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Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 1:18 pm
by Locke Da'averan
[QUOTE=Magrus]Right, well now that I have some people who have passed the first stage of acceptance, the next phase must begin. Here is your rite of passage.
  1. You must do 1 shot/ every 12 lbs of your body weight in the next hour.
  2. You shall be then strapped into a chair with your eyelids pried open ala A Clockwork Orange style.
  3. You shall be subjected to films, shows and videos which portray examples of perversion and debauchery in there most terrible forms until next tuesday. Only next tuesday though, as wednesday is Hump Day.
  4. You shall hereafter refer to wednesdays only as Hump Day. It is the hump of the week and once you get over it, it's drunk time.
  5. Drinking prior to Hump day is optional, but after mandatory. Celebrating Hump Day is encouraged.
  6. While strapped into above-said chairs you shall be hosed down with sugarwater by Luis and we will let our gerbils loose. Don't worry, they won't bite until the sugarwater is gone.
  7. Sadly, we only have enough sugar to make 2 gallons of sugarwater. Gerbil bites are exciting though I've heard.
  8. You shall be set free on Tuesday as above mentioned. You will be given a goal to accomplish in the surrounding neighborhood.
  9. Oh, oops, that wasn't sugar water. The hallucinations should be starting soon. Sorry. :p
  10. If you happen to be taller than 6 foot, you must chase down cars and remove the drivers seat inside them.
  11. If you are under 6 feet tall, you must replace the drivers side seats of above said cars with generous portions of jello.
  12. Upon completing this task on three cars each person, you must bow down before the Kitty Idol in front of the building. It's slightly off to the left from where Nasuke did his admittance dance.
  13. Luis will then turn on the Kitty Idol's autotargeting, motion detecting, potato shooter.
  14. Those able to dodge incoming projectiles shall be welcomed into our esteemed college.
  15. Sadly, those hit by projectiles must repeat this procedure next week and hope to be more agile.
  16. Booze filled orgy upon admittance. :D

1.europe, metric system,.. so just to be sure i did 20shots
3.waitwaitwait, can you rewind that last part? check
4.humpty-dumpty.. check
5.hooray for humping! check
6.think of the happy place...check
7.stay in the happy place, nothing is wrong you're not getting bitten by ravenous vermins... check
9.if you fall of the cliff you might aswell try to fly, you got nothing to lose*lands face first on the pavement* check
10.6'1,5 check
11.can't be done..
12.*bowing while not letting the statue out of sight* check
13.*waiting with a grin on my lips*
14.*uses nasuke as a human shield*...check
15.check where's the booze?

did i pass?

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 1:27 pm
by Magrus
[QUOTE=Locke Da'averan]1.europe, metric system,.. so just to be sure i did 20shots
3.waitwaitwait, can you rewind that last part? check
4.humpty-dumpty.. check
5.hooray for humping! check
6.think of the happy place...check
7.stay in the happy place, nothing is wrong you're not getting bitten by ravenous vermins... check
9.if you fall of the cliff you might aswell try to fly, you got nothing to lose*lands face first on the pavement* check
10.6'1,5 check
11.can't be done..
12.*bowing while not letting the statue out of sight* check
13.*waiting with a grin on my lips*
14.*uses nasuke as a human shield*...check
15.check where's the booze?

did i pass?[/QUOTE]

Yes, very good. It IS possible to replace the seats with jello, you'd just slide around in jello on top of the car frame is all. :p

Note to future pledges. Maintain your connection to your happy place, it is very important when committing deeds that would normally cause extreme discomfortant and awkwardness around others. :p

Good call using another pledge as a human shield! Poor Nasuke though... :D

Booze is with the bartender. I have 8 sets of twins for bartenders for the "party". Go grab a pair. ;)

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 1:31 pm
by Magrus
[QUOTE=moltovir]I'm afraid even I, the most loyal member of the MPCSDHGSKJGSD, can not abide by these rules, because wednesday is already known as Molty-day.[/QUOTE]

You spelled it wrong and it's been Hump-day for ages. :p

[QUOTE=Demortis]hey Magrus, what if i stand there and take the shots for a set amount of time. pain makes almost everything worth it[/QUOTE]

I'll tell you what, if you can jump INTO the shots, we'll need a man that isn't afraid to take one team. That works for me. :D

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 1:33 pm
by Locke Da'averan
[QUOTE=Magrus]Yes, very good. It IS possible to replace the seats with jello, you'd just slide around in jello on top of the car frame is all. :p

Note to future pledges. Maintain your connection to your happy place, it is very important when committing deeds that would normally cause extreme discomfortant and awkwardness around others. :p

Good call using another pledge as a human shield! Poor Nasuke though... :D

Booze is with the bartender. I have 8 sets of twins for bartenders for the "party". Go grab a pair. ;) [/QUOTE]

thanks..*gets his twins and sits down*

but #11 was referring to the fact that the mission was for those shorter than 6foot and since i'm over that i cannot perform it..

so any other pledge's trying to complete the rites? :D
but where's LA since there are now 3members, he should be here too.. :(

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 1:34 pm
by Demortis
so when am i getting shots with potatos? i can handle it *drinks two bottles of booze* time for the drunkin master. *starts to stumble around infront of the statue while drinking another bottle*

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 1:50 pm
by Magrus
[QUOTE=Locke Da'averan]thanks..*gets his twins and sits down*

but #11 was referring to the fact that the mission was for those shorter than 6foot and since i'm over that i cannot perform it..

so any other pledge's trying to complete the rites? :D
but where's LA since there are now 3members, he should be here too.. :( [/QUOTE]

Good call with the #11 thing, I thought you meant no one could do it. ;)

I dunno, maybe he's working. He'll have to claim the leftovers. :(

[QUOTE=Demoritis]so when am i getting shots with potatos? i can handle it *drinks two bottles of booze* time for the drunkin master. *starts to stumble around infront of the statue while drinking another bottle*[/QUOTE]

Now, *flips the switch for the potato gun* 27 spuds a minute that thing pops off too. :p

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 1:56 pm
by Demortis
*stumbbles around missing every potato* damn it man, i i i neeeed more boozee!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 2:31 pm
by Ideal Maxima

Is it just me or did you guys just skip my post entirely? :confused: :mad: :(

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 3:19 pm
by Magrus
Ideal Maxima wrote:Is it just me or did you guys just skip my post entirely? :confused: :mad: :(
Sorry, you posted the same time I did! I missed it because of that. :o
1. Do you drink? Yes.
2. How often do you drink? Every day.
3. What is your favorite drink? Lemonade
4. Would you consider yourself perverted? If the answer is no, whats wrong with you? Sometimes...
5. If you have something wrong with you, would be willing accept extreme shock treatment, decided upon by me, to fix said problem? Sure, why not.
6. Were you ever dropped on your head as a child? No, not that I know of.
7. When was the last time you got drunk and fell on your head? Never.
8. Are you willing to join my army to defend against the inevitable Smurf uprising? HELL YEA
9. Are you ok with wearing tin-foil and plastic wrap hats in an effort to spread the faith? Sure.
10. Are you opposed to strange initiation rights involving garden hoses, gophers and crazy glue? As long as I get to sniff the glue, sure.
11. What is your take on the corruption of children? I wouldn't know, I'm a child myself.
12. Why are you applying? If boredom, do 10 shots instead. Cause your my role model
Glue sniffing is bad, drinking's better for you. We'll have you doing shots with us in no time. :p

You need to wear a tin-foil hat through the initiation. Then your in if you pass. ;)

Just keep the movies you'll be sitting through to yourself though...
Demortis wrote:*stumbbles around missing every potato* damn it man, i i i neeeed more boozee!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, you can go through again with IM. :(

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 3:56 pm
by Demortis
you mean i have to be sober for the potato dodging? damn it, fine im using maxi as a shield. yes im using lockes move. becuase it just sounds fun, and no one said i had to be sober for this

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 4:22 pm
by Nasuke
[QUOTE=Magrus]Sorry, you posted the same time I did! I missed it because of that. :o

Glue sniffing is bad, drinking's better for you. We'll have you doing shots with us in no time. :p

You need to wear a tin-foil hat through the initiation. Then your in if you pass. ;)

Just keep the movies you'll be sitting through to yourself though...

Sorry, you can go through again with IM. :( [/QUOTE]

AWWW! I dont think we can do this to him*drinks another 10 shots of tequila*and blurbagagin wont be too happy either? :confused:

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 7:13 pm
by CM
Well here it is:
  1. Do you drink? - Yes
  2. How often do you drink? - Daily
  3. What is your favorite drink? - Tea
  4. Would you consider yourself perverted? If the answer is no, whats wrong with you? - Yes
  5. If you have something wrong with you, would be willing accept extreme shock treatment, decided upon by me, to fix said problem? - If the nurse is the one Luis posted a picture of yeah.
  6. Were you ever dropped on your head as a child? - I do not recall
  7. When was the last time you got drunk and fell on your head? - I do not recall
  8. Are you willing to join my army to defend against the inevitable Smurf uprising? - Depends how do is the dental
  9. Are you ok with wearing tin-foil and plastic wrap hats in an effort to spread the faith? - If only made by Pierre Cardin
  10. Are you opposed to strange initiation rights involving garden hoses, gophers and crazy glue? - If a woman is involved i am more than not opposed to it
  11. What is your take on the corruption of children? - the sooner the better
  12. Why are you applying? If boredom, do 10 shots instead. - boredom. *does 10 shots of tea(

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 7:29 pm
by Nasuke
[QUOTE=Locke Da'averan]1.europe, metric system,.. so just to be sure i did 20shots
3.waitwaitwait, can you rewind that last part? check
4.humpty-dumpty.. check
5.hooray for humping! check
6.think of the happy place...check
7.stay in the happy place, nothing is wrong you're not getting bitten by ravenous vermins... check
9.if you fall of the cliff you might aswell try to fly, you got nothing to lose*lands face first on the pavement* check
10.6'1,5 check
11.can't be done..
12.*bowing while not letting the statue out of sight* check
13.*waiting with a grin on my lips*
14.*uses nasuke as a human shield*...check
15.check where's the booze?

did i pass?[/QUOTE]

HEY! i cant be a human shield! It's against my religion. :p

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 7:44 pm
by Magrus
CM wrote:Well here it is:
  1. Do you drink? - Yes
  2. How often do you drink? - Daily
  3. What is your favorite drink? - Tea
  4. Would you consider yourself perverted? If the answer is no, whats wrong with you? - Yes
  5. If you have something wrong with you, would be willing accept extreme shock treatment, decided upon by me, to fix said problem? - If the nurse is the one Luis posted a picture of yeah.
  6. Were you ever dropped on your head as a child? - I do not recall
  7. When was the last time you got drunk and fell on your head? - I do not recall
  8. Are you willing to join my army to defend against the inevitable Smurf uprising? - Depends how do is the dental
  9. Are you ok with wearing tin-foil and plastic wrap hats in an effort to spread the faith? - If only made by Pierre Cardin
  10. Are you opposed to strange initiation rights involving garden hoses, gophers and crazy glue? - If a woman is involved i am more than not opposed to it
  11. What is your take on the corruption of children? - the sooner the better
  12. Why are you applying? If boredom, do 10 shots instead. - boredom. *does 10 shots of tea(
I'll call Pierre, good idea. We can market them and make a killing. ;)
Does a female gopher count as a woman?
Your in, we need an experienced pervert who is forced to stay sober. :D
Demortis wrote:you mean i have to be sober for the potato dodging? damn it, fine im using maxi as a shield. yes im using lockes move. becuase it just sounds fun, and no one said i had to be sober for this
Oh you don't gotta be sober, but come prepared man. If you run out of booze half-way through, that's poor preperation. Always carry a cooler or backpack full of booze along with you! :p
Nasuke wrote:AWWW! I dont think we can do this to him*drinks another 10 shots of tequila*and blurbagagin wont be too happy either?
HEY! i cant be a human shield! It's against my religion.
Can't do what to whom? It's my school, I do what I want in it. Hey, take your potato shot like a man! :D

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 10:12 pm
by Demortis
*walks back to the staute carrying, two coolers strapped to his back* i am prepared now. i shall not fail again! i wouldnt be able to show my face to my clan if i ran outa booze twice!

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 10:56 pm
by Magrus
[QUOTE=Demortis]*walks back to the staute carrying, two coolers strapped to his back* i am prepared now. i shall not fail again! i wouldnt be able to show my face to my clan if i ran outa booze twice![/QUOTE]

Way to man up! :D Fortunately, now that your alone with your booze, the canon will be focused entirely on you. Good luck. ;) *flips it on again*

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 11:17 pm
by Demortis
*meditates then starts to dodge and weave, while drinking*

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 11:41 pm
by Magrus
[QUOTE=Demortis]*meditates then starts to dodge and weave, while drinking*[/QUOTE]

Don't spill any, I'll write you up on abuse charges. :p

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 11:59 pm
by Demortis
i am a drunken master, i never spill my acohol *a drop starts to fall i hit the ground catch the drop and get back up and start to weave again* ok im good, im good

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 3:19 am
by Brynn
[QUOTE=Magrus]Right, well now that I have some people who have passed the first stage of acceptance, the next phase must begin. Here is your rite of passage.
  1. You must do 1 shot/ every 12 lbs of your body weight in the next hour.
Come on, it'll take an hour to convert my weight into pounds! :p
I never knew exactly how many lbs equals a kg... 0,5 kg = 1 lbs, is that correct?