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Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2001 8:53 pm
by Juggalo
heyyy can i join too ? :D i don thave anything important to post on this msg right now or i'd probaly post it x; hmm....ah goin now...hehe :p

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2001 10:49 pm
by Mr. Sprinkles
With over 600 posts, this has me curious: what is this shadow guild all about? :o :o :o :o :o

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2001 10:59 pm
by Juggalo

Posted by TheDude:
As for 'What is a Shadow Mage?' thing:
here goes ( and this is inportend history so every member should know it ):
after Edwin made The Council of Mages (fore mages) and i The Shadow Guild (for thieves)
we couldn't agree about wich class was better after a long discussion we disided to combine our powers to make 1 ultimate powerfull guild: The Shadow Mages.
We are big and so powerfull that they had to make a guild for all the other classes to even stand a change against us. (and it didn't work)

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2001 11:00 pm
by Juggalo
i think that summed most of it up :P

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2001 3:12 am
by Rail
Of course, a guild of Inquisitors and Barbarians would pretty much wipe out the Shadow Mages, but we won't go there. :D

Ahh, behold the corruption spreading! I've been gone far too long! Nice to see you all still thriving. :)

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2001 3:20 am
by Kayless
@Mr. Sprinkles, the Shadow Guild is group devoted to mage and thief tactics as well as just hanging out and spamming. :D

@Juggalo, Of course you can join! :)

@Rail, Good to see you're still your crotchety old self. :p :D

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2001 3:33 am
by TheDude
welcome to the new members!!
we just keep growing :eek: nice!!!! :D :D
(new members make sure u read all the posts yes all 650 so u don't have to learn things about our guild :D :D )

U-Nig great idea a new kit The Shadow Mage.
let us all think of what the Shadow Mage kit should look like, here is mine idea:

a Shadow Mage is a dual personality char.
u start as a thief/mage with little abilaties, just 4 lvl 1,2,3 and 3 lvl 4 spells and u get 60 points to put in your thieve skills.
when u gain lvls u get a choise pick the thief side or the mage side.
so u can be little mage and much thief and visa versa.
maybe it is also nice when u put a lot in thief u can change from thief kit and become an assassin or bouthy hunter.
or a specialist mage when u put much in mage.

-a shadow mage should always be able to cast a spell,hide in shadows and backstab.
-best equipment for a Shadow Mage a nice dagger, robe of vecna, boots of speed.

so what about it anybody else an idea????

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2001 4:01 am
by Kayless
"Who da' man?"
"You are Shadorf!"
"We're not worthy!"

(Sorry, I felt a sudden urge for moving spam ;) :D )

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2001 4:10 am
by TheDude
lol nice dwarf :D :D

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2001 4:17 am
by Kayless
He's actually a Mountain King from the upcoming Warcraft III, Reign of Chaos. But for now he also functions as Shadorf the Shadow Dwarf. ;)

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2001 4:26 am
by TheDude
and her he is our new guild mascote
shadorf the shadow dwarf :D :D :D

The Shadow Mages home of moutain dwarves and killer orca's.
Be prepared when u want to enter :D

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2001 4:36 am
by Kayless
Originally posted by TheDude:
<STRONG>The Shadow Mages home of moutain dwarves and killer orca's.
Be prepared when u want to enter :D </STRONG>
LOL :D Couldn't have said it better myself, Dude. :)

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2001 6:50 am
by U_Niq
Shadow mages special abilities:

Call killer orca (conjuration/summoning)

range: sight of caster
casting time: 5
Duration: 8 hours
Saving throw: none
Area of effect: special

With this spell the shadow mage summons forth and controls a massive killer orca, which will respond to the casters every whim for the duration of the spell or until slain. Although the orca is a creature who lives in seas, this one is able to live on land for a short time. When on land the orca is a bit less powerful however, as his attacks are somewhat less damaging and his movement rate is extremely low. This can be compensated by the wizard spell haste. With his massive amount of HP this monster is THE perfect guard for the shadow mage.

The killer orca possesses a heavy damaging melee attack. With its huge teeth it does 15d8 damage to any of the enemies the caster sends him to, usually tearing the enemy in pieces. When the attack is made under water the victim must make a save vs. orca's or die instantly. His teeth count as a +6 weapon, and on each hit dispel magic is cast on the victim.

The orca also has several spellcasting abilities. Firts of all he can cast improved invisibility, which makes the orca ideal for hiding in pools, waiting patiently to surprise unsuspecting enemies. To improve his melee attacks and movement rate when on land he can cast the spell improved improved haste, which is similar to the wizard spell improved haste exept the duration for this spell is set to 8 hours. Another ability of teh orca is similar to the high level fighter skill whirlwind. This sets the number of attacks per round of the killer orca to ten, and raises his thac0 by ten points. This effect lasts for no longer than one round.

Last but not least the orca slowly regenerates, has a lw ac and high thac0. The ultimate killer machine.

Summon miniskirts coming soon ;)

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2001 7:02 am
by TheDude
:D :D bravo great spell :D :D
now i'm going for wait for the mini skirt spell patiently
(but do hurry up i can't wait to hear it :D :D )

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2001 7:05 am
by Kayless
LMFAO, U_Niq! Image Image
I think the Hell Orca can probably levitate though. That's how it catches its land-dwelling prey. ;)

[ 06-12-2001: Message edited by: Kayless ]

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2001 8:05 am
by U_Niq
Summon miniskirts (illusion/phantasm)

Range: sight of caster
Casting time:9
Duration: 1 round/10 levels
Saving throw: Neg.
Area of effect: 50 foot radius

This spell creates the illusion of two very fine looking chicks wearing miniskirts. These are the very ideal of beauty and every male around is forced to look to the illusion. The victims are stunned until the spell duration expires. Every round the spell lasts the stunned victims must make a save vs. death at a -4 penalty or die of longing for the illusion. If the caster is a male, he'd better look another way or he will be affected by the spell too.
NOTE: only human males are affected by this spell. If it is casted nearby a human female and her husband/boyfriend is affected, she will get all possible combat bonuses and will try to kill him, and the caster. If needed she will fight her way to them. (the caster is able to use this to his advantage)

Somehow this spell also affects killer orca's, but not in the way subscribed above. When a killer orca sees that his master is affected by this spell he will literally LHAO because of the stupid reaction of all the males around. This means the orca is no longer able to fight and will dissapear.

summon greater miniskirts

Same as above, exept human females are affected too. They are confused until the spell expires and somtimes even try to kill themselves, thinking their life is useless, that they are extremely ugly and possibly because of the loss of her husband/boyfriend.

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2001 9:02 am
by U_Niq
various other only shadow mage thingies

Hide killer orca

Range: touch
Casting time: 2
Duration: 1 turn/level
Saving throw: none
Area of effect: killer orca's only

Since the invisibility spell often isnt enough to hide the whole orca, sometimes leaving a bodypart visible (ie everyone wanting to swim in the pool sees a giant tail or eye), the shadow mage is able to cast this spell. This makes the orca guaranteed totally invisible.


Cloak of the shadows

This item was once in possession of the founder of the council of mages, edwin. He noticed however he was able to use it, but his fellow mage friends not. The tradition in the council was that the leader of the guild had to be able to use the cloak. As he was getting older and older he needed to find someone who could be the next leader. Becoming more and more desperate he went to thedude, the famous leader of the shadow guild, and tested his thieves on who was able to wear the cloak. Only one thief/mage was able to wear it. Edwin understood that they had to combine their powers, or else the end of the council of mages was near. thedude agreed, liking the idea of mage friends (only one thief was not that happy: kayless the mage-basher who thought his mage bashing period was over). The thieves and mages learned eachothers skills and became the famous shadow mages. And from the day the shadow mages existed all the guild members were able to wear the cloak, the worries of edwin were over. Thedude and edwin understood this item could only be used by shadow mages and thief/mages. The abilities of this item are indeed perfect for them, improving both mage and thief skills.

Equipped abilities:
- +20% to all thief skills
- casting speed bonus of 4
- hide in shadows at will, even when no shadows are near (?)
- double movement rate
- unable to wear boots of speed
- -2 to strength
- minor spell deflection
- immune to the negative affects of the spells of the wild mage
- wearer can cast hide killer orca 3 times a day
- memorize 2 extra spells for each level

only usable by:
shadow mages

shadow mages dagger

Nobody knows where this dagger is originally from, some even say its created by bhaal himself. Now its in possession of the shadow mages, and before that it was thedude's personal weapon when leader of the shadow guild.

damage: 1d4 + 10
thac0: + 10
strikes like the assassin's poison ability.

Only usable by:
shadow mages

-- out of inspiration ;) --

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2001 10:12 am
by Xyx
Of course, a guild of Inquisitors and Barbarians would pretty much wipe out the Shadow Mages, but we won't go there.
Blasphemy! *And* not true, of course.

Even the most Magic Resistant Barbarian cannot hurt a Mage that casts Mislead and will eventually be killed by the summons (such as Mordekainen's Sword) and damage spells.

Spell Immunity - Divination protects against Inquisitor's True Sight, Spell Immunity - Abjuration against Dispel Magic. This leaves the Inquisitor open to just about everything (Imprisonment comes to mind).

Really. NO warrior can beat a wizard that has prepared. If they could, no-one would use wizards in BG.

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2001 10:33 am
by U_Niq
You dont need to tell him that. He knows. And he knows he's talking BS. We will have our revenge!!

btw do you all know about the ToB thief skill which enables them to use all weapons and such? It removes all restrictions!! Does that mean they can cast from scrolls? :eek:
Then a thief will really become a sort of shadow mage!

[ 06-12-2001: Message edited by: U_Niq ]

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2001 11:49 am
by TheDude
u-nig i'm flatterd u made those items.
real cool.
that is just the type of dagger we need as shadow mages.

i don't have anything usefull to say i just wanted to post something :D .

btw who of u got MSN???

[ 06-12-2001: Message edited by: TheDude ]