Posted by Georgi -
Well, I know I've compared the line-up for Rumours and Tango in the Night and there was hardly anyone the same in it... can't remember who was still there now... Anyway, Rumours is their best
Posted by Average Joe -
Well, i know that started of with a male front-line, and they eventually had several chicks singing their vocals. That would definitely qualify is an extreme lineup changes.
Fleetwood Mac were formed in 1967 by guitarist Peter Green, Mick Fleetwood (drummer) and bass player John McVie. Later joined by guitarists Jeremy Spencer and Danny Kirwin.
Green left in 1970 and is now living as a recluse in Richmond (West London) with two foot long finger nails.....
In the same year (1970) Christine Perfect joined the group (later Christine McVie). Spencer left and the band were joined by an American vocalist called Bob Welsh in 1971.
Kirwin and Welsh moved on and the band recruited guitarist/vocalist Lindsay Buckingham and vocalist Stevie Nicks in 1975.
The line up for rumours were
This remained the long term line up until Lindsay Buckingham left and the band were joined by two guitarists Billy Burnette and Rick Vito.
So to cut a long story short - the only difference in line up between rumours and Tango was Buckingham out and Vito and Burnette in.
BTW it was the Tango album that introduced these two new guitarists and I went to the gig - it must be one of the best gigs I have been to....fantastic - nearly three hours long...(and now 11 years ago
PS - I like Tusk...