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Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2002 1:02 pm
by Kameleon
Originally posted by Dottie
Not at all, I had hoped for this thread to die a quick death so we all could agree on a draw.
Good result for you, pretty crappy result for me. No thanks
Ooh, that is a bright side isn't it Robnark??

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2002 1:04 pm
by Dottie
Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2002 1:05 pm
by Robnark
Originally posted by Kameleon
Ooh, that is a bright side isn't it Robnark??
could be worse, he could...
ok, it couldn't be worse, but it's only a game
Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2002 1:12 pm
by Kameleon
Hey people, now remember, it isn't over yet...I could have a stroke or something

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2002 1:15 pm
by Robnark
or an 'accident' of some sort

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2002 1:24 pm
by Kameleon
Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2002 1:25 pm
by Dottie
Originally posted by Kameleon
I dare say Korny will arrange such a thing for me when he discovers my outright betrayal. That's the last time he takes my advice, methinks
He checked the thread earlier today. Perhaps you should abdicate to escape revenge...

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2002 1:26 pm
by Robnark
Originally posted by Kameleon
I dare say Korny will arrange such a thing for me when he discovers my outright betrayal. That's the last time he takes my advice, methinks
i somehow think he won't be so subtle... 
Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2002 1:29 pm
by Kameleon
However annoyed he may be, I don't really see that there's much he can do about it, short of coming over here with that flamethrower of his...

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2002 4:17 pm
by C Elegans
posted by Dottilixius
Not at all, I had hoped for this thread to die a quick death so we all could agree on a draw.
Ha! I will enjoy watching you being stomped to a tiny heap of litter!
posted by Kam
Hey people, now remember, it isn't over yet...I could have a stroke or something
Go, Kammy, go! 
Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2002 4:22 pm
by Dottie
Originally posted by C Elegans
Ha! I will enjoy watching you being stomped to a tiny heap of litter!
Yes, im aware.

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2002 4:27 pm
by Bloodstalker
*slips the envelope to the assasins and points toward Kam*

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2002 4:27 pm
by Robnark
well, well... Dottie seems to have gained an anti-cheerleader 
Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2002 4:38 pm
by Kameleon
I just can't stay away...
Hey BS, someone's gotta win

Do you really want it to be Dottie, who backstabbed you after having made such wonderful promises?

Thanks CE - I knew I could count on you

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2002 4:45 pm
by C Elegans
Originally posted by Robnark
well, well... Dottie seems to have gained an anti-cheerleader
Give me a D for dreadful! Gimme an O for obnoxious! Gimme a T for...

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2002 4:48 pm
by Dottie
Originally posted by C Elegans
Give me a D for dreadful! Gimme an O for obnoxious! Gimme a T for...
I find comfort in the fact that you dont know the rules of the game, so you cant comment on my mistakes.

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2002 4:52 pm
by Bloodstalker
Dottie backstabbed me?
My faith in my fellow SYMer's is shattered

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2002 4:53 pm
by Dottie
Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2002 4:54 pm
by C Elegans
Originally posted by Dottie
I find comfort in the fact that you dont know the rules of the game, so you cant comment on my mistakes.
I hardly know what the game is about...and I've never played any similar game. That's why I use less sophisticated methods to insult you.
*waves Kameleon-green pom-poms*
Gimme a T for terrible! Gimme an I for in insufficient!

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2002 4:56 pm
by Bloodstalker
Personally, I find it difficult to believe Dottie would have moved against me if I had not left, due to the fact that I was at least a cushion between him and Korn at the time.
Maybe later, but not at that time