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Post by Flagg »

@magus, oops sorry about that. Won't happen again...

Flagg looks a bit bewilderd after getting his axe out. "humpff, who might ye all be then?" He looks around at the group and gets a smile on his face. "You do of course know that I wouldn't have needed the bloody axe if you would have been a threat."

"hmmm.. Drow you say. Damm nasty little critters. They are only good for one thing, and that is for a good fight. Have you ever realized that they squal like pigs whenever I get one on the helmet. Yeah there are drow down here. At least, that depends on where here is. Last thing I remember I was fighting a bunch of them, when a sissy mage magicked me away."

He looks closely at Magus. "Hmm. now what kind of mage would you be?"
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Post by fallout »

@ Flagg. Where can i find inf. about battleragers

While listening event that dwarf talking about Fallouts face start to chance slowly. His smile turn to a big grin. Proding Rail with his elbow.
"Hear that. Drows here. I always want to fight with them. They have good fighters to test my skill."
"Just promise me that i will take the mage" replies Rail.
"Deal" speaks Fallout. Start to examine dwarf carefully. He looks a powerful ally to fight. But he dont want make a quick suggestion this time remembering the fallen paladin Aegis.
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Post by Flagg »

@Fallout, check your mail for bit of info. Image Image
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Post by Darkpoet »

Melosh made his was through the sewers. Avoiding the Shadowtheives, but, following them closely. Figuring that they would lead him to Magus and Aran. Quayle quietly groaned, Melosh gently put Quayle down.
"Here drink this. I'm hoping that Magus is not too far away."
Quayle looks at Melosh. "I knew you had it in you. You and Magus, together again."
"That's right Quayle, Magus and I together again. You just rest, for a bit. We need to get moving soon."
Melosh knew quite well there will never be a reunion of friendship. Melosh hears movement up ahead. A group of six shadowtheives, where moving in a hurry. Picking up Quayle, Melosh quietly starts to follow. He looses sight of them, so Melosh starts moving quicker. As he rounds the corner....Melosh sees a door with two shadowtheives guarding it. With Quayle on his back, Melosh bulls his way though, running right into Aran and Magus.
Fallout reconizes Melosh right away. "It's that damn vampire that the Void told us to let go, when we had Waverly." Fallout starts toward Melosh. "This time I'm going to finish the job." He growls.

"Wait, I'm not here to fight. As of right now, I think we should put aside differences and try to work together." Melosh looks at Aran and Magus. "Quayle is hurt badly and he need attention quickly. Quayle also gave me this scroll, he kept on say that you, Magus knew what to do with it. I tried to read it, but, it's an ancient language I could not understand. So here."
Melosh hands Magus the scroll. Two shadowtheives take Quayle away with Aerie following. Melosh slowly walks so his back is to the wall, so as to be able to see everyone.

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Post by fallout »

@ Flagg Image Thanks for long inf. This Battleragers seems vey threatening.
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Post by Flagg »

Originally posted by fallout:
@ Flagg Image Thanks for long inf. This Battleragers seems vey threatening.

I have all this stuff on disk anyway.. Whenever you need something, just ask...

Battleragers are indeed very impressive although a bit suicidal.. Image Image
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Post by Flagg »


While introducing himself to Magus and the rest of the party, Melosh stumbles into the group. Flagg casually looks up without being overly concerned. "And who might ye be?"
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Post by fallout »

When fallout see the walking dead he thanks his luck. "This time I'm going to finish the job." He growls.

He draws the stick which specially prapered for Melosh. Suddenly one of paladins cut his way. "Dont move until you ordered you idiot"said. Fallout answered with head blow sending Paladin out of his way. After that events get compliceted for fallout. Someone trip him and a lot of people try to stop him to wake up. He hear some magic words and his hatred calm down. "Relase me now" he says. Seeing that the madness in his eyes gone attackers relased fallout carefuly.

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Post by Omar »

Sorry for this crap Weasel!
@ All:I'm sorry but I'm quitting formally now!

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Post by Magus »

Damn it, damn it, damn it! I lost a large part of my post again! I’m afraid I’ll have to cut out the part I already did.
One thing that I want to mention is a new idea I have to prevent confusion from the scattered posts. Unless there are objections, I’m going to include important portions of other people’s posts when writing mine, when necessary. That way they’ll all be placed nice and orderly inside one coherent message. Feel free to comment if it gets redundant, and I’ll stop.

<Insert Magus’s dialogue with Flagg before Melosh’s entrance> Image Here Magus tells Flagg that he is in the Athlatka sewers, and what’s going on above with Aegis.

Suddenly, a misshapen figure darts out in front of them from a side alley. It stops, looking as surprised as they are. Upon closer inspection, the figure is not one creature, but two. A vampire stands before them, carrying an unconscious gnome on his back. Magus immediately recognizes the plate armor of Melosh-tar, the fallen paladin, and the robes of Quayle the gnome.
Fallout just remembers Melosh from the Waverly-hostage incident. "It's that damn vampire that Void told us to let go, when we had Waverly." Fallout starts toward Melosh. "This time I'm going to finish the job." He growls.
Melosh-tar tries to avoid a conflict that can only turn against him. "Wait, I'm not here to fight. As of right now, I think we should put aside differences and try to work together." Melosh looks at Aran and Magus. "Quayle is hurt badly and he needs attention quickly. Quayle also gave me this scroll. He kept on saying that you, Magus knew what to do with it. I tried to read it, but it's in an ancient language I could not understand. So here."
Melosh quickly hands Magus the scroll before retreating against the wall where he can keep everyone in sight. Aerie gently grabs Magus’s arm, soundlessly communicating her intent to aid Quayle. Magus nods, and she accompanies a pair of Shadow Thieves as they carry him the rest of the way to their lair.
They soon vanish around a corner, and everybody’s attention turns back to the vampire before them. "And who might ye be?" Flagg rumbles, itching the haft of his axe in anticipation. The veteran Shadow Thieves of the Guild War with Bodhi grip their throwing knives, glancing at Aran for permission to attack, who gestures them to hold for the moment. The paladins shift in distaste, their armor clanking, but do not dare to attack unless ordered. A tense moment of silence reigns. It is suddenly shattered as Fallout rushes him, brandishing a holy stake. Chaos breaks loose as the paladins close ranks and tackle him. Fallout resists furiously, incapacitating several of his attackers. Finally he is brought down, and the battle madness fades from his eyes. "Release me now" he says. Seeing that the madness in his eyes has gone, the paladins release Fallout carefully.
When he stands up, he sees several paladins laying on the ground, bruises forming on various regions of their head. One lies in a pool of blood, a stake protruding from his exposed neck. The paladins look in shock, then turn to Fallout with vengeance in their eyes. Only their strict code of honor keeps them from slaying Fallout on the spot.
Melosh-tar looks on in relief, glad that their attention has been diverted away from thoughts of killing him. He prudently tries to slip away, but a steel-like look from Aran stops him in his tracks.
Then, for the first time, Void makes his presence known. Now you’ve done it, barbarian. The disapproving, whispering voice echoes in everyone’s head, and confusion reigns once again as nervous thieves and paladins draw their weapons and seek this new threat. Finally everyone calms as Aran and Keldorn reestablish order, and a pair of floating red eyes appears near Magus, followed by a mist-like body. Everyone’s attention returns to Fallout once again.
Then Magus steps next to Fallout. "It was an accident, my friends. I know it is hard to bear for some, but no good will come of punishing Fallout. We must overlook this accident, as tragic as it is, and save our wrath for our true enemies."
Keldorn addresses his paladins. "Sadly, Magus is right, my colleagues. Sir Marcus will be sorely missed, but we must move on, bravely, without him. May Torm gather his soul to Him."
The knights bow their heads reluctantly, and one of them respectfully throws him over his back, prepared to carry him to the Shadow Thieves’ lair for burial.
Attention turns back to Magus and Melosh-tar as Magus opens the already unsealed scroll. A small scrap of paper falls out, much to Melosh’s surprise. Magus retrieves it, and his face remains inscrutable as he quickly scans first the scrap of paper, then the scroll. "This is intriguing. This scroll is a page from the Book of Kaza, annotated by none other than the evil vampire queen, Bodhi. It describes a ritual that can be performed by a very powerful wizard and a cleric of utmost purity to create an undead dreadnought. More interesting is that the ritual, instead of twisting the soul of the previous occupant of a husk like most powerful undead, actually bonds a soul to a magically-created body. The soul itself is unchanged, but must come from one true and virtuous. He or she must have died within one day of the bonding ritual."
After this important news, no one thinks to wonder about the scrap of paper. No one but Melosh-tar.

@All: What do you guys think?

Young Level 18 Half-Elf Conjurer, Neutral Good, resident of The Rift, bitter foe of Ubik

[This message has been edited by Magus (edited 03-28-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Magus (edited 03-29-2001).]
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Post by fallout »

@Magus Cant we resurrect him. Sob sob

As the shame covers his body fallout withdraw away from the group. "Damn **** **** ***** " He cursed himself. He coulndt prevent his emotions again. Thoughts running in his mind. He didnt remember the moment trusting the stick. An idea flare up in his mind. Can be that Void creature set that. Then his eyes slip to bloody hands reminding his offense.

Rail fallowed his friend closly to prevent any other event. He surprised to see some tears from fallout. "Must be dust" he murmered.

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Post by Aegis »

Raistlin: We'll kill them. It is that simple

Raistlin stood facing the window to the city. He could see the twisted darkness the two had created, and was pleased with himself.

Raistlin: Keldorn, Aran, and Magus have all hampered your progress to much. If they live, they might be able to unravel everything we have done.

Aegis turned to Raistlin. Ever since Raistlin had been manifested physically, Aegis was undergoing another change. He no longer felt all the bitterness, and resentment for man kind. He felt his conscience returning, he had just forgotten how to act on it.

Aegis: Very well. I will send a Pit Fiend with some Kobalds to them. The sewers correct?

Raistlin nodded. Aeis then set off to his task, magically conjuring the demon and sending it to it's task with specific orders to pit up a tribe of Kobalds along the way...

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Post by Magus »

@Fallout: Actually, I have something like that in mind. Image

The pit fiend, at first eager for mortal blood, is not happy about having to work with a pack of puny humanoids. It trudges off to do its task, but it’s not going to let some foolish human spoil his fun...

“We have no need or desire for undead on our side,” Keldorn states matter-of-factly.
“We need all the help we can get, Keldorn,” Magus retorts. “We can’t battle our way through a city teeming with fiends ourselves. I want to see if we can perform do this ritual. However, we’ll need a recently dead who was ‘true and virtuous’.” Here Magus stares pointedly at the fallen Marcus. Keldorn opens his mouth in indignation, but Magus quickly cuts him off. “His soul will be completely intact and uncorrupted. Basically, it will be like giving him a mind transplant.”
“I’ll not stand by and let you disturb the rest of one of my honorable men to put their soul in some undead abomination! I won’t stand for it!” Keldorn shouts heatedly.
Meanwhile, Aran just leans against the wall and watches the contest of words with a knowing smile.
“Keldorn, would you rather have us sacrifice more of the living to end Aegis’s threat. Would you rather look upon the battlefield after this is all over, and see the corpses of your men on the ground, knowing that they died so that Marcus would not have to fight again. I believe it is Marcus’s choice to make,” Magus replies evenly, his forceful words striking even the most obstinate of his opponents.
Aran shakes his head, and the smile broadens. No doubt about it; Magus skill with words almost matched his skill with magic.
Almost. Surprised, Aran glances at Void. Void’s eyes flare, and Aran gets the impression of a smile.
Keldorn is silenced by Magus’s adept counter. Faced with the irrefutable logic, he can only sigh and shake his head. “Very well. You may proceed, with his agreement. But I deny any participation in this matter.”
Magus nods, and his lips form a slight smile. “My thanks, Praelit.” Magus addresses the enitre group. “First, we’ll need to reach the relative haven of the Shadow Thieves’ base, where I can gather required materials and prepare the intricate ritual.”
With that, the group starts forward, when suddenly the quiet is pierced by goblinoid war cries. Magus orders the orb to pierce the darkness ahead, and they see a large band of around three-score kobolds rushing towards them, led by a voracious pit fiend. The knights in front barely have time enough to set their shields. As the kobolds’ rusty swords clang on upraised shields, more shrill cries rise from all around. A quick look to the sides tunnels and rear reveals two-score more incoming from each side. The rest of the group has but an instant before the kobolds are on top of them.
Realizing a fireball is too dangerous at such proximity, Magus casts Cone of Cold to the left, instantly freezing 8 kobolds, and iceing over portions of several others, who shriek in pain.
Void streaks to Magus’s side, deflecting a sword meant for the mage by abruptly phasing his “arm”, and sending it flying to hit with a clink on the wall. In the same motion Void unphases his arm, reaches through the kobold’s chest, and suddenly re-phases it, leaving a huge hole in the now-lifeless kobold’s midsection.

@Those in the party: Go ahead and describe your initial actions in this battle. BTW, a score is twenty. I.E. 1 score=20 kobolds. And try not to use any spells or abilities that would instantly end the battle.

@Aegis: Go ahead and control your “legions” if you wish. Image

@All: This sound good?

Edit: Errr...just wanted to point out that, despite what I stated before, a score is 20, not 12! Oops...

Young Level 18 Half-Elf Conjurer, Neutral Good, resident of The Rift, bitter foe of Ubik

[This message has been edited by Magus (edited 03-29-2001).]
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Post by Aegis »

The Pit Fiend marchs along side a score of Kobalds, and watches the battle rage as he makes his way into it. It feels it's blood boil, and adrenaline rush. It longs for the taste of blood upon it's maw. The group gets withen six metres of the melee, and the Kobalds take off. A wave of small, putrid humonoid creatures paw there way into the melee. Insane laughter, and wimperish squealing can be heard. The Pit Fiend zeros in on Keldorn, and rears back, letting out a tremdous roar. Some of the Paladins and theives turn to look, and quickly have their knees bitten ( Image )
The Pit fiend lumbers towards Keldorn who is fighting off about five Kobalds. The Fiend's charge clears the distance quickly, and catches Keldorn off gaurd. The Paladin had barely enough time to react. The Fiend raised one of it's lethal arms, and slashed at Keldorn, leaving a carterized slash mark across his Firecam armour. Keldorn reprised...

(Now for the Ewok esque fighting of a Kobald Image )

A band of Kobalds charge at a group of Paladins. Their disorgainized charge is easily met by the veteran warriors, and two of the Kobalds fall. Three of the Kobalds, seeing there friends die, panic and drop their weapons. In their frenzy, they begin to hoarde some of the Paladins, climbing up their legs, and knawing on their armour, and kness. The other Kobalds that keep their calm engage, three to one, with the Paladins...

@All: How do you like my Kobald fighting?

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Post by Magus »

@Aegis: It's priceless. Image They usually DO have swords, you know. Though they probably hurt themselves with them more than they hurt others... Image

Young Level 18 Half-Elf Conjurer, Neutral Good, resident of The Rift, bitter foe of Ubik
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Post by Flagg »


"Now this be something that I know how to do. Enough talking let's get some kobald blood." To the initial surprise of everyone present, Flagg turns around to one of the side passages, and storms at the score of kobolds coming out. He throws up his dwarven voice, and he voices happy battle song. For those that didn't know better, it seemed that Flagg was just going to try and run right through them. After close examination, that was exactly what he was planning. Once he got close enough to the group, he lowered his head, and slammed full force into the surprised Kobolds. They had expected a battle, but they had never met a dwarven battlerager before. The spike on the helmet ripped into the gut of the first and only foolish kobold to remain standing in his way. However he continued to run. While running, he managed to drop the body of the kobold, and he saw one further down his path. He body slammed it at full force, and gave the poor thing a great big hug of death. A dozen spikes of his body armer piercing through the skin of the unlucky kobold at various places.

having ended up at the other side of the score of kobolds, he turns around and looks at the disorganized band. "Now who want to be playing next?"
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Post by fallout »

Caught away from the group fallouts sides full with Kobalds. He starts to fight but he cant devote himself to battle. His arm lack of power, he dont have a wisdom to fight. Then his figurine Plucky come out without his wish. After an angry cry it attacks the kobalds full speed. One touch with its poisonous claws capable to kill pity kobalds. In very short all of them poisoned and die in agony. When he looks backward he see a pit friend, a worthy oppenent. He charges towards it with full speed.
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Post by Darkpoet »

@All: Weasel asked me to post this for him.

As Weasel leaves the sphere an idea comes to
him...."I'm going to head towards Balduars Gate...I'm
not prepared to fight these odds....forgive me Omar" problem Image

@Ubik..I'm out of the bad guys group sorry.

@Magus..Sorry I just can't keep up and work ,I tried
to make it where I just disappear..keep up the good

@The rest...I out.

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Post by Darkpoet »

Melosh's attention was on the scrap of paper, Magus had in his hand. "Now, how did I miss that?" he wondered. His thoughts where interrupted by the attack of kobalds and a pitfiend. Keeping his back to the wall, Melosh fought off the kobalds. Melosh, worked his way into the shadows, watching Magus closely. He saw Keldorn, go down from a slash to the chest. A smile crept on Melosh's face. Stepping out of the shadows, cutting down kobalds, as he worked his way towards Keldorn. As he grabbed Keldorn by the collar, to pull him back. Melosh was backhanded by the pitfiend, which threw him in to the wall, knocking him out.

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Post by fallout »

@Darkpoet. Actually my fig. kill all around me and fallout attack to pit friend directly.
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