Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 6:01 pm
I'm convinced it's the textures, and certainly not the smell. Nothing seems to smell in Oblivion. The world is clearly populated by people who have sinusitis. I can empathize.Hey, have you noticed that when you turn someone into your doormat and/or area rug, that when you have guests over they tend to stare at it a lot?
I figured they had a policy of "what's ours is yours, and what's yours, is ours." A strange sort of communal approach to guildcraft, when you consider the late Renaissance merchant capitalism that exists everywhere. But hey, it's their guild, at least, until I get to the top. If there's no way to change how things are run, I'm going to get pretty pissed. And I don't mean on their decent wine cellars, either.#00: Hey, Fable! Did you feel like going to Jauffre and asking him who he gave your stuff to? Or go to the Blades and say, "Okay, Brothers and Sisters! Ha! Ha! Funny! Pick on the new member, I get it! Now, where's my stuff that you took and hid from me?
Where was I? Oh, yes. Guild Storage/Item Ownership is pretty nice, since the corpses are removed regularly. I find that a nice, solid guild chest, with a gold embossed plate that has the word in 40 point Gothic bold, MINE, works wonders. I've got one in the Fighters' Guild, and one in the Mages'. Nobody touches them, except periodically to give me some healing and fatigue potions. That's nice of them! Even if they're marked "Demo only, not to be sold in retail." Besides, I use them when I go to dungeons to liberate items that were meant for my collection. Come in handy, they do.