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Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2002 7:22 am
by Onyx
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Height: 6ft
Hair: Dark brown
Foot Size: 11
Origin: Greek, born in Australia, now living & working in the UK. Go figure.
Intrests: Role-playing games. Movies (sci-fi, fantasy, anime, adventures). 3D art (it's also my profession).
Dislikes : Fakes
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Current Crisis: Life
Deep Thoughts: Life
Religion: -
Profession: 3D Artist (Games)
Politik: Just respect me, please
Favorite Movie: Dark City, Conan the Barbarian, X-Men, ...
Favorite Team: One that provides good entertainment, and results
Favorite Color: This year, green
Favorite Book: LotR, all of R.A.Salvatores work (forgotten realms).
Dream Date: Sigh
Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2002 4:10 pm
by ThorinOakensfield
I don't know why I'm doing this. I resisted it right from when it began with Avariel back in Feb and what the hell..
Sex: Male
Age: Forgot
Height: Quite big
Weight: changes everyday
Hair: black
Foot Size: ?
Origin: a bit hard to explain
Interests: Fantasy, Sports, History, women,
Dislikes : Wannabe gods, Gets a bit annoying running the universe, with all these non-believers
Alignment: True Neutral. If i were good people wouldn't die, if i were lawful we wouldn't have fun.
Current Crisis: none ever
Deep Thoughts: If i told you we all could be gods
Religion: Umm, how should i put this. I am the object of belief in all religions
Profession: God
Politik: Liberal
Favorite Movie: LOTR, James Bond stuff, Monty Python stuff. etc. I've seen alot.
Favorite Team: Yankees, Cowboys, Pakistan cricket team, West Indies team, Juventus, Italy national football team.
Favorite Color: Don't know, red i guess.
Dream Date: Well i've had a few and don't know which was better. Anyway, i don't want to appear girly girly.
Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2002 1:47 pm
by VoodooDali
Well, okay, I guess I'll dive in and do this...
Sex: Female!!!
Age: 39 (and that's where it ends!) Beware the Terrible Magical Snapping Dentures
Height: 5'8''
Hair: Dark Blonde
Foot Size: 8 1/2
Origin: USA
Interests: Writing fiction, playing classical piano, gaming (of course), art, going to dark old-men's bars, traveling, cats, folklore/mythology, learning new stuff every day
Dislikes : Racism (which includes most Bikers and Skinheads), narrow-mindedness, George W. Bush, probably most authority, ignorance
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Current Crisis: Money
Deep Thoughts: Can God make a stone so big that she herself can't lift it?
*Optional* but interesting nonetheless
Religion: Unorganized
Profession: Physician Recruiter
Politik: Left-wing
Favorite Movie: can't pick just one...Roman Polanski's "The Tenant", Jean Cocteau's "Blood of a Poet", "Velvet Goldmine", etc.
Favorite Team: NY Jets and NY Giants
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Book: also can't pick just one. Anything by Jonathan Carroll, Graham Joyce, Neal Barrett, Margaret Atwood, Joyce Carol Oates, Graham Greene
Dream Date: every with him
Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2002 8:44 pm
by fable
Sex: Male
Age: 57. Snicker, and I'll take my cane to ya.
Height: 5' 8"
Hair: brown
Foot Size: 9
Origin: USA
Interests: Readling, listening to music (classical, jazz, international folk), writing, listening to shortwave, computer games, comparative culturalism, mythology, religion, traveling, my wife, the arts, creativity, growth
Dislikes : Demagogues of all sorts, bigots, discourtesy, cheap debating tactics, abuse, loud dysfunctional families in public, close-mindedness, people who abuse the environment
Alignment: Neutral Good. I used to be Chaotic Good, but my wife, who is Lawful Good, has had a bad effect on me. I am seeking to correct this.
Current Crisis: civilization, if I look
Deep Thoughts: ( )
*Optional* but interesting nonetheless
Religion: Witch, ex-Gardnerian type.
Profession: Writer
Politik: I look at each issue. I abhor party platforms and neat little indexes for people's views.
Favorite Movie: Cocteau's Beaty and the Beast; Carne's Children of Paradise; de Broca's King of Hearts; Dovchenko's Earth
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Book: Too many. Standouts include Schama's Rembrandt's Eyes, Pratt's The Well of the Unicorn, Murasaki's The Tale of Genji-- at least, right now.
Dream Date: I'm married to her.
Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2002 2:24 pm
by VoodooDali
Originally posted by fable
Sex: Male
Age: 50. Snicker, and I'll take my cane to ya.
So...Fable. Are we the two oldest SYM'ers?
Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2002 2:46 pm
by Nippy
Originally posted by VoodooDali
So...Fable. Are we the two oldest SYM'ers?
I believe Gwalchmai and Fable are the eldest, Fable is the wisest...
Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2002 3:12 pm
by VoodooDali
Curdis is my age. NCT may or may not be my age--he says 39 in one post and 42 in the other! How old is Gwalch?
Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2002 3:19 pm
by Nippy
Originally posted by VoodooDali
Curdis is my age. NCT may or may not be my age--he says 39 in one post and 42 in the other! How old is Gwalch?
Gwal is old...
Seriously, I believe he is around 45? Am I right? I have no idea. I know that Fable is the most senior though...
Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2002 3:31 pm
by fable
No SPAM, please, folks. And while I *may* be the oldest, here, I'm certainly not the wisest.
Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2002 7:08 pm
by ThorinOakensfield
Originally posted by fable
No SPAM, please, folks. And while I *may* be the oldest, here, I'm certainly not the wisest.
Ofcourse, Miverva is.
Sorry for the spam.
Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2002 11:13 am
by Sojourner
Gender: F
Age: 36
Height: 170 cm
Origin: Somewhere in Europe
Intrests: My kids, computers, gaming, sci-fi, sports, etc.
Dislikes : Politicians & religious leaders
Alignment: Chaotic-good
Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2002 4:39 pm
by Gwalchmai
I posted this in the last Anatomy thread, but some things have changed....
Sex: Male
Age: 40
Height: 5'10''
Hair: Brown, but there are bits of gray in my beard and mustache. However, my hair is unusually soft....
Foot Size: 9 1/2
Origin: USA
Interests: My kids, my wife, mountains, archaeology, writing bad fiction on SYM, computer RPGs (duh), working with my hands to build things, being by myself, I miss my dog.
Dislikes: Liars, Ditto-heads, people with guns, George W. Bush, pushy people
Alignment: I took the test twice and got True Neutral and Lawful Good. Who knows with me?
Current Crisis: Do I really want to do this for the rest of my life?
Deep Thoughts: Here’s my favorite: Did Adam and Eve have bellybuttons?
*Optional* but interesting nonetheless
Religion: I appreciate the calm ones.
Profession: Archaeologist
Politic: Left-leaning
Favorite Movie: Lawrence of Arabia – the cinematography is amazing! Also, To Have and Have Not, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Buckaroo Bonsai, The Coca Cola Kid, and most recently, I liked Shrek. I don’t get out much these days, so I watch old movies on AMC.
Favorite Team: Colorado Rockies
Favorite Color: Green, blue, some browns.
Favorite Book: I like most of what I read when I get the chance, but I really wouldn’t impress anyone with my reading habits. I like light reading unless there is someone there to discuss it with me, so: Mysteries (Aaron Elkins is fun), cheap fantasy (just finished Harry Potter), and some historical novels (Bernard Cornwell). I took a women’s lit course once that I loved. I spend most of my time reading children’s books these days: Sheep in a Jeep, Snoozers, Goodnight Moon, etc.
Dream Date: I am married, so my choices are limited.
@VoodooDali: You are not the oldest. Also, Thantor is in his early 40s and I think there used to be someone else over in the BGII forum that was relatively old – Oldtimer?
Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2002 6:34 pm
by Lazarus
Sex: Male
Age: 20
Height: 6ft
Hair: Black
Foot Size: What? What an odd this to post! 9 (US).
Origin: United States
Intrests: Engineering.
Dislikes: Poorly designed automobiles.
Alignment: Chaotic good - ?
Current Crisis: None.
Deep Thought: A is A.
Religion: Atheist.
Profession: Engineer (mechanical).
Politik: Radical Capitalist.
Favorite Movie: Gattaca
Favorite Team: I don't follow sports - not since Steffi Graf retired, anyway.
Favorite Color: I like 'em all.
Favorite Book: Book? What are these books you speak of? I'm an engineer! I ain't got time for no books.
Dream Date: Ummm - Steffi Graf?
Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2002 8:12 pm
by Salabesh
Sex: Male
Age: 14
Height: 178cm
Hair: Very Dark Brown (almost balck)
Foot Size: 11 Aust,12 US,46 EU
Origin: Hobart, Tasmania, but now Brisbane
Intrests: Stargate(T.V series), proving my mum wrong, RPG's(cosole & computer) reading, debating, scientific stuff, Japanese things.
Dislikes : Patrick Brummel( Great big Jerk at school), Banana's, Best friend acting like a love-sick-puppy.
Alignment: Apparently Lawful Good(I always thought I was True Neutral, slightly on the good side)
Current Crisis: The lack of intelligent females at my school(there are some, thank God)
Deep Thoughts: Mainly about Quantum Physics, alternate realities and such.
What would happen if that diddn't happen. (i.e, what if Oxygen was present before the creation of life, it would stop life from happenning, or what if Einstien diddn't publish e=mc2?)
*Optional* but interesting nonetheless
Religion: None, but i believe their is a higher power, what it is, I'm not sure.
Profession: Year 10 student
Favorite Movie: Gladiator, The Matrix, Face-Off, LOTR
Favorite Team: North Melbourne Kangaroos and Brisbane Lion's(AFL)
Favorite Colours: Greens and Blues
Favorite Books: LOTR, the Tinman(action), Rainbow Six.
Dream Date: Going out with someone I like, who also likes me.
Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2002 8:13 am
by XandarDae'Ithil
Re: The Anatomy of Gamebanshee Members - No Spam
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Height: 5'11.5" ....almost 6'
Hair: Brown, dirty blonde in the summer
Foot Size: 12(US)
Alignment: Either Chaotoic Good or Neutral Good
Eyes: Hazel, usually they are blue, green, and red all at once
Interests: reading, writing, playing games, ect. I like sleep too...
Dislikes: People who are just plain jerks. And vegetables...eeeww....
Current Crisis: Too many.....
Religion: My mom's Jewish and my father's I guess I am a Chew?
Profession: ...none, I'm only 15
Favorite Color: Blue
Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2002 9:07 am
by Der-draigen
Age: As old as my birthday.
Height: Taller than 3' and shorter than 6'.
Hair: Yes.
Foot Size: Just the right size for my shoes.
Origin: Do any of us really know for sure?...
Interests: Very few.
Dislikes: Human nature.
Alignment: Chaotic. Just...chaotic.
Current Crisis: Yes.
Deep Thoughts: None currently.
Religion: No thank you.
Profession: None.
Politic: Try to avoid it.
Favorite Movie: "The Fellowship of the Ring"
Favorite Color: Black.
Favorite Book: All of them.
Dream Date: Oh please God, save me from that nightmare...
Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2002 12:06 am
by Mr Snow
Sex: M
Age: 27 (May)
Height: 6ft 2in
Hair: Brown
Foot Size: 11
Origin: Oz
Intrests: Reading, Writing, History, Games (computer and otherwise), money
Dislikes : Good question, I'll have to think about it ... Animal Cruelty
Alignment: ??
Current Crisis: Job, not it two weeks though
Deep Thoughts: read my sig
*Optional* but interesting nonetheless
Religion: Athiest
Profession: Drafty (mechanical)
Politik: Shudder
Favorite Movie: To many to think of...
Favorite Team: Newcatle Knight (Rugby League)
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Book: The Gap Series - Stephen Donaldson
Dream Date: To many to List
Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2002 8:39 am
by new_beatle
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Height: 170 cm
Hair: Black
Foot Size: 8
Origin: 3rd rock
Intrests: Fantasy, Horror, antique cars, all age of women
Dislikes : old women, new cars, idiots
Alignment: True Neutral
Current Crisis: I am getting bored being single and old
Deep Thought: be a rich man
Religion: Sure about everything
Profession: Crack designer
Politik: Liberal
Favorite Movie: Harry Potter
Favorite Team: Dallas Cowboys
Favorite Color: everything but black
Favorite Book: Elle, Cosmopolitan
Dream Date: The woman that is still virgin and young with a pair of huge boobs
Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2002 9:28 am
by Leonardo
Sex: Male
Age: 22
Height: 5ft 8in
Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark Brown
Origin: Santos, Brazil
Profession: Marketing Manager for a small recording company
Interests: RPG, Advertising, History, Sports, Heavy Metal
Dislikes: People that make the above interests look bad (killers who try to blame their deeds on RPG/Heavy Metal, for instance)
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Deep Thought: A fish and vegetables diet will make you fat contrary to what people think. Whales eat only fish and are fat. Elephants eat only vegetables and are fat. On the other hand, meat makes you fit. Ever seen an overweight panther?
Religion: I was christened as a child, but didn´t pay much attention since then. Maybe the gods of metal hear me when I pray
Politics: Over the fence
Favorite Movie: Strange Days
Favorite Team: On Brazil, Corinthians (soccer). I cheer for the Detroit Red Wings on hockey since the 96 Avs game (used to cheer for the Blues)
Favorite Color: White
Favorite Book: Three Musketeers
Dream Date: Isabella Rosselini
Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2002 1:41 pm
by Robnark
sex: M
age: 17
height: 5 foot 9
hair: sort of brownish
shoe size: 9
origins: the primordial soup
alignment: chaotic neutral, with good aspirations
interests: few and fleeting
dislikes: old computers, politics, religion
religion: religion should spring from personal experience, not the organised monotony of the large religions. Thus, i shall start my own cult.
profession: unemployable, so still in school
politics: liberal, left-wing
favourite film: fallen angels, or the seven samurai
favourite book: The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles - Haruki Murakami
favourite colour: deep red
dream date: anyone! [sob]