Ravager wrote:Well, you know without the presence of chu and Juni, things go downhill. I start being nice, less innuendo and/or general twisting.
Ive noticed.
Ive also noticed how many times myname pops up while Im not on here... kindly explain that too...
Kill The Ordinators!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Baaaaaaad Crazy Frog
Er... Rav? What? Is? This?
Are you a crazy shozoid spammer?
Got a foreign word for that, that no-one else understands?
Well, you haven't seen the SF at it's full glory! Whatever that is...
That ended when Juni and I began working... when Mag stopped posting regualrily, and when LA and LD stopped posting here once in a whiel, plus when the steady stream of newbies stopped coming here... Datlaw, Lestat, and some others that dont anymore, like Fiona and Kipi.
The SF has fallen on hard times...