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Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2001 4:16 pm
by Weasel
@VonDondu...I took your remarks a different way...for this I'm sorry.
(Btw...I wasn't serious about the Twisted Rune )
Peace and Welcome to GameBanshee
....contrary to beliefs I'm not that bad of a person. But time will show you this.
Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2001 4:21 pm
by VonDondu
If I may humbly say so, the fact that many members of the now-defunct BG Tavern have visited GameBanshee speaks rather highly of GameBanshee, don't you think? I appreciate the host's efforts to provide these message boards to the public and his open invitation to join the fun. I also salute the board's current members, who have made it what it is today.
(I'm sure that some of the regulars here might question the value or the significance of a newbie's uninformed opinion, but hey, I did *my* part.)
It took me over me a month to feel "at home" on BG Tavern and to feel comfortable enough to announce my presence and become an active participant. That was not a reflection on the quality of BG Tavern or its membership; it's just the way I am personally. For exactly the same reason, it will also take some time before I feel "at home" on GameBanshee; it is not a reflection on GameBanshee. If the "trial period in this new relationship" has pleasant results, maybe I'll become just as active here as I was at BG Tavern. The thing that gives me a "headstart" here at GameBanshee is that I know some of the people here from BG Tavern. I hope that the regulars here will welcome us. I hope that flaming between old members and new members will be kept to a minimum. If we use these forums to discuss a common interest (such as Shadows of Amn, or, uh, for example, the, uh, demise of BG Tavern...
), please don't "invite" us to go elsewhere, and please don't treat us like carpetbaggers. It's bad PR.
You can't expect us to be "loyal" to GameBanshee until we feel at home here. But I certainly intend to be a polite guest. Fair enough?
One more thing. I don't think it's wise to question the loyalty of a guest who sticks up for the host. Perhaps you can find something else about him to criticize, but not his loyalty, see?
Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2001 4:30 pm
by fable
@fable...try as you want to turn this around on me ,but you threw the first flame with your remark. Anything after that is your own with it.
(blink) Um, no, Weasel, I'm not trying to turn anything around you. The first flame was thrown by Waverly, as follows:
...but at least don't post these not so subtle hints that given your druthers, you'd rather be somewhere else. If that is really the case, set off in search of greener pastures with my best wishes.
I mentioned you in my last post because instead of trying to hold out a welcoming hand to newcomers up here, you persisted in calling those posters who referred to BG's as "the best," etc, as making "childish" remarks. And no, I wasn't among 'em. I simply don't like to see newcomers being attacked, and that appears to be what you were doing in that remark.
I'm glad to hear that's not your normal approach, and I don't doubt that the majority of people on this board are friendly and helpful; I've already contributed several hundred posts in the last week, and look forward to helping out for some time in the future. But one or two ill-placed remarks in a thread being watched carefully by newcomers can also turn a lot of folks away, and I personally don't want that. People, in my opinion, always deserve the benefit of the doubt.
[This message has been edited by fable (edited 03-23-2001).]
Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2001 4:49 pm
by Weasel
@fable...And I stand behind them remarks you say
"But one or two ill-placed remarks in a thread being watched carefully by newcomers can also turn a lot of folks away,"
can refer to the remarks posted at the begiining of this thread also. Now say someone new came here and saw this remark...what are they suppose to think?? That all of the new posters came here just because BGD closed down?? It goes both ways.
Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2001 4:51 pm
by Waverly
You consider that a flame? *sigh*
I wouldn't express it much different if one of my friends here stated they were unhappy and moving on.
Trust me, I havn't flamed anyone.
Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2001 5:04 pm
by fable
...can refer to the remarks posted at the begiining of this thread also. Now say someone new came here and saw this remark...what are they suppose to think?? That all of the new posters came here just because BGD closed down?? It goes both ways.
Weasel, from what I can tell, the considerable majority of those newcomers who have arrived recently departed after BGDungeon's board demise. However, I could be wrong in this; and if that's the case, I'd suggest that it's really up to the website owner to both respond, and set the tone of the response.
Frankly, I know that if I saw a thread like this emerging on a board I managed, I'd cringe slightly inside, but I'd try to treat the matter with gentle good humor. After all, the influx of posters to this board, as opposed to several others, would indicate that they liked mine best. I'd also realize that the reasons they didn't come here before could have been relative anonymity. And once people fixate on a given board, they tend to make friends, visit frequently, and seldom venture elsewhere. That's no reflection on my own personal board.
In fact, simply by letting them post--like a bunch of East European immigrants after the Bolshevik revolution, come to the US, gathering in a community, and lamenting their lost homes--I'd know that I was the gainer. They're here; they're not about to leave; and they'll be assimilated (no humor meant, there) soon enough, like immigrant communities, everywhere. After BG fades from memory, my board would still benefit from their presence.
So I'd have let the thread exhaust itself. I can't speak for GameBanshee's owner (nor would I try to), but I know he's got enough excellent diversions on this site to keep people involved for some time. The newcomers are not about to leave, unless they feel unwelcome, and that was my concern.
@Fable: You consider that a flame? *sigh*
No, Waverly, actually I don't. The term was applied by a third party to my remarks, which I considered a measured response to yours. I was merely using the term "flame" because I wasn't looking to get into an argument over semantics. I regard your remarks as a bit heated, as I said above, and my response was in much the same vein, for the reasons I've already outlined. No reason to rehash that, in my opinion.
[This message has been edited by fable (edited 03-23-2001).]
Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2001 5:20 pm
by Weasel
@fable...My point wasn't to try to run anybody off.
I feel I have been fair with all the poster's on this subject as well. All who think I haven't feel free to give me a e-mail..
or use the one on the board (It's down right now ,but should be back up tomorrow or the next day)
Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2001 5:25 pm
by fable
Weasel, I don't think a poll will serve any point; and I'm inclined to think that people who feel like they've been savaged a bit won't respond, out of a desire to avoid all debate. In any case, that obviously wasn't your intention, as you've already made clear. I trust that people will take you at your word, and let the matter drop.
Perhaps we can give a positive twist to this thread, and consider an issue of personal interest that I've already alluded to. How many people up here stick to one BG2 board, and why? How many go for multiple boards?
Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2001 5:28 pm
by shesgottahaveit
'Can't we all just get along'
Rodney King circa 1991
Come on, I apologized for my emotional remarks as they were in bad taste so all this bickering is a waste of time and bandwidth. Plus it's a mute point. I appreciate you guys for pointing out the errors of my ways so can't we just leave it at that.
You would'nt hurt a lady would ya? hahahehehe
Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2001 5:33 pm
by Weasel
@fable...I started out in this forum BG2 and migrated to SYM...I was spamming up this forum.
I also visit PoR and on some occasions the RPG forum.
I try to stay with the discussion Forum as well...usually lurk there and just read.
Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2001 5:36 pm
by Waverly
Originally posted by fable:
The first flame was thrown by Waverly, as follows:
So these words wouldn't have been your first choice, but
Originally posted by fable:
I wasn't looking to get into an argument over semantics
As for
without authority, knowledge, introductions, empathy, or experience of the matter in question
I am pretty sure I started with: "It is indeed a shame that BGDungeon closed down. Though, I never spent much time there, I am sure it was a fine siteā¦and I am sure you are all disappointed"
Some of the new arrivals seem like great folks...Welcome.
BTW I have couple more than '2' posts LOL
...Just slowed down a little and am awaiting ToB.
[This message has been edited by Waverly (edited 03-23-2001).]
Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2001 5:45 pm
by fable
Yes, you're right about the beginning, Waverly. I think Flagg, though, pretty much said it all in gentler fashion than the finish of your post; but then I certainly wasn't gentle in my reply. If it's alright with you, I suggest we just drop the matter. Clearly, no one wishes anybody any ill--people will tell you I'm one of the few folks who tried to quench fires in the BG2 private forum. Perhaps we've all been overreacting, just a bit?
As for BG2 forums, I've posted largely on BGDungeon, but also here, at Talon's Place, and at The Ironworks. The latter two are both interesting boards, but have very few posts. I've enjoyed the discussions of other products and the "larger issue" questions, here.
Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2001 5:46 pm
by Weasel
@shesgottahaveit....I was just using the remarks as a reference...that was all.
As I said peace between us.
Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2001 5:50 pm
by VonDondu
Originally posted by fable:
If it's alright with you, I suggest we just drop the matter...
I can't speak for Waverly, but it's alright with ME. Does that count for anything?
Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2001 5:55 pm
by mizuno
it's good news guys, ijust got an e-mail regarding BGD.
it says:
It will come back I just need to let it die down a bit and get an updated
software package that can handle it better, check back in a month or so. If
you saw the number of emails I get every day dealing with this you would be
Steve Coker
Owner - BG Dungeon Network
thus we could be 2gether again in about a month!! oh i can't wait
Mizuno is a Proud Member of the Brotherhood of the Woods
Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2001 5:56 pm
by shesgottahaveit
Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2001 5:59 pm
by Weasel
@VonDondu...I'm finished with my .02 cents worth.
Other site's....I really don't post any where else...I have a user name at Ironworks, BG Dungeon and IGN.
I post some at the Pharoah Home page.
Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2001 6:04 pm
by Waverly
This as good a place to call it quits as any...good luck getting BGD back up, BTW.