Alright, I know DZ mentioned wanting to be slinging spells and what not as a high level character. I was kind of wanting to bring you up from mid-level to higher level and let you progress. Yet, I stumbled on something in another book that I found interesting. It would make your character's more powerful, which I can adjust for you and such, and since I just have plot points and creature stats, I'd just have to rearrange the amount of creatures I throw at you and when and what-not if I did this.
Well, here goes the idea...
*They came up with this thing called Gestalt character's for high-powered campaigns, or campaigns with 3 or less players. That fits here, and I wouldn't mind beefing up the campaign a bit on top of just having the two player's.
*What happens is, you take two classes, say cleric/wizard, or fighter/sorcerer, or monk/wizard, or whatever. You stick each of the classes specs and stats side by side, and anything that over-laps, you pick the better of the two and drop the lesser one. Anything that doesn't overlap, you include both. Here's an example:
*Monk: Hit Dice(HD)->1d8/level; Sorcerer (Sorc)->1d4/level
*Monk: 3/4 HD=Base Attack Bonus (BAB); Sorc: 1/2 HD=BAB
*Monk: 2/3 HD Fort, Ref and Will saves; Sorc 1/3 HD Fort, 1/3 HD Ref, and 2/3 HD Will
*Monk: Gains Bonus to AC at 1/5 HD
*Monk: Gains +10 ft/round to movement at a rate of 1/3 HD
*Monk: Recieves high unarmed damage
*Monk: Recieves class related feats
*Sorc: Recieve Spells[/INDENT]
Now, say you were an 8th level Monk/Sorc, you'd grab the HD, BAB, Saves, AC bonus, movement bonus, unarmed damage bonus, monk feats, and sorc spells.
You'd end up with 8d8 HP, +6/+1 BAB, +6 to each Save, +1 to AC, +20 ft Move/rd, a slew of monk feats, do 1d10 damage on an unarmed strike (same as a bastard sword), and be able to cast spells the same as when you were just a plain Sorc.
Instead of 8d4 HP, +4 BAB, +2 +2 and +6 to your saves, no AC bonus, no move bonus, no extra monk feats, and still having spells.
Now, you wouldn't get a bonus to your Attributes/Stats. This can cause a clash, wizards need a high Int to get spells, Fighters could care less and want high Str and Con, Clerics want high Wis and Cha, etc. You wouldn't take an experience penalty, I'd just adjust things so this would be "normal" for you.
Also, DZ, in the same book, I found something you might be interested in with or with that the above changes. Considering your a necromancer, and you haven't seemed to want to use your familiar, you could get a skeleton as a familiar. It would progress based on your level, be controlled by you and act just like Blake's familiar. Would you want me to change that for you?
Let me know what you think about the class thing. You'd end up being able to pick a class to add onto your levels in your wizard and sorc levels like I did above with the Monk/Sorc mix. If you wanted to be a wizard that had cleric magic, or a fighting wizard, or rogue/wizard or whatever, even toss a sorc/wizard mix together for extra spells, you could. I'll give you a list of classes if you want. Let me know.