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Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 7:02 am
by wise grimwald
I would quite like to have a plot based on restoring the flying machine in IWD to working order. Missing parts could be scattered about and you have to locate them. Then once it has been put together, you could have quests to other places. You could have it breaking down in some inaccessible place, a bit like Dr. Who, but set only in the realms. Once introduced, the possibilities for plots are endless.
Like others, I would also prefer the BG1 format of being able to go anywhere and not to have to follow the prescribed script linearly as per other games.
Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 12:46 am
by BGRocks
I like the idea of continuing the story from ToB, where you try and prove yourself as a god or something. It could take place in either some higher plane, Faerun, or both, being able to travel from one to the other. Also, something would happen to weaken you, so you're not a high level character the whole game, but have to build it. It would also be nice to bring back some of the charaters from the first two games as party members, or just for cameos. BG had some great characters, so it'd be a shame if we never saw any of them.
Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 1:46 pm
by Elessar-NWN
You could theoretically play as Bhaal. There is no solid description of him/her, and even if he was male, he could be forced to take on a female form.
The main plot could be about the Sword of Mask and the Time of Troubles, and a way of sowing the Bhaalspawn seeds.
So you begin after the Tablets of Fate are stolen, somewhere in the Wilderness. You find that the other Gods have de-ascended, and you have to kill them. Ypou begin gathering factions to you (a stronghold) whilst searchign for the Sword of Mask. Cyric finds it first, kills you, and the rest, as they say, is history

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 7:20 pm
by dakedoom
i for one would be interested in seeing Rashemen, Zhentil Keep and maybe even Waterdeep (10x the size of Baldur's Gate you know)
as for setting the premise to pre-BG1, i agree wholeheartedly. it's pretty much the only way of safely making another Bhaalspawn. and one with a more exciting background (i don't mind the one in BG.. but in NWN 2 you start as a friggin' swamp farmer. it's just pitiful). also many of the quests would have well to do with the saga. for example being one of Gorions Harper companions and confronting Firkraag.
and since it's the Time of Troubles it wouldn't hurt to meet a deity or two (and not the more predictable ones like Cyric, Tyr and Helm).
and to those who think it should continue from ToB, don't you think this will get too far-fetched? the characters' aftermaths are written and the closure fulfilled. and future stories can't assume that you actually made a decision concerning the Throne. if you united with the Bhaal essence then it's gg and go, since you're now an intermediate god. and if you didn't.. well then future would have nothing to do with him anymore.. or with anything for that matter.. since you subdued all the supposedly greatest threats in all the realms. nobody will ever stand against you again, not even Elminster or Khelben

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 9:47 pm
by UnderscoreGeist
I think that it should simply begin in Waterdeep. Though i would like to see many of the places mentioned: Shadowdale, Calimport, Baldurs Gate, etc. I dont think that Thay was mentioned. I would like to see a thriving Thay, and possibly a strong link in the main plot?
Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 6:00 pm
by Qeed
In baldur's gate (both I and II) the citizens talk about the world on the other side of the sea that just has be found - (suggesting that some sort of Columbus character found "america"). I think it would be fun that BGIII would be about Imoens child (you) and his/her friend (the character you was in BII's child) and have something to do with this new world - perhaps some sort of evilness begins to storm out of this "america" (ops that feels political

) You must stop this evil...
This way you still have the Bhaal gene inside you but you dont have to have played the earlier games to understand it all. Plus you dont have your old character - it would feel kinda booring if one person lives through so many big adventures in the same lifetime - better if there is some fresh blood in the story
Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 4:38 pm
by Jarryn
Hmph, just decided to throw one more wave of negativity out there, even though there isnt any need any longer.
Personally Im stuck between not believing Baldurs Gate III will ever appear, or simply not caring.
Not believing because its a rumour that has appeared before, and a rather strange one considering not many other game series' get such a final send off as in ToB, and the time between the “end” and this “revival”.
Not caring because it will more than likely be a Baldurs Gate: Dark Alliance, in that there is absolutely nothing to link it to the PC game other than the name, font and setting. Therefore it doesn’t deserve to be linked to the PC series. Of course, that is a minor point from me, considering Im someone who looks at the picture this way: If it isnt a continuation of the "Bhaalspawn" [charname], than I dont care anyway.
Its a rabid fanboy opinion, but as far as Im concerned, the thing that made Baldurs Gate special was that the story was your *own*. I pour my heart and soul into roleplaying my bhaalspawn character throughout both games and expansions. Of course, considering the finality of ToB its only natural to consider a new story. Yet that is exactly why I dont much care, as the old one is, outside of a miraculous revival, completely done and dusted. Therefore any crappy prequel or unrelated sequel in name only does nothing to entice me in the slightest.
So, I believe it -most likely- will never come to fruition, or in the unlikely event it does, will not be a continuation of, or perhaps even a worthwhile homage to the experience that makes the Baldurs Gate series my all time, hands down, favourite game(s) of all time.
So to answer the question, if the story isnt after the events of ToB (despite seeing how almost impossible such a story would be, considering it *ENDED* there) and in Faerun of course, I don’t care.
Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 9:48 pm
by Tate
There's an idea I was toying around with a while back, and reading through these old forums brought it back. What if you played as the child of a bhaalspawn? It could be any bhaalspawn, but I think it would make a lot of sense to be a child of Sarevok. There's the tie-in with the original games, and it isn't much of a stretch to imagine Sarevok getting around a bit when he was younger, and then leaving the mother to fend for herself. The game could deal with discovering your origins, and dealing with your murderous nature, much like the original games.
Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 2:38 pm
by northblade
Like someone pointed out, even if you stayed mortal at the end of TOB, you're pretty much the nailsiest person out there. To continue that character is pointless - theres no one left to take on. Plus the game looses its touch from normality - a whole army of normal soldiers could be bested by your end character.
I always thought that as a character in BG2 and TOB, and to a certain extent BG1, you left a wake of opportunities behind you.
When I think about it, Saradush is destroyed, I completely ruined most of a major drow city, the drow vs elves war must have left both sides depleated, I struck blows against all the power the five bhaalspawn ruled; harpers were trying frantically to keep things from boiling over. Baldur's gate must still be recovering from the events of BG1 - not to mention a lot of powerful individuals such as dragons and demons lost their influence by my hand.
In BG3 you could represent an interest group looking to fill the power voids left by the events of BG1/2/TOB. You start off as a meager employee, but your sucess brings more difficult tasks. The quest possibilities are endless, and could be tailored to your class. Plus it would allow a return to normal levels where non-magical weapons hurt and a pit fiend wasn't a joke.
For example:
1) A harper looking to maintain the balance
2) A Priest for a church looking to gain more influence for its diety
3) A drow looking to gain power for its house
4) A flaming fist soldier
5) An Armish soldier
6) A mercinary for a wealthy noble
7) An employee of the Zhentarim
8) A paladin of the Order
9) A shadow thief...
I think there are loads of rich possibilities for this; the character could still be flexible but the story could be unique and tailored to your choices. For example, as a paladin you could fall if 1/2 way in you sold out to the Zhentarim for power...
Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 5:52 pm
by td0100110
I would love to see the original series rebuilt with something like an infinity engine 2.0... an engine that looked and felt like the original, but was capable of greater things.
It would still have to be 2d, and it would need to have the same camera views, I would want to have my good old portait bar on the right, and controls and everything exactly how they were before.
But, imagine the Cloakwood areas, or Baldur's Gate and Athkatla with todays technologies behind their designing.
I think that BG doesnt need a sequal, it could just really use some TLC into the 21st century.
Although, i would love to be able to deal in the politics of deity's and archdevil's if their ever was a true sequal to the BG series. And, I dont think it would truly matter whether your character decided to ascend or not... I felt like a god long before the end of ToB.
None of the old NPCS... if you were married, no damn children, your wife/husband is dead. no longer with you or capable of being with you.
Maybe you join up with some of the greatest powers in the realms. I want to feel the gravity of the situation if their ever is a sequal. I mean, surely i pissed off someone pretty powerful during the course of the BG series... Heck... if its going to HAVE to be 4e, Elminsters insane... make him the badguy... I'll kill em. But plx no 4e :/
Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 12:34 pm
by lee_partridge
been a while since i was on here but have just got ack into baldur's gate and im trawling through the saga,but while i have been playing i was thinking about where a baldur's gate 3 could take place and i really like the idea of it being in waterdeep and the surrounding area,eye of the beholder 1 was set below waterdeep in the sewers but never saw the world above, i admit i only know some places and stories through playing EOTB and BG saga so my knowledge is'nt as good as others but thats my thoughts on it.
Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 5:08 pm
by Craig
I thought it would be cool that the main character would one of the clones from Irenicus' dungeon. Same universe, different character. You can trace the players footsteps, solve some problems on the way.
I like the idea of it being sent before BG1, perhaps working with Gorion? Or finding bhaalspawns? Could be promising.
Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 9:11 am
by Jordoo
Honestly I'm not that interested in BGIII I just think that story pretty much ended with ToB.
I would however love a game that ran on the BGII with BGII style NPC interactoins/quests/romance but also had the free area exploration random events/quests that BGI had. Basically a brand new story somewhere new running on the BGII engine that had a main stroy line but was much less liniar.
Of course that game is of course not BGIII! LOL