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Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 12:08 pm
by anonomous
Tavern cellar
To get into the cellar go to the statue at lookout point. When it points at bowerstone the cellar will be open. But there isnt much point going down there because its just a leather chest. They should really put something else in there

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 3:38 am
by Loki[D.d.G]
For me it's the old Guildmaster. Hit him and he will respond with an arrogant; "I could break you". I can't describe the joy of seeing him cowering in fear when Jack of Blades attacks the guild. He practically begs for your help then. Not so high and mighty now, are ya?
Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 5:09 am
by femgamer
The Demongates 2 of them actually. The one where I need to beef my character up. I have been eating everything in the game to get into that door still nothing.
The other one where I need to do a great deed of evil and no villagers will follow me there.
Not being able to remove the cuts from the characters face.
Stealth mode when you get caught for stealing and the bar goes slowly and your finger is stuck on the F1 key for ages.
That's just some of my pet moans

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 2:25 pm
by MaxfireXSA
When Lady Grey wants to marry me in the "Mayor's Invitation", and I talked to the guy in prison about Lady Grey and he said "That mayor is a demon..." and he tell me about Lady Grey controls everybodies' dream about him spiking on the water supply. And I take that quest and I talked to the guy in Barrow Fields, and he knows about his love Amanda (Lady Grey's sister) were killed in the cellar in Grey House. So I go to the Grey House, flash the lamps three times in the stables, and then I go to the cellar, and the ghost of Amanda arrives and speaks to me about Lady Grey, and I take a "Scrawled Parchment" and Lady Grey comes in the Cellar, and she tells the truth, until she wants me to become a mayor and marry her, so I said "No", and Lady Grey was mad that no one refuses Lady Grey and said "And I will wash away the filth of your blood, remember that, Hero."
That's why I don't like Lady Grey, because she was a mayor, and she was a demon, and I thought that Lady Grey works with Jack of Blades, that traitor.