Mom, I have to tell you something. I am what youve always wanted. A trunk goth.
Buy a GameBanshee T-Shirt [url=""]HERE[/url]! Sabre's [url=""]site[/url] for Baldur's Gate series' patches and items. This has been a Drive-by Hilling.
[QUOTE=Ravager]Sorry, distracted. I killed the goblins! [/QUOTE]
Are these the same ones that you were fighting in the beginning? Cause if they are, then you need a party member, and I volunteer. however, if they are not the first group of goblins, then I will not help you, and am proud of you.
Buy a GameBanshee T-Shirt [url=""]HERE[/url]! Sabre's [url=""]site[/url] for Baldur's Gate series' patches and items. This has been a Drive-by Hilling.
[QUOTE=Ravager]The second, bigger group of goblins. [/QUOTE]
3 goblins. Oh my. And with the strangers help?
this is going slow with you playing... I need someone else to spam with...
Buy a GameBanshee T-Shirt [url=""]HERE[/url]! Sabre's [url=""]site[/url] for Baldur's Gate series' patches and items. This has been a Drive-by Hilling.
Actually I think there were 6. 1 I completely intimidated, 2 or 3 killed, 1 turned unfriendly (wanders off- another goes to fetch - comes back when his friend gets killed- injures the horse - then I kill him).
The others killed by Mag (at least partly injured most of them).
Ooh! Page 500. Come up with suitable stuff for it will you?
Time I went now, I think. Talk to you later, hill
Hope someone else turns up to spam while I sleep...
good night Rav... but no one posts after you leave usually, so Ill just leave gamebanshee on, just in case...
Typically, you dont intimidate the enemy so often. You kill them, then they wont be a problem.
Bye, Rav. dont expect too much of specialness for page 500.
Buy a GameBanshee T-Shirt [url=""]HERE[/url]! Sabre's [url=""]site[/url] for Baldur's Gate series' patches and items. This has been a Drive-by Hilling.
Buy a GameBanshee T-Shirt [url=""]HERE[/url]! Sabre's [url=""]site[/url] for Baldur's Gate series' patches and items. This has been a Drive-by Hilling.
well, first of all, we need someone to drag in here. And slowly torture to death... since we dont have a topic, and once again, on a sunday, Im at work.
Buy a GameBanshee T-Shirt [url=""]HERE[/url]! Sabre's [url=""]site[/url] for Baldur's Gate series' patches and items. This has been a Drive-by Hilling.
So lovely for you to use this thread as a time card Rav. Remind me to smack you when you get back.
Buy a GameBanshee T-Shirt [url=""]HERE[/url]! Sabre's [url=""]site[/url] for Baldur's Gate series' patches and items. This has been a Drive-by Hilling.
Thanks for the translation in such ample time, Luis. Although, even if the british guy wants to, I wont kiss him...
Shh.... if were really quiet, then this thread will disapear from the first page.... then blink into forgotten history...
I feel like DPing and bumping... wheres Vicsun's Charity thread...?
Buy a GameBanshee T-Shirt [url=""]HERE[/url]! Sabre's [url=""]site[/url] for Baldur's Gate series' patches and items. This has been a Drive-by Hilling.
Buy a GameBanshee T-Shirt [url=""]HERE[/url]! Sabre's [url=""]site[/url] for Baldur's Gate series' patches and items. This has been a Drive-by Hilling.
Buy a GameBanshee T-Shirt [url=""]HERE[/url]! Sabre's [url=""]site[/url] for Baldur's Gate series' patches and items. This has been a Drive-by Hilling.
[QUOTE=Luis Antonio]Translation: "Ok you are the best person, the most inteligent human in the whole universe, Luis, I envy your wisdom and far sight."
Thanks Ravager, You're apreciated.
Next I'm using reverse reverse psychology on that Brazilian! Bye Luis.