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Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2002 10:26 pm
by Aegis
It seems Weasel is just a pawn in this conflict. He is not the true mastermind behind the COMM. I have suspicions, but nothing substantial... It also seems that the Spammers and Lurkers have reached some form of an alliance. If we can get ASSer's to join us... :D

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2002 10:27 pm
by Sailor Saturn
Re: The Queen returns.
Originally posted by Weasel

You know what I like about you...the way you see thru all the bull to the plain truth. Must I go back and post a link to where the massage palor began. Ned will see thru to the true doupt. And while the Lurker King goes down..I will be LMFAO :D The funny thing is...I didn't have to do a thing to cause this..he brought it on his self.... :D :D :D Next...The Spammer King. :D
Even if the Spammer King were to fall, I'm sure Georgi and/or I could sedu...I mean, find another eligible spammer to take his place. ;) :p :D

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2002 10:28 pm
by Aegis
Re: Re: The Queen returns.
Originally posted by Sailor Saturn

Even if the Spammer King were to fall, I'm sure Georgi and/or I could sedu...I mean, find another eligible spammer to take his place. ;) :p :D
Blasphemus! Georgi would never betray the sacred trust we have! Well... Actually, she probably would... :D

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2002 10:28 pm
by Bloodstalker
last offer of peace

And if he looks back further, he will see my true intent with the massage parlor, how it was originally to be for the men, with scantily clad ladies giving the massage. As a matter of fact, I believe that THIS was when you voiced your objection, and the record clearly states that, if you have not gone back and edited it. :rolleyes:

i believe once I had given in to my hormones momentarily, and given the ladies massages, you the congratulated me. gave me a feeling of accomplishment. made me feel I had done the right thing. Thus proving your true motives all along. :cool:

In any case, Ned has already read through the entire drama, and brought me back to my true vision. :D

I have extended the hand of peace to you High Tyrant, and offer once more a truce. I will not offer again :p You seem to have enough fronts to war on, and as I have no concern in your COMM SPAM war, I do not wish to begin any hostilities. however, I will defend myself, and my Tavern if need be. :cool:

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2002 10:32 pm
by Bloodstalker
Begin preperations

Aegis, I have extended the hand of peace to Weasel. however, I must prepare for the worst. Make preperations for the defense. Ready the bears, starve the crocs, while I begin to prepare *other* means of defense. :(

may peace prevail. :D

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2002 10:33 pm
by Aegis
Re: Begin preperations
Originally posted by Bloodstalker
Aegis, I have extended the hand of peace to Weasel. however, I must prepare for the worst. Make preperations for the defense. Ready the bears, starve the crocs, while I begin to prepare *other* means of defense. :(

may peace prevail. :D
Your gonna shake the Wankerly cage again? :D

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2002 10:35 pm
by Bloodstalker
I will do what I must.......... :D

will you stand beside Ned and myself if this turns ugly? :cool:

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2002 10:38 pm
by Weasel
The King of ruled by the Queen...just like IRL :D
Originally posted by Sailor Saturn

Even if the Spammer King were to fall, I'm sure Georgi and/or I could sedu...I mean, find another eligible spammer to take his place. ;) :p :D
Why is it the ladies who can see thru the bull. Yes I know the ladies will install another puppet. I will just have to keep up the good fight and take him down as well. :D :D

Originally posted by Bloodstalker

In any case, Ned has already read through the entire drama, and brought me back to my true vision. :D

I have extended the hand of peace to you High Tyrant, and offer once more a truce. I will not offer again :p You seem to have enough fronts to war on, and as I have no concern in your COMM SPAM war, I do not wish to begin any hostilities. however, I will defend myself, and my Tavern if need be. :cool:
I will agree to a truce if you can show me where Ned clears you of all wrong doings. It doesn't have to be tonight, I can wait till Ned appears again. (In other words a cease fire till then) :D

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2002 10:41 pm
by Aegis
Bah! I am the true power behind the Spam throne! Not the women! :D

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2002 10:45 pm
by Bloodstalker

it is agreed the. When Ned returns, he will inform you that he is aware of all my transgressions, and has cleared me. Till then, a cease-fire. :D

I hope this works out in peace High Tyrant. I have no love for war, and on of your number works in my establishment. Besides, I have a shipment of tea coming in for CM and can't bear the thought of having to drink it myself. :rolleyes:

However, it may be awhile......ned has a habit of lying in a drunken stupor for days at a time. :cool:

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2002 10:46 pm
by Aegis
so, he's finally getting his tea... :D

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2002 10:47 pm
by Bloodstalker
As I told CM aegis, he earned it the hard way. :D

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2002 10:50 pm
by Weasel
Re: agreed
Originally posted by Bloodstalker

However, it may be awhile......ned has a habit of lying in a drunken stupor for days at a time. :cool:
I have another matter to attend to in the meantime...a Wankerfish and A Puffinstiffer infestion. Number one on the list. :D :D

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2002 10:50 pm
by Aegis
Originally posted by Bloodstalker
As I told CM aegis, he earned it the hard way. :D
Bah! he's been trouble from the start... coming in here and ordering his fancy-shmancy tea... :D

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2002 10:54 pm
by Bloodstalker
On that note, I am off to bed. I have to work between two campuses tommorrow, which means I will be driving close to 120 miles in addition to dealing with the normal "My printer won't print because I didn't think to check if it had any paper in it before calling you* sort of thing. :rolleyes:

Goodnight all. :cool:

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2002 10:57 pm
by Aegis

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2002 2:46 am
by CM
God damn i go to sleep and miss so much.

High Tyrant i request from a Humble COMMer, don't eliminate the Lord of the Lurkers, he has a nice brothel here.
Esp. those hooter girls - *points in the corner*
How can a man not like this place??? :D

Since there are going to be mud fights as well as other things, i request that you spare this place, and call for an peace settlement.

Ignore the poor schmucks! :D :D

Aegis i earned my tea.
However you aren't snobby enough to understand why it is so good! :D

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2002 2:51 am
by Maharlika
I get my relaxation here too.

I agree COMMrade.

Although it may not be as solemn as the Temple of Be, or as "entertaining" as the Men's Room, I find some solace here.

*looks at previous posts*

Yup, no doubt about it.

Let it Be. :cool:

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2002 3:01 am
by CM
Let it be, let it be, let it be.
Isn't that i a line from some song - i some how find it familar.
Any-who, since no one is here, i will help out BS and take over the bar.
So COMMrade Mar what would you like???

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2002 4:31 am
by Maharlika
Sorry for the hiatus, COMMrade.


Apologies, Fas. I was errr... busy reading Image some stuff that I got from the Men's Room. If you're still bartending I'd take a Guiness, and for desert, a full swig of sheesha. Image