Worked quite well in the end, throw in a few kamikaze Sword Spider's to spice things up a bit and jobs a good 'un.
The Guardian (spoiler)
I beat The Guardian relatively easily in the end. Put my main front line fighter at the front (level 14/15, i forget) and put a load of defensive magic on him, Greater shield of lathlander etc. Then because he was my only character who could really do any damage (apart from my sorcerer with magic missle
) i had my Paladin, Cleric and Druid constantly healing him.
Worked quite well in the end, throw in a few kamikaze Sword Spider's to spice things up a bit and jobs a good 'un.
Worked quite well in the end, throw in a few kamikaze Sword Spider's to spice things up a bit and jobs a good 'un.
I beat it first time but I did not know about the portal closing so now I need to redo it lol. I have the armor resistance mod installed but I am also playing on HARD level. My party is
Dwarf fighter/barb using +4 greatsword with around 240hp buffed
Dwarf battleguard of tempus using throwing axe that does some lightning damage
Svirfneblin monk (totally useless in this fight it seems, I might give him some throwing stuff next time I fight this dragon)
Human Morninglord of Lathander (lots of Heal spell memorized)
Human bard (fear immunity song)
Dwarf wizard (casted impoved haste then had everything except magic missiles resisted)
Tactic was to get my Fighter buffed (did not know about acid so i did not buff that) with 2 summoned skeletons up front. Battleguard casted all of the buff spells that debuff the dragon Recitation, Prayer and casted grp defense buff(forgot name) then we chain Heal the tank as he hacked the dragon down. Unfortunately Mornignlord and Monk managed to get killed. I could have rezed them and got the stuff, but was too slow since I did not know that portal closes right away.
Now I will memorize better spells with my wizard should be easier. I am thinking of using Malison then spam desintegrate or chain lightning. BTW slow does not work on him
Dwarf fighter/barb using +4 greatsword with around 240hp buffed
Dwarf battleguard of tempus using throwing axe that does some lightning damage
Svirfneblin monk (totally useless in this fight it seems, I might give him some throwing stuff next time I fight this dragon)
Human Morninglord of Lathander (lots of Heal spell memorized)
Human bard (fear immunity song)
Dwarf wizard (casted impoved haste then had everything except magic missiles resisted)
Tactic was to get my Fighter buffed (did not know about acid so i did not buff that) with 2 summoned skeletons up front. Battleguard casted all of the buff spells that debuff the dragon Recitation, Prayer and casted grp defense buff(forgot name) then we chain Heal the tank as he hacked the dragon down. Unfortunately Mornignlord and Monk managed to get killed. I could have rezed them and got the stuff, but was too slow since I did not know that portal closes right away.
Now I will memorize better spells with my wizard should be easier. I am thinking of using Malison then spam desintegrate or chain lightning. BTW slow does not work on him