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Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 7:28 pm
by zookman
i like the idea of a daytime/nighttime thing going on. and different things happen in the time of idea. it would just add more to the game

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 9:39 pm
by Leet

about the thing wer ur crew walks around and talks would be so kool , id like it if they made it so if 1 of ur party members finds somtin out they tell you and stuff like that

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 1:47 am
by DesR85
Leet like it if they made it so if 1 of ur party members finds somtin out they tell you and stuff like that
That would be a very neat touch. I'd much prefer that if any party member would want you to do him/her a favour, why not just approach you instead of you approaching them when they want you to do them a favour. Looks more logical in my opinion.

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 2:35 am
by kramztloh

i've read ALL the posts and beaten both games more than my fingers and toes will allow me to count.

and much of this has been said, but in case lucasarts is monitoring these forums at all, i want to add my input as well...

i'm with the crowd who wants to move away from the revan/exile saga. i do want closure on revan, but i don't really care about the exile. i felt so let-down by the ending of KOTOR II that i just am not as enthralled with that story as much as KOTOR I.

i suggest this plot take place shortly after The Sith Lords...the exile went off to find revan, but met his/her dark/light heroic end without ever finding our first great avatar. now nobody has to worry about that plot fork.

we start out as a young force adept and are awe-struck by the inspiring jedi. we witness some good work being done on our backwater planet and somehow aid the jedi. they sweep us up and take us to coruscant where we become a padawan. i think it'd be cool to be able to use our assigned jedi master's VERY advanced powers for a short time, maybe to help some disenfranchised citizens, but then get sent on a council mission somewhere else and get stranded--and our master killed! *gasp* (don't be afraid to kill off some NPCs, Trask Ulgo was our first one!)

we then bump into jolee bindo, who is still a hermit either because he was never killed, or because he feigned his own demise at the hands of revan, which we will ask him about in conversation (which option happened is based on a simple revan LS/DS question early in the game)...

anyway, he trains us in secret as a neutral whatever, the choice up to us. i like being neutral to start and developing through the story...later perhaps we meet up with a masked revan or see revan's fate, either way, we have our closure...but then upon a return to the jedi council, we are sent out to aid in a jedi recruit to face the TS threat later on...

from there, i leave it to the developers, but this is my list of what MUST be included:

-hk-47...he's so funny
-atton (somehow involved with the jedi)
ummm, maybe a few others old NPCs, but not too many. new characters are welcome!
-nar shadaa...SO much possibility, i love the hutts, even as a LSer
-coruscant: the hugest planet-city in the republic, so like...have a couple missions there
-several new worlds, but each with multiple sites to be involved in
-minigames! pazaak is not for everyone, but it will be, someday. i'd also like to actually fly a ship in the space combat sequences, and make swoop racing and dueling worth big bucks!
-familiar names to help make it feel more like KOTOR i.e. NPC dustil o'nasi, some fett fellow maybe, some jedi masters we know--ghosts are ok
-FASTER UPGRADES! i want feats and powers early...maybe less later to limit them
-lots of NPC sidequests and influence, including force training (alien NPCs, please)
-much more character customization, especially alien races...for some reason i wanna try being a twi'lek
-and um, weapon holsters...i hate carrying my hilts around. and maybe i could have a little force-hilt-grabbing action too

and finally what to avoid:
-do NOT bring back too many loose end NPCs. cameos, sure, (from the ones who can't have died) and maybe some side-quests, but it's just not feasible with all the plot forks
-a lousy ending...i want it to be GRAND--and a fitting dichotomous end for LS/DS, so it'll be easier to make the sequels (though KOTOR IV needs to be a prequel)
-dead worlds...KOTOR II - korriban was not fun. and i always hate the star map on manaan cuz you have to walk so slowly through the stupid water
-and lastly, although i'm a HUGE fable fan, i must say i'm quite happy with the turn-based style of KOTOR. i'd leave it alone

that's the recipe for a pretty sweet game i think.
oh yeah, and before i forget, has anyone ever asked about being able to open locked doors with the force? that'd be sweet!

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 10:59 am
by Zaknz
Super cool stuff for KOTOR 3

This stuff would be gr8 to have in kotor 3

Whole planets controlled by the true sith (not just Korriban) and have entire filled with Sith.
Maybe a second combat system like the one in Revenge of the sith where u can jump around and different lightsaber styles.
The chance to trully go over to the dark side and join the new sith rather than still going after them like in the previous games where even though you are dark side u still have to fight dark siders.
A lot longer game i want to be able to be playing this game for a lot longer than three days to complete i want it to last like a week or more.
New lightsabers like javlins that you can throw using the force.
To be able to become an alien jedi

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 2:02 pm
by Mandalorianx
just so i dont forget it....i hope that your standing posisoinchanges as you change combat styles and more then 3 other (spesial)attack, beeside the normal attack..

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 7:55 pm
by Revan12200
Mandalorianx wrote: and more then 3 other (spesial)attack, beeside the normal attack..
Maybe a special attack that is combined with a force power. Like one where the force flows within the person and increases that persons strength.

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 8:20 pm
by DesR85
Mandalorianx wrote:just so i dont forget it....i hope that your standing posisoinchanges as you change combat styles and more then 3 other (spesial)attack, beeside the normal attack..
That would be neat. :) It gets tiring to see other characters in your party using the same standing position when wielding a weapon. This will also give some individuality to other characters as well since not everyone will be comfortable in fighting with the same combat stance as yours.

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 1:30 am
by Mandalorianx
Revan12200 wrote:Maybe a special attack that is combined with a force power. Like one where the force flows within the person and increases that persons strength.
well hope there are some of that attacks get used in K3 from the "star wars tech demo" that is out..

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 7:41 pm
by Mr Pink
Kotor III

General Requests:Sequel(playing as Revan). Combination between real time combat, and turn based combat. Flying the Ebon Hawk(thats my biggest wish). Still keep the swoop racing, and turret battles. Further customization of clothing and armor. Customization of the Ebon Hawk. A comnlink between you and the party members on the Ebon Hawk. Designing the lightsaber hilt would be awesome. And whatever else Bioware or Obsidian can cook up. (a combonation of the two companies would be fantastic)

Tattooine(larger spaceport)
Mon Calamari
Major Spacestation (similar to Star Forge, but larger)

*returning characters*
Revan (as main character)
The Exile(from kotor2; romance with mira CAUSE SHES SO HOTT)
Carth(Carth and Atton knowing each other from serving in the republic)
Jolee (knowing Mira from the jedi order)

Story line

An epic cutscene of all the jedi gathering at the jedi temple on coruscant for a meeting to strategize against the sith. Revan and Bastila ,being the heads of the council, order a search and destroy mission, to hunt down all the sith. Soon after, Revan and Bastila embark on a journey with a party accumulated from the previous 2 games. (listed above) They soon discover that Malak has found a path to immortality to make him self appear as a spirit. Malak guides a new group of sith followers to destroying the jedi. ALSO, malak had hid something from revan while seeking the star forge. Plans for a second space station with far greater powers to destroy the jedi if the star forge had failed. A space station that can summon the force energy of certain worlds. Using this energy, they can perform tasks never though plausible by any single jedi. They can pimpoint the exact locations of weaker less important jedis, making them easy targets. The sith can accumulate enough force energy to blast core worlds to bits. They can reheal themselves with out limit, and become immune to all force powers. The only way to get past this space station of endless possiblities is too find a way too remotely shut it down, and then infultrate the station, eliminating all the sith.

Now im sure the game developers can fill in the everything leading up to the end.

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 1:42 am
by Mandalorianx
Mr Pink wrote: Revan (as main character)
so you want revan to have been LS trouh K1&2 then???? hmmm for me was revan a DS.

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 12:29 am
by Mr Pink
yes i played Revan as Light side in kotor 1, i dunno i thought doing everything the darkside way would have gotten boring, i mean its just endlessly killing people. i dont think the story would have been as interesting as DS.

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 2:47 am
by greggyshotokan
Jade empire ideas!

Well.... dont wanna use the expression "what if".... so to put it simply:

1.Jade empire fighting system (Saber styles now would actually look different not only apply different effects)

2.Romance plots with real kissing like JE not Kotor I (Dodgy black screen)

3.Someone Like Darth Brandon (bad arse) (for female PC) being a female (for male PC).... who u can choose whether to kill or recruit and then fall in love with (redeem them or fall to the dark side yourself??)

4.Jedi Training - after all its supposed to be a long, tiresome process , isnt it?

5.Lets say an introdution/tutorial for newbies (dont wanna use the word) which wud basically introduce our character as a Padawan fighting alongside our Master. ( Padawan Braid for the Player)

6.Definitely Teal Lightsaber color (: P)

7.Starwars Soundtrack (shudnt be much of a problem for Lucasarts)
(Having The Force Theme in mind)

8.Put somewhere among all of these thing the system used in Fable - I mean our char ageing

9.I suppose thats pretty obvious - more animations especially combat movement

10.Wudnt mind if Chris Avallone writes such a confuzing, dark story as he has written for KOTOR II

11.As ppl have mentioned couple of times - races might work just fine and bring some variety to the game.

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 5:04 am
by Mandalorianx
greggyshotokan :

1.Jade empire fighting system (Saber styles now would actually look different not only apply different effects)

dont think that would be so cool for K3, i mean i love the old fighting system... but i would be cool to see new defens move like jumping a little(Feks jusmp over your enemy ) and make the fight go faster .... i mean it's like there is a pause betwen his attack and your attack..

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 7:27 am
by greggyshotokan
Maybe you re rite maybe not.... The JE idea wud make the game faster and put more action in it yet on the other hand make it an alternation of Jedi academy .... btw have u seen Force Unleashed Lucas Arts Pre vis.... definitely stormtroopers are not from that centurz but graphics...Yummy!


Mr.Pink = Search and destroy the Sith doesnt sound like Jedi Order to me
Yet Still MIra is a one hot chick I give you that!

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 7:45 am
by Mandalorianx
greggyshotokan wrote:Maybe you re rite maybe not.... The JE idea wud make the game faster and put more action in it yet on the other hand make it an alternation of Jedi academy .... btw have u seen Force Unleashed Lucas Arts Pre vis.... definitely stormtroopers are not from that centurz but graphics...Yummy!


Mr.Pink = Search and destroy the Sith doesnt sound like Jedi Order to me
Yet Still MIra is a one hot chick I give you that!
all im saying is that i hope the old fighting system will be in K3 just faster and more movement.i still whan the kotor fealing when im playing it :D (with some new fighting system wont give me the same fealing of playing Kotor)

and yeah i have seen it......some of thous move would bee cool to see in the game...

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 2:20 pm
by Mr Pink
i agree, i like the old fighting system, just needs more movement.

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 7:44 pm
by DesR85
In my opinion, either real-time (Jade Empire or Fable style) or turn-based (KOTOR series or Final Fantasy style) combat system is fine by me even though I much prefer real-time combat. As what Mr. Pink had stated, giving more movement to the character will definitely be a welcome change. Another thing is to improve the reflexes of the enemy AI so that they will know how to react at a quicker pace rather than just pause for a little while before executing an attack.

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 1:12 am
by petey1
To Start as Raven again to finish what he started, and a two player split screen . If Possible , make the game longer . I would be satisfied with this .

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 9:21 am
by DesR85
petey1 wrote:To Start as Raven again to finish what he started, and a two player split screen.
That's not a bad idea but the problem is that it will work on the consoles only and the PC doesn't have this feature. Furthermore, I wonder if the co-op idea is feasible for a game like this? :confused:

P.S. Welcome to the forums, Petey1. Hope you enjoy your time here. :)