Damn it, damn it, damn it! I lost a large part of my post again! I’m afraid I’ll have to cut out the part I already did.
One thing that I want to mention is a new idea I have to prevent confusion from the scattered posts. Unless there are objections, I’m going to include important portions of other people’s posts when writing mine, when necessary. That way they’ll all be placed nice and orderly inside one coherent message. Feel free to comment if it gets redundant, and I’ll stop.
<Insert Magus’s dialogue with Flagg before Melosh’s entrance>

Here Magus tells Flagg that he is in the Athlatka sewers, and what’s going on above with Aegis.
Suddenly, a misshapen figure darts out in front of them from a side alley. It stops, looking as surprised as they are. Upon closer inspection, the figure is not one creature, but two. A vampire stands before them, carrying an unconscious gnome on his back. Magus immediately recognizes the plate armor of Melosh-tar, the fallen paladin, and the robes of Quayle the gnome.
Fallout just remembers Melosh from the Waverly-hostage incident. "It's that damn vampire that Void told us to let go, when we had Waverly." Fallout starts toward Melosh. "This time I'm going to finish the job." He growls.
Melosh-tar tries to avoid a conflict that can only turn against him. "Wait, I'm not here to fight. As of right now, I think we should put aside differences and try to work together." Melosh looks at Aran and Magus. "Quayle is hurt badly and he needs attention quickly. Quayle also gave me this scroll. He kept on saying that you, Magus knew what to do with it. I tried to read it, but it's in an ancient language I could not understand. So here."
Melosh quickly hands Magus the scroll before retreating against the wall where he can keep everyone in sight. Aerie gently grabs Magus’s arm, soundlessly communicating her intent to aid Quayle. Magus nods, and she accompanies a pair of Shadow Thieves as they carry him the rest of the way to their lair.
They soon vanish around a corner, and everybody’s attention turns back to the vampire before them. "And who might ye be?" Flagg rumbles, itching the haft of his axe in anticipation. The veteran Shadow Thieves of the Guild War with Bodhi grip their throwing knives, glancing at Aran for permission to attack, who gestures them to hold for the moment. The paladins shift in distaste, their armor clanking, but do not dare to attack unless ordered. A tense moment of silence reigns. It is suddenly shattered as Fallout rushes him, brandishing a holy stake. Chaos breaks loose as the paladins close ranks and tackle him. Fallout resists furiously, incapacitating several of his attackers. Finally he is brought down, and the battle madness fades from his eyes. "Release me now" he says. Seeing that the madness in his eyes has gone, the paladins release Fallout carefully.
When he stands up, he sees several paladins laying on the ground, bruises forming on various regions of their head. One lies in a pool of blood, a stake protruding from his exposed neck. The paladins look in shock, then turn to Fallout with vengeance in their eyes. Only their strict code of honor keeps them from slaying Fallout on the spot.
Melosh-tar looks on in relief, glad that their attention has been diverted away from thoughts of killing him. He prudently tries to slip away, but a steel-like look from Aran stops him in his tracks.
Then, for the first time, Void makes his presence known.
Now you’ve done it, barbarian. The disapproving, whispering voice echoes in everyone’s head, and confusion reigns once again as nervous thieves and paladins draw their weapons and seek this new threat. Finally everyone calms as Aran and Keldorn reestablish order, and a pair of floating red eyes appears near Magus, followed by a mist-like body. Everyone’s attention returns to Fallout once again.
Then Magus steps next to Fallout. "It was an accident, my friends. I know it is hard to bear for some, but no good will come of punishing Fallout. We must overlook this accident, as tragic as it is, and save our wrath for our true enemies."
Keldorn addresses his paladins. "Sadly, Magus is right, my colleagues. Sir Marcus will be sorely missed, but we must move on, bravely, without him. May Torm gather his soul to Him."
The knights bow their heads reluctantly, and one of them respectfully throws him over his back, prepared to carry him to the Shadow Thieves’ lair for burial.
Attention turns back to Magus and Melosh-tar as Magus opens the already unsealed scroll. A small scrap of paper falls out, much to Melosh’s surprise. Magus retrieves it, and his face remains inscrutable as he quickly scans first the scrap of paper, then the scroll. "This is intriguing. This scroll is a page from the Book of Kaza, annotated by none other than the evil vampire queen, Bodhi. It describes a ritual that can be performed by a very powerful wizard and a cleric of utmost purity to create an undead dreadnought. More interesting is that the ritual, instead of twisting the soul of the previous occupant of a husk like most powerful undead, actually bonds a soul to a magically-created body. The soul itself is unchanged, but must come from one true and virtuous. He or she must have died within one day of the bonding ritual."
After this important news, no one thinks to wonder about the scrap of paper. No one but Melosh-tar.
@All: What do you guys think?
Young Level 18 Half-Elf Conjurer, Neutral Good, resident of The Rift, bitter foe of Ubik
[This message has been edited by Magus (edited 03-28-2001).]
[This message has been edited by Magus (edited 03-29-2001).]