with Indian societies, but there the uniqueness of women may have been emphasized over the uniqueness of men (men are unique in their bringing food home just as women are unique in their childbearing, or at least it is possible to compare the two). In Europe, and later in the USA, the uniqeness of men was emphasized over that of women. Nowhere has a total domination of the uniqueness of one gender occurred...
So what I'm trying to say in conclusion is that while the arguments of society influencing the individual, whether it be the common man or a scientist, are very convincing, they can not wholly represent the picture of gender roles in human history. Gender roles have a biological, specifically, genetic background, too. I do, however, thank you for reminding me of the social side of the issue, which I had forgotten by trying to argue my point so vehemently.