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Roleplaying In Atkathla

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Post by Weasel »

Seeing that the game of spam your partner is going nowhere....Weasel gets up to leave...

Gruntboy"Where do you think you are going?"

Weasel "Hmmm I'm thinking of heading to the Den of Seven Vales and get a couple of drinks. Any of you care to join me?"

(Side note......As soon as I relieve some of the patrons of the Den of Seven Vales of their cash......HAHAHAHAH Image I'm heading to the Temple of Ilmater in Waukeen's Promenade. I will pickup a scroll there to revive Omar.)
"Vile and evil, yes. But, That's Weasel" From BS's book, MD 20/20: Fine Wines of Rocky Flop.
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Post by Magus »

@All: Sorry for missing both Tuesday and yesterday. Errg...bogged down in homework. In fact, I still have to do a report that's due in a few hours. I'll be back later today. Welcome Flagg, and welcome back Darkpoet. I should be able to introduce you, Flagg, in my next entry.

Young Level 18 Half-Elf Conjurer, Neutral Good, resident of The Rift, bitter foe of Ubik
Lost Souls: A bereft lover. A masterless familiar. Friends gone their separate ways. Time marches on, and destiny heralds the meeting of comrades old and new. Can they find what they're seeking? Or will the search bring them only more pain?
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Post by Rail »

Originally posted by Rail:
Let's get back to Athkatla, a place where everyone's familiar with, and simplify things.
Well, so much for that idea! Image Image Image

@Magus- you can fill in anything about us leaving the tower that might have been important. I'll start in Athkatla, shortly after out arrival.
So, here we go!

Into the Dark and Twisted City

Fallout slowly retreated from the frenzied onslaught of the horrid demon's flailing claws, parrying desperately with his enchanted weapons. The hellish beast was feverish in it's thirst for flesh, and it's bloodshot eyes trained hungrily on the warrior. Fallout glanced behind him at the dark alleyway, fully aware of the second demon waiting in the shadows. Fallout continued retreating anyway.

Further down the street, the sounds of TripWire and Aerie battling another hell-spawn filled the air, but they seemed to be doing fine, to the skilled ears of the barbarian. Besides, Magus was with them, conserving as much of his magic as possible, but he would aid his lover, should the need arise.

The alleyway loomed nearer, and he could almost hear the breathing of the second beast behind him. Staying on the defensive, he relied on his years of training in the woods and predicting ambushes by far stealthier opponents to warn him of the new attack. And, a cunning and satisfying smile crossed his face, fallout relied on his allies.

The alley erupted in the sudden roar of another creature. A pit fiend burst from the shadows toward the back of the supposedly unsuspecting barbarian. It's hungry jaws drooled in anticipation.

Before it could completely leave the shadows, however, it stood up straight in confusion, stumbling forward a step as if pushed from behind. In a grotesque shower of fetid blood, a sword point erupted from the creature's chest. Grasping in disbelief at the volcanic wound, the demon pitched forward, life flowing quickly between it's helpless claws. Rail's sword slid cleanly out of the creature as it died.

Fallout quickly siezed the opportunity, leaping at the bewildered demon before him. It's defenses had dropped expecting an easy kill, and fallout's blades found their marks repeatedly, blow after crushing blow, untill he too stood over a dead demon.

Rail fought the blood-pumping euphoria that always seemed to sweep over him after such a kill. He knew it was wrong, but he let it fill his senses ever-so briefly before gritting his teeth and snuffing out the sickening bliss. He couldn't give in to it. He mustn't.

Fallout casually strode over to the assassin, smiling confidently and nodding in approval at the demonic corpse at Rail's feet.

TripWire, Aerie, and Magus also approached the two, apparently finished with their attackers. They were accompanied by an odd group of unknown men and women, fully clad in battle-scarred armor. Only one was known to the assassin. Keldorn, Praelit of the Order of the Radiant Heart, strode side-by-side with Magus. Behind him were the survivors of his shattered order (KidD01?), though one of the women dressed in arcane robes of a mage (Imoen?).

"Never thought you'd still be here, thief," Keldorn shouted out in a surprisingly friendly tone. "Most of your kind left the city as fast as they could." Several of the other paladins looked suspiciously, even accusingly at the shadowy assassin, though the Praelit showed no such bias.

"Probably taking what they could from the buildings on their way out," Rail responded, smiling slightly and nodding in respect toward the grizzled inquisitor.

"Are you sure Magus brought us to the right place," Fallout whispered to the assassin, still suspicously glancing around at the blood-stained sidewalks, scarred buildings and empty streets of the unfamiliar city. Big cities all looked the same to the barbarian, but this one was shattered.

"It is Athkatla," Rail grimly stated.

"How could this happen so quickly?" Tripwire asked in disbelief at the turn of events since leaving the Rift.

"Praelit Keldorn, here, has many answers," Magus said in a commanding tone, looking everyone in the eye one by one. "But this is neither the time or place to have this discussion."

"Yes," Keldorn agreed. "We must move back underground. The streets crawl with these beasts." the inquisitor's voice echoed the disgust displayed clearly on his face at the mention of the beasts. Shaking his head sadly, he continued, "Let us retreat and regroup. There are others you must meet."

Magus nodded in agreement while fallout and Rail sheathed their weapons. At the Praelit's signal, the motley group of warriors, magi, and assassin entered a nearby building, decending to the cellar and it's entrance to the sewers, a profound twist of irony for the once proud and powerful Order.

@all- hope this sounds okay. This would give everyone a chance to enter the story. Just tell us how you connect with the rebel ( Image ) Keldorn and his band of warriors. If I have stepped on toes, let me know. I try not to. Image

I will be gone for a couple of days. I'm not sure if I will have access to the internet in my absence. Feel free to use me as needed for the story, or I can always go off and begin to gather other forces (shadow thieves?). Demons can't attack what they can't see. Image

[This message has been edited by Rail (edited 03-22-2001).]
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Post by Gruntboy »

Hee hee! Flagg has yet to see the consequences of his capture by the Drow war party! He think they'd just let him go?!
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Post by Waverly »

Waverly uses his pilfered stone to flesh scroll on his petrified familiar. The dragon bursts forth into consciousness and swipes at Waverly angrily, tearing a gash in his upper left arm. He smiles at the beast and blots the bleeding with a rag from his pack.

"This Ubik clown is about as evil as a pigmy goat, but not as bright. Let's make our own way, old friend..."

Waverly exits the sphere and is struck by the feeling that creatures of the abyss lurk near by...A protection from evil spell wouldn't be a bad idea...
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Post by Aegis »

@Rail, and Magus: Just for the Record, Tag is with the Radient survivors. Aegis dismissed him coldly when he changed. Feel free to use Tag in the story.

Raistlin watched the imagine in the placid pool. A familar twisted grin found it's way to his lips as he saw the srewd tactics of the pary fighting off the demons. Once he saw the Paladins appear, he waved the image off, showing no fear in them, and not thinking them threat enough to care. He turned his body, and approached the throne in which Aegis sat, looming over the darkened city through a window like a vulture over his prey. The combined force of the two mages quickly decimated the forces defending Athkatla. Anyone still alive was either forced into the Windspeare, and Umar hills, or put into servitude. Any men or women who resisted slaverly, we're tortured extensivly. The Drow had taught him that. Raistlin stood, observing Aegis, until Aegis glanced over.

Aegis: Yes?

Aegis stood, and approached Raistlin, keeping a hand on the hilt of his sword, a habit he hadn't been able to break. He stopped in front of Raistlin, and looked to him expectantly, as if about to be taught something.

Raistlin: You watch over a defeated city, like you have not won. A Mage of your power should have nothing to fear, expect from me of course.

The Arch-mage made his way to the window Aegis was just looking out. He observed the wreckage, and carnage caused by the conflict that took place no more then two days ago. He knew Aegis was just be cautious, He had taught him that! Raistlin, as well, felt the fore-boding shadow of a coming attack, most likely by a combined force of that Magus, and his friends. He could never be too careful, especially once he was strong enough to travel to the abyss and challenge a god. It had been more then a decade, and his twisted plan still burned strong in his mind. He turned back to Aegis.

Raistlin: Make sure you are well rested. Your old friends will be here soon, and I do not intend to lose this city.

Aegis obeyed, much to his despise. He left the room, and went to go rest. Again, Raistlin's lips curled into a sneer.

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Post by Darkpoet »

Melosh, standing in the shadows, watching the city burn. He could smell the burning flesh of the people, who were traped in their homes of shops. This wasn't the work of the Drow. Somebody more powerful, more powerful than Melosh could take on with his people. Maybe Quayle, he might have some suggestions. Melosh heard a sound behind him. Turning quickly with his sword out. It was Tacker.
"They have returned Master. But, you are not going to like what you see."
Melosh's eyes narrowed. "What do you mean?"
Tacker looked away, hope that he wouldn't loose his head. "Quayle is here, but, he's busted up badly."
Melosh hurried inside, he could smell the fresh blood.
"Kathla, how is he?"
"He's busted up pretty bad. They are saying that demons are tearing up the city, taking slaves or killing those who fight."
Quayle started mumbling for Magus. In his hand was a scroll. "Need to get this to Magus, he will know what to do with this."
Quayle then passed out.
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Post by Magus »

Sorry everyone. Every single day this week I've had no time to spare for anything fun-related. My damn teachers have decided to do all in their power to contribute to a nervous breakdown on my part. I'm glad (twitch) to say (twitch) that they have (twitch) not succeeded yet (stroke). Image

@Rail: That's fine. I know I was absent from here for quite a while, so I'm glad something happened. Let me just flashback and finish what I started.

@Melosh: A message for me? I wonder what it says...

@Waverly: Welcome back. Plan to stay for some action?

***Important Flashback***
Allow me to see your memories, that I may understand you and what you’re trying to say...

Once again, memories flash through Magus’s mind, but these are like a brief instant in time compared to Aerie’s long life. When Magus’s eyes refocus, he knows, and he understands...
Fallout frowns, asking Magus "CREATOR !!!!" The tone in his voice cannot be described.
Magus turns around to face the party, and eyes Fallout calmly and steadily. Then he nods his head.
"Yes, apparently I am its creator. What is it?" Magus asks rhetorically. "It is the Rift itself given life. During Aerie's battle with Aegis, the tower was damaged by a massive blast. This caused a dangerous magical instability that threatened to destroy the Rift and take a large part of Faerun with it. Aerie intervened and converted the destructive power to that of creation, giving the Rift life. This was made possible by the presence of my soul energies interwoven with the magic."
Magus pauses, then continues. "But that still doesn't expain why I am its creator, does it? I was unconscious and deathly ill to all eyes because I sacrificed my soul to revive Aerie back in Athlatka. My soul became intertwined with Aerie's, so that her body fluctuated between my control and hers, though I didn't have conscious memory of this. I was in control when Aerie diverted the wild energies of the Rift to give it life. The Rift recognized me as its creator, and chose to reseparate our souls and put mine back in its rightful vessel. Unfortunately, the strain of the separation was very trying on Aerie's body, but she will be all right.
Finally, I feel obligated to explain my strange behavior that started this mess back in Athlatka. Before the Rift became self-conscious, it and I were linked as one. The strain of controlling and shaping such power every moment slowly wore on my frail, mortal mind. I lost control of the power in that abandoned building, and for that I am sorry. Now that the Rift has gained sentience, I am finally free of its bondage."
Magus pauses again, and frowns in thought. He nods his head, then addresses the trio once more. "You must excuse me for a moment. There are some things I must do."
Magus's eyes unfocus, and he seems to be engaged in telepathy.
Magus turns to face a spot where streams of light begin to gather. The trio recognize it as the place where Void fell. The pace of the streams quickens, and suddenly a great flash envelops the area. When their eyes refocus, Void's form occupies the previously vacant spot. Confused, his eyes rove his surroundings, then come to a stop on Magus. They flare in surprise.
Have you resurrected me?
No, the Rift has restored you and undone its deed. We have reached an understanding.
So it IS the Rift...(pauses) I trust the mistress is alright?
Yes, she will be fine. It is time to wake her.
Magus walks over to Aerie's nearby form. He kneels down, and tenderly brushes a stray wisp of hair from her face. Then he invokes a string of arcane syllables. Trip-Wire recognizes it as a waken spell. Magus finishes the chant, and lightly touches Aerie's head with thumb and forefinger. Her eyes flutter, then open. She sees Magus, and they share a brief smile before he reaches down to help her up. They stand and hold hands, then display the tell-tale eye unfocusing signaling a telepathic conversation. This ends shortly, and Aerie nods in understanding. Magus releases her hands, and turns back to the trio once more.
"Long ago I inadvertently turned in my mage's robes for those of a conjurer. I have relinquished much of my former power to the Rift, but I retain one last vestige of my old mastery. I can tap the Rift to slowly rejuvenate my magic. Aerie now shares a trace of my essence, so I have taught her this skill also, though it means she must master the ways of a conjurer as well. Hopefully the ability will be of use in the coming battle, for Aegis's type never seize to grasp for yet more power. But first, we must rest, for the separation has left us tired in mind and body. We shall return to Athlatka afterward. I trust you three are ready for rest as well. Void will show you to your quarters."
With that, Magus takes Aerie's hand, and they disappear. Void takes Rail, Trip-Wire, and Fallout to their rooms. After a long rest, the group gathers again and teleports to Athlatka.
They arrive as the sun is setting over Athlatka, but the ruin where they find themselves is only a twisted caricature of its former glory...

@Flagg: No, I haven't forgotten about you. But I thought it would be best to incorporate you in the present, where you can effectively respond. I plan to continue the story in the present in my next post, which I'll hopefully get around to doing later tonight. I'll introduce you then. Alternatively, you can just bump into us on your own initiative. Then we'll respond, and it'll go from there. Either way, we'll get you in by tomorrow at latest (hopefully).

@All: I'm going to be gone for most of tomorrow, but I hope to be able to post tommorrow night.

Edit: Those that read this post before 7:45P.M. board time might want to reread it, because I made substantial changes.

Young Level 18 Half-Elf Conjurer, Neutral Good, resident of The Rift, bitter foe of Ubik

[This message has been edited by Magus (edited 03-23-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Magus (edited 03-23-2001).]
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Post by Magus »

The group descends into the sewers. Keldorn pulls an oil lamp out and begins to light it. Magus motions him to stop, and with a word of power a bright ball of luminescence appears before him. He commands it to hover a few feet in front of Keldorn, and the party sets out with Keldorn in the lead.
All is quiet as they travel under the city. Even with the magical ball of light, the tunnel is dark and shadow-filled. Suddenly the shadows begin to move, and the group finds itself in an ambush, completely encircled.
"Well, well. My, what do we have here? The praelit has finally descended to the scum, eh?"
A figure steps out. The person before them is none other than Aran Lindvale, leader of the hiding Shadow Thieves. Keldorn just scowls and shakes his head. Magus steps forward to greet him.
"Ah, Magus, what mess have you and the Praelit gotten us into? Your little knight has gone mad and made my city into the likeness of one of the Nine Hells. You've got some explaining to do." His tone is good humored, but there's an edge to it that brooks no argument.
Keldorn and Aran listen intently as Magus tells the story of Aegis's defection. Notable is his omission of Aegis's visit to the Rift. He sidles around it, never mentioning the place where Aegis gained much of his power.
Aran detects Magus's hedging, but does not press the matter. After Magus finishes, Aran speaks again. "Now that that's settled, I'd like to show you a dwarf we found wandering aimlessly through the sewers. He tells some interesting tales, some of which mention the activities of our dear friend Aegis before his hostile takeover. Shall we?" He motions for the group to follow him, and they slosh through the sewers to the base-in-exile of the Shadow Thieves.

@Flagg: There's your introduction. You can take it from here. Whether you're chained, caged, or roaming freely is up to you. I added the part in about you have information about Aegis because you were both in the Drow city around the same time. It helps integrate your character into the story. Maybe you could tell about his conversations with the voice in his head (Raistlin).

@Rail: Hope that doesn't conflict with any plan you were considering. I planned on meeting up with the Shadow Thieves at some point, so I thought it might as well be sooner than later. You or I can use Aran to find out more about what's happened in the city.

Young Level 18 Half-Elf Conjurer, Neutral Good, resident of The Rift, bitter foe of Ubik

[This message has been edited by Magus (edited 03-24-2001).]
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Post by fallout »

When thiefs show themselves fallout finds himself place to rest.
"I hope we will get out from here soon." murmered. Instead of this damn places smell. he prefers a mummys breath .
He draws his katana. Starting to clean and sharpen its damaged parts. Then he hears something about a dwarf. "My god" i wish he is a mute one. He take out his favorite drink hoping it will cause to forget the smell.
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Post by Magus »

@Flagg: You out there? Image I want to wait for you before we go on. Did I put too big a burden on you in letting you handle a large part of the story? Do you need me to do a more in-depth introduction so you don't have to handle as much of the story? Or are you just waiting until you have enough time to do it?

@KidD01: Are you going to take over your character now that he's in the party? Or are you going to let Rail control him?

Young Level 18 Half-Elf Conjurer, Neutral Good, resident of The Rift, bitter foe of Ubik

[This message has been edited by Magus (edited 03-24-2001).]
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Post by KidD01 »

@ Magus : I'll let everyone who want to control my char do the rest. I see too many entangle on the story so i can't get a real focus on the story i.e. the real objective of the story etc.

KidD01, Champion of Spam - with The everfast typing gloves !
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Post by Waverly »

@Magus: Thanks. Sure...I just found it too daunting to figure the story out properly. So I am just going to wade back in slowly. I'd be happy to see action, and am not so attached to my character that he needs to live forever Image

[This message has been edited by Waverly (edited 03-24-2001).]
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Post by Magus »

@KidD01: Got it. Hopefully you've discussed this with Rail, because he'll probably be the main one controling your character.

@Waverly: Cool. I look forward to another meeting. Image

@All: I'm just waiting for Flagg to respond. I'll continue tomorrow if he still hasn't responded.

Young Level 18 Half-Elf Conjurer, Neutral Good, resident of The Rift, bitter foe of Ubik
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Post by KidD01 »

@Rail : Feel free to email me if you want to discuss further regrading my char and the story development, for now i'll let you take over since i'm not comfy with the story line (It's too branchy)

KidD01, Champion of Spam - with The everfast typing gloves !
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Post by Flagg »

@Magus, Let me give this a shot. If this doesn't make sense at all, then just ignore it, and give me a less story intense introduction..

After being whisked away by the drow sorcerer, Flagg is running through the underdak. He has no real idea where he is, but he really doesn't care. He is running around looking for dark skinned ones. He still has a little debt that he has to pay.

Suddenly he hears sounds coming from up ahead. A smile appears on his face.... Hmmm. new kills. He once again speeds up a bit. and readies his axe and prepares to launch himself at the yet unseen enemy.

He rounds the corner....and stops at the last instant.

"Wait a minute you not being Dark skinned ones. Who might ye be?" He doesn't look too impressed by the fact that they outnumber him. He stands waiting impatiently for someone of Keldorn's group to answer his question.
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Post by Magus »

@Flagg: Your intro's fine, but what was wrong with continuing what I gave you? (caught in sewers by Shadow Thieves, knows some info about Aegis) I mean, I can go with it, but the changes make everything confusing. Please try not to make large changes when it's not critical. I apologize if you think your changes were, in fact, really important.

Aran detects Magus's hedging, but does not press the matter. He motions for the group to follow him, and they slosh through the sewers towards the base-in-exile of the Shadow Thieves.
A while later, the party is still hiking towards their destination. Suddenly, a spiky dwarf appears out of nowhere. "Wait a minute you not being Dark skinned ones. Who might ye be?" He doesn't look too impressed by the fact that they outnumber him.
Magus mentally orders his luminescent ball closer. The dwarf promptly takes a mighty swing at the infernal light. Unfortunately for him, the axe goes right through it, and the razor-sharp blade buries itself in the stone wall. Cursing mightily, the dwarf fumes and threatens as he struggles comically to free his axe. Everyone else just stares at him in puzzlement. Finally, Magus steps quietly forward and touches the wall with his palm, whispering a short string of arcane syllables. The stone turns to goo, and a massive tug from the dwarf meets no resistance, sending the dwarf flying across the tunnel to smack with a metallic racket into the opposite wall. Magus gives him an odd look before finally addressing him, "I am Magus, and we are here to assist the Athlatka underground resistance. You speak of Drow here as well?"

@All: Is it okay to sacrifice a fast-paced plot for conversation and character development? Obviously, this post does little to advance the story, but I think it offers good detail and an interesting conversation. Let me know if you want me to speed it up.

Young Level 18 Half-Elf Conjurer, Neutral Good, resident of The Rift, bitter foe of Ubik

[This message has been edited by Magus (edited 03-26-2001).]
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Post by Gruntboy »

I want to know how Flagg got out of the testamplicator and repaired the damage the anuscisor did to his butt. Those Drow are gonna find him by following the blood trail and screams of agony every time he tries to sit down Image
"Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his pants for his friends."

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Post by Rail »

@all- okay, I'm back. Glad to see Flagg's in and on the side of the righteous! Image *Rail searches around for someone to backstab*

@Magus- I'm all for character development and conversation.

@Grunt- Flagg cannot be contained. You will learn this. *gives Grunt a foreboding stare* Image

Rail dropped to the back of the group as they descended into the sewers, away from the smoke and filth of the broken city. Somehow, the cool air seemed refreshing, and the damp sewer air smelled better than the burning flesh and decay of the wreckage above.

Rail shifted uncomfortably under the suspicious stares of the paladins around him, and was grateful their attention was now split between him and the other shadow thieves. Glancing to the side, he worked his way until he walked next to one he was familiar with, a slender female half-elf in figure-hugging leather armor. Still staring straight ahead, Rail said under his breath, "What happened, Kaylara?"

The half-elven woman didn't break stride nor glance in Rail's direction, but she responded in kind, careful so the accompanying paladins were unable to hear. "Can't talk with you Rail. You know that."

The assassin glanced subtly over at Aran Linvale, master of thieves, but the leader only stared straight ahead, face twitching ever-so-slightly in a hint of a frown, and Rail got the message. He knew the Master Thief's plan, but surely he couldn't hope to continue it now, under these circumstances. Not with all this at stake. Rail's jaw clenched firmly in frustration, but he would continue the thief's charade for a while.

Rounding the corner, the paladin's in front stopped short, nearly causing a collision of the armored do-gooders following close behind. Ahead of them stood a stocky dwarf bristling with spikes from nearly every point of his armor. The assassin had heard of such fighters among the dwarves, though he had never seen one. Just from the reputation of the battleragers, Rail would decline an assignment to murder one such as the imposing dwarf standing boldly before them. Too much risk. He preferred the predictable foe. Like wizards.

Rail listened at the exchange between Magus and the dwarven porcupine as fallout moved within a whisper's range of the assassin. "What the hell is that," the barbarian said quietly.

Rail chuckled to himself and simply nodded for the barbarian warrior to watch the scene unfold. He had a suspicion fallout might enjoy the dwarf's company. That is, if the battlerager proved to be a friend. That was yet to be determined.
Matti Il-Amin, Paladin, comedian, and expert adventurer. Proudly bearing the colors of the [url=""]Blades of the Banshee[/url]
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Post by Gruntboy »

I just can't see why the Drow would capture Flagg and not turture him. More Dwarf anus anyone? Yummy! Image
"Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his pants for his friends."

Enchantress is my Goddess.

Few survive in the Heart of Fury...
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