Word Association- Word Association is a thread that is mainly used for boosting one's posts, similiar to This Or That in that regard. Described as this "This is a word asociation game. I'll start with a word, then the next one posts the word they first thought of, and so on."
This Or That- This is a thread that is mainly used for boosting one's posts, similiar to Word Association. Described by the maker as this "I thought it was time for a new game. It's called "This or That". I'll post two words, and you choose one of them and then you post two news. Got it...??"
Gamebanshee Forums- The Gamebanshee Forums was once a place that was used to talk about games, there is now a new section of forums called Other Stuff, which is used to talk about things like Technical Support, Comics, SYM etc.
Other Stuff- This is a group of forums which talk about non-RPG games and other things like whatever is on your mind, Technical Support etc.
Comics- This is a forum dedicated to Comics
Technical Support- This is a forum dedicated to helping those with technical problems
RPG-abb. Role Playing Game, these are games that gives you a single character to play with, BG is an exception
BG-abb. Baldurs Gate
EDIT: ik, hope you add this